One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 262 Final Preparations

Chapter 262 Final Preparations

Zuo Si has actually been thinking about transforming Dragonborn Knights from mere summoned creatures to followers for a long time.

Because as the only follower at present, Pyromancer Alaina obviously doesn't meet his requirements in terms of ability or character.

Moreover, for a single-attribute flame magic attack, in Faerun Continent, any individual can easily use various arcane spells, divine spells, potions, and magic items for protection or even direct immunity.

Therefore, Zuo Si needs to cultivate a follower who meets his requirements, and Davidian, who has followed him for the longest time, happens to be the most suitable candidate.

First of all, he is a melee professional who can do a series of jobs including guarding, guarding, and cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers.

When encountering a strong enemy, it can also become a reliable meat shield, forcing the opponent to have no way to target the planeswalker in the first place.

And when it becomes a red dragon, it can also become a mount and a means of transportation.

The second is a calm personality, no matter what happens, he will not panic, and will always maintain a state of 100% obedience to orders.

Even if Zuo Si needed him to die, he would do it without hesitation.

This point is many times stronger than Alena who gets into trouble every now and then.

However, one very important thing is needed to transform Davidian into a follower, and that is a living red dragon, and at least reach the "extremely old" age group, and the ideal is to find an ancient dragon or an ancient red dragon.

But it's obviously not easy.

After all, as the most powerful red dragon among the five-color evil dragons, it is already equivalent to the overlord of one party when it reaches old age.

Entering the ancient dragon and even the ancient age group, it is quite difficult to deal with one by one. It is not much easier than challenging a secondary demon lord in the material plane.

In fact, when a red dragon enters the prime of life, it can compete with the legendary Balrog.

After becoming an ancient dragon, he can steadily suppress the opponent.

When entering the ancient age, hunting a Balor is only a little bit challenging for these incomparably powerful beasts.

Just when Zuo Si was considering whether he should choose Balagos "Flying Flame" as the capture target, or the "Egg Eater" Klaus in the Northland as the capture target, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Your Excellency South, thank you for everything you have done for Amn. On behalf of the council of six and all citizens, I present this gift of honor and gratitude to you. I hope you will continue to protect Askatla in the future Free from demons, devils and other evil creatures."

After all, a member of the six-member council handed over the exquisite gift box that he had prepared.

You don't need to ask to know, what is contained here is the reward for Zuo Si's defeat of the Snake Demon Lord.

As an expanding business empire, the Amn government has always been rich and powerful.

Especially after mastering the advanced coinage technology, they would even secretly collect gold and silver coins from other regions, and then bring them back to remelt and mint their own gold coins to earn the difference.

Therefore, it is also quite generous when rewarding those who have meritorious service.

Everyone who participated in this operation at least received thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins as rewards.

As for those who unfortunately died and could not be revived, an additional pension was given to their immediate family members together with their remuneration.

The Council of Six has proven with practical actions how it will treat heroes who stand up in times of crisis.

Despite the extra fortune spent, it has won the unanimous approval of all levels of society.

And doing so has brought many additional benefits, such as greatly reducing the dissatisfaction of the lower class people with the status quo of corruption, money and power transactions, and the raging Shadow Thieves Guild.

Because in the eyes of ordinary people, although the country's existing administrative system has many problems, it is still very reliable in times of crisis.

At least he has never made a mistake on the issue of right and wrong.

This is quite good in the land of Faerun, which is full of all kinds of intrigues and dangerous monsters.

In addition, due to the proper handling of the crisis, the city itself has not suffered any damage, and it has also increased the merchants' confidence in Askatla's safety.

It is foreseeable that for a long time in the future, businessmen and chambers of commerce will come to invest, buy or rent houses, warehouses and shops.

Based on the benefits brought about by the increase in land prices alone, the six-member council can recover all the money that has been distributed, and maybe even make a lot of money.

So Zuo Si is very sure that no matter what is contained in this small box, its value will definitely not be less than half a million gold coins.

He took the box with a smile on his face, and responded softly: "Thank you very much. Please rest assured that as long as I still live in this city, anyone who wants to cause damage must pass me first. And I swear, I will Revenge from those behind the scenes plotting."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. Let's go, the council has prepared a victory celebration banquet for you and other heroes, and the councilors and civilian representatives also hope to express their gratitude in person."

This member of the Council of Six, who was completely hidden under a magic mask, had a hint of flattery in his tone.

No need to ask, he must have seen the battle video transmitted through the magic eye, and understood how powerful and terrifying the dual electorate of the goddess of poison and disease and the goddess of magic possessed.

Among other things, just two red dragons, a green dragon that was used as a mount before, and a plate-armored crushing beast and an Oran Rido-headed dragon that can chase and slaughter demons crazily are enough to easily destroy monsters like Askatla Such a large city.

Not to mention there are so many golems and other numerous summoned creatures.

The most important thing is that because the entire country of Amn lacks such high-end power as legendary mages, the council of six is ​​very envious of the voters of the two goddesses of magic in Waterdeep City.

The latter did not show panic at all, but could deal with it calmly, even if there was a huge maze full of various terrifying monsters like the Leyline Maze at the foot of the city.

But now, Askatla has unexpectedly appeared, so naturally we should cherish and win him over, and strive to keep him in this city forever.

After a long time, even if you don't do anything, your reputation alone can bluff many people who want to do things.

Zuo Si undoubtedly saw through the other party's thoughts, and immediately responded: "It's just right, I also have something to talk to you about."

"No problem. We can go to the study alone to talk after the banquet. Several other people will be there then."

In this way, accompanied by whispered conversations, the two quickly ended the political show, boarded the carriage amidst the applause and cheers of the crowd, and drove straight to the venue of the banquet.

After about ten minutes, they came to the luxurious house on the other side of the administrative district.

Obviously, this is the family house of a traditional nobleman of Amn. Both the courtyard wall and the sculptures at the entrance have a history of at least two or three hundred years.

The red roses are densely scattered all around, giving people a sense of style and heritage as a whole.

When Zuo Si and the six members of the Council entered the gate, a man in a formal dress with meticulously combed hair greeted him directly.

"Ah! The hero who saved Askatla has finally arrived. Please come in, the banquet can officially begin without you guys."

Soon, under his leadership, the two passed through the garden and the porch, and entered the overcrowded hall.

During this mere half-minute journey, members of the six-member Council took the opportunity to introduce in a low voice: "This is Cole Delrin, a well-known nobleman in Askatla.

He offered to hold a banquet in his home for all the members involved in the operation, and also paid for it.

But as far as I know, the reason he did this is that there is a son named Arnold Gate who is training with the Knights of the Burning Heart.

If there is no accident, I want to take advantage of the opportunity that the Knights have lost a large number of manpower to help them further become apprentice knights. "

Cole Delrin?

Arnold door?

Hearing these two familiar names, Zuo Si immediately realized why when passing the road ahead, she always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Just as he was about to find some non-alcoholic drink to moisten his throat, a teenager with short brown hair who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old ran down the second floor quickly and said in an excited and excited tone: "Very It's an honor to meet you, Sir South. I just heard Grand Master Witheran tell about his battle with demons. It was you who saved Askatla, and saved countless civilians and this city from the demons' slaughter and follow-up destroy."

"You are……"

Zuo Si had obviously guessed the other party's identity, but still wanted to confirm it.

"My name is Arnold Gate, Arnold Gate Delrin, and I have just become the priest of Heim, the God of Guardians, and I am receiving training in the Knights of the Burning Heart. You and Sir Kedong, who have made great achievements in battle, are both idols I study and admire. In fact, I submitted an application to be drawn into the sewers, but was rejected on the grounds of inexperience. Otherwise, I would have joined this glorious battle."

When he said these words, the young man clearly carried strong regret in his tone.

He obviously didn't know at all that in the battle in the deepest part of the sewer, the Paladins of the Blazing Heart Knights were almost wiped out, and only the grand master and Kaidong survived.

A trainee like this who didn't even get the title of trainee would probably be giving food to the demons if he went on.

"Believe me, Arnold Gate, the Order did not approve your application for your own good.

Because of all the people who participated in the operation, except for those who attended the banquet here today, more than half of them will lie in coffins in the cemetery forever.

Some could not even find their bodies, so they could only be buried with the weapons and armor they carried with them.

The real battle is more cruel and dangerous than you imagined, and it is by no means comparable to tasks such as cleaning up goblins and kobolds. "

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si took a sip from the juice brought by the maid.

Just when Arnold was still about to prove himself, Grandmaster Weatherland suddenly appeared behind him, and stopped him in a slightly helpless tone: "Okay, Delrin, stop complaining that I didn't approve of you." Please. Because it is too early for you to face the terrifying lower plane creatures like demons. But I guarantee that when you become an apprentice knight, you will be allowed to participate in some missions soon."

"Really? Can I finally take part in the mission?" Arnold's eyes shone slightly.

"Yes. Since more than a dozen of our brothers and sisters died this time, the Knights need to promote a large number of people. If there is no accident, it will take about two months at most. If you perform well, you can get the title of apprentice knight .” Witherland bluntly gave an affirmative answer.

"Excellent! I swear on my life and on my honor that I will never let you down."

After getting the promise he wanted, Arnold immediately turned around and rushed to the backyard excitedly to share the good news with his friends and sisters.

Looking at his receding back, Witherland couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Alas—the young people these days are really impatient, aren't they? I really hope I didn't make a wrong decision."

"Sir Cole Derring has seen you?"

Zuo Si glanced out of the corner of his eye at Father Arnold, who was talking and laughing with a group of dignitaries.

"Well, yes. This nobleman is trying to become a member of parliament to expand his family power. And a trainee knight serving in the Knights of the Burning Heart can obviously bring him a lot of bonus points. And he promised to Donate a batch of good quality weapons and armor to the Knights so that we can equip more trainees."

Witherland stroked his already slightly gray hair and said the content of the deal.

As the supreme leader of the Blazing Heart Knights, he obviously cannot be single-minded like other paladins, but needs to make some compromises without violating principles.

This is also why most of the paladins of the Knight Order were born in noble families, or at least possessed a noble title.

Because only when there is no need to worry about food and clothing, is it possible for a person to pursue such idealistic things as justice and order.

If he is hungry all day long, his biological instinct will urge him to do his best to find food, gain more wealth, and power to change the status quo, and it is impossible to become a paladin.

According to Zuo Si's understanding, the paladins of the Blazing Heart Knights mainly consist of three parts.

One of them is a lone paladin who came from other places to join, and the other is cultivated and nurtured from childhood.

For example, Kedong, whose family is a paladin who has served Tom, the god of loyalty and courage, for generations.

His grandfather was a paladin, his father was a paladin, and he himself is still a paladin in this generation, which is a typical son inheriting his father's career.

As for the last one, it is through recruiting voluntary teenagers, and then undergoing strict training and training, so that they can acquire the basic qualities to become paladins.

But due to various reasons, not many of these teenagers were able to pass the test and be promoted to paladins.

Most of them can only be servants throughout their lives, following the paladins to conquer evil, until one day they die in battle, or they are too old to hold a sword and finally retire.

Of course, there are still some who can't stand those harsh dogmas and eventually defected to the Knights, using what they think is the right way to fight various criminal activities.

The fate of these people was basically either being cleaned up by the Knights, or they were driven to extermination by the shadow thieves in revenge.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si couldn't help sighing: "It's really not easy to be the head of the regiment. By the way, where is Sir Kedong? Why didn't I see him?"

Witherland smiled and replied: "Sir Kedong's second child was born. He is currently at home with his wife and his newborn child. How can he have time to attend any banquets. However, the bonus issued by the six-member council is not worth it. You can let him buy some more expensive gifts to appease his wife's dissatisfaction."

"He went on such a dangerous mission when his wife was pregnant and about to give birth?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

At this moment, he finally understood why Kaidong's wife would choose to cheat in the end.

Whoever it was, would not be able to resist meeting such a "superior" husband.

"I tried to persuade Kaidong, but it had the opposite effect.

Perhaps this is the price to be paid for the pursuit of justice.

After all, the final destination of the members of the Knights of the Burning Heart is to die in the struggle against evil, and almost no one can live to a natural death.

Today's banquet is to celebrate the victory, so don't talk about these spoilers, and finally I wish you a pleasant night.

You must know that many noble ladies are here for you. "

After finishing speaking, Witheran raised his glass as a gesture, then raised his head and drank it down in one gulp, then turned and disappeared into the crowd.

It can be seen that he is actually not in the mood to participate in this so-called "celebration banquet" at all, and is just forced to cooperate with the six-member council to perform political performances.

After all, just yesterday, the Knights just held a solemn and solemn collective funeral, and witnessed the crying scenes of the family members who lost their father, husband and son.

In contrast, Ellen Linville, who represented the Shadow Thieves Guild, had no burden at all, and was even in the mood to flirt with a "broad-minded" lady.

It didn't feel at all that in this operation, the elite assassins and thieves sent by the shadow thief were wiped out collectively, and none of them came back alive.

However, when he noticed that Zuo Si was sitting alone in the corner, he immediately left the lady who had been teased to the fullest, walked through the crowd with a very dexterous pace, and sat down on the chair next to him, Asked in a half-joking tone: "What. Don't those slim human girls suit your taste? Or do you prefer the exotic type?"

"It has nothing to do with taste. They approached me with some ulterior purpose. I just don't like being entangled in trouble." Zuo Si shrugged her shoulders disapprovingly.

"Ha! The way of thinking of a typical ruthless mage. Believe me, after this incident, no one in Askatra dares to trouble you anymore. So you can enjoy it without having to be responsible." Ailan Lin Will encouraged in a low voice.

Zuo Si looked up and down the titular supreme leader of the Shadow Thieves Guild with slightly weird eyes.

"You came here specially to say these boring things? If I really have a need for this, I can get the most extreme enjoyment by summoning any one of the succubus, erinia, water goblin, and dryad. For mages, the solution The biological desire is to keep your brain calm and sane, not what you understand it to be."

"Damn it! You are extremely boring." Ellen Linville sighed slightly, and took out a piece of parchment from his arms. "Here, let's take a look."

"what is this?"

Zuo Si took it and spread it out, and found that the names of dozens of commodities were densely recorded on it, as well as the weight marked on the back.

Ellen Linville replied without hesitation: "As you can see, this is a purchase list, which is full of short-sought goods that have recently been sold in large quantities in the Neilanser Islands. We hope to be able to sell them at a relatively favorable price." Get the price."

"What does this have to do with me?"

Zuo Si put on an innocent look on purpose and spread her hands.

"Come on! You are the actual controller of the Nelanthal Islands, and all those pirates obey your orders." Ellen Linville rolled his eyes angrily.

You don't need to ask, the Shadow Thieves Guild has already investigated the situation in the Neilansir Islands.

After all, this matter has long been no secret to many forces.

Similarly, the Arcane Society, a newly emerging organization of spellcasters, has gradually entered people's field of vision and become an object of focus.

Zuo Si neither admitted nor denied Alan Linville's remarks, but only asked in a playful tone: "Are you planning to carry out large-scale smuggling activities by purchasing so many goods at one time?"

"That's right. We intend to use this opportunity to make a fortune and expand our influence on the west coast, especially around Waterdeep City. In return, we can provide you with some of the most secret and unknown information."

Ellen Linville set out the conditions straightforwardly.

Returning to Waterdeep City to take revenge on those lords who expelled him at the beginning has always been the long-cherished wish of the shadow guild executives, and it is also the driving force behind their aggressive expansion.

By destroying the original normal trading system of Waterdeep City through a large number of smuggling, it can not only attack those merchants and nobles, but also support underground guild organizations that are inclined to shadow thieves. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

And when these thieves' guilds became more and more powerful, and even began to infiltrate high-level officials to influence decision-making, the Shadow Thieves could return to Waterdeep City openly and launch a liquidation against their former enemies.

It is naturally impossible for Zuo Si not to know about the high-level plan of Shadow Thief.

After thinking for a while, he nodded happily: "Deal. But the premise is that I don't care what method you use. In short, the transaction must be carried out according to the normal process. As for how to transport and handle it after buying, it is up to you It's my own business."

"Hehe, no problem. I wish us a happy cooperation."

Ellen Linville agreed without even thinking about it.

Because this is not a problem at all for the Shadow Thieves Guild with its huge power.

If necessary, they can even pull up a fleet of more than a dozen ships within a week.

After accomplishing the most important purpose of this trip, Ellen Linville obviously relaxed a lot, and even started to talk about the fierce conflict that broke out between Bane believers and Cyric believers in Zhentil Castle recently.

As Cyric, who inherited all the priesthood of the three death gods, gradually completed the transformation from a mortal to a god, he finally began to work hard to win over the church power of Melkor, Baal, and Bane in the mortal world.

Among them, most of Baal's believers fell to Cyric immediately, and also named him Baal, Cyric's new god name.

The situation of the second-generation god of death, Melkor, is similar. The church was completely merged into Cyric's command without any resistance.

But only the followers of Bane, the god of tyranny, refused to surrender to Cyric.

Just the opposite!

They became more united than ever under the leadership of Manshin and Fuzor Chamberri, and continued to push the Church of Cyric out of the Zhentarim and Zhentil Keep.

And this behavior undoubtedly angered the proud, arrogant and arrogant Cyric.

Not long ago, the internal conflicts in Zhentil Castle finally accumulated to the point where it could no longer be concealed, and the first large-scale civil strife broke out.

Unfortunately, due to the many mountains and loose organization of the Cyric Church, the power-seizure action they launched was not surprisingly suppressed mercilessly.

Including four faction leaders and more than 600 participants, all of them were killed.

The power that had been gathered with great difficulty dissipated.

It is foreseeable that in the next few years, Zhentil Castle will still be firmly in the hands of the Bann Church.

But in the same way, Cyric will not accept failure willingly, but will try to bring Zhentil Castle and Zhentarim into his control again, and if he becomes angry, he will directly descend to the avatar to destroy the entire city.

After all, there are no restrictions on such things as the incarnation of the gods in Faerun Continent.

It's just that under normal circumstances, when a god descends into an incarnation, then the gods who are hostile to him are likely to descend into an incarnation as well.

Just like after the orc god Gruumsh came, the dwarf god and the elf god also came successively.

But the situation in Zhentil Castle is somewhat special.

It was originally protected by Bane, the god of tyranny.

But the problem is that Bane has died in the year of turmoil, and now there is only one Son of God who has the power of a demigod to barely support him, which is not enough to resist Cyric, who is a powerful god.

As for other good-aligned gods who don't deal with Cyric, they won't spend time and energy saving a city full of evil people.

"It seems that the fate of Zhentil Castle's destruction is already doomed." Zuo Si asserted bluntly after listening to the information collected by Shadow Thief.

"You mean...Dark Sun will descend in person to destroy Zhentil Castle?" Ellen Linville opened his mouth in surprise.

Zuo Si nodded lightly: "Almost. If it were another god, maybe he would take into account the painful lessons of the turbulent years. But Cyric is different. His aggressive and moody personality determines that there is nothing he doesn't care about. Dare to do it. If I were you, I would completely cut off all cooperation with the Zhentarim Society and Zhentil Castle in the near future, otherwise the consequences would be very serious."

"Damn! Thank you for reminding me, I'll deal with it when I get back."

An expression of lingering fear suddenly appeared on Ellen Linville's face.

You must know that the top management of the Shadow Thieves Guild originally planned to use this opportunity to cooperate with the Zhentarim in the Northland area.

But now it seems that this is tantamount to drawing fire.

"You're welcome. I hope that Askatra can maintain the current stable and prosperous situation. The Shadow Thieves Guild is an indispensable part. In addition, help me investigate in Amn, is there anyone who has reached the age of ancient dragons or even ancient dragons?" The red dragons on the first floor, as well as the location and range of their lairs."

Zuo Si unceremoniously handed over the task of searching for a red dragon that meets the requirements to the other party.

As local snakes, these guys must know the lairs and activities of many dragons, and they may have "business" contacts with some of them.

It turned out that his guess was correct.

When Ellen Linville heard this request, he was stunned for a moment, and then he tentatively asked very puzzled: "You don't mean to kill or capture an ancient dragon, do you?"

"You don't have to worry about what I do, as long as you provide me with information. Also, regarding those goods, I don't want meaningless things like gold coins. It's better to replace them with gems, mithril, fine gold, cold iron, or other Rare and valuable magic ingredients, items, and scrolls."

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the other party's reaction, stood up directly and walked towards the study on the second floor.

Because he saw a member of the council of six waving to him with very subtle movements.

After getting rid of those girls and ladies who wanted to strike up a conversation and entered the study, Zuo Si saw at a glance the six people who held the highest authority in Amn sitting around the sofa, obviously waiting for him for a long time.

The leading old man was the first to ask, "I heard that you have something important to talk to us about?"

"Yes. I think you should have known for a long time that the Neilanser Islands are a force under my control, right?" Zuo Si straight to the point and made it clear.

"Of course. We are very happy that you can establish order in the originally chaotic sea area. This is great news for all merchants. Tell me, is there any difficulty for you? As long as we can help, we will definitely help .”

Another member of the six-member council expressed his attitude clearly.

Although all ships have to pay 10% of the profits to the Neilanser Islands, this payment is nothing compared to the safe and stable trade.

What's more, the Neilanthel Islands are also the largest sugar producer, which is a perfect complement to Amn's booming cocoa trade in the New World.

Coupled with the small population on the island, there are even fewer people engaged in commercial activities. More than half of the export share is controlled by the nearest Amn merchants.

Even the ships calling at the port are mostly from Amn.

In addition, the war that broke out between Nelanser Islands and Baldur's Gate completely sealed off this very potential city.

Therefore, the six-member Council's favorability towards the Neilanthel Islands was overwhelming, and they wished they could sign an alliance agreement immediately.

When the time comes, the two parties will join forces to directly monopolize the maritime trade from the Sword Sea to the Sword Bay area, leaving no chance for other city-states to enjoy the soup.

Seeing the positive attitudes of these top dignitaries in Amn, Zuo Si immediately smiled and shook his head: "No, it's not that I encountered difficulties, but that I'm about to start a war with the Arcane Brotherhood, intending to completely occupy and annex Luskan."

"What? Annex Luskan!"

The leading old man stood up directly from the sofa, raised his head and stared at the map of the west coast of Faerun continent hanging on the wall of the study.

In about a dozen seconds, he quickly understood what it would mean if the Nelanther Islands really defeated the Arcane Brotherhood and occupied Luskan.

That means that a super sea force will be formed across the Sword Sea, the Sword Coast, and all the way to the extreme north.

In the south of the Sea of ​​Swords, Myratma will become a fulcrum on land, closely connected with the Nelanthal Islands across the Racing Channel.

In the north of the Sea of ​​Swords, there is Baldur's Gate, an important land fulcrum, and further north are the Colin Islands and the Whale Islands.

And last is Luskan, the City of a Thousand Sails, near the Far North.

All these islands and port cities will be like a huge net, firmly controlling a large area of ​​the most prosperous sea routes for trade.

Most importantly, Zuo Si who is in control is the chosen of the two gods and a powerful spellcaster capable of defeating lesser pit lords and summoning armies of hundreds of monsters out of thin air.

Therefore, once the forces take shape, there will be no turmoil for a long period of time, but will maintain stable development and become stronger and stronger.

The only thing that made the Council of Six feel extremely fortunate was that to some extent Zuo Si was considered a member of the ruling class of the Amn country, and was an out-and-out "one of my own".

After discussing in a low voice for a while, the old man at the head asked: "Are you sure that this kind of behavior will not trigger fierce opposition from important city-states in the North like Silvermoon City, Neverwinter City, and Waterdeep City?"

Zuo Si responded meaningfully: "Don't worry, I have already consulted His Excellency Kelben, Ms. Elastra, and Lord Nasir. Among them, Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City will remain ignorant and even acquiesce. Lord Nasir has formed an alliance with me, and will contact the surrounding towns to form a coalition to hold back part of Luskan's troops."

"Since you have prepared everything, then go ahead and do it boldly. Politically, we will give you full support. But in terms of military affairs, I am afraid that there is nothing we can do. Amn's army has always been a bit stretched. This point You know it."

The old man's tone revealed the helplessness of hating iron but not steel.

For a while, he wanted to abolish the current conscription system in Amn, and directly change it to hire two or three thousand knights and heavyweights from other countries, such as the Kingdom of Tethyr, which is in civil war in the south. Armored infantry.

But considering that the roots of these people are not in Amn, their loyalty cannot be guaranteed, so they can only let it go.

"I don't need military support, but I need some cargo ships to transport supplies. You must know that Luskan is not a city that can be sustained by local agriculture. I need at least fifty ships to carry food and other necessities after the war Arrived in time. I will pay for these supplies at full price and allow them to leave filled with local specialties."

Zuo Si put forward the conditions calmly.

Although he has a box blessed with the traceless stretching spell, which can carry out large-scale material transportation, there is no need to use a backward transportation tool such as a sailboat.

But the problem is that there is no way to calm people's hearts for transportation in boxes.

The residents of Luskan must be allowed to see the ship full of supplies arrive at the port, and then move down a large amount of food and daily necessities.

Moreover, when these merchant ships go back, they will also purchase local specialties to revitalize the economy and gradually form a stable trade route.

In addition, the supportive attitude of the Amn government will also give some confidence to those businessmen who are waiting and watching.

All in all, defeating the Arcane Brotherhood and taking Luskan has never been a challenge for Zuo Si.

How to carry out social transformation and governance after the occupation is the most difficult part.

"About this, we can promise you here. After the army of the Nelanthir Islands occupies Luskan, there will be at least 50 large sea ships full of daily necessities departing from Askatra immediately. .”

"That's right! My family will send at least ten ships."

"Most of my family's ships are in the Maztec continent, and there are only four ships on hand."

"Count me in. I can draw five ships."


Hearing that this kind of good thing is completely mutually beneficial and can also make money, the members of the six-member council unanimously chose to take practical actions to support it.

You must know that although the extreme north is cold and barren, it is rich in many valuable things.

Among them, the handicrafts carved from fish bones are the most famous specialties of the ten towns in Icewind Valley.

There are also things like fur, herbs, various living things that can be used as magic materials, gallbladders, bones and hair.

Especially pure white complete winter wolf fur, one piece is worth 800 to 1,000 gold coins.

The local purchase price is less than two hundred gold coins.

The prices of daily necessities such as food and ironware are far more expensive there than in the south.

So as long as safety is guaranteed, it can still be quite profitable to trade.

It's just that in the past, these trades were not monopolized by Luskan's unscrupulous businessmen.

If outsiders dare to approach, they will be ransacked by Luskan pirates in minutes.

But if Luskan was annexed by the Narenthel Islands, the situation would naturally be different.

In this way, after discussing the specific details with the Council of Six, Zuo Si quickly left the boring banquet and returned to the Mage Tower.

Just as he was standing at the door and was about to go in, the demon-born elf who called himself Feid suddenly came out of the shadows and handed over a note folded in the shape of a heart.

"Here, the boss asked me to give it to you. He also said that you'd better destroy it immediately after reading it. He doesn't want to be hunted down by the red dragon."

"Understood. Go back and tell Ellen Linville to let him not worry, no matter the name of the vicious red dragon is recorded on this note, from the moment it is in my hands, it is no longer a threaten."

After all, Zuo Si opened the note and glanced at the contents at a very fast speed.

But what surprised him was that the red dragon's name given to him by the other party was not "Flying Flame" of Balagos, which was frequently active in the area of ​​Amn, but another very familiar name - Faircrag.

Not only that!

Below the note is also given the location of the latter's lair on Windspear Hill, as well as a very detailed internal structural diagram.

Obviously, either the Shadow Thieves Guild had some unknown PY deal with this dragon, or they had the idea of ​​stealing the treasure of "Old Fei".


The corners of Zuo Si's mouth raised slightly, and he lit the note casually and burned it into black embers.

There is no doubt that Faircrag is a red dragon that he remembers deeply.

This is not to say that Faircrag is stronger than Balagos "Flame" and "Egg Eater" Klaus, but that he is very good at using his advantages.

In addition, this dragon is also the custodian of a holy sword that all paladins in the entire Faerun continent dream of - the holy avenger "Cassumir".

The origin and story of this weapon alone is full of legend.

Not to mention the magic resistance it confers on the bearer in combat, and the dispel magic effect on hit.

As a collectible person, although Zuo Si himself cannot use this holy sword, it does not prevent him from wanting to keep it as a precious collectible.

When he was thinking about how to deal with Faircrag, he suddenly found that the demon-born elf assassin was still standing there, subconsciously frowned and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

"Boss asked me to stay and lead the way for you." Fede blinked playfully.

Her words instantly aroused Zuo Si's vigilance, squinting her eyes and tentatively said: "Could it be that you Shadow Thieves had some deal with this red dragon named Faircragg, and then fell out because of the uneven distribution of the spoils?" , want to borrow my hand to get rid of it?"

"Sorry, I'm just a low-level guy, and I'm not qualified to know the secrets of high-level people. But it doesn't make any difference to you, does it?" Fei De asked with a smile.

"You're right, there really is no difference."

Zuo Si didn't get too entangled in this issue, turned around and walked into the mage's tower.

The demon elves followed very carefully, keeping a safe distance.

(end of this chapter)

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