One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 26: Carnival Of The Dead At Midnight

Chapter 26: Carnival of the Dead at Midnight

"My master wants the merchant ship captured by you, and all the captives on it, including the four in front of you."

The soldier pointed to the merchant, the captain, the first mate, and the bosun who were too frightened to move, and at the same time took out a glass jar exuding a cold aura.

"In return, you can get this bottle of antidote to treat those subordinates who are suffering from severe pain and will die in a short time. Of course, you can also try to snatch it from me. But I guarantee that before I am killed, It will definitely smash this jar and you will get nothing."

Seeing that the jar was filled with black and red liquid, Hallett tentatively asked: "Your master is employed by the Roldan Chamber of Commerce?"

The soldier shook his head without thinking: "No! My master is not employed by any organization or individual. He only needs a boat and some sailors who can move the boat, that's all."

"Didn't accept employment? Why don't we change the terms? You give me the antidote, and I'll be responsible for sending your master to wherever he wants to go. Of course, after the port, the merchant ship and the expensive The goods, the sailors, all belong to your master. But this young merchant belongs to me."

Hallett tries to bargain.

Because Bernard is more than just a "business".

And it is related to his next series of follow-up plans.

Although the name "Bloodhand" brought Hallett a daunting notoriety, it also brought countless troubles.

After so many years of wandering in the sea, he was tired of chasing prey all day long, or being chased by others as prey. He wanted to change his identity and go ashore in vain, hiding behind the scenes and manipulating it.

"Sorry, no. My master does not accept any form of bargaining, you can only choose between agreeing and refusing. Also, I need to remind you that ricin is a substance that can destroy and cause many internal organs to fail .If it is delayed for too long, even drinking the antidote may become crippled."

The soldier continued to exert pressure on the other party calmly.

He had been instructed by Zuo Si long before he showed up, and the entire threat and negotiation process was basically impeccable.

"Damn it! Well, you won. The four captives, the merchant ship, and the captured human sailors are all yours now. Give me the antidote."

Seeing that more and more of the pirates under him began to swallow their last breath due to the pain of the poisonous hair, Harlett decisively chose to confess before speaking.

He motioned to the hobgoblin who was not poisoned to pick up an oil lamp, and stood on a relatively dark reef, shaking up and down continuously.

After a while, several small boats carried a group of humans tied up with ropes, and some half-orc pirates who were in charge of guarding them, and stepped on the shallow water to the shore.

Although the pirates who stayed behind were shocked to see their companions lying on the ground and howling in pain, they wanted to ask their captain what happened.

But Hallett stopped them with his eyes, and motioned to cut the rope and hand over all the prisoners to each other.

In this way, thirty-eight sailors who survived the catastrophe were driven behind the soldiers with a dazed look on their faces.

With them were Captain Bass, Master Bernard, and the Chief Mate and the injured Bosun.

As soon as the two groups of people met, the former immediately stared at the latter with anger and hatred.

Because the top executives of these four merchant ships did not hesitate to abandon the ordinary crew when they encountered danger and chose to sneak away.

If there were no pirates present, the fight would probably start immediately.

"You immediately retreat to the bushes. Remember, no matter what you see later, stay where you are and don't run around." The soldier ordered in a low voice.

As a participant in the whole plan, he knows exactly what will happen next.

These guys who lack combat skills and experience will only become a burden if they stay.

"Understood! Don't worry, Your Excellency. We will hide in the bushes and wait obediently according to your request."

A middle-aged sailor who looked very prestigious stood up and expressed his attitude, and then disappeared into the dark woods with other sailors.

Captain Bath and businessman Bernard obviously wanted to say something too, but they were both stopped by the soldiers and motioned for them to leave quickly.

After all the captives had left the beach, the soldier handed the jar filled with the so-called "antidote" to the hobgoblin who had been waiting for a long time.

After the latter got the captain's approval, he immediately began to gulp down those unlucky bastards who were wailing for a long time and who were almost exhausted and could only hum.

The effect is immediate!

Every poisoned person who drank it would immediately show a relieved expression, as if the pain had disappeared.

But no one noticed, in the next half minute after drinking the "antidote".

Their skins will all show an unhealthy paleness, and at the same time, their pupils will emit a chilling light.

If there were spellcasters present, they would be able to immediately recognize that these poisoned people were not really cured, but that their bodies were transforming towards undead.

When the body loses its life characteristics and dies completely, it will naturally no longer feel pain.

This also means that the negotiations and transactions just now were actually all smoke bombs deliberately released by Zuo Si to confuse the enemy.

From the beginning, he didn't intend to let the other party go, but wanted to kill all the pirates, leaving no one behind.

the reason is simple!

Zuo Si felt that he was too weak, and it was impossible for him to defeat a pirate ship full of more than two hundred people in a frontal battle.

And the habit he developed in the high tower of the floating city determined that it was absolutely impossible to pin his own safety on the other party's kindness or keeping promises.

So taking advantage of your own advantage to solve all the pirates once and for all, naturally became the only choice.

Seeing the pirates under him being "healed" one by one and slowly getting up from the beach, the anger and killing intent in Harrett's heart calmed down a little, and he narrowed his eyes and tried again: "Who is your master? Why did he appear on this desert island? Also, what does he want to do with that merchant ship and captives?"

"You want to know the real identity of the master?" The soldier suddenly showed a mocking smile, then raised his head and glanced at the eyeball floating above his head, and replied meaningfully: "Then find a way to survive first." Right. Because the master has prepared a grand welcome ceremony for you as a guest. What will be staged next is the carnival of the dead at midnight, I wish you a great time."

The moment the last word fell, the eyeball seemed to be activated, releasing a penetrating green light.

Immediately afterwards, low-pitched roars came from the dark woods, bushes, and bushes behind him.

In less than half a minute, pirates transformed into zombies by [Manipulate Dead Corpse] magic surrounded the entire camp from all directions.

Although there were not many of them, only a dozen or so, they made Hallett's heart sink.

He wasn't sure how many such undead creatures were hidden in the endless dark jungle.

Especially the "evil mage" who has not yet appeared, always makes the pirate captain feel strongly disturbed.

As for those hobgoblins and ogres who were not poisoned, although they were quite frightened by the scalp-numbing scene in front of them, they still drew their weapons and prepared to fight.

Just when Harlett was about to order all his men to rush forward to kill these low-level undead, he suddenly found that the pirates who had just completed the detoxification were almost no different from zombies in their behavior.

They are all the same slow and dull, with a red light that symbolizes undead flashing in their eyes.

Damn it!

The things I drank just now are not "antidote" at all!

Hallett finally realizes that she has been duped...

(end of this chapter)

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