One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 25 The Most Afraid Of Brain Supplements In Everything

Chapter 25 The most afraid of brain supplements in everything

Facing the fierce-eyed pirates around him, the soldier behaved very calmly, without the slightest panic.

I saw him go straight to the bonfire, and then stopped less than three meters away from Hallett, bowed calmly and saluted: "Hello, Captain Bloody Hand. I am here to negotiate with you on behalf of my master." .”

Obviously, he is none other than the soldier Zuo Si summoned.

At this moment, this summoned creature with the same intelligence and thinking as a normal person has changed back to his weapon and chain armor, exuding a strong self-confidence that cannot be described in words.

This kind of self-confidence does not come from his personal strength, but from his summoner, the planeswalker who hides in the dark and controls everything - Zuo Si.

"Negotiation? Who is your master? Why does he think he is qualified to negotiate with me?" Hallett asked with a sneer.

If it wasn't for the inexplicable disappearance of twenty-five of his subordinates that made him feel apprehensive, he would have already ordered this overwhelmed guy in front of him to be chopped into a pulp.

The soldier noticed the cruelty and cruelty in the eyes of the pirate captain, and responded with a smile: "Since the master dares to let me negotiate alone, I have prepared enough bargaining chips. For example, the seafood you ate a few hours ago The miscellaneous soup has already been injected with a poison called ricin. And these poisons will start to take effect soon."

The voice has not yet fallen!

Several relatively weak human pirates fell to the ground clutching their stomachs.

The severe pain made them curl up into a ball like a cooked prawn.

The orcs and hobgoblins followed closely behind, and began to vomit on the ground.

Dark red blood clots can be clearly seen in almost all vomit.

As for the ogre with the best physique, because it eats the most and absorbs the most toxins.

When the attack occurred, convulsions and severe shock reactions were triggered in an instant, and the vomit quickly blocked the esophagus and trachea while lying on the ground on his back.

Before even waiting for the organ to fail, he was already suffocated to death.

In just a few minutes, more than 200 pirates were poisoned one after another, and only the eight hobgoblins and two ogres that had just returned from the small group were left fine.

Because they didn't even have time to eat the soup with high-purity ricin, they were sent out to perform tasks.

At this moment, the whole beach was howling.

The stench of poisoned excrement mixed with the sour smell of vomit formed a hellish picture.

Seeing the pain of the vicious pirates around him, Bernard, who was a prisoner, backed away in fright.

He couldn't believe that he was only one step away from death just now.

If he accidentally drank a sip of cold soup, he would die slowly in extreme pain like the pirates in a few hours.

Goddess of Wealth, Woking bless!

The young businessman couldn't help but silently prayed to the gods he believed in in his heart.

As for the "Bloody Hand" Hallett who witnessed all this with his own eyes, his face had already turned livid, and his eyes were full of anger and killing intent.

One must know that in the past, he was the only one who played tricks on others, and this was the first time he was plotted against by others.

He didn't even figure out who the person who plotted against him was.

The soldier completely ignored the almost boiling anger of the pirate captain, and continued to press on his own: "Exactly four hours! It is exactly the time the master expected the poison to be released. Now, it is your turn to make a choice, Captain Bloody Hand Is it a negotiation, or watching my subordinates die bit by bit under the torture of poison."


Those pirates who hadn't lost consciousness from the pain all cast pleading looks at their captain.

Obviously, they didn't want to die, and wanted Hallett to agree to the other party's request in exchange for an antidote that would allow them to live.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" Hallett suddenly pulled out the scimitar and put it on the soldier's neck.

The sharp blade even cut the latter's skin, and the dark red blood flowed down the neck, staining the mail armor on his body red.

But the soldier still didn't show the slightest fear, and just asked blankly: "Is this your choice? If so, please kill me immediately. My master will regard it as a signal to start war .”

"Are you not afraid of death?"

Hallett finally realized that something was wrong.

He has seen too many people in his life, even those paladins who are determined and willing to sacrifice themselves for a just cause and saving innocent people will show a little bit of fear of death before they die.

Because this is the instinct of all intelligent creatures, it is almost impossible to overcome it.

But in the eyes of this human warrior who looked only twenty-six or seventeen years old, there was really no trace of fear, as if death was just as common as breathing.

"It is my honor to die for my master, and it is the meaning of my existence."

When saying this sentence, the soldier showed an extremely serious, pious and sacred expression on his face.

He didn't lie, let alone deceive the other party, but expressed his true thoughts in his heart.

But it was this kind of dedication without fear of death that made Hallett feel his scalp tingle for the first time.

In Faerun Continent, the organizations that can make their subordinates willing to die for themselves are basically not the paladins and priests of the gods of the good camp, or those brainwashed demon worshipers.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is affected by magic or mind control.

Either way, it means a very dire thing.

That was the "master" the other party called, most likely a powerful, sinister and cunning spellcaster.

All of a sudden, the captain of the famous "Blood Hand" made up the image of an evil mage in his forties or fifties, tall and thin, with cold eyes.

He even felt that the mage was hired by those enemies to make trouble for him.

After all, Hallett has plundered passing merchant ships unscrupulously in the sea these years, and has used human greed and weakness to continuously expand his intelligence network and power, which has long caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Leaving aside the organizations and temples of the good camp, the merchants in Amn alone wanted to pay for adventurers to kill him more than once.

If it weren't for some "business" contacts with the Shadow Thieves Guild, they would have been informed in advance before every siege, and they would have died a long time ago.

In addition, other pirate captains also regarded Hallett as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and wanted to deal with it quickly.

There is a famous saying that the naked hatred is between colleagues.

No one wants to see a pirate king in the sea of ​​swords.


That person is themselves.

"What does your master want from me?"

After a long silence, Hallett finally withdrew the scimitar and decided to resolve the immediate crisis first.

Although he doesn't care about the life and death of his pirates at all.

But if the two hundred people were all dead at once, it is estimated that once they are discovered by other pirate ships in the Neilanser Islands when they return, they will immediately stage a good show of attacking them.

In this sea full of chaos, violence and blood, only a strong soldier can force those vicious colleagues to remain calm and rational.

The pirates have always only used strength to talk.

It is not new for a group of pirates to rob another group of pirates, it has always been like this since ancient times.

(end of this chapter)

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