One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 256 The Storm Is Rising (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 256 The Storm Is Rising (Please subscribe)

Mingtan Island is a small island standing at the junction of the northern part of the Sword Sea and the southern part of the Sword Bay, and there are several subsidiary islands around it.

To the west are the Moonshaes, to the east is Baldur's Gate, to the north is the Korin Isles, and to the south is the Nelanthal Isles.

From the point of view of location, it can be regarded as an important sea transportation hub.

This is also the reason why Luskan wanted to capture Mindan Island at great political and military risks.

Controlling this place means that they can strategically suppress the hostile city-states such as Neverwinter City and Waterdeep City at sea.

Not to mention the huge profits that can be brought by monopolizing the trade routes around the Sword Coast.

But unfortunately, Mindan Island is not like other city-states in the North, fearing the power of the Luskan Arcane Brotherhood and the fleet composed of a large number of pirates.

As a result, in a naval battle, Luskan's fleet was defeated by Mintan Island and its allies, and fled back in disgrace.

In battle, those excellent sailors and mercenaries impressed all who witnessed the course of the war.

Since then, the Arcane Brotherhood has never had the idea of ​​attacking this island.

Of course, this is not because of Luskan's lack of strength, but because the price to be paid to win here is too high, and there is nothing of great value on the island itself, so it can only be left alone in the end.

In addition, due to the relationship between pronunciation, many people often mistakenly regard Mintan Island as Lantan Island, south of the Neilanser Islands.

The latter is the basis of the belief in Gond, the god of craftsmen.

According to rumors, the humans and dwarves there hated magic and worshiped technology, and many complex and advanced machines and crafts were born here.

It can even be said that Lantan Island is the place with the most advanced productivity and production technology in the entire Faerun Continent, excluding the magic factor.

It's a pity that the island has been closed to the outside world all year round, and it hardly communicates with the outside world.

Obviously, the god of craftsmen, Gond, is not a fool. He understands how the inventions and creations made by his followers will impact the world, and how many gods stronger than himself will be angered.

So decisively choose to close the country to ensure that those too advanced technologies will not affect the existing productivity and production level of Faerun Continent.

Simply put, just close the door and play by yourself.

Zuo Si has always wanted to visit Lan Tan Island, but unfortunately never found the opportunity.

Vanessa obviously saw the confusion expressed by the leader of the organization, and hurriedly explained in a low voice: "Luskan did have a naval battle with Mintan Island.

But the problem is that since the rise of the Neilanser Islands, not only has the living space of the pirates been greatly backlogged, it has also taken away a large amount of trade quota from Mingtan Island.

Especially their mercenaries, it has been difficult to find any decent jobs.

Therefore, if a third-party force takes the lead, it is not impossible to form an alliance. "

"The enemy's enemy is a friend? Interesting. I'll give you forty-eight hours to find out what happened on Mingtan Island." Zuo Si gave the order straightforwardly.

Only at this time can he feel the power and power of being the leader of a powerful spellcasting organization.

In many cases, as long as there is one sentence, the people below will go all out to implement it.

"I have sent someone to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon." Vanessa assured without hesitation.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Then I will leave this matter to you.

Remember, if Mindan Island is really allied with Luskan, then destroy it mercilessly.

Whether it is the self-proclaimed tyrant Tarnshir Embuyirhan or those stupid and arrogant mercenaries, I will clean them up without leaving anything behind.

In the future, adventurers and adventure teams can be allowed to exist in any area controlled by the organization, but mercenaries are absolutely not allowed to exist.

These guys who do everything for money are completely a group of scourges and factors of social instability.

So I don't care what background they have, one counts as one, the first entry gives a verbal warning, the second a huge fine and deportation.

If you dare to have a third time, immediately gather your forces and wipe them out on the spot. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si did not hide at all his blatant and undisguised contempt and disgust for the group of mercenaries.

His impression of most mercenaries was really bad. Basically, they either took advantage of the chaos to loot surrounding villages and towns, or tried to create chaos and tension, and then earn a lot of gold coins from wealthy employers.

Wherever there are these people, the situation will basically become turbulent in a short period of time.

After all, only when there is a war, the market for mercenaries will be bullish.

For example, in the Kingdom of Tethyr, where a fierce civil war is breaking out, several mercenary groups ranging in size from a few hundred to one or two thousand are active in its territory.

They may still be serving one of the noble lords today, but tomorrow they will join another camp and turn around to fight their former employers.

No way, who asked the other party to give more money.

It can be seen that the so-called professional ethics are all bullshit for most mercenaries.

"Understood! I swear, the mercenaries on Mingtan Island will never see the sunrise again." Vanessa's eyes flickered with a frightening cold light.

Obviously, this necromancer is ready to start a massacre, and let those stupid guys join his army of undead creatures.

"Don't be so anxious. We are a reasonable and neutral organization. Even if we want to attack, we must first grasp the opponent's handle. And I have a hunch that the actions of Mingtan Island this time must be similar to those of the red-robed wizard or Zhentalin. It will be inseparable."

Zuo Si casually expressed his speculation.

Ever since he learned that the Arcane Brotherhood had cooperated with these two organizations, he had already made comprehensive preparations.

Even if Manson and Sazastan come, there is no way to avoid the end of the Arcane Brotherhood's rule over Luskan.

"I will be careful."

Vanessa nodded lightly, then turned and went to the teleportation room of the Mage Tower, and returned to the Nelanthal Islands with the help of a fixed portal.

Walking with him, there are several new liches who joined the core part of the organization.

After all these people were gone, Zuo Si focused on making a suitable weapon for herself.

There is no doubt that with his current financial resources and the magic metals and materials in his hands, he is fully capable of making a sub-artifact like the Staff of the Archmage.

But unfortunately, things like staffs are too cumbersome to use, far less convenient than other weapons.

So after much thought, Zuo Si decided to make a melee weapon rather than a staff in the traditional sense used by most mages.

Although he himself has not received any form of melee training, he can gain corresponding experience with a lot of magic and divine arts.

In addition, melee weapons confuse the enemy far more than the staff, making the opponent unclear about the situation and making wrong judgments.

Just do it!

Since it is to create a melee weapon, the main material must be a special metal that can hold magic power.

Secondly, a series of complicated designs must be carried out in advance, such as how many magic symbols to be inlaid in total, what each one represents, and what effect it can produce, all of which have to go through repeated inspections and error corrections.

In the end, it is necessary to integrate the different systems of magic knowledge that Zuo Si has collected so far, and inject them all into this weapon.

At that time, at least dozens of spells from the first ring to the ninth ring will be needed.

Due to the heavy workload, Zuo Si quickly forgot about the forces under his command, and had unknowingly started confronting Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood dozens of times in secret.

Almost at the same time, in a tavern in the port of Mingtan Island, a middle-aged woman wearing a red robe and with a very obvious tattoo mark on the back of her bald head was sitting in front of a table, doing nothing bored. yawn.

Judging from the attire and the iconic tattoo, it is easy to tell that this guy is a member of the Red Robe Wizards.

About ten seconds later, a man in chain armor walked in from the outside and bowed respectfully: "Master Ghanir, according to your instructions, we have successfully solved the problem of Tarnhill En Buyir Khan, and took control of the entire island."


The woman known as Master Garnier stood up and walked out slowly through the door of the tavern.

At this moment, the port and urban area of ​​Mingtan Island have been completely occupied by the red-robed wizards from Searle and their troops.

Although the number of these troops is not large, there are only about five hundred people.

However, their equipment is extremely sophisticated, and there are even many low-level mages and apprentices assisting them.

Coupled with the cooperation of some local mercenaries, they finally defeated the guards on the island at a very low price.

As for Tarnshir Embuyirhan, who had a certain level of fighter, he was killed on the spot without accident.

Judging from the scorched black corpse hanging in a conspicuous place, he probably died from a fireball covering his face, or was directly hit by lightning.

"I'll give you two days to gather all the forces on Mingtan Island and prepare to cooperate with Luskan's fleet to launch a surprise attack on the Nelanthal Islands." Garnier gave the order without looking back.

As the highest person in charge of the Red Robe Wizards Association in the north-central region, she obviously had a very deep interest relationship with the Arcane Brotherhood.

Whether it's the huge profits from selling those addictive narcotics, or buying from the latter the relics of the Netheril era dug out of the ground, it can make it the same as the ring masters and chiefs at the top of the organization. of favor.

After all, for mages, sufficient research funds are very important, not to mention there are relics from the Netheril era that can be used for research.

Relying on these two points, Garnier was able to climb to his current position as a LV11 evocation-specialized mage.

Otherwise, generally speaking, within the Red Robe Wizards Association, such a top decision maker in a certain area generally needs at least LV13 to LV15 Ring Mage Mentors to serve as it.

It's just that due to the sparsely populated area of ​​Northland of Faerun and Luskan being located in the wild permafrost, not many people are willing to come to blow the cold wind, which made her take advantage of it.

In fact, the Sale Concession that appeared at Baldur's Gate not long ago was actually written by Garnier.

It has always been her specialty to use the contradictions of factions within a town as an entry point, and then find the right time to stretch her hand in.

"Master, I don't understand. Why did you agree to the conditions proposed by the Arcane Brotherhood? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't we remain neutral and not help each other, and only extend a helping hand and ask for a generous reward when one of them is in decline?" The man in chain armor tentatively said.

In Cyre, the red robe mages have the supreme status and power.

As for everyone else, they all have to provide various services around these "bald guys" who have shaved their heads to increase the area of ​​​​the magic tattoo.

So even if he is a strong fighter and captain, he must pay attention to his tone and attitude.

Otherwise, the insidious and cunning woman in front of her may deliberately arrange to die in the next mission at any time.

Garnier pursed his lips and explained meaningfully: "No, you don't understand, the rise of the Nelanthir Islands has begun to squeeze our profits.

In particular, a large number of low-priced magic items, equipment and potions are robbing the market and customers that should belong to us.

In addition, they prohibit all pirates from entering their control area, so the funds of the Arcane Brotherhood are rapidly drying up, and there is no way to buy more goods from us.

Based on the above considerations, I decided to join hands with the Arcane Brotherhood to launch a sneak attack with the help of Mingtan Island as the forward base.

It doesn't matter if they fail, anyway, as long as they can deal a heavy blow to the port and city they just built, then similar situations will ease.

What's more, all of this is what Mingtan Island did, isn't it?

It has nothing to do with us Cyres. "


The soldier understood the insidious thoughts of the bald woman in front of him, and immediately glanced sympathetically at the mercenaries not far away who were still cheering for victory.

You don't need to ask to know that these guys have been tricked, and they will be sent to death as cannon fodder.

None of them will survive this sneak attack.

From the decision Garnier made, it is not difficult to see that she has no idea who is behind the Neilansir Islands.

After all, Vanessa and a group of liches were just manipulating behind the scenes, and they never really showed their faces and stepped onto the stage.

Moreover, the conversation between the two had long been heard clearly by a thief hiding in the darkness.

After the latter collected enough information, he quickly found a place where no one was around and activated the teleportation magic scroll that he carried with him, and disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, he is the spy placed by the Lich on Mingtan Island.


At the same time, in the Lord's Hall in Neverwinter Castle, Lord Nasir was reading a piece of information sent by his subordinates.

After a full minute, he asked in an unbelievable tone: "Is this information accurate? Orcs in the Northland are dying in large numbers due to some unknown reason?"

"Of course! I assure you with my reputation and life that this unbelievable scene is happening. For this reason, I went to several camps of the orc tribes that are relatively close to Neverwinter. The corpses were eaten beyond recognition, not even a living person. In addition, judging from the state of the deceased, the cause of their death was some terrible disease."

A human thief with brown skin all over his body gave an affirmative answer without thinking.

As the head of Neverwinter's intelligence agency, he himself is a member of the Neverwinter Nine Guards.

It's just that they need to lurk in the dark all year round to collect intelligence and spy on the enemy, so they rarely show up in public.

"You mean...a plague is spreading among the orc tribe? Are our people showing signs of infection?"

Lord Nasir is clearly aware of the seriousness of the problem.

After all, something like the plague is really terrible.

Once the harm caused by spreading, it might cut the population of a city in half in an instant.

In addition, the death of a large number of civilians will generate panic and riots.

He would rather take up the sword and fight Luskan's evil army than face the invisible threat of plague.

The intelligence chief shook his head lightly: "Not yet. All the people who came back, including me, went to the Temple of the God of Justice to be checked by the priest. And I also found that the corpses were only orcs, not those mixed half-orcs .Similarly, the nearby goblin and barbarian tribes were not affected in the slightest."

"A plague that only infects orcs? How is this possible!" Erebes couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Ma'am, it's not impossible. At least I know of one person who can do this. He came to Neverwinter not long ago, and now he even formed an alliance with us to deal with the evil neighbor Luskan in the north." The intelligence chief Straightforwardly stated his guess.

"The chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease——Sos?"

Lord Nasir's face suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, but then he frowned and asked, "Why did he do this?"

The intelligence chief replied in an uncertain tone: "Personally, he is in retaliation for the bounty the orcs placed on him, as well as the attack that happened near Silvermoon City not long ago.

Based on information obtained from the Harper, the Orc Gods sent two Chosen and a large number of elite warriors to try and kill Thoth, but ultimately failed.

So in retaliation, it is also reasonable for him to release the terrible plague against the orcs as revenge.

You must know that this young man has a strong sense of revenge that is different from ordinary people.

And never treat intelligent humanoid creatures such as orcs, goblins, gnolls, and ogres as human beings.

In Askatla, he even raised a group of goblins infected with lycanthropy and sold them to mages who needed to experiment with necromancy magic. "

"So... this situation is a good thing for us?"

Lord Nasir stroked the bushy beard on his chin.

"Yes. The absence of the threat of orcs is a good thing for all the towns and villages in the Northland. At least you don't have to worry about the large-scale invasion and plunder of orcs every autumn and winter." The intelligence chief gave without hesitation. Give an affirmative answer.

He has seen too many villages slaughtered by these green-skinned dirty beasts, and he has rescued many female captives who were ravaged and abused, so he has no sympathy for orcs at all, and he wishes that all orcs in the whole world would die.

In contrast, Erebeth, the paladin who serves Tyr, the god of justice, seems to be more entangled.

On the one hand, she was happy that the commoners could live and work in peace without the orc threat.

On the other hand, the justice she believes in does not allow her to agree with this act of releasing the plague and carrying out indiscriminate massacres.

It may be this contradiction between law and kindness that led to its tragic fate.

Fortunately, Lord Nasir is a warrior rather than a paladin, so he didn't struggle with anything, and immediately couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha! There are no orcs? This is simply the best thing I have heard in the years I have been a lord." It seems that even the power of poison and plague can produce amazing effects as long as it is used in the right place. When we meet next time, I have to thank Sous."

"I heard that he prefers magic items and books and knowledge related to magic. Maybe you can consider preparing such a gift." The intelligence chief also suggested with a smile on his face.

"Hmm! I'll talk to the mage in the Cloak of Stars later." Lord Nasir nodded slightly.

With the end of this brief report, the intelligence chief quickly turned around and left Neverwinter Castle, leaving only Erebes and Lord Nasir in the hall.

The latter obviously noticed the contradictions and struggles in the former's heart, and immediately explained with a smile: "Don't think so much, let alone try to get into the corner.

Justice is never absolute, but a very broad concept.

And since you're not a priest, there's no need to try to define the good and evil tendencies of various actions.

You are a paladin, and a paladin simply follows his heart and intuition. "

Erebeth responded with a wry smile: "But I really want to find out, should Sous's behavior be considered good or evil?

Judging from the results, his indiscriminate massacre of a race must be regarded as an out-and-out evil act.

But the slaughter of the orcs indirectly rescued many captives who were taken away as slaves, and at the same time gave the civilians who had been plundered by the orcs a relatively safe living environment.

From the perspective of motivation..."

Before the young half-elf paladin could finish speaking, Lord Nasir interrupted, "That's enough, didn't I tell you not to worry about this?

The human heart and human nature are complex things, and it is impossible to use good and evil to make a simple and crude classification.

And like orcs, evil beasts that only know how to destroy but not create, the more they die, the better the world will become.

If you're struggling with this, talk to a pastor.

Also, I hear you've been very close with Vanswick lately? "


Erebeth showed a very embarrassed look, blushing and hurriedly explained: "It's not what you imagined. We just get together occasionally to discuss our understanding of justice. You know, he is a god of justice The pastor can answer some questions for me to some extent."

"Okay, okay, no need to explain."

Lord Nasir is someone who has experienced it, so how could he not know the little secret between the two of them.

But considering Erebeth's relatively thin skin, he didn't expose it immediately or make fun of it, but just found an excuse to send him away.

In fact, the news that the orcs in the Northland died of the plague in large numbers soon swept through every town in the Northland like a hurricane.

All the local rulers who heard the news finally realized that it was not an exaggeration that the Talona Church declared that Zuo Si was the "child of the plague", the man of disaster, and the "destroyer of the world", but that he really had such abilities.

As a result, orders have been issued to keep the highest level of attention on his whereabouts.

Because of the mass extinction of the orcs in the Northland, many IQ online rulers in Faerun Continent realized that Zuo Si is an extremely terrifying biochemical weapon.

As long as he wanted, he could kill all humans and animals within a radius of hundreds or even thousands of kilometers at any time, leaving no grass to grow.

Similarly, this fear of poison, disease, and plague also invisibly strengthened Talon's influence.

In order to please this goddess, many places built temples and statues in more prominent places in the city.

The pastor, who used to be like a rat crossing the street, quickly shifted from underground activities to attracting believers on the surface.

And this expansion finally reached its first peak with the safe arrival of the first group of captives who escaped from the barren lands of the north to the civilized world after untold hardships.

Seeing this group of relatives and friends who were dressed in rags and had been regarded as dead appeared in front of them alive, many people wept with joy.

After listening to the stories told by the other party, they all decided to convert to Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease.

There are also some families who have blood feuds with the orcs, and they are completely devoted to the embrace of the church. They learn how to prepare poisons that can kill people with the priests, and cultivate plagues that can easily kill a city. They plan to give them to the southern jungle. Those raging orc tribes poisoned.

When the accumulation of this belief and influence reached a certain critical point, the star symbolizing Talona in the night sky suddenly released a light ten thousand times brighter than usual.

And this kind of light immediately made the gods realize that Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, had officially surpassed the weak divine power and became a member of the middle divine power.

From now on, she doesn't need to rely on any powerful divine power, and her own power alone is enough to deal with most of the enemies.

Undoubtedly, this increase in divine power not only made Talona ecstatic, but also attracted the envy of many other gods.

The most typical of these is Lauvita, who once served the murder god Baal with her.

At this moment, in the kingdom of the gods on the outer plane, this aggressive, domineering, and fearless goddess is waving the whip in her hand to frantically beat the souls of believers, roaring like crazy: "Why? Why? Talona instead of me?"

Unfortunately, no one could give her an answer.

Strong unwillingness, jealousy and resentment eroded her heart like poisonous snakes.

You must know that for a long time, Lauvita and Talona regarded each other as competitors.

But now, the latter has opened up an entire order of magnitude gap with the former.

What's even more exasperating is that the two had originally agreed to find an opportunity to seek refuge with Shar, the goddess of the night, after Baal's death.

But Talona obviously didn't need it now.

Just when Lauvita felt resentful about this, a familiar figure came to her country.

The visitor was none other than the incarnation of Tarona, the goddess of poison and disease.

"What are you doing here? Are you showing off the power you've gained? Also, what's going on with your current appearance? I remember that you used to always appear as an old woman." Laoweita asked, gnashing her teeth.

"show off?"

Tarona smiled and shook her head.

"No, I don't have that much free time. I'm here today to invite you.

I believe you already know, not only do I have enough strength to protect myself now, but I can also give you a certain amount of shelter.

As for this image, it was originally my original appearance, but it was changed to a certain extent due to the influence of believers.

But now, under the influence of a large number of new believers, I have returned to my original self.

What's more, my most beloved voter and son of the plague, Sous, obviously prefers me like this.

To be honest, I originally thought that it would take at least a few years for me to be promoted to a middle-level divine power.

However, his recent actions in the North have accelerated this process to an unimaginable level.

Especially those statues and temples that appeared out of thin air greatly enhanced my influence.

Finally, I would like to thank His Majesty the God of God, Io.

If he hadn't changed the rules during the turbulent years, my divine power wouldn't have grown so fast. "

Hearing these words, Lauvita, who was burning with jealousy in the bottom of her heart, became even more resentful, and immediately sneered and sarcastically said: "But your voters don't believe in your teachings, and they don't even want to be with you in the mortal world." He has too much contact with the church. And he also flirts with the God of Knowledge and the Goddess of Magic. Especially the latter, in the previous generation, he really liked messing with his chosen people."


Talona, ​​who was still complacent one second, turned extremely gloomy the next second, and at the same time felt that her hair was green.

After half a minute, she clenched her fists tightly and roared: "No one can take Sous away! He is mine! Whether it is body or soul! If anyone dares to violate this bottom line, then I will Do not hesitate to destroy the whole world and self-destruction as revenge. Remember! Lauvita! This is the first time you have violated my taboo, so I choose to forgive you. But if there is another time, I will be more than happy to send you to the stars Lie dead in the world."

Seeing that the Goddess of Poison and Disease was showing signs of madness, Lauvita immediately shut her mouth and dared not continue to provoke her.

She suddenly realized that the mortal known as the "son of the plague" might have a terrifyingly high status in the other party's mind.

They just stared at each other for two or three minutes, and when Talona slowly regained her composure, Lauvita tentatively asked, "Do you really want to invite me?"

"That's right! As you wish, I am already a middle-level god, and I will become more powerful in the near future. I need some assistance from the gods. We know each other best, so if you agree to do it I obey God, and I will give you shelter."

Talona stated the conditions directly without any disguise.

Because she knew that choosing Shar, the Goddess of the Night, was only an expedient measure at the beginning, and it could also be called a back road.

In fact, one of the oldest twin goddesses does not fit the philosophy of the two in teaching.

But the problem is that with the fall of all the three gods of death and the rise of Cyric, who inherited all the priesthood of the three gods of death, both Lauvita and Talona feel an unprecedented crisis.

After all, this lunatic dared to backstab the holy man of the gods when he was still a mortal, and the degree of madness can be imagined.

In addition, both of them belonged to the "remnants of the previous dynasty", so even if it was for their own safety, they had to find a thicker thigh to hug them first.

However, with Talona's promotion to medium divine power, Lauvita obviously had a better choice.

Although there was a fierce competition between the two goddesses, it was just a competition, and it did not rise to the conflict of grievances and priesthood.

What's more, they know each other well, so there is no need to worry about being plotted against.

So after pondering for a moment, Lavita immediately nodded in agreement and said, "Okay! I agree to be your obedient god."

After all, she took the initiative to bend down and bowed to show her respect to the Lord God.

Although this change of identity made the goddess of abuse feel a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable, it was obviously more reliable than going to the goddess of the night Shar.

In this way, the Goddess of Poison and Disease and the Goddess of Abuse formally established a superior-subordinate alliance.

Almost at the same time, Shar, the Goddess of the Night, who was located in the wasteland of destruction and despair, clearly sensed this with her series of powerful priesthood. A playful smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear. Said: "Did Lovita reject my invitation to form an alliance with Talona? Interesting! It seems that the origin of everything is related to that young man from another world. Fortunately, I have already arranged a pawn in advance , all that needs to be done now is to wait patiently.”

With the last word blurted out, she raised her hand and created a dark gray mirror out of thin air.

Through the mirror, one can see that the vampire queen Badi is lying on the sofa with her favorite descendant of the dark elves, enjoying the aftermath of the flesh.

As a vampire, unlike other undead creatures, they will completely lose their physical senses.

Therefore, they are more enthusiastic about pleasure than other undead creatures.

However, as one of the oldest twin goddesses in the world, Shar was not interested in this kind of boring behavior, but stared at the life conceived in Badi's lower abdomen with those dark and deep eyes.

After confirming that everything was normal, she turned off the mirror and showed a satisfied expression: "It's really exciting to see what the dark seeds born after the fall of light can conceive. It's a pity that the divine power left in the body of the saint of Amanata The pieces are too small. Otherwise..."

You don't need to ask to know that what happened in the underground temple of Askatera was the work of this goddess.

All of a sudden, the plot of Shar, the lord of the serpent from the bottomless abyss, the goddess of the night, is about to break out into a battle with Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood, as well as the orcs who have suffered huge losses and are eager for revenge...

Once again, the west coast of Faerun became turbulent.

But Zuo Si, who was in the center of the storm, still stayed in the mage tower like a normal person, concentrating on building a long sword-shaped staff for herself.


You heard that right!

It is a staff in the shape of a long sword!

In his opinion, the magic wand in the traditional sense of Faerun was not suitable for him, and the magic wand in the world of Harry Potter was too short.

Considering the occasional need for hand-to-hand combat, a sword with a variety of uses becomes the best choice.

However, this sword is slightly different from ordinary magic swords. Its main function is to strengthen spellcasting, rather than rushing up to cut people.

As for simple and crude blunt weapons, [Talona's Favor] is enough.

However, it is a pity that this artifact has not successfully captured any valuable souls, so it cannot exert its full power for the time being.

Like Zuo Si, who is busy making magic items, there is also Mona Hill, the lord of the serpent in the deep underground.

It's just that what she made was a teleportation orb.

The moment the bead formed by fusing countless gems, pearls, and human bones was completed and embedded in the portal, a rift connecting to the bottomless abyss was finally torn open.

Countless demons swarmed from the other side like a tide.

Among them, the one rushing to the forefront is naturally the absolute ruler of the 531st floor of the abyss - the six-armed snake demon.

However, most ordinary snake demons are only three meters tall, far less massive than Mona Hill, who has become a secondary lord.

They are like well-trained military officers, controlling the messy low-level demons at an extremely fast speed, and keeping them from running around.

However, considering the limited space in the temple and the surrounding tunnels, only about 3,000 demons were sent in the first wave.

Among them, the lowest level cowards accounted for the vast majority.

As cannon fodder among cannon fodder, they don't even have complete independent consciousness and wisdom, and they just rely on numbers to overwhelm the enemy.

It takes only a small fragment of the soul to create a dread.

Moreover, these guys are extremely cowardly and cowardly. When encountering an enemy stronger than themselves, they will often disperse at a very fast speed, or simply kneel down and beg for forgiveness.

The word "cowardly" in Cowardly Mo comes from this.

Of course, the demon lords have already thought of a solution, that is, to send a daunting supervising team to kill all the cowards who dare to turn around and run away.

Many mid-level and high-level demons are more than happy to perform such tasks.

Sometimes after a war, it is very likely that more cowards died at the hands of their own people than at the hands of the enemy.

But compared to the soldiers of the ordinary human army, the demon is undoubtedly stronger.

Although their height is only about 1.23 meters, they weigh 80 kilograms, and their strength attributes exceed 12 points.

Plus a series of immunity, resistance, and spell-like abilities as a demon, such as [Fear Art], and [Smelly Cloud Art].

Once the large-scale release is successful, it will definitely be a complete massacre for human soldiers without the support of the caster.

"Great lord, the army has been assembled according to your order, when can we launch an attack?"

A six-armed snake came to Mona Hill and asked respectfully.

"How is the war on the other side of the abyss?" Mona Hill couldn't help asking about the situation in his hometown first.

After all, the abyss is her basic base. If the territory of her hometown is lost, it will be meaningless to harvest many souls in the material world.

The six-armed snake demon responded without thinking: "It's still in a stalemate just like when you left. The opponent doesn't seem to have any plans to launch an attack recently, and sends some low-level demons to launch a symbolic round of attacks every day as usual. And then quickly back off."

"Very good! Since the old opponent has given us such an opportunity, then make good use of it. Take your people and immediately capture every corner of the city's sewers. But be careful not to disturb the mortals above the ground. Wait until tomorrow night, and we will give them a big surprise."

While saying this, Mona Hill couldn't help sticking out her tongue and licking her lips.

She could already smell the evil spirits in the city of Askatla, and she was in a state of extreme excitement.

Because only such a soul can transform and create the most powerful demon.

In addition, luring those originally pure and noble souls into the abyss can also obtain very, very rich rewards from the abyss consciousness.

This is why countless abyss lords are keen to corrupt mortals, especially paladins who symbolize purity, nobility and kindness.

Baphomet, the king of the tauren, and Pazuzu, the demon king of the wind, will give their strength immediately when they hear a paladin begging for help.

The purpose is to put a long line to catch big fish, so that the paladin will become dependent on the power he bestows, and eventually he will fall little by little.

Of course, the paladins are well aware of this.

So strictly speaking, the two sides are in a delicate game state.

If the paladins can stick to their hearts, it is equivalent to prostitution of these demon lords' strength to survive the crisis.

But if not, the demon lord can harvest a wonderful soul.

(end of this chapter)

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