One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 27 None Of You Can Escape

Chapter 27 None of you can escape

"Boat...captain! What are we going to do now?" a hobgoblin asked in a trembling voice.

Whoever it is, surrounded by more than two hundred undead creatures, will also involuntarily feel fear.

Didn't you see that even the ogre, who has no brains and only knows to rush up and smash, is retreating carefully?

As for the orcs, who have never had any connection with the word "loyalty", they have turned around several times to look at the small wooden boats upside down on the beach.

If it weren't for the reputation of the "Blood Hand" captain who still has some deterrent power, they probably would have scattered and run away.

That's why, the backbone of the ship has always been the hobgoblins of the evil and lawful camp, not humans, half-orcs, or ogres with amazing fighting power.

Only under the management of the hobgoblin, the entire pirate ship will have strict discipline and strong combat effectiveness.

Harlett took a deep breath, pulled out another dagger from his waist, pointed at the soldier standing still, and shouted at his subordinates: "Rush up and catch him! Only this guy can be caught!" , we can force out the necromancer hiding behind the scenes. Otherwise, even if you want to run, you can't run away. Don't forget, the necromancer doesn't need to breathe. Once they rush up, they capsize the boat and drag people underwater , we'll all drown alive."


All the pirates' expressions changed.

Even the half-orc, who was planning to escape in the chaos just a second ago, gave up his original plan and put on a posture of desperately trying to escape.

Because they knew that their captain was right.

With the speed of the boat, no matter how hard you paddle, it is impossible to get rid of these undead who are not afraid of death and do not need to breathe in the shallow water area.

"You think you can threaten the master by catching me? Naive!" The soldier stood still and sneered.

He didn't have the slightest intention of retreating or running away.

Instead, he gently cut the skin and blood vessels of his wrist with the dagger, letting the blood drip down his fingers to the ground.

This obvious act of self-mutilation immediately aroused the vigilance of the pirates.

But before they figured out what the other party wanted to do, the slow-moving zombies around them suddenly became restless like sharks smelling blood.

Some guys were even attracted by the smell of living blood, and fell into an abnormal state of madness.

"Not good! Stop that damn guy! He wants to commit suicide!"

As expected of being well-informed, Hallett immediately recognized that the soldiers were activating some kind of terrifying undead magic ritual through sacrifice.

But unfortunately, he was still one step too late.

At the moment when the ogres, hobgoblins and half-orc pirates roared and rushed forward, the summoned human soldier plunged his dagger into his heart without hesitation.

To be precise, this is the real task assigned to him by Zuo Si.

Feeling the constant loss of his vitality, the soldier shouted with all his strength before dying: "Be afraid before the power of the master! Tremble! None of you can escape!"

The moment he dies!

The sacrifice is complete!

An indescribable cold feeling enveloped the entire beach!

The pile of bonfires that were burning blazingly suddenly went out without warning.

At the same time, all the pirates who were still alive shivered at the same time, feeling as if the temperature of the surrounding environment was dropping rapidly.

As for the abnormally moving zombies, they seemed to have been injected with chicken blood and stimulants, both in terms of reaction and movement speed, which had improved a lot.

What's worse, they reacted more violently to the breath of the living.

In the blink of an eye, more than two hundred resurrected zombies roared and charged towards the pirates guarding the beach.

"Keep tight formation! Prepare to attack!"

Hallett swung the gem-studded scimitar and directly chopped off the head of a human zombie.

He understood that if he didn't stand up to stabilize people's hearts at this time, he might be overwhelmed by the undead.

At the same time, the moment the machete hit the neck, a silver lightning flashed on the blade.

No need to ask, the effect of this magic scimitar is to create additional lightning damage when it hits.

After all, after so many years of galloping across the sea, Hallett has already accumulated a rich family fortune.

Buying a few magical weapons and equipment for yourself is simply a common thing.

As for the other pirates, seeing that their own captains were desperately trying their best, they quickly formed a circular defensive position and fought to the death with the zombies flooding in like a tide.

Due to the fierce fighting, no one noticed at all, and the corpses of the soldiers who committed suicide disappeared without a trace.

And Zuo Si, who hid in the woods and never showed her face, was wearing a pair of glasses with constant [Dark Vision] and [Hyperopia Magic], paying close attention to the tragic fight not far away, and then commented blankly: "It's really true." He is indeed a guy who can make a name for himself in the area of ​​the Neilanser Islands and the Sea of ​​Swords.

They were able to train a group of low-quality pirates like an army.

It seems that I chose to hide it first and it was the right choice.

If it were a head-to-head fight, the odds of winning would be very, very low.

Especially Hallett, who must be carrying some powerful magic items.

So don't worry, observe for a while..."

The next development of the situation was as expected by Zuo Si.

Driven by the magic ritual, the resurrected low-level undead crazily launched an attack on the defensive formation formed by the pirates, and even dragged the half-orcs and hobgoblins out of it, pressed them to the ground and devoured them alive. The pirate captain finally came out. His first hole card.

It was a silver amulet hung around his neck.

I saw Harlett took out the oval badge at the end of the necklace from his clothes, muttered something in a low voice, and it suddenly burst into dazzling divine light.

next second...

All the zombies within a radius of ten meters fell down in an instant and never got up again.

No doubt they were purified by some kind of positive energy spell stored within the amulet.

At least 20 undead were cleared up just by this one action.

But soon, the follow-up zombies rushed up again.

After all, the biggest advantage of undead creatures is that they will never feel fatigue and fear.

Even if you are facing a god, even if all the surrounding ones are dead and only you are left, low-level undead creatures without wisdom will still attack without fear.

"Captain! If you still have any means, use them all now. We can't hold on anymore!" A seriously injured hobgoblin reminded panting.

Beside him, the two main fighting ogres were covered in bruises, with several bite marks on their arms and thighs.

Most importantly, the continuous and fierce fighting exhausted everyone's physical strength.

Almost every pirate who was still alive was opening his mouth wide open, trying desperately to inhale more air, and his lungs felt as if they were on fire.

"I know! Let everyone hold on! There are not many undead left!"

Hallett yelled without looking back, then raised his left hand, and activated a magic ring that looked like a goat's horn on his index finger.


A phantom of a goat's head made entirely of magical energy appeared out of thin air, and struck straight ahead at an extremely fast speed.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening bang, all the zombies blocking the direction of the goat's head phantom were all thrown away at least ten meters away by force.

That terrifying force even broke two coconut trees that were as thick as the waist of an adult man.

(end of this chapter)

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