Chapter 261 Imprisonment

It has to be said that old Korgan's "shocking fart" immediately cast a layer of black and humorous comedy on the originally tragic battle.

As for him himself, he turned into a berserk state from embarrassment, and vowed to join forces with the dragon-born knight to kill the hexagram lord in order to wash away his shame.

Wilmes waited for an opportunity, and whenever the breath ability was fully charged, he would immediately spray hot dragon flames on Mona Hill's face.

After all, Davidian was completely immune to fire damage when he transformed into a red dragon, while Korgan was wearing a red dragon armor, plus a pair of boots made of dragon skin, his fire resistance was almost piled up to 100%, so there was no need to worry about accidental injury teammate.

In addition, Zuo Si constantly casts various spells and magical spells, or strips away the protective magic on the opponent, or reduces spell resistance, immunity and basic attributes, or uses silver fire and other divine power attacks to cause damage , Mona Hill's whole body was soon densely covered with wounds and scars.

Even the amazing regenerative ability of being a lesser demon lord doesn't help.

Especially when she starts the beheading mode of waving six arms crazily and wants to kill an enemy first, a force field wall will inevitably appear in front of her to isolate them, and there is no way to cause fatal damage to the dragon-born knight in the form of a dragon. harm.

Even if the latter suffered a serious injury before, he would be healed by the powerful magic during this period.

And during the battle, Mona Hill had to always be on guard against the iron ball flying back from the other end of the portal behind her.

A few minutes ago, she didn't pay attention again. She was hit in the back of the head by an iron ball, and her whole body staggered and fell forward. As a result, she was pierced by an arrow in the eye by the Sun Elf Demon Archer who was waiting for an opportunity.

If it were an ordinary six-armed snake demon, even if it did not die, it would be half disabled.

But to her as a secondary abyss lord, it was only a minor injury.

Seeing that he was always at a disadvantage in this contest, and could not use his powerful strength, the lord of the six-armed snake demon was furious, and instantly cast a special ability to capture a priest of the storm god Talos who was channeling divine power out of thin air , crushing the latter's head with a bang.

In the blink of an eye, this high-ranking priest with a level above LV15 turned into a mummy-like state.

At about the same time, the wound on Mona Hill's body healed in less than a second.

Obviously, this is the extra power given to the demon lords by the bottomless abyss.

By killing and devouring the life force of enemies, they can infinitely regenerate their own wounds.

This also means that the number has no meaning at all to the demon lord.

They can easily kill thousands of cannon fodder by themselves without any loss.

Not only that!

Through the battle just now, Zuo Si also discovered that the lord of the six-armed snake demon can cast all kinds of magic and divine spells from the first to the fourth ring at will, and there is no restriction at all.

Five to eight-ring magic seems to be cast no more than three times a day.

In addition, she also has the ability to devour the souls of any creatures within a radius of ten meters around her.

There was a younger priest who wanted to come over to help, but because he didn't have the blessing of special protective spells, he was instantly stunned to death.

Immediately following his body was transformed into a Shadow Fiend in less than a second.

This is a special kind of demon with bat wings, and its whole body is shrouded in darkness. Only sharp claws and teeth can be vaguely recognized.

Although its strength is not strong, it is always hidden in the dark, and it is almost difficult to be found.

Its spell-like abilities include [Deep Darkness], [Fear], [Advanced Teleportation], [Shadow Conjuration], [Shadow Evocation], etc., which can help it launch a sneak attack in the dark.

It is even possible to use [Magic Soul Pot] to occupy and seize the body of those weak-willed targets, causing chaos within the enemy.

It's a pity that this shadow fiend who had just been transformed was rather unlucky. Just after the transformation was completed, he was enveloped by Wilmes' amazingly powerful breath, and died suddenly on the spot without accident.

Its birth and death made everyone realize how dangerous it is to be close to the lord of the six-armed snake demon.

At least before the priest blesses the corresponding divine protection spell, it is basically no different from courting death.

But Korgan was an exception.

When he activated the berserk ability, he was basically a lunatic who didn't recognize his relatives.

In addition, the ability to devour souls tests the target's toughness save, that is, the higher the physical attribute, the less likely it is to be hit.

We all know that dwarves, especially dwarf warriors, generally have ridiculously high physical attributes.

Adding all kinds of magic equipment and magic spells, old Kogan's physical attributes are as high as twenty-seven points.

There is an additional bonus after turning on the berserk state.

It is not an easy task to successfully devour his soul.

So Zuo Si doesn't panic at all, and even often uses the creator's ability to destroy the opponent's spellcasting, or absorb it to recharge his own weapons.

As for the other high-level demons, they were blocked by a group of powerful summoned creatures and golems.

Sean VII finally stopped paddling, but showed the strength that a legendary mage should have.

With only his own power, he can turn around a large group of hexapods, berserk demons, glamor demons, and soul demons.

Although it didn't cause much damage, it inevitably fell into chaos, and there was no way to rush to support the lord he was loyal to.

The masked mages were not idle either. Under the protection of other people in the team, they quickly carried out a ceremony to prohibit teleportation magic in a large area, ensuring that those high-level demons could not use teleportation spells, and kept targeting those who were injured and exhausted. The companions launched a surprise attack.

After all, high-level teleportation is almost a magic-like ability that every intermediate and high-level demon must master.

With this ability, they can easily bypass tight defenses and directly attack the wounded and spellcasters located in the rear of the formation.

When the magic ritual that prohibits teleportation takes effect, the demons must first break through the defensive formation built by warriors, paladins, barbarians and priests if they want to rush in.

As the most elite and powerful high-end combat force in the entire Askatla, everyone present knows that whether they can successfully close the huge portal connecting the abyss depends on whether Zuo Si, the two red dragons and the crazy dwarf warrior can kill them. Lord of the six-armed snake demon.

If it fails, no one will be able to get out of here alive.

"Mortal, I admit that you are a difficult opponent. But the problem is that your magic and divine arts will always be exhausted. At that time, the two red dragons, and the damn dwarf who dared to offend me, will all die .” Mona Hill threatened viciously.

Especially when he saw the dwarf Korgan, his eyes burst out with naked and undisguised killing intent.

"So... what do you want to express? Let me surrender? Or do you want to engage in so-called negotiations?" Zuo Si asked nonchalantly.

"I'm giving you the last chance to make a choice. Because mortals have limits, but demons don't."

After all, Mona Hill slammed into the entanglement of the Dragonborn Knight, and completed the [Earthquake Spell] at an unimaginable speed for ordinary spellcasters.


The ground in a large area around her began to shake violently.

Korgan, who was trying to launch an attack, lost his footing and fell to the ground with a plop, losing his balance.

On the other side, Wilmes, who was waiting for an opportunity, also staggered under this violent vibration, unable to aim and exhale scalding flames.

As a result, the lord of the six-armed snake demon caught the opportunity and quickly started the death mode of waving six arms at high speed. With just one knife, Davidan's hard red dragon scales were torn apart, and a lot of blood gushed out from the wound.

The curse carried on the black blade made the latter become sluggish and weak on the spot, lying on the ground coughing up blood crazily.

Wilmes was obviously terrified, with a shocked and hesitant expression on the huge dragon's face.

You must know that when the dragon-born knight transformed into a giant dragon, she was bigger than her current body, with harder scales, and her hand-to-hand combat ability and combat ability were much higher.

But even so, he couldn't withstand the blow of the secondary abyss lord.

As for the dwarf Kogan, the moment he got up, he was violently jerked by the serpent demon's lower body, which was as huge as a snake, and he flew back more than ten meters away.

"See? This is the power that the abyss bestows on demons! The power that mortals will never be able to match!"

Mona Hill slammed the dying David in front of Zuo Si, her delicate and beautiful face revealed extreme arrogance.

Even the red dragon with the strongest comprehensive strength among the five-color dragons will still be defeated without any suspense in front of her.

"If my answer is no, what will you do? Kill me, or take my soul by force?"

Zuo Si did not show the slightest bit of panic after being approached by the enemy like other spellcasters.

Because there are already several planeswalker cards hidden in the hand of the large robe.

As long as he wants, he can become a powerful fighter who surpasses everyone at any time.

"It seems that you won't leave me honestly. If that's the case, then don't blame me for not being sympathetic. You must know that at the beginning, I wanted to treat you in a gentler way. "

While saying these words, Mona Hill instantly activated her secondary abyss lord's ability - Soul Devourer, and her two eyes shone with terrifying light.

Obviously, she mistook Zuo Si for those ordinary mages with very weak physiques. She didn't know that the latter, who were dual voters, had a constitution attribute as high as 33 points, which was almost the highest among the six basic attributes. The second-highest-ranked strength has two more points, and the third-highest-ranked intelligence has seven points more.

That's not counting the blessings of magic and divine arts, otherwise it would be even more exaggerated.

Like other Chosen of the Goddess of Magic, if you take off your robes, you will see angular muscles.

Moreover, although these muscles do not look as exaggerated as those trained in fitness, they are far from comparable to the latter in terms of explosive power and endurance.

So the six-armed snake demon lord used his soul-eating ability for a long time, only to find that the tiny human in front of him was completely unmoved.

Not to mention stealing the soul, even the slightest trance state did not appear.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to kill me with your eyes?" Zuo Si asked in a half-joking tone.

"Immunity? Your soul is protected by the power bestowed by God?" Mona Hill subconsciously frowned.

"No, you are wrong. What protects my soul is not only the power bestowed by the gods. In return for showing me the power of the abyss lord, let me show you the power I possess. By the way, I will correct you , in fact, the upper limit that mortals can achieve is much higher than you imagine."

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si finally activated the magic card in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling beam of light fell from the sky, and a series of strengthening spells including [War God Possession] were blessed one after another on his body.

Not only that, Zuo Si also used [Shape Change] in the Nine Rings Magic, and another card called [Earth and Rock Weapon].

Among them, [Shape Change] allows the caster to change himself into various other creatures without restriction after every six seconds.

And [Earth and Rock Armament] will wrap a hard shell around the subject's body, making it temporarily become a half-element and half-construct body, and can resist most physical and energy damage.

The most important thing is that [Earth Armament] will change synchronously according to the user's form change.

So when all these spells took effect, Zuo Si's whole person has turned into a "titan" that is almost as big as the main body of the six-armed snake leader.

The outermost layer is the rocks and vines covered by [Earth and Rock Armament], and the inner layer is an oversized steel golem.

In addition, many magical spells such as [Shield of Order], [Holy Aura], etc. are specially added to fight against evil and chaotic creatures.

Of course, with the [spell sharing] between the familiar and the master, the little devil who has been staying by the side has also obtained all the blessings of spells.

It's just that it didn't choose to change into a construct, but turned itself into the dreamed form of abyssal fiend.

"Come on, let's teach this lesser abyss lord a lesson."

Zuo Si winked at her magic pet, then pulled out two artifacts and rushed forward first.

Since both [Talona's Favor] and [Negative Tide] have the ability to change with the change of the user's body size, there is no need to worry about inappropriate situations.

Mona Hill obviously didn't expect that Zuo Si, who had always been behind and gave people the impression of a traditional mage, would suddenly make a 180-degree turn and change his fighting style, and hurriedly raised his weapon to parry.

next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Under the influence of many divine spells and the card [God of War Possession], Zuo Si's power attribute has reached a level far exceeding that of his opponent.

So when the two collided head-on, even if Mona Hill used six arms at the same time, the whole snake body was shaken by the huge force, and at the same time, the arms and the palms holding the weapons felt numb.

But just when she was extremely shocked by this, the little devil also followed behind his master, swung the +4 two-handed giant ax specially made for him, and slashed fiercely at the snake-like abdomen of the abyss lord.


This magical weapon blessed with sharpness and evil attributes cut a terrifying wound one meter long and forty centimeters deep on the spot.


The severe pain immediately made Mona Hill uncontrollably let out a scream, and aroused the madness and chaos in the devil's bones.

In the ensuing battle, she completely abandoned reason and thinking, and turned into the most terrifying killing machine.

Even those high-level demons who rushed over to help were mercilessly beheaded once they approached a radius of ten meters.

If it is in the bottomless abyss, such actions will inevitably resonate with the chaotic and evil nature of the abyss, making it more powerful and dangerous.

But the problem is, this is the Faerun continent, which is the material world.

Although there is a portal connecting to the abyss not far behind, the power of the abyss does not bring it any additional bonus.

So this kind of madness not only didn't help him gain an advantage, but instead made him suffer more and more injuries.

Especially after Zuo Si converted the energy absorbed by the magic long sword into the level of enchantment, he could easily tear apart the protection of the lesser abyss lord that was strong enough to resist magic weapons below +2.

By the time Mona Hill began to feel weakened due to blood loss from the wound, she wanted to go through the portal and return to the abyss to gain home advantage, but it was too late.

Zuo Si is not a fool. Of course, he knows that there is a huge gap between the strength that the demon lord can display in the material world and in the abyss, so how could he possibly get his wish.

Without even the slightest hesitation, he instantly released the force field impact of the ring of the ram, directly knocking it to a place farther away from the portal.

Then, together with the magic pet, they rushed forward and attacked on both sides, while using [Energy Absorption] to weaken it, while frantically looking for opportunities to create more wounds.

Although the six-armed snake demon has six arms, in theory, six arms should not suffer much from four arms, but it has certain advantages.

But unfortunately, she only has one head and one pair of eyes.

And when Zuo Si and the little devil join forces to attack, there will always be one who will hold back from the front, while the other will launch a sneak attack from a blind spot.

In addition, the magic pet has a spiritual connection with the owner, and can communicate without barriers without saying a word.

So after a while, Mona Hill's six arms were cut off one by one, and finally turned into a "human stick" without an arm, or a "snake stick".

Realizing that her situation was over, the madness in her eyes finally faded away, replaced by an indescribable viciousness.

"Don't be complacent! Mortal! Even if you defeat me today, it will only expel me from this world for a hundred years. After a hundred years, I will come back to you again."

"Do you think I will kill you? No, killing a demon lord in the material world is the most stupid act, that is equivalent to releasing you. What I want to do is not to kill you, but to imprison you."

Speaking of this, Zuo Si suddenly paused, turned around and cast his eyes on Sean VII.

"You wouldn't mind doing a little favor?"

Sean VII smiled and nodded: "Of course I don't mind. In fact, I just happen to know a spell that can seal a demon in a certain building or a certain object."

"No!!!!!! How dare you!"

Hearing that the two were going to seal her, Mona Hill finally panicked.

Because her territory is not very safe now, she has been fighting with another nearby six-armed snake demon lord.

If it is sealed for too long, then with the chaotic nature of the devil, it won't take long for the subordinates to fight for the vacant throne of the lord, and eventually fall apart and be occupied and annexed by the deadly enemy.

"Hehe, sorry, it's not up to you."

Zuo Si instantly dispelled the effects of transformation magic and earth-rock weapons and returned to human form with a sinister smile on his face.

Obviously, he wanted to try to turn this lesser abyss lord into his summoned creature.

However, with the blessing of the power of the abyss, the demon lord will hardly fall into a coma.

Therefore, some research is needed to determine whether this thing can be made into a card.

"Master! Great master! Invincible master!

Allow your most faithful and humble servant to congratulate you.

You have accomplished a feat considered unthinkable even by the Lord of Baator, defeating and capturing a demon lord.

In front of your powerful magic power, these despicable and dirty demons crawl under your feet like ants and tremble.

You are my idol, the only faith and sun in my heart..."

The little devil held Mona Hill firmly on the ground, unable to move, and kept spitting flattering words out of his mouth.

It doesn't realize at all that what it's doing is putting its owner in an embarrassing situation called "social death."

"Shut up! Don't let me hear you make any more noise!"

Zuo Si gave the little devil a vicious look.

Although the latter didn't know where he offended his master, but he was good at observing words and expressions, and immediately shut his mouth.

"Okay, there's no need to be angry. Little devils are such creatures, and it's their instinct to flatter their masters and superiors."

While speaking, Sean VII stepped up to the lord of the six-armed snake demon, and took out a crystal ball emitting crimson light from his pocket.

When she saw this crystal ball, Mona Hill immediately began to struggle desperately with her last strength, as if she was resisting something.

But unfortunately, she lost six arms and was seriously injured. She couldn't break free at all, and could only watch the opponent draw a huge magic circle under her feet.

On the other side, Zuo Si was not idle either, and simply helped the Dragonborn Knight heal his wounds, and then led his men to mercilessly slaughter those demons who were still fighting.

After seeing their lords defeated and captured, many clever guys turned around and ran into the portal to escape back to their hometown in the abyss.

For them, it doesn't matter how much the lord is defeated or died, anyway, the big deal is to change the lord to seek refuge.

In the Abyss, this kind of thing happens almost every day.

Especially for the secondary abyss lords who change frequently, only by constantly launching wars to acquire and annex other secondary abyss lords until the whole level is unified can it be possible to remove the word "secondary" and become a real lord worthy of the name.

Generally speaking, after becoming a genuine abyss lord of a certain level, both strength and status will be greatly improved, and they will never be easily defeated or even killed.

This is also why the most powerful demon lords are often very cautious when launching wars, but the low-level sub-lords are either fighting or on the way to wage wars.

However, Zuo Si obviously did not intend to give up the opportunity to harvest mana, and at the same time summoned the Plate Armor Crusher and the Oran Lido-headed Dragon.

And also used a magic card on the latter - [Strong Growth].

Coupled with the blessing of the land card that can generate green mana, its size increased by six units the moment it was summoned, and it looked as tall as a twenty-story building from a distance.

The strength attribute has reached an astonishing fifty-eight points. Just by flicking its tail, several glamor demons, six-armed snake demons and berserk demons vomited blood.

Its magic resistance also crossed the sixty mark.

Many harmful spells have no obvious effect at all.

On the contrary, the strong acid and flames spit out by two of the heads can often clean up a large group of low-level demons in one go.

Since the demon is immune to electric shock, the lightning breath ability gained by the other head has no effect.

But even so, it was like a heavy bulldozer, cutting a bloody path in the endless army of demons.

And because the Oran Lido-headed dragon was summoned from the abyss on the other side of the portal, all the demons killed by it were really dead, and there was no way to rebirth.

In contrast, the Plate Armor Crusher looks like a giant six-legged pangolin, except that its body is covered with a thick cuticle that is harder than steel, and the outermost layer of the cuticle is also densely distributed. Different spikes.

When it runs at full speed, the place it passes is basically a bloodbath.

No kind of demon can resist such a violent collision and trampling.

A Balor wants to use the decapitating greatsword in his hand to cut off the head of the Plate Crusher.

However, at the moment of the collision, he found that his extremely sharp magic weapon could only leave a shallow mark on the surface as if it had been cut on pure gold.

Immediately afterwards, he was slammed into the air, and then trampled mercilessly by six big feet.

If it wasn't for being a legendary creature and the strongest demon in the abyss next to the lord, perhaps this round of trampling would have killed him.

Since the demons on the other side of the portal were beaten to pieces by the two giant beasts, the demons here also lost their last will to resist. They either chose to escape, be beheaded or made into cards.

After the battle was over, Grand Leader Witheran, whose armor had been stained black and red by the blood of the demons, sat down on the ground, gasping for breath without any image, and his eyes revealed the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe.

However, when he saw the Plate Armor Crusher and the Oran Lido-headed Dragon chasing the demons on the other side of the portal, he fell into a daze for an instant.

"Then... what kind of monster is that?"

"Cough, cough, cough...don't ask me, I don't know." Kaidong, who was seriously injured and kept coughing up blood, shook his head with a wry smile. "However, one thing is certain, that is, the power mastered by His Excellency Sous is terrifying, even enough to defeat a secondary abyss lord and her demon army in a frontal battle."

"Yes, fortunately he is on our side. Otherwise, even if the entire army is wiped out, it is impossible to complete the arduous task of closing the portal. By the way, how many brothers and sisters of the Knights sacrificed?" Witheran There was a hint of sadness in his tone.

Although he has long understood that maintaining order and justice requires sacrifices.

I can't help but feel bad when I think of those familiar faces leaving me forever.

"Sorry, Grand Leader, only you and I survived the twelve members of the Knights. In addition, less than half of the hundred elites who entered the sewer survived, and the Shadow Thieves Guild was completely wiped out." , it can be said that the loss was quite heavy. Moreover, the bodies of most of the dead people have been eroded by the power of the abyss so badly that there is no way to revive them."

Said, Kaidong turned around and glanced at the dead bodies neatly placed in the open space after simple cleaning and stitching.

In fact, those who can still find the body are considered quite lucky.

Many of the dead didn't even have corpses. They were either blasted to slag by spells in fierce battles, transformed into demons, or torn to pieces and devoured by demons.

"What about the casualties on the side of Your Excellency South?" Witheran asked in a low voice.

"I didn't notice. But at least thirty golems were destroyed. Those beholders, stone titans, hill titans, dark elves, and orcs, half-orcs, hobgoblins, and gnolls infected with lycanthropy, basically They were all dead. But I didn't find their bodies, so they might be summoned creatures." Kaidong replied in an uncertain tone.

While the two were talking, Sean VII finally joined hands with Zuo Si to complete all the preparations for the magic ceremony of sealing the abyss lord.

They ignored the others at all, surrounded Mona Hill from left to right, and began to chant spells that others could not understand.

The extremely evil and filthy atmosphere made all the priests and paladins present feel their scalps tingling.

There is no doubt that this is definitely not an ordinary magic spell, but the dark mantra, also known as the dark holy word.

It is said that a very small number of powerful evil creatures can even use this language to fight and even kill the incarnation of the gods.

Under the influence of the dark mantra, the crystal ball began to emit a dark red light, enveloping the lizard lord bit by bit.

No matter how much the latter cursed and struggled, trying to gain the strength to fight against it from the blessing of the abyss, the result was in vain.

After a while, her body was shrunk down to almost the size of the crystal ball, and then instantly submerged in it, leaving only a very vague black shadow writhing in the middle of the crystal ball.

"It's finally finished. Here, take it, she's yours now. Remember, you owe me a favor." Sean VII threw the crystal ball to Zuo Si bluntly.

"Thank you very much. Don't worry, I will return this favor to you." Zuo Si solemnly made the promise.

Unlike many people who claim to be good and righteous, he is not so repulsive to liches and demilichs.

What's more, Sean VII used to be the emperor of a huge empire, and he also wanted to save his country that was on the verge of collapse and try to restore prosperity and prosperity. He was not the kind of irrational and extremely chaotic lunatic.

Hearing this sentence, Sean VII nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, then I will look forward to it first. If there is nothing else, I will go back first. With the knowledge and strength you have, you should be able to handle it." This portal, isn't it?"

"Of course, leave it to me." Zuo Si calmly gave an affirmative answer.

It just so happened that he also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to harvest more mana on the other side, so he took the initiative to accept the task of closing the portal.

After Xia En VII turned around and left with the members of the Masked Mage Guild, the priest of Losander, the Lord of Dawn, quickly ran over and asked in a very serious tone: "Your Excellency, what do you plan to do with this sealed demon lord? "

"I defeated the demon lord, and I participated in the sealing, so she is my trophy, and how to deal with it is my freedom."

Zuo Si unceremoniously declared his ownership of the sealed Mona Hill crystal ball.

"Of course I know this is your trophy. But the demon lord is too dangerous, and it will affect the surrounding environment, making people corrupt and degenerate. I think that something as dangerous as this is best enshrined in the Lord of Dawn In the temple, it is better for God to take care of it.”

The officiant finally managed to express the truest thoughts in his heart.

While there is some truth to what he says, usually only gods are capable of imprisoning a demon lord for long periods of time.

But Zuo Si sneered and refused: "Thank you for your concern, but there is no need.

Because there is not only the Lord of Dawn in this world, I am also a double voter of the Goddess of Magic and the Goddess of Poison and Disease, and I also have a good relationship with the God of Knowledge and the God of Suffering.

So I am more qualified and capable than you to deal with this sealed demon lord.

In addition, even if you want to be enshrined in a certain temple, it will not be your turn to contribute and sacrifice the least in this operation. "

After blurting out these words, the faces of all the priests and paladins who believed in Losander, including the priest, changed.

Because this is equivalent to mocking them for not working hard during the battle, but jumping out to claim credit after the battle is over.

You must know that although the Lord of Dawn and his followers are all good camps, due to their overly positive and optimistic teachings, they have gathered a large number of vanity and impulsive idealists who like to show off their achievements.

Otherwise, he wouldn't do such an outrageous thing as offering a few drops of divine blood left by his own gods during the battle with Sammaster as a sacred object in the temple.

In fact, as long as you have been to Losander's temple, you will find that various trophies are often placed on those large and small display cabinets.

Including heads brought back from hunting dragons and various evil creatures, or various body parts.

But how many of them did it themselves, and how many succeeded in defeating powerful enemies with the help of other adventurers, is unknown.

Anyway, in the descriptions of those priests, the greatest credit is always the followers of the Lord of Dawn.

In this way, the temple can attract a large number of young people who are easily fooled by honor, adventure stories and heroic feats.

If this crystal ball that seals the demon lord is placed in the temple of Lathander, then after hundreds of years and people gradually forget the truth of this matter, the battle between Zuo Si and Mona Hill will be described into a totally different look.

But most of the time, other people who believe in the gods of the good alignment will not expose these small shortcomings of the followers of the Lord of the Dawn.

Regardless, they are very hard-working and willing to make sacrifices in their fight against evil.

But Zuo Si is different.

He will not get used to these people being poor, let alone hand over his most important spoils.

Seeing that the atmosphere became a little tense, the leader of the group, Wetherland, hurried over with his tired body to smooth things over.

"Okay, don't forget that we are companions fighting against evil and winning a glorious victory, there is no need to hurt our peace because of such a trivial matter.

Your Excellency Sous is right. He is a double voter, and he is also the one who defeated the demon lord. He has the right and ability to deal with the sealed demon lord.

There is no further objection to this matter.

The immediate priority is to close the portal. "

"The head of the group is right. If this portal is left open, Askatra will always be exposed to the threat of demons. Your Excellency Sous, do you have any good solutions?" Kai Dong also came over to help Open the topic.

From the flash of contempt in his eyes, it is not difficult to see that he also disdains the Losander Church's behavior of taking credit for himself.

no way!

Although the Lord of Dawn does not have such a bad habit, his church and believers in the mortal world like to do it very much.

After all, mortals have selfish desires, even paladins who symbolize goodness and order are no exception.

And the biggest shortcoming of Lathander's church and followers is vanity.

"Don't worry, as long as you pry off the orb inlaid on the top of the portal, the portal will automatically close. But I think it's too early to close now, it's better to wait for those demons to die."

While saying these words, Zuo Si absorbed a huge amount of mana in one breath, and raised the creator profession to LV15, which is the highest limit that can be achieved at present.

Although this level increase did not bring more external abilities, it greatly strengthened the two abilities of [Refining] and [Shaping].

Now he doesn't even need to rely on the power of other spells, just relying on these two abilities, he can build a strong castle the size of a football field out of thin air.

Everyone present obviously had no opinion on killing more demons.

After all, they were not blind, and they could see the invincible posture of the Plate Armor Crusher and the Oran Lido-headed Dragon rampaging in the middle of the demon army, so they sat down and rested where they were, and enjoyed the horror of the demons by the way.

Some boring guys even bet on how long these two behemoths can last under the siege of the demon army.

Because although the Plate Armor Crusher and Oulan Lido-headed Dragon have amazing individual combat power, they are not completely immune to the attacks of high-level demons.

So it was only a matter of time before it was killed.

Not to mention them, even the incarnations of gods couldn't survive the endless siege of demons.

Zuo Si knew this very well, so before the two summoned creatures were scarred and finally besieged, he took the orb made by the lord of the lizard from the portal.

Before the demon army could react, the originally opened portal was completely closed, leaving only a giant door frame made of stone.

"Huh—it's finally over."

The dragonborn knight Davidian let out a long sigh of relief when he returned to his human form.

Since the enemy he was facing was the lord of the six-armed snake demon who was far more powerful than himself, he consumed a lot of energy and stamina, not to mention he was seriously injured several times before and after, and almost died.

Although there are no external wounds after receiving the treatment, the feeling of fatigue will not disappear, and it will last for at least two days.

"How do you feel?" Zuo Si asked in a slightly concerned tone.

Davidian touched his cheek and responded with a smile: "Stronger strength, stronger body, and the ability to transform into a red dragon at any time, I feel better than ever. I believe you have invested a lot of resources in me Bar?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. But now I have something I want to ask for your opinion."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Davian showed a different expression.

As a summoned creature, he has long been used to obeying the orders given by the planeswalker, and he doesn't feel that his opinion is worth seeking.

"I want to transform you into a follower with unlimited growth potential, what do you want?" Zuo Si bluntly expressed his thoughts.


A flash of shock flashed in the eyes of the dragonborn knight, and he knelt down on one knee and solemnly swore: "Thank you very much for your attention, this is the highest level of affirmation for me, and it is also the highest honor. I am you I am your sword, and I am willing to kill all enemies for you; I am your shield, and I am willing to resist attacks from enemies for you."

(end of this chapter)

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