One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 24 Never Let Others Determine Your Fate

Chapter 24 Never Let Others Determine Your Fate

Watching the trembling businessman's son kneeling in front of him, Hallett suddenly stood up and performed a standard aristocratic salute gracefully.

"Hello, Bernard. I've already heard your name, even though we're meeting for the first time.

As the most valued heir of the owner of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce, you have taken over part of the family business since the age of sixteen.

By cooperating with the Merchant Alliance, the trade volume of the trade route from Askatra to Baldur's Gate has been tripled in just one year, and the profit has also tripled.

When you were twenty-five years old, you were already a seasoned businessman in your own right, and even brought your business to Waterdeep City, Neverwinter City, and Luskan to the north.

Because of the pursuit of profit first, you never care whether the goods you buy and sell are legal or illegal, let alone who you are trading with.

It is this that earned you the favor of your own father.

This time, the reason why you personally took the risk to escort a batch of valuable contraband to Calimport in the south.

The main purpose is to reach a long-term supply agreement with the local Thieves Guild who masters smuggling channels, so as to ensure the smooth flow of the most important and most profitable trade route of the entire Roldan Chamber of Commerce.

But what you never expected was that you were betrayed and betrayed by your blood relatives. "

"You... how do you know this?" Bernard's eyes widened in shock.

He couldn't believe that the other party knew him so well.

Especially those less legal businesses in the northern region are often very hidden, and only a very small number of core members know about them.

Hallett explained with a smile: "I have many friends who are good at inquiring about news. So when accepting this business, please ask them to collect some information about you in advance. I have to say that as a businessman, you are successful and Excellent. But as the heir of a chamber of commerce, you still lack a little bit."

"What do you mean?" Bernard frowned in confusion.

"It's easy!

First of all, you are not ruthless enough, and you did not cut off those brothers and sisters who might pose a threat to your status in the first place.

Secondly, you have completely failed to understand that for a chamber of commerce, it is not enough to earn a lot of money, and it also needs minimum force protection.

But in order to pursue the ultimate profit, you did not hire adventurers and guards to protect yourself at all, ignoring the lack of security.

Being caught by me this time is the best proof. "

At this moment, Hallett seemed like a persuasive old-timer, bluntly pointing out the fatal mistake made by the other party.

As he said.

In Faerun, where dragons, magic, monsters, bandits and all kinds of evil forces are everywhere, if a chamber of commerce wants to grow and develop, it is not enough to just make money.

Smart merchants will cooperate with some powerful local organizations, such as the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, or the temple of a powerful god.

Cooperating with them can often deter those guys who are hiding in the dark and plotting evil.

No matter how bad it is, he will spend some money to hire adventurers and mercenaries to escort him.

But there was nothing on the captured merchant ship.

There is only a group of coolie sailors whose combat effectiveness is almost negligible.

After hearing these words, Bernard's face suddenly became very ugly, and he retorted loudly emotionally: "What do you know! Do you think I don't want to? In order to make more profits, to win my father's approval, and to defeat those brothers Sister, I can only reduce the cost as much as possible in this way."

Hallett sneered and shook his head: "Look, this is the most ridiculous and stupid part.

You work hard every year and hand over the money you earn by taking huge risks to the chamber of commerce.

Then your father will take a portion of the money and give it to your competing brothers and sisters to find new trade routes and open up new markets.

And what about them?

Always carefully conceal the profits earned, and then use them to make allies, recruit and form forces that only obey their orders.

In the end, some of them are not even satisfied and want to kill you and take your place.

Remember, never give the right to decide your own destiny to anyone, even if this person is your biological father.

Remember the motto of the Askatra merchants?

A businessman who has only wealth but no power is sad, because he will become fat in the eyes of everyone.

Such things as rights have never been given by others, but have to be won by one's own hands. "

I have to say that "Bloody Hand" Hallett is a very smart and unique person. In just a few words, Bernard was speechless. The whole person seemed to have been hit by a huge blow. He looked depressed and frustrated. sluggish.

Because the young businessman knew that the other party hadn't said a single word wrong.

After being silent for a long time, Bernard seemed to accept his fate, raised his head and asked with a wry smile, "Can you tell me who is the ghost who betrayed this route? What kind of conditions did he or she offer you?"

"Sorry, no.

I am a person who keeps my promises.

Since he promised to keep every partner confidential, he naturally couldn't disclose any useful information.

But you are not without chance.

If the client doesn't intend to fulfill his promise this time, then I will sign a new contract with you according to the usual practice.

At that time, our relationship will change from enemy to ally, and you will also get a chance for revenge.

Well, relax, I won't kill you yet, so there's no need to be so desperate.

Come, eat something and drink some wine, I believe you must be hungry and thirsty. "

After finishing speaking, "Bloody Hand" Hallett pushed the sea soup, rusk and wine glass in front of him, and then made a gesture of invitation.

It can be seen that he is in a very happy mood at the moment, and even shows a certain temperament, demeanor and knowledge that only nobles have.

After all, knowledge has always been a very expensive and luxurious thing in Faerûn.

Ordinary people cannot even guarantee their basic livelihood, and it is impossible to have the opportunity to receive education.

Only those wealthy businessmen and aristocrats are eligible to afford tutors, or to study in expensive colleges in big cities.

Based on this alone, it can be judged that the possibility that this pirate leader is of noble origin is quite high.


Looking at the food and drinks in front of them, the four prisoners started to swallow their saliva at the same time, and their stomachs started to growl even more disappointingly.

They didn't eat anything for a whole day, and they didn't even drink a drop of water, so they couldn't resist such a temptation.

Just when Bernard stretched out his hand cautiously to serve the cold soup, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Don't touch that bowl, let alone put its contents in your mouth, if you don't want to die."


Everyone present, including the pirates, turned their attention to the dark bushes that made the sound.

In about ten seconds or so, a human warrior with a helmet on his head, wearing chain mail, holding a dagger in one hand and a shield in the other appeared within their line of sight.

"Who are you? What do you mean by those words just now? Did my missing crew members die at your hands?" Hallett asked with narrowed eyes.

At the same time, the pirates under him also took up weapons one after another, and surrounded the stranger who suddenly appeared from both sides.

(end of this chapter)

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