One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 263 The Ancient Dragon Tortoise

Chapter 263 The Ancient Dragon Tortoise

Miral River, the northernmost river on the west coast of Faerun.

Its upper reaches are connected to the top of the snowy peaks of the continuous mountains on the roof of the world, and flow westward along the terrain to the sea, which is the last boundary separating civilization and barbarism.

And at the mouth of the sea, there stands an ancient city with a long history - Luskan.

As the northernmost city that may be the entire Faerun continent, it is said that it can be traced back to a settlement established by a combination of hunters and fishing villages more than 4,000 years ago.

Later, it was razed to the ground by orcs several times, and then rebuilt, even with the participation of Netheril remnants.

But with the complete decline of the Netheril civilization, the original city fell under the siege of the orc army, and finally turned into a dangerous area where various undead creatures wandered.

Luskan's modern history didn't begin until pirates discovered it and used it as a base from which to dock, resupply, and sell loot.

Since then, it has gradually developed into a paradise for criminals.

No matter how bad the crimes are committed in other cities in Faerun, as long as they escape here, they can live a normal life like a normal person, and there is no need to hide.

To be precise, for a long time, Luskan was in a state of chaos and disorder.

The entire port town is jointly controlled by those famous pirate captains, and large-scale fights and even mutual killings often break out due to conflicts of interest and drunken impulse.

Since there is neither law nor the ability to enforce it, it is basically whoever has the biggest fist is justified.

But all this changed with the arrival of a mage.

He is none other than Akram Grace, the founder of the Arcane Brotherhood and the one who tamed all pirates and outlaws.

It was this evil and ambitious old mage who integrated the various forces of Luskan and forced the pirate captains to obey his will, slowly establishing the prototype of a city.

It can even be said that Luskan's scale and strength today are all thanks to Akram Grace.

Without him, there would be no Luskan's current reputation in the Northland.

In addition, Akram Grace also attaches great importance to the development of magical power.

Not only did they build a huge mage tower in Luskan, but they also spent a lot of money to recruit talents and train apprentices.

They even set up four tall towers in the east, west, north, south, and four of the best tower owners to assist them in managing and sharing power.

It's a pity that the arrogant Aklum Grace made a mistake that many smart people make, that is, he can easily control everything.

As a result, with the development of the Arcane Brotherhood, equally ambitious apprentices and mages inevitably began to backstab, assassinate, and poison each other in order to compete for power.

In the end, many tower masters who had the potential to be promoted to high-level mages ended their lives with a dagger stabbed by their most trusted apprentices.

The intense internal friction made it impossible for the Arcane Brotherhood, which only had about 130 members, to unite to the outside world.

Whenever a tower master wants to do something, there will always be tower masters who are against him, and those mages who are eyeing the tower master's position will secretly hide in the dark and wreak havoc.

Although no one dared to attack Aklum Grace so far, he still felt very headache and worried.

Especially with the continuous aging of the body in recent years, the energy is getting weaker and weaker, and the undercurrent is surging inside the organization.

He believed that someone was planning a conspiracy against him, but he just couldn't find the evidence.

Whenever he thought of this, Aklum Grace would subconsciously take out the notes on the Lich Transformation Ceremony that he had collected over the years and read them over and over again, but he was still unable to make up his mind.

In fact, the reason why he agreed and allowed Luskan to attack Nelanthir Islands was to save the dwindling source of funds on the one hand, and to find something to do for other tower owners and guys who might be threatening. .

In this way, he could secretly hide in the most heavily guarded part of the tower and take the opportunity to complete the entire transformation ceremony.

However, due to the incompleteness of the notebook in hand, there must be a certain chance of failure.

Akram Grace once tried to obtain relevant knowledge from the red wizards and the Zhentarim who cooperated with the Arcane Brotherhood through trading.

Unfortunately, both parties chose to refuse without hesitation.

Needless to ask, both organizations were wary of his transformation into an immortal lich, who would eventually take full control of the Arcane Brotherhood and become a potential competitor and threat.

"Ah—it seems that I can't wait any longer. Because every time I grow old and I am closer to death, the situation becomes more and more dangerous."

Aklum Grace closed the note in his hand, deep worry appeared on his old face.

The shortcomings of most ordinary mages' lack of knowledge and background are fully reflected in him at this moment.

Since there is no backer, and no goddess of magic or Shar's thigh to hold, the knowledge and spells stored in the library in the tower of the Arcane Brotherhood have always been quite barren.

Perhaps it is not a big problem to deal with low-level mages and apprentices, but once the threshold of the fifth ring is exceeded, the number and types of spells will immediately drop off a cliff.

Coupled with the blockade of Luskan by Silvermoon City and Waterdeep City, it has no way to buy high-level scrolls.

As for the red-robed wizards with rich background, the magic scrolls sold to the outside world usually do not exceed five rings.

The Zhentarim will only share information and never trade items of any kind.

Just when Aklum Grace was going to contact the several channels he had developed privately over the years, a young man who seemed to be in his twenties suddenly walked in quickly from the outside and bowed respectfully : "Tower Master, Your Excellency Xi Manmeng came to visit and said that he has something important to see you immediately."

"Simmanmon? He's not staying in the Dark Fort obediently. Could it be because of the upcoming war between Luskan and the Nelanthal Islands that he suddenly came here at this time?"

Akram Grace stroked the thinning beard on his chin and fell into thought.

As the leader of the entire dark intelligence network, Simon rarely came to Luskan himself, unless something particularly important and serious happened.

After realizing this, Aklum Grace immediately ordered without raising his head: "Invite him over here immediately!"

"As you wish, Master."

The young man bowed again before turning around and disappearing at the end of the passage.

After a while, he brought Xi Manmeng back again.

However, different from his usual elegant demeanor, this time Ximanmeng's face was quite ugly, and he immediately said in an almost commanding tone as soon as we met: "Stop the war with the Nelanther Islands immediately! I don’t know what kind of enemy I am provoking! I don’t even know how serious the consequences of this kind of war will be.”

"What do you mean?"

Akram Grace frowned subconsciously, quite dissatisfied with this unreasonable attitude.

"Don't ask why! Do as I say immediately, unless you want to die." Xi Manmeng snapped.

You must know that after he learned that Luskan was going to launch a war against the Nelanthir Islands, he was almost scared to pee his pants.

Maybe the Arcane Brotherhood didn't know who the real master behind the pirates was, but the Zhentarim knew it all.

In particular, Simon himself has had contact and cooperation with Zuo Si, and understands how dangerous and terrifying this seemingly harmless young man is.

Recently, Askatla's government took the initiative to spread the news that it defeated an abyss lord who was summoned to the material plane, as well as an amazing army of demons.

If this news is not mixed with any water, then Zuo Si's strength has reached the same level as his teacher Mansong, or other goddesses.

Coupled with the strong revenge mentality, the Arcane Brotherhood is simply impatient to live, so they want to provoke such an enemy.

Unfortunately, Aklum Grace was completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem. His eyelids drooped slightly and he responded in a nonchalant tone: "Sorry, it's too late. Just two days ago, Luskan's The fleet has already set off, and together with the fleet and mercenaries of Mintan Island, they are heading towards the Neilanser Islands. If there is no accident, they should enter the northern Sword Coast waters to fight."

"Damn it!"

Realizing that he was late, Ximenmeng couldn't help cursing loudly, then cast teleportation magic and disappeared without a trace, without even bothering to explain to the other party.

Because he knew that from the moment the war started, the one who decided the course of events changed from the Arcane Brotherhood to Zuo Si.

And this abnormal performance of Simaman undoubtedly made Aklum Grace very confused.

It was the first time for the old man to see such a gaffe of this always elegant man.

However, he didn't struggle for too long, and immediately closed all the entrances to the mage tower, planning to start the lich transformation ceremony cautiously.

In fact, this is not the first attempt by Akram Grace, but the Nth time.

It's just that every time he came to an emergency a few times ago, he would have a feeling that he would fail if he continued, so he stopped on his own initiative.

At the same time, far away near the Whalebone Islands in the northern part of the Sword Coast, Luskan's huge pirate fleet is being assembled and arranged in a battle formation, led by five great commanders, that is, senior pirate captains.

They are Tal, Baram, Coors, Surjack and Rhys Noel.

As "heroes" who can stand out from many pirates, these people must have rich combat experience.

Many people have fought against the regular navy, and captured at least one or two large warships from the opponent.

At this moment, a total of three to four hundred ships of different sizes were divided into five teams, keeping a very close distance and approaching the Nelanthel Islands fleet, which was less than one-fifth of their own.

Since it is the party that has an absolute advantage in both numbers and ships, and there are dozens of mages and apprentices on board who can provide long-range fire support, the commanders all adopted aggressive tactics without exception, trying to defeat them in one wave. The opponent's will to fight.

Seeing the menacing enemies rushing over, Vanessa standing on the deck showed a contemptuous expression, and said without looking back: "It's time. Come on, let's give these frogs a little color and let them understand What is the gap in absolute strength."

"Is it necessary to be so troublesome? I think summoning two water elemental elders, wind elemental elders, purgatory squid, and celestial whales can easily destroy these fragile wooden ships."

Habasser Drin, who just joined the organization not long ago, complained in a low voice.

As the owner of Baldur's Gate Witchcraft grocery store, he himself obviously prefers to research and improve various techniques for making magic items than fighting.

If it wasn't for the emergence of the red-robed wizard's concession, which greatly squeezed the profits of his business, he would not have finally agreed to transform himself into a lich and hand over the phylactery to become a core member of the organization.

And the promise Vanessa made at the beginning was to destroy the red robe wizard's concession in Baldur's Gate, so that he could completely monopolize the city's magic resources.

"Don't underestimate the Arcane Brotherhood. Although most of their members are low-level mages and apprentices, the few tower masters are still a little bit strong. What's more, under the strengthening of magic rituals, these people can play far beyond The spellcasting level of my true strength." Tyran Tyr couldn't help but interjected.

Different from Habasser Delin's reason for joining, he joined in pursuit of immortality and more knowledge and spells.

However, after witnessing the organization's rich collection of books, spell backups, and many unheard-of theoretical knowledge, Tyranti felt that his choice was not wrong.

Moreover, the organization's more neutral style of acting is also quite in line with his appetite.

"You're right, that's why I summoned so many core members. Well, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and start preparing for the ceremony. Finish work early, and I have to rush to Mingtan The island is picking up the pieces."

After all, Vanessa took the initiative to step forward and stood in the middle of the magic circle drawn on the deck, slowly raised her hands and began to chant jerky spells.

Several other liches followed closely behind and stood in their own positions, manipulating the energy of the magic net to resonate with the former.

Since there was no cover, the violent magic fluctuations began to reverberate around the sea after about a few minutes.

Especially when the originally calm sea suddenly became rough.

The huge waves that set off from time to time can even reach a height of more than ten meters.

The small boats in the Luskan fleet were overturned and smashed by the waves without paying attention.

As for the people on board, they sank to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish on the spot, without even a chance of being rescued.

"How is this going?"

As Grand Master, Baram couldn't resist asking an Arcane Brotherhood mage on board his ship.

Since the latter's spellcasting level is not high, it is impossible to tell what is going on with this advanced magic ceremony, and stammered the explanation: "Maybe... maybe the enemy realizes that he is at a disadvantage, so he wants to use this A way to create a hostile battlefield environment that renders our small boats useless."


Balam obviously didn't believe this statement.

Because summoning a storm through magical power at sea is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

Dangerous not only to the enemy, but also to oneself.

Just when the mage was about to say something, a huge vortex suddenly appeared out of thin air in the sea area between the two fleets.

Several fast-moving ships were sucked into the vortex in an instant, and were twisted into pieces under the watchful eyes of countless pairs of eyes.

Not to mention that a pirate captain like Baram felt terrified at this scene, even the four tower masters of the Arcane Brotherhood realized that something was wrong.

But before they had time to react, a monster as big as an island suddenly emerged from the maelstrom, and rammed directly towards Luskan's fleet at lightning speed.

Since all the sailboats were advancing at full speed, their inertia prevented them from turning quickly. As a result, at least a dozen of the sailboats rushed up and were smashed to pieces.

Many sailors even had their brains cracked on the spot when they hit the rock-like hard shell, and some were pierced through the chest by the raised spikes, and they knew that they were definitely hopeless without asking.

When the whole giant beast floated up from the bottom of the sea, everyone saw its whole picture.

It was a super giant tortoise that could not be described in words, but its head and tail showed the characteristics of a dragon.

When it opens its mouth, it can spit out high-temperature steam from the inside.

All the unlucky eggs within this range will be steamed alive in an instant.

It would be lucky if he died on the spot, at least he didn't suffer too much pain.

But if he did not die on the spot but was half dead, the painful howling would continue until he fell into the sea and was drowned.

"Dragon... dragon tortoise! ​​It's an ancient dragon tortoise!!!!!!"

The wizard of the Arcane Brotherhood on Baram's ship couldn't help but let out a piercing scream, with a terrified expression on his face.

Because on the sea, there is nothing more terrifying than meeting a dragon turtle.

Especially the dragon tortoise that has reached the age of "immemorial" is even more terrifying than the ancient dragon.

Its huge size and indestructible outer shell alone are enough to make most physical attacks and magic powerless.

"Turn! Turn quickly! Stay away from this monster!"

Balam was also panicking at the moment, commanding his men to turn the rudder loudly.

He has been galloping across the sea for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a frightening monster that is said to be able to capsize a ship.

There is no doubt about you, from the moment the ancient dragon tortoise was summoned, the fate of the Luskan fleet was doomed.

I saw that a collision of this behemoth could send more than a dozen ships and sailors into the bottom of the sea.

Raise the forelimbs to gently pat the sea surface, and in an instant, a huge wave of more than ten meters high can be set off.

The size of the ships and the number of fighters are all meaningless at this moment, and what awaits them is massacre and death.

All mages and warlocks who mastered the magic of the third ring and above quickly used flying to try to escape.

Regrettably, Vanessa was clearly prepared for this, and immediately led a group of Lich and his apprentices to press up, or force them to give up resistance and surrender, or directly dispel the magic, making the opponent's flying spell invalid It fell from the sky and became the "snack" of the dragon turtle.

The fleet of the Nelanser Islands even followed behind the dragon turtle, receiving those enemy ships that were frightened by the dragon turtle and hoisted the white flag.

The fight lasted just ten minutes from start to finish.

The proud fleet of Luskan, the City of Thousand Sails, just sank, surrendered, captured, and not even one escaped.

Because although the ancient dragon tortoise is huge, its moving speed is not slow, at least much faster than a sailboat driven by wind.

As the last ship also hoisted the white flag, Vanessa immediately repatriated the ancient dragon turtle summoned by the magic ceremony, and began to count the prisoners and spoils of war.

You must know that these pirates were not idle when they went south, and took the opportunity to loot many merchant ships belonging to Neverwinter City and Waterdeep City.

In the cells of some cabins, it is even possible to find women who are naked from top to bottom, and who have been violated to the point of unconsciousness and mental breakdown.

"Master, what are we going to do with these captives?"

Erik, the nominal supreme ruler of the Neilansir Islands, asked cautiously.

"Your Excellency South said that you don't need to have any sympathy or pity for the pirates of Luskan. Just make a simple screening, gather all the people who have been involved in this business for more than a year, and I will turn them all into undead. As for those who are less than a year old, they should be locked up and sent to quarries and mines as coolies."

Vanessa straightforwardly gave the solution.

According to his thinking, these vicious pirates should all be transformed into undead creatures to suffer eternal pain and torture.

Hearing the words "transform undead", Eric couldn't help shivering immediately, and nodded vigorously: "Understood! I'll let the captain below handle it."

Soon, under the order of the supreme commander of the fleet, the selection of Luskan pirates began.

Since a large part of the fleet captains of the Nelanthir Islands are evil and lawful hobgoblins, their efficiency in carrying out and executing orders is very high.

In less than an hour, more than 2,000 captives were driven to the decks of several large sea-going ships according to the one-year service limit of joining the pirates, preparing to meet their own fate.

Some old fritters who have been pirates for many years thought that the other party was planning to recruit their experienced self, so they all behaved very calmly.

After all, recruiting good players from captives has long been an unwritten rule and practice among pirates.

On the contrary, the novices were extremely nervous, for fear of being massacred or sold as slaves.

You must know that in Luskan, the slave trade is legal and open.

In this weird atmosphere, Vanessa used the flying spell to come over the head of one of the captives, and began to cast the spell without saying a word.

After a while, the cold and creepy negative energy enveloped everyone on the ship.

Before the captives realized what had happened, he stretched out his skinny hand and made a gentle grasping motion.

next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! !

An astonishing amount of negative energy erupted through the crowd, killing hundreds of people on the spot.

Not only that!

In the next ten seconds or so, those dead bodies stood up unsteadily again.

Some of them turned into zombies, some into ghouls, and some were stripped of their flesh and left only pale bones.

But what they have in common is that, unlike ordinary low-level undead without wisdom, they still retain the consciousness and memory of their lifetime.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary transformation ceremony, but to imprison the soul of the deceased together in the dead body for his own use.

Such a terrifying scene, all the prisoners were so frightened that they peed their pants in an instant.

But the sailors of the Nelanthir Islands, who had long been used to it, didn't take it seriously. Instead, they discussed with great interest the special uses of these undead.

After all, the good life for them and their families now depends on these undead working around the clock.

After a long time, he naturally lost his fear of undead creatures.

Vanessa unhurriedly took out the [Tome of Controlling the Undead] that she took from Zuo Si, and directly released a dazzling light that enveloped all the undead creatures that had just been transformed.


These guys who had free will one second became loyal servants the next.

As a low-level undead, even with independent consciousness and memory, there is still no way to resist the absolute domination of the [Tome of Controlling the Undead].

No need to ask, Vanessa did this to inject more flexible tactics into the army of the undead under his command.

Otherwise, once the undead lieutenant is killed in battle, the low-level undead under their command will instantly fall into chaos.

In this way, one ship after another was transformed, and it didn't take long to turn almost two-thirds of the captives into undead creatures.

After finishing all this, the Lich immediately winked at Eric.

The latter understood, and immediately stood up and shouted to the captives who were already paralyzed on the deck with their legs limp from fright: "Congratulations! You dirty sea bugs.

Since you have not been Luskan pirates for a long time, the master decided to forgive you mercifully and give you a chance to be human again.

From now on, you will be assigned to hard labor in mines and quarries for at least five years.

As long as you behave well during this period, you will be free after five years. "

Undoubtedly, these words are no different from the sounds of heaven to the captives who have just witnessed the massacre of thousands of companions turned into undead by necromantic magic.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

If these guys were told in the first place that they were going to serve five years of hard labor before they could be free, they would hold a grudge and try to be lazy and run away.

But now, they only have the joy and gratitude of the rest of their lives in their hearts.


You heard that right!

The captives felt grateful to the Lich who spared their lives, and they all knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, expressing that they would change their minds and change their past.

Seeing this scene, Eric, a veteran pirate, felt very absurd in his heart.

He couldn't help but wonder, if he hadn't made the right choice to go ashore in vain, would he be the same as the other party and become the target of being cleaned up by those terrible liches.

Of course, it doesn't make any sense to think about this now.

As the titular ruler of the Neilansir Islands, Eric has long been a winner in life that everyone envies.

Even if he didn't do anything, he could live quite comfortably on the cuts from the trade and protection fees. He even held a luxurious wedding not long ago, officially marrying the illegitimate daughter of Captain Hallett as his wife.

Since she didn't know that her father died because of Eric's betrayal, the young girl didn't reject the marriage.

In fact, in the pirate community, it has always been a tradition to let the most trusted subordinates or brothers marry their daughters or sisters.

Doing so can not only establish blood-related kinship, but also increase loyalty, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

What's more, Eric is already the veritable "King of the Nelanthir Islands", and he is definitely the number one figure in the Ferencian Sea. Many nobles and wealthy businessmen are even willing to send their daughters to marry him.

As for Hallett's lover who knew part of the truth, she did not dare to expose the other party's lies at such a time, for fear of being fearful of revenge.

Not only that, she also half pushed and half became the other party's secret mistress, allowing the man who killed Hallett to vent his twisted desires on her.

After all, Phelan's social atmosphere is so open in this regard, you can't expect a woman who only sees Harlett secretly a few times a year to have any unswerving feelings for her.

Just the opposite!

This woman is willing to become Hallett's mistress, in the final analysis, the other party can provide a large sum of money, so that she can enjoy a good life like a lady.

Now that Hallett is dead, it doesn't make any difference to her to rely on another man.

The only downside is that Eric isn't as handsome and has the flair to flatter women like Hallett.

But the advantage is that he is stronger, durable and fierce in some ways, which can bring a different and fresh experience.


Just after the battle with Luskan's main fleet in the northern part of the Sword Coast, the fleet and mercenaries who hadn't had time to set off on Mingtan Island in the far south were blocked by the red dragon in the port.

Wilmes seemed to be a red god of death descending from the sky, and with a breath of hot flames, he ignited the opponent's flagship on the spot, turning it into a huge burning fireball.

As for the people on board, none of them could escape, and they were all wailing in the sea of ​​flames and dying.

"What's going on? Why are there dragons attacking here? Haven't they paid tribute to Huendar this year?"

The red-robed wizard Garnier rushed out of the tavern, his face full of shock and disbelief.

Apparently, she confused Wilmes with another red dragon that nested near Mindan Isle.

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question.

Although the mercenaries and sailors near the port desperately wanted to use large equipment such as bed crossbows and ballistas to shoot at the dragon.

However, under the large-scale thinking perception of the strange thing, these human thoughts were collected one by one and passed on to Wilmes.

This directly caused the latter to know where there were bed crossbows and ballistas that could threaten him, and where the current angle and aiming direction were, even if he didn't need to look at them, and then destroyed them at an extremely fast speed.

After about a few minutes, all the ballistas and bed crossbows were burned under the breath of the dragon flame.

Whether it's the ships in the harbor, or the houses and the people running around on the ground, they have all become living targets.

The destructive power of a red dragon to the town is fully reflected at this moment.

Just when the burning, killing and looting awakened the tyrannical emotions that had been silent for a long time in Wilmes, and when he planned to completely turn the city into ruins, the red-robed wizard Garnier finally couldn't sit still, and immediately took his Sergeant mercenaries away Come out and yell to the giant beast overhead with amplified words: "Stop! Stop! Huendal! Whatever you want, we can talk now."


Wilmes immediately showed doubts when he heard the name, and then swooped down to land on the ground.

The moment she fell, Garnier realized he had made a fatal mistake.

The red dragon in front of him is not Hundal who lives on another nearby island at all, but another red dragon.

Because the latter is at least two laps larger than the former.

This also means that its age group may have reached the level of prime of life or even old age.


The Sergeant mercenary, who was extremely nervous, swallowed his saliva at the same time.

Especially the mercenary captain, he lowered his head and glanced at the +1 magic sword in his hand, not sure if it could leave any mark on the dragon scale.

"Tell me, woman, who is Huendal?" Wilmes asked, lowering his head and staring at his eyes that flowed like lava.

Obviously, she had a bad idea about this kind of person.

On the one hand, it intends to loot the treasures in the opponent's lair, and on the other hand, it wants to capture the opponent, and then take it back to mate with the female Ashteranther day and night to produce more dragon eggs.

If you know the name Huendal, you will know that it is a male red dragon.

"I... I think we may have misunderstood."

Sweat drenched Garnier's iconic red robe in a very short time.

"Last chance! Tell me who Huendal is! Where is his lair!"

Wilmes obviously had no patience, and instantly sprayed hot sparks from his nostrils, leaving a large number of black scald spots on the opponent's exposed face and neck.

But Garnier didn't dare to move at all, let alone scream, and replied, enduring the pain, "Huendal is a male adult red dragon. His lair is only 60 kilometers away from here in the west. on a volcanic island. I assure you, there is a mountain of treasure in his lair, and a powerful magic item."

Needless to ask, this insidious and cunning red-robed mage wanted to take advantage of Wilmes' greed to make him leave Mindan Island to fight another red dragon.

It's a pity that her wishful thinking was directly debunked by the strange object, who reminded through telepathy: "Don't be fooled! This guy is using you, we must first complete the task assigned by the master."

"I don't need you to remind me of that."

Wilmes replied angrily, then immediately raised his front paws and spit out dragon language that most mortals could not understand.

next second...

A dispelling magic acted on Garnier's body on the spot, dispelling several protective spells blessed by him.

Immediately after the strange object threw a mind control over it, the red-robed wizard was completely reduced to a controlled puppet.

Not only her, but also the Searle mercenaries behind her who were responsible for protecting her safety.

Since the previous ruler, Tarnshir Embuyir Khan, was killed in the coup, and the temporarily elected mercenary leader was also burned to ashes in the flames, the entire Mintan Island inevitably fell into a leaderless group. state of confusion.

But soon, with the assistance of the red-robed wizard and Serre mercenaries, Wilmes brought this small port city and its surrounding subsidiary islands under his control.

When Vanessa brought people over, only a handful of tribes were still sporadically resisting.

This necromancer-specialized archmage didn't mean to be polite at all, and immediately massacred all the groups engaged in the mercenary industry to become a member of his army of undead.

You must know that in the Sword Coast area, almost all wars are inseparable from these mercenaries who made their fortunes from wars.

Sometimes in order to make money, they even take the initiative to provoke conflicts between two forces or two lords.

So Zuo Si is extremely disgusted with these guys who will only bring war, death, destruction and chaos, and directly regards them as the enemy of civilization together with orcs, goblins and gnolls.

When the population structure of the entire Mingtan Island was sorted out from beginning to end, and all the survivors shivered and hid at home, Zuo Si appeared on the streets full of corpses and charred buildings through teleportation magic.

"Your Excellency, Mingtan Island is completely under our control. How do you think we will deal with the red-robed wizards and Sergeant mercenaries who are deeply involved?" Vanessa immediately asked for instructions.

"Have they got all the intelligence and information in their minds?" Zuo Si asked casually.

"Of course! In front of psychic powers, no one can keep secrets except constructs and undead."

When saying these words, Lich's tone clearly revealed undisguised gloating.

Because through Garnier, he has already learned the number and defensive status of the Red Robe Wizards in the main towns and concessions on the west coast.

This also means that as long as Zuo Si gives an order, the entire organization can uproot the power of the red robe wizard from this area, and then replace it.

"Then was this action ordered by those chiefs, or was this woman acting on her own in private?" Zuo Si asked her most concerned question bluntly.

Vanessa replied immediately: "According to the information I have so far, I am inclined to think that Garnier planned this operation without authorization, but the senior management of the red robe wizard also acquiesced."

"So... this is a test for us?"

Zuo Si's eyes shone slightly, and she immediately understood the other party's plan.

Vanessa nodded: "It can be said so. So how to respond next is very important. If you are too weak, the other party will make an inch. If you respond too violently, it may lead to a full-scale war."

"Hahahaha! It seems that the upper echelons of the red-robed wizards have presented us with a difficult problem.

But it doesn't matter, my principle is that I never make choices based on the answers given by others.

How about letting Garnier give orders to the strongholds and concessions under her control to attack the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network at all costs.

Anyway, in this case, both sides are our enemies.

Put Garnier back on the heels of that and see how the Red Wizard higher ups handle the mess. "

Zuo Si laughed and gave a perfect solution.

He is looking forward to how Mansson and Sazastan will handle this conflict, whether they will throw Garnier out as a scapegoat.

"As you wish."

Vanessa bent down and bowed deeply.

The decision Zuo Si made just now happened to coincide with his thoughts.

There is nothing so divisive as to create dissension and confusion between two enemies.

And even if the high-level people above are clear-headed, the people below who have suffered heavy casualties will accumulate enough hatred because of this.

In many cases, with just a little fanfare, these hatreds can quickly turn into tangible acts of revenge.

To deal with a top spellcasting organization like the Red Robe Wizard, choosing head-to-head is the most stupid behavior.

Because the former controls a country with a huge territory, and has also established a complete set of mage training mechanism, which can continuously provide talent reserves.

Is Simbu, the Storm Queen, one of the electors of the Goddess of Magic, powerful enough?

But it's not the same as being annoyed by all kinds of conspiracy and harassment by the red robe wizard.

So Zuo Si hopes to give the opponent a warning through this matter, and at the same time show his own strength and means, so that Szastan understands that it is not a wise choice to be an enemy of himself.

(end of this chapter)

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