Chapter 257 Handle

In the middle of the night, the most prosperous Woking shopping mall in Askatera is shrouded in bright lights.

Businessmen from all over the Faerun continent and even from other planes, as always, enthusiastically introduce and boast about their products to every passing guest, without even noticing the demon army from the bottomless abyss in the complex pipeline under the ground It is expanding along the sewer at an extremely fast speed.

Whether you encounter various rotting dung monsters, scavengers, and ooze monsters that rely on picking up garbage for food, or kuo-tao murlocs, sea trolls, and soul trolls that climbed up from the mouth of the sea, or in the sewer All the mages who established secret strongholds for magic research were slaughtered without mercy.

As the most chaotic, evil, and cruel creatures in the entire multiverse, demons never know what forgiveness is, and they basically don't have the habit of keeping prisoners.

For them, killing is like a kind of instinct that can be ingrained in their bones.

And once it starts, it will never stop until all the enemies are dead.

In just a few hours, the sewers in the entire shopping mall area were littered with corpses, and even the mice that accidentally passed by would be grabbed by the demon, stuffed into his mouth, crushed, and then swallowed.

After hundreds of years, the sewer ecosystem, which was formed with great difficulty, was completely destroyed in an extreme time.

However, as these guys advanced to the base established by Irenicus, they finally encountered the most intense and tenacious resistance.

Those golems that were previously built to deal with beholders can easily smash the brains of low-level demons like Coward with one punch.

The gray dwarves and goblin slaves used the weapons in their hands to resist desperately. Cooperating with the magic traps hidden in every corner, it didn't take long for the dwarfs to drop their corpses on the ground and start to retreat.

But before he ran far, the six-armed snake demon in charge of the battle swung a sharp scimitar, killed dozens of the fastest cowards like a whirlwind, and roared sharply in the language of the abyss : "Don't retreat! Otherwise, this will be your end. I'll give you fifteen minutes, and if you can't get in by then, I'll kill all of you."


All the cowards stopped running away, and their eyes revealed incomparable fear.

Although their intelligence is not high, they understand very well that the words of the six-armed snake demon are not just a verbal threat.

The ruthless and brutal High Demon Overseer has done this more than once in previous wars.

After a brief hesitation, the cowards adjusted their direction again, rushing towards the only entrance of the base like a tide.

Because these stupid and cowardly creatures didn't have the guts to challenge a lizard whose strength in the abyss was second only to Balor's.

The latter can easily kill hundreds of cowards with just one person.

Not to mention that she has an elite snake demon guard by her side.

Many of these demons are strong men who have returned from bloody battles, and killing a group of cowards who just crawled out of the hatching pool is effortless.

However, the six-armed snake demon did not sit back and watch his cannon fodder die in vain, but hid behind and carefully observed the situation inside.

When she figured out the location of all the magic traps, as well as the number and strength of the guards in the base, she immediately rushed up with the snake demon guards.

Unlike those cowards who can only leave a few scratches on the golems, this group of powerful demons armed with magic weapons is like a storm, tearing clay, rock and steel golems into pieces with precision and lethality. debris.

Some hexagrams with rich experience in melee would even wait for the golem to attack the coward as cannon fodder first to reveal its flaws, and then stick on it to launch a violent attack like a storm.

Needless to ask, this skill was learned on the battlefield of terrible bloody battles.

Because all demons who don't use the same kind around them as cannon fodder and bait usually have no chance of surviving, and often die instantly in a few seconds.

Since Irenicus himself was not there, and the golems were not too intelligent, they were all destroyed in a short time.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the gray dwarves and goblins immediately turned around and ran deep into the base, trying to use those narrow passages and traps to resist.

But as the demons began to release a large number of spell-like abilities, they were killed and injured before they ran far.

Only a few lucky ones escaped successfully.

But this is only temporary.

As the demons swarmed into the base, all the living things inside were killed and injured in a very short time.

When the former saw the clones contained in those glass jars, as well as various organs and limbs soaked in the embalming solution, the six-armed snake demon warlord who was in charge of leading the team immediately showed a very surprised expression.

Because even in the bottomless abyss, there are very few demons who can be as twisted and sick as Irenicus, exuding a kind of chaos and evil that is purer than demons.

no doubt!

Such a soul is definitely a rare treasure for demons.

You don't even need to evolve from a larva, you can directly transform into a high-level demon.

I believe that any demon lord would be very happy to have such a subordinate and advisor.

Without any hesitation, the six-armed snake demon warlord quickly sent someone to tell Mona Hill the good news.

Around the same time, far away in the sewers of the Docklands.

The shadow thieves who control this area have also been invaded by demons.

I saw a few guys hiding in the sewer to connect and smuggle, and they were surrounded by swarms of cowards in a temporary underground warehouse in silence.

They didn't even have time to send out an early warning and call for help, and they were rushed and brutally dismembered.

The soul is captured by the lizard who is in charge of the army.

In less than an hour, all the sewers in the pier area collapsed.

At least two hundred shadow thieves members belonging to different factions disappeared out of thin air, and the losses caused were high enough to drive the top management crazy.

Almost at the same time, when the vampire queen Ba Di learned that her brother's base had been destroyed, a complacent expression appeared on her face.

Apparently, she managed to use the demons to cover up her fatal mistake.

Now, all the blame and scapegoat can be pinned on the heads of the demons.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Ba Di immediately ordered to the two descendants kneeling in front of him: "Now you go to the city to spread the news that the sewers have been captured by demons. Remember, it must spread quickly to ensure that Ammu six The Human Council and other high-level officials are aware."


A male vampire bowed deeply with one hand on his chest, and then turned into a bat and flew away.

"Mistress, I don't understand why you want to inform Amn's senior management? Isn't it good to watch the demons capture the city?" The female vampire next to her asked curiously.

"That would be too obvious. Askatra is a city where almost all the gods are enshrined. I don't want to be found wanted and hunted down by them. What's more, there is an extremely dangerous person in this city ——Sous. I want to take this opportunity to observe what unknown cards he has. " Ba Di rubbed his chin and explained with great interest.

"I see. Then leave this task to me."

After all, the female vampire also turned into a bat and flew towards the location of the mage tower.

Not long after her front foot left, the dark elf slowly came out from the dark corner, pursed her lips and sneered, "What a complete idiot. Does she think she has a chance to come out alive if she goes to that guy's mage tower?"

Ba Di shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Anyway, it's just a newborn descendant. It's good to find a chance to add another one after death. Compared with this, I have an extra job for you to do."

"Oh, what is it?"

The dark elf asked with a provocative look.

"I have a list here, all of which are the home addresses of suspected members of the Askatla Shadow Thieves Guild. I believe you should be very interested in bringing them back for me, right?"

Ba Di casually pulled out a parchment full of names and addresses from the table.

The dark elf took it and glanced at it for a while, then immediately frowned and asked, "How do I enter these guys' houses? You must know that I can't enter the room without the owner's permission."

"Please don't worry about this. I have already arranged an internal response for you. At that time, someone will open the door and send you an invitation." Badi explained triumphantly.

"As you wish, my evil mistress." The dark elf bowed gracefully with one hand on his chest.

Just when Ba Di was about to say something, suddenly there was an inexplicable sharp pain in his stomach, followed by a trance, as if he heard a voice echoing in his mind.

But because the relationship was too weak, she didn't hear what the other party was saying clearly.

When I came back to my senses, I found that I was already in an endless darkness and haze, and the horrible loneliness around me made me, a vampire, feel extremely hopeless.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Ba Di couldn't help shivering.

She, who used to be a high-level elf mage, was very sure that there was no trace of magic fluctuations just now.

But soon, a huge black and burning fireball slowly rose from the horizon, exuding chaos and evil that cannot be described in words.

Vaguely, she seemed to see the shadow of a baby in the black sun.

The baby looked so distorted and deformed. With just one look, the vampire queen Buddy couldn't move at all, as if she had been hit by a fixed tree.

After an unknown amount of time, the baby finally slowly crawled out of the black fireball, with an umbilical cord even connected to its belly.

At this moment, what Badi wants to do most is to turn around and run away immediately.

Unfortunately, he couldn't move at all, and could only watch helplessly as the monster got closer and closer to him.

When the latter's deformed and twisted arm was about to touch, her spirit suddenly appeared in a trance again.

In just a second or so, he was suddenly back in Askatla's catacombs.

If it wasn't for the strong reaction of the body, Ba Di would even think that everything just now was some kind of hallucination.

But unfortunately, that was not an illusion at all.

Because there is no hallucination that can cause a vampire who is already a high-level undead creature to have such a terrifying physiological reaction.

Realizing this, Badi immediately lowered his head and glanced at his slightly protruding belly. He couldn't help but shuddered, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! I have to think about it before Irenicus rushes back. A way to figure out what this thing is."

There is no doubt that this requires the help of one or even several very powerful mages or priests.

As a vampire, high-level priests basically don't count on it.

When priests of good or even neutral camps see vampires, they probably want to purify them every minute.

As for the priests of the evil camp, if they encounter a vampire queen like Ba Di, they will immediately try to use the power bestowed by the gods to firmly control it, and then drive it to perform some very dangerous tasks.

In contrast, the mage is obviously a good choice.

But the problem is that there are not many mages with real abilities in Askatra.

Among them, the Masked Mage Guild is undoubtedly the most powerful one on the surface.

But Ba Di knew that this organization had very deep ties with the Amn Council of Six and the Shadow Thieves, so looking for them might reveal some of their secrets.

This also means that there is only one remaining option, and that is to go to Zuo Si.

Although in Badi's eyes, this young god-elect is also an out-and-out dangerous person, but at least he complied with the pre-agreed agreement in the transaction with Irenicus.

And besides that, she also had no better choice.


On the other side, Zuo Si, who had been working inside and outside the mage tower for several days, finally managed to create the weapon he wanted.

This is a long sword exuding a dark blue light.

In order to carry more magical power, the blade looks a bit thicker, giving people the feeling of a broadsword, but the edge of the sword presents irregular spikes and serrations.

A row of extremely complex magic runes can be clearly seen on the body of the sword.

When the enemy is casting a spell, whether arcane or divine, these runes will light up immediately.

Zuo Si then has the choice to wield the power of this mighty weapon, deciding whether to absorb the spell or bounce it back.

Like the Staff of the Archmage, the magic long sword can absorb up to 50 points of energy and store it.

And these energies can be used to cast spells that remain in the sword body, or they can be simply shaped into arrows and other energy forms and released.

If the absorbed energy exceeds 50 points, it will not self-explode like the Staff of the Archmage, but will evenly distribute the overflowed part on the sword body to strengthen its enchantment level.

At the same time, it will also form an invisible shield similar to energy protection, which can resist energy attacks such as flames, lightning, strong acid, sound waves, and cold for the holder.

If all the stored energy is released at one time, the sword body will release an energy beam up to ten meters long, which can be swung like a lightsaber and cause pure non-attribute magic damage to enemies within the radius.

However, things like energy overflow are obviously not a problem for planeswalkers.

Zuo Si can absorb the overflow energy and convert it into mana for storage at any time.

The last and most important point is that it can speed up the casting speed of the holder, omit part of the chanted spells and casting actions, and give all spells a certain degree of strengthening.

In addition, this sword does not need to be held in the hand, as long as it is worn on the body, it will function normally.

It can be said that this staff in the form of a long sword condenses all of Zuo Si's current understanding of magic, and it is an out-and-out artifact.


This is an artifact rather than a sub-artifact.

Because Zuo Si injected part of the transformed divine power into it.

So in theory, this sword can be used to kill gods and saints.

Of course, it's only in theory.

Like the famous god-killing dagger "Zathman dagger" born in the Netheril era, although the target's defense level and divine power bonus can be ignored to a certain extent, the holder itself may not be able to contend with the gods.

So the gods don't need to deal with the artifact itself, just kill the mortals who hold the artifact.

Gently stroking the long sword, feeling the energy fluctuations from the blade, Zuo Si murmured to himself in a slightly excited tone: "Well - what name should I give you? Why don't you call Go against the tide. After all, turning a staff into a sword is an act of rebellion in the eyes of most spellcasters, and it is an out-and-out step against the tide."

[Sacred Artifact - Reverse Tide]

This powerful artifact can be considered a +5 longsword, while granting its wielder thirty additional points of spell resistance.

If you give up your spell resistance, you can absorb the spells released by other people around you, and convert them into energy and store them in the sword body. The maximum limit can be 50 points.

In the same way, it is also possible to bounce back the spells successfully released by the opponent.

But each rebound needs to consume a certain amount of energy points according to the level of the spell.

These energy points can not only strengthen the enchantment level of the long sword, up to +10, but also can be shaped into various energy forms to attack opponents according to needs.

Each energy point is equivalent to the damage of a three-ring magic lightning spell, and the power is calculated based on the caster level of the holder.

In addition, you can also form a magic absorption shield by consuming energy points.

For every point of energy consumed, the absorption shield will absorb fifty points of energy damage.

The casting speed of the holder is increased by one-third, and the power of the spell is increased by one level, and its effect is equivalent to the super magic skill [Spell Upgrade].

The above permanent effects will have an effect on all arcane spells, divine spells, and even spells.

If fifty points of all energy are released in one breath, the ten meter long pure magic energy beam will shred all enemies.

Any target hit by the energy beam will not be cut in half, but will be shredded under the impact of magic energy, and disintegrate randomly.

The higher the spell resistance, the lower the probability of being dissociated, and the higher the countermeasure.

This artifact has a constant amount of magic, among which two points of energy are required to release [Energy Absorption], [Time Stop], [Space Lock], [Spell Absorption].

Those that need to consume a little energy are [Dispel Magic], [Fireball], [Ice Storm], [Invisibility], [Knocking], [Wall Piercing], [Spider Web], [Speaking Words], [ Flying technique].

Finally, there are [Door Sealing], [Gigantizing], [Shield], [Grease], and [Mage Hand] that can be released at will without consuming energy.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si's personal counter-tide has far surpassed the Staff of the Archmage.

With the help of this artifact, even without using Planeswalker's cards, you can confidently confront the most powerful legendary mages in a spell duel.

However, he likes to hide his hand in everything, so he was not in a hurry to expose this hole card, but carefully inserted it back into the scabbard prepared in advance.

The moment the sword exuding dazzling arcane aura was inserted, all the violent magic fluctuations disappeared.

Even under the observation of arcane vision, there is nothing worth noting about Ni Tide.

Obviously, the special scabbard completely covered its sharpness.

Unless Zuo Si pulls it out with his own hands, the enemy will never realize that it is a powerful artifact.

After completing this step, he did not hesitate to spend an astonishing amount of mana to make the weapon into a treasure card, and then summon it again.

This is not to take off your pants and fart, but to ensure that Adverse Tide will not be destroyed by spells such as cataclysm.

Although the probability of the Great Disintegration destroying the artifact is only a few percent, as long as it is not zero, you need to take precautions in advance.

In fact, not only was Ni Tide turned into a treasure card, but all the important magic items on Zuo Si were also turned into treasure cards without exception.

Although he himself doesn't like to use Big Crack, many high-level and even legendary mages like to throw a shot at their opponents when starting a battle.

This can be glimpsed from the fighting style of Irenicus.

After all, the sooner you destroy the powerful magic items on the enemy, the higher your chances of winning.

As for the spoils of war, they have to win before they are eligible to be considered.

Since in the real world there is no great god "Savoraud" to worship, the first priority is to ensure your own survival, and everything else must be placed in the back row.

Just when Zuo Si was drawing the energy stored in the mage tower to supplement the empty mana pool, the consciousness of the tower suddenly communicated through a telepathic connection: "Master, there is a female vampire who wants to see you at the door."

"Vampire?" Zuo Si froze slightly.

He had no recollection of his dealings with vampires.

Even when working with Irenicus, he didn't speak a few words to Ba Di.

"Yes, vampire. I detected that she was flying from the direction of the cemetery." The tower consciousness quickly gave the corresponding information.

After more than a year of study and growth, its intelligence level has obviously improved a lot, and it is no longer the "mentally retarded" who often made common-sense jokes at the beginning.

"Ba Di's subordinate? Interesting! Invite her to come in and wait for me in the lobby on the first floor."

After all, Zuo Si ignored the consciousness of the tower and concentrated on extracting energy to replenish mana.

After about a few minutes, when the mana pool was recharged, he walked from the upper floor to the lobby on the first floor, and saw the vampire fidgeting at the door at a glance.

She has pointed ears, is obviously of elf blood or is an elf, and looks about sixteen or seventeen years old.

I don't know if it's an evil deed, but when Ba Di transformed his descendants and offspring, he seemed to like elves very much.

Almost two thirds of her vampires are elves or half elves.

And unless human beings are very capable and handsome and beautiful, they won't even have the chance to join, and they will be drained of blood every minute and become lifeless corpses.

"Good evening, Lord Sous, the elect of the great goddess of poison and disease Talona."

The vampire girl put one hand on her chest and bowed deeply.

Even though she hadn't been captured and turned into a vampire the last time she worked with Irenicus, she also knew the terrifying power that this young human male held in front of her.

Even his own powerful mistress feels fear and awe, not to mention a mere newborn vampire.

"Get her a cup of blood." Zuo Si bluntly ordered to the tower consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, a cup of dark red blood plasma appeared on the table out of thin air.

You don't need to ask to know that the blood is drawn from the bodies of the goblin werewolves underground in the mage's tower, and it is the best "heart blood" for vampires.

As the name suggests, it is to dig out a person's chest and take out the whole heart, and the blood contained inside.

This blood can provide vampires with unparalleled taste and sensory pleasure.

According to the description in "Book of the Dead", when a vampire drinks such blood, he can feel joy and satisfaction from the depths of his soul.


The moment the vampire girl saw the cup of blood on the table, she couldn't help swallowing, and at the same time, the uncontrollable impulse and desire in her heart swept her whole body.

Unlike the lich's absolute sanity and calmness, although they are all undead creatures, vampires are obviously more like living in another way, rather than completely becoming the dead without emotion or desire.

"Here, drink it, and tell me what is the purpose of Badi asking you to come after drinking it."

Zuo Si gently pushed the cup full of blood to the other side.

Finally, under the irrepressible impulse, the vampire girl rushed forward, picked up the cup and gulped it all down.

The lycanthropy curse contained in the blood of the goblin werewolf obviously has no effect on the undead.

So she didn't feel any discomfort after drinking. Instead, her face was full of enjoyment, as if she had just been satisfied in some way.

Fortunately, this situation did not last too long, and it returned to normal after about a few seconds.

The newborn vampire obviously hasn't adapted to the new identity yet, and he can't control his emotions well. He even let out a slight moan from his throat, and then he shuddered and said in a low voice: "We found a lot of blood in the sewers of the city. devil."

"Demon? Mass?"

Zuo Si immediately frowned subconsciously.

Because in his impression, Askatra seemed to have never been attacked by demons.

"Yes, there are very, very many. Among them, there are too many cowards alone, sweeping every corner like a tide. Mistress asked me to inform you."

The vampire girl explained the pre-made rhetoric clearly with a very fast speaking speed.

Just when she felt that she had completed her mission and was about to stand up and leave, a dark divine power instantly shot out from the holy symbol of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and hit the newborn vampire.

The latter didn't even have a chance to react, and was firmly controlled in an instant.

This kind of control is not only physical, but also spiritual, will and soul.

With a very high level of divine spellcasting, controlling a low-level vampire is as easy as eating and drinking for Zuo Si.

After confirming that the vampire girl was completely under his control, he asked, "Tell me, what are these demons that suddenly appeared?"

"Yes Yes……"

The vampire girl was clearly resisting.

But her willpower was too weak, and she quickly succumbed to the dark divine power shot out by the holy emblem, shaking out everything she knew in one breath.

After learning that all this was done by Ba Di inducing a group of devil worshipers, Zuo Si was stunned by the madness of the other party.

And because the vampire girl didn't know what kind of mistake her mistress made, so even he felt very confused, wondering why the other party did this.

But confusion is confusion, what should be done still has to be done.

Regardless of the considerations, Zuo Si will never allow the demons to cause too much damage to Askatla.

Just as he was mobilizing his own strength and planning to go to the headquarters of the Masked Mage Guild to talk to Sean VII, he suddenly saw a familiar figure hiding in a dark corner at the entrance of the Mage Tower.

She is none other than Irenicus's "good sister", the vampire queen Buddy.

However, it was slightly different from the last time we met. Her original nearly perfect figure had a small blemish, which was the protruding belly like a pregnant woman.

"Where are my descendants? Could it be that you killed them?"

Ba Di broke the silence with a nonchalant tone.

"No, no, I just changed her from your person to mine." Zuo Si responded meaningfully.

No need to ask, he knew that the vampire girl was made into a low-level creature card.

"Yes, since you like it, I will give it to you as a gift. Anyway, I can make as many descendants as I want."

Ba Di licked his bright red lips, put on a seductive gesture, and began to approach slowly.

With its amazing charm and beauty, as well as the dangerous wildness that cannot be described in words, most ordinary people are afraid that they will be successfully charmed by it in an instant.

But Zuo Si remained unmoved. When the distance between the two was less than ten meters, he finally opened his mouth to warn: "Stop! Otherwise, I will regard this as a precursor to your attack on me."


Ba Di stopped in his tracks and explained with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, I just want to shorten the distance between us so that we can get closer to each other."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in having any intimate relationship with an undead creature. If you have something to say, just say it, if not, please go away, I have to clean up the mess you made. If it's not for Ai For the sake of Renikas, I will even kill you myself."

The moment Zuo Si said those words, there was a chilling light in Zuo Si's eyes.

Ba Di obviously noticed the naked and undisguised disgust, and immediately stepped back a few steps, pointing to his lower abdomen and explaining: "I'm pregnant! I hope you can help me check what's going on."


Zuo Si's gaze was instantly attracted by the bulging belly.

Through more than one magical vision, he saw something wrapped in an extremely dark energy in the belly of this powerful vampire queen.

"Yes, pregnant.

And recently I occasionally have very real hallucinations, seeing a huge black fireball like the sun.

And there is also a distorted and deformed baby in the fireball.

I need your help more than ever.

In return, whatever is in my belly is yours.

In addition, I will give you a very special descendant, I believe you will be very happy after seeing her. "

Ba Di offered the best conditions he could offer in one breath.

Because she was really frightened by that incomparably real hallucination.

Zuo Si narrowed her eyes and thought for a few minutes, and then responded: "I can help you, but only if you explain to me what happened, and you must not hide even the slightest bit. Otherwise, please go back. "

"I... I took advantage of Irenicus to go out a few days ago, and did some interesting things with the holy man of Amana Tower. I don't know why, but the holy man suddenly disappeared. Wait until you return to the cemetery area Afterwards, I discovered that there was something abnormal in my lower abdomen..."

In describing this process, Ba Di's tone was obviously full of regret, and he inevitably concealed some details.

But Zuo Si was so smart, he immediately understood what this stupid vampire queen had done.


And it's the worst kind!

However, simply blasphemy is obviously not enough to cause a series of subsequent situations.

So after a brief analysis, he immediately asked: "I noticed that when you described, there seems to be a blank part in the middle. What's going on?"

"I was overwhelmed by a strong stimulation and pleasure at the time, and I didn't notice the changes around me at all. But after that ended, all the immortal believers around the underground temple disappeared like the saints, leaving nothing behind Any trace." Ba Di gave the answer very embarrassed.

She also didn't know why she was so impulsive and indulgent at that time, as if she was controlled by some kind of force.

"So you led the demon worshipers to summon the serpent lord afterwards, just to create chaos and killing to cover up the mistakes you made?" Zuo Si's eyes shone slightly.

"Yes. Irenicus will kill me if I don't. You have no idea how crazy and obsessive he's become over the course of a year or so."

When mentioning his brother, Ba Di obviously showed awe and fear.

Just when she was thinking about what kind of tragic ending she would have if this matter was revealed, she suddenly realized that Zuo Si had appeared in front of her at some point over a distance of more than ten meters, and stretched out her hand to gently brush her cheek To the sensitive area between the ears, he said in a playful tone: "I can help you, but the conditions just prescribed are far from enough. I want more!"

"No problem! Whatever you want, I can give it to you."

Ba Di obviously misunderstood something, and bent down proactively very cooperatively.

But unfortunately, those things she expected did not happen.

Zuo Si quickly withdrew his right hand and said bluntly: "I need you to be loyal to me and obey every order I give, even if it is to steal the secrets and research progress of Irenicus."

"What? This is impossible! It is absolutely impossible for me to betray my brother."

Ba Di woke up instantly, his voice raised an octave.

"Don't be so absolute.

Don't forget that since your fatal mistake, Irenicus is no longer your brother, but your enemy who can kill you at any time.

Your positions and identities have changed, so since you are the enemy, how can you talk about betrayal?

Most importantly, Irenicus' goal is revenge, to become an elf god.

He is naturally fundamentally different from you.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to stick to it.

Anyway, when Irenicus comes back to make a deal with me, do you think I will reveal some fatal information to him? "

With Zuo Si's threatening words blurting out, Ba Di felt that he had fallen into a bone-piercing icehouse in an instant.

At this moment, she finally realized that her smart behavior was actually equivalent to handing over the handle to the terrible voter in front of her.

If you choose to cooperate, it is tantamount to completely abandoning the blood relationship with Irenicus. Once exposed, life will be worse than death.

If they do not cooperate, Zuo Si will directly tell Irenicus about the matter, and the result may not be much different.

So no matter which one you choose, it means you have to bear huge risks.

Although the former is a little stronger than the latter, it is nothing more than drinking poison to quench thirst.

All of a sudden, Ba Di's heart was in a state of confusion, and he fell into a kind of fear of the future.

After several minutes, she managed to force herself to remain calm, and asked through gritted teeth, "You've been plotting against me and Irenicus from the very beginning, right?"

"That's right!" Zuo Si acknowledged with a generous nod. "I am a very vengeful person. From the moment you plot against me, we are already enemies. It's just that there are many kinds of enemies, some are on the surface, and some are secretly. You obviously belong to the latter. By."

"If I refuse. Will you really tell Irenicas about that? Are you not afraid that I will reveal your conspiracy?" Ba Di tried to make a final struggle and resistance.

Although she also understands that all this is in vain.

"Hahahaha! Sometimes I really doubt, are you and Irenicus really blood relatives?

Why is there such a big gap between children born to the same parents?

You think he doesn't know my plan?

Do not! Irenicus has always been very clear.

It's just that after weighing the pros and cons, he felt that he could get more by cooperating with me.

So it doesn't make much difference whether you say it or not.

But you are different!

You are the blood of Irenicus, the only person he could trust when he was stripped of his elven status and exiled.

Just imagine, if one day you found out that Irenicus had betrayed yourself, what would your reaction be like? "

Zuo Si laughed and revealed the difference between the two.

To be honest, he never thought that Ba Di would be so stupid and take the initiative to send a fatal handle to himself.

In this way, the vampire queen will be under his control until Irenicus fails or dies.

Similarly, those taboo studies of Irenicus will be continuously passed on and become part of the huge knowledge base.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

After saying three damn things in one breath, Ba Di finally resigned to his fate, knelt down in a very humiliating posture, and said in a trembling voice: "From today on, you are my master, and I will unconditionally obey what you order Every order."

"Very good! This is a good girl. Now, go back to your tomb first. After I finish dealing with these demons that came out of the bottomless abyss, I will check your body."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si patted Badi on the head lightly, and then disappeared into the darkness at the end of the street.

After he walked away completely, Badi, who was full of loss and frustration, returned to the cemetery area shaking like a walking dead.

Along the way, a few hooligans who were interested in sex came up and wanted to make a move, but they were torn to pieces by the furious vampire queen in an instant, turning them into incomplete corpses and large splashes of plasma.

(end of this chapter)

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