One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 265 The Devil's Deal

Chapter 265 The Devil's Deal

There is no doubt that the rebellion that broke out in the Luskan Arcane Brotherhood shocked the entire Northland like a bomb in an instant.

For ever since Akram Grace came to Luskan and founded the Arcane Brotherhood, he has been the undisputed ruler of the city and the surrounding area.

So far, it has been maintained for more than ten or twenty years, and no one has dared to challenge his authority.

But now, the four tower masters joined forces with several other high-level mages to overthrow the tyrant's rule in one fell swoop.

Not only that, they also severely injured the latter, causing him to escape in an extremely embarrassing posture, and it is even unknown whether he is still alive.

Most importantly, the timing of launching this rebellion was so sensitive that no matter if it was Silvermoon City, Neverwinter City, or Waterdeep City near the south, they felt that these guys were completely crazy.

Because the rulers of these cities have already learned that the fleet of the Nelanthir Islands has just wiped out Luskan's fleet, and has landed on the Whale Islands to deal with the pirates who are allies with Luskan.

Moreover, Zuo Si also greeted before, making it clear that he would completely destroy the Arcane Brotherhood this time and bring Luskan into his sphere of influence.

Therefore, serious civil strife broke out in the Arcane Brotherhood at this time, and they simply didn't know how to write the word "death".

Realizing that the opportunity to defeat his old enemy Luskan was imminent, Lord Nasir, regardless of his subordinates' opposition, immediately contacted some traditional allies in the surrounding areas, formed a coalition army with a scale of up to 4,000 people, and marched to the border to defeat the enemy. Pretend to attack.

Aware of this, the Arcane Society didn't care about fighting for power, and immediately ordered the few troops in the city to be organized to confront the Neverwinter coalition forces across a river.

But what's interesting is that no matter which side it is, there is no chance to make a move first. On the contrary, it strictly restrains the soldiers under it and prohibits any provocative actions.

For Neverwinter, as long as they can hold back this part of Luskan's troops, the task will be considered complete, and there is no need to take huge risks to go all out.

As for Luskan, he had just lost almost all his fleet and skilled sailors, leaving only a few unknown ordinary pirate captains to barely maintain the situation, and did not dare to take the initiative to attack.

Once they lost, what awaited Luskan would be complete demise.

Among other things, the orcs, half-orcs, barbarians, goblins, wolves, titans, ogres, trolls and other monsters from the north can slaughter everyone in the city, and even become food for each other.

Don't think this is a joke!

At the most dangerous time, Luskan even issued an emergency order, which was to prohibit all non-human intelligent creatures from approaching the city wall.

It can be seen from this that this city standing at the northernmost tip of Faerun's continent is facing a terrifying survival pressure.

It is this kind of heart that "the two sides are afraid of the wolf with a hemp stick" makes the two sides maintain a delicate balance that is very rare.

Watching the nervous and anxious reaction of Luskan soldiers on the other side of the river, Lord Nasir immediately smiled and said to the paladins beside him: "It seems that the news is true. Luskan's fleet was really wiped out, and Ak Lem Grace was also wounded and escaped during the rebellion. The Arcane Brotherhood and Luskan are in chaos right now. It won’t be long before this greatest threat to the Northlands will be eradicated once and for all.”

"Your Excellency, I must remind you that what you have done does not conform to the teachings of Tyr, the God of Justice." Erebeth's expression was obviously a little tangled.

Because strictly speaking, the role played by Neverwinter in this incident is not glorious, and it has nothing to do with the word justice, it is all an exchange of politics and interests.

"I know this is not in line with Tyr's teachings. But the problem is that there is never any justice in politics. As a lord, the only thing I can do is to do my best for the people without violating the principles. Neverwinter strives for more interests and ensures that all residents will not be harmed by the outside world."

While saying these words, Lord Nasir clearly showed a look of helplessness.

If possible, he also hopes to carry out his ideals like he did when taking risks, using the sword in his hand to weed out the strong and help the weak, and save those innocent people who are in danger.

But if this is done in politics, Neverwinter City may fall into a situation where it cannot be recovered in a matter of minutes.

"What kind of promise did South make that made you willing to take such a big risk?" Erebes tentatively asked in an uncertain tone.

Lord Nasir replied casually: "A lot! Including purchasing a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, and dairy products from Neverwinter, and providing us with sugar, salt, spices, condiments, cloth, silk, and grain. There are the all-important ingots of fine steel. Remember those longswords, helmets, and breastplates commissioned from the blacksmith not long ago?"

Erebes nodded lightly: "Of course I remember. Those blacksmiths are full of praise for the quality of the steel ingot, and think that the finished product is not inferior to magic weapons and armor with +1 enchantment level."

"These steel ingots are the deposit that South paid us in advance. And such steel ingots will be provided to us another 1,500 yuan after the event is completed, which is enough to arm an army of about 3,000 people."

As he said that, Lord Nasir turned his attention to those Neverwinter guards who had just finished changing their outfits not long ago.

Their gleaming armor and weapons alone made men from other towns in the coalition envious.

You must know that although Neverwinter City has hot springs from the ground and is rich in various agricultural products, poultry, and livestock, it does not have any decent iron ore resources. You can only buy it from other places at a high price.

Therefore, Zuo Si can stably provide special steel materials from the industrial age, which is very attractive to Neverwinter.

"Well, maybe you're right. I still have reservations about Neverwinter joining this war." Erebus finally compromised.

As one of the top military commanders, she was very aware of the Neverwinter army's thirst for high-quality steel.

Moreover, the town of Mirabar, which is rich in steel products in the Northland, is on the upper reaches of the Miral River. If you take a relatively cheap waterway, you will inevitably pass through Luskan, and you may be robbed by pirates at any time.

If you go by land, you need to make a big circle around Chang'an Town, Sanzhudi, Hongsong Town, and finally arrive at Waterdeep City, and then cross the Sword Mountain Range and the Swamp of the Dead from Waterdeep City.

The soaring costs brought about by the monsters along the way and long-distance land transportation alone are enough to make the prices of these military supplies soar several times or even ten times.

Not to mention how much goods and wealth the thriving maritime trade could bring to the city after the Luskan pirates disappeared.

Therefore, in the Northland, there is no city that desires Luskan's disappearance or a new owner like Neverwinter.

Lord Nasir shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't oppose it publicly. In fact, the Church of the God of Justice doesn't support me, but I still have to do it. Once such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity If you miss it, I’m afraid there won’t be a next time.”

"How long will it take for the fleet of the Nelanther Islands to reach Luskan and launch a general attack?" Erebes couldn't help asking.

"Maybe three days, maybe five days. I'm looking forward to how Luskan, who always likes foreign aggression and expansion, will react when a huge fleet appears in their port."

When he said these words, Lord Nasir had an undisguised schadenfreude in his tone.

After all, Luskan threatened a series of surrounding city-states including Neverwinter in this way.

With a huge pirate fleet, they can loot whoever they want, and the port and ships of Neverwinter City have been robbed more than once.

When the losses were the heaviest, most of the dock area was occupied by pirates swarming up, countless warehouses, houses, and shops were evacuated, and then they were set on fire recklessly.

As for the residents, those who resisted were slaughtered without mercy, and all the captives were escorted on board and sold as slaves in Luskan.

Young and beautiful women are also subjected to inhuman gang violence and abuse.

In short, since the establishment of Neverwinter, the blood feud with Luskan can't be finished for three days and three nights.

Lord Nasir hopes to completely end the grievances between the two sides under his rule, and seek justice for those killed residents of Neverwinter.

After all, there are many understandings of "justice", and "just revenge" is naturally included in it.

"Will we launch an attack then?" Erebes subconsciously pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"It depends on whether our allies will send people to support them. You must know that many of the coalition forces are the last force used by the surrounding towns to resist threats from the wild world. I don't want them to suffer too much loss."

After finishing speaking, Lord Nasir ignored the young paladin who was holding an increasingly important position under him, and walked towards the tent not far away alone.

He still had some details to discuss with representatives of other towns about the war.

Erebes stood there in a daze.

Because as the position got higher and higher and the responsibilities became heavier, she began to gradually come into contact with some dark sides of politics, as well as a lot of insider trading.

And this kind of behavior is undoubtedly a kind of torture and suffering for a paladin who symbolizes absolute goodness and order.

Although most of the time, she can understand the choices Lord Nasir made.

But understanding is one thing, identification is another.

Just as the entire Northland was feeling unbelievable about the civil strife that erupted in the Arcane Brotherhood, Akram Grace, who fled to the safe house, drank a bottle of potion for serious injuries with trembling hands, temporarily stabilized A dying and aging body.

At this moment, he no longer looked as majestic and cold as usual, but was weak like an old man in his dying years.

There is no doubt that this high-level collective rebellion was a fatal blow to him.

Physical damage is secondary, and the key is the blow to the mental and psychological aspects.

Akram Grace even couldn't help wondering whether his previous actions were all wrong, and he shouldn't give those tower owners too much power, let alone let the bottomless insiders in the Arcane Brotherhood fight.

Unfortunately, it is too late to think about these now.

Apart from an aging body that might not be able to hold on for a year, he now has nothing left.

As for going back to regain the leadership of the Arcane Brotherhood and even Luskan, it is impossible to do it in the current state.

Although those tower masters and high-level mages will fall into a new round of internal fighting in order to divide their rights, Akram Grace can guarantee that as soon as he appears, the other party will immediately drop everything and join forces to deal with him.

"Damn bastards! Traitors! One day I will make you pay for this! A price more terrible than death!" the old mage cursed in a low voice through gritted teeth.

Just when he opened the door and wanted to go out to get some air, he suddenly found a very beautiful woman standing at the door of his safe house, and said in a slightly weird tone: "Ah! You finally appeared , Acklem Grace. You know I have been waiting for you in this small town for quite a while."

"Who are you?!"

The old mage immediately retreated vigilantly, and was about to activate the protective magic of the safe house.

Ever since he experienced a surprise attack that almost resulted in his death, he has become extremely nervous, as if anyone came to kill him.

After all, after ruling the Arcane Brotherhood and Luskan for so many years, Akram Grace has offended too many people and provoked too many enemies.

God knows when a harper assassin will pop up from around the corner and drive a razor-sharp dagger straight into the eye, the back of the heart, or the jaw.

"You can call me Nefertis. I'm here to negotiate a deal with you on behalf of a powerful hell lord."

Saying that, this beautiful woman quickly took off her disguise, revealing her true form.

Exquisite magic armor, huge black wings, a longbow that looks like a red flame, and a long sword in a scabbard hanging from his waist. He is over 1.8 meters tall and exudes an indescribable aura all over his body. Corrupt breath.

There is no doubt that this is a devil from Baator Hell, and it is the most special kind of "erinyao" among many devils.

Unlike most fiends who accumulate enough merit to be approved for advancement to higher forms, erinias cannot advance in form.

Likewise, other devils cannot become erinyes through promotion.

There are only two ways to give birth to erinyes, one is that erinyas conceive their own offspring, and the other is that pure celestial creatures are corrupted by the power of hell.

Zariel, the lord of the first floor of hell before, the "Daughter of War", chose to join in the bloody battle because of his strong interest in it, and died tragically under the siege of endless demons and demon armies.

Sensing its great potential, Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, eventually resurrected him and given him a unique form, appointing him to be the lord on the front line against the demons.

To some extent, the birth of Zariel is the epitome of countless celestial beings degrading into erinia.

It's just that she was very powerful before, and after her resurrection, she became the lord of the first floor of hell.

After the fall of other celestial beings, most of them are in the form of erinia.

Akram Grace, a sorcerer, naturally couldn't be ignorant of the transaction between erinia and the devil, which is famous even in the multiverse, and immediately asked vigilantly, "Do you want my soul?"

"Hehe, why not? After all, your soul has long been filled with evil, and you are also an unbelievers. Besides hell, do you think you have any other better choices? Don't tell me It's the devil from the bottomless abyss. Only a true lunatic and psychopath will choose to give his soul to the devil."

The Erinite, who called himself Nephitis, broke through the old mage's psychological defense with a smile on his face.

In fact, she has been observing each other for a long time, dating back to when Akram Grace just arrived in Luskan, started to create the Arcane Brotherhood from scratch, and brought those pirates into her control .

Through these actions, the erinyes can be 100% sure that this is a precious soul that meets their master's requirements.

"Stop dreaming! I won't trade my soul!" Akram Grace sternly refused.

"Don't rush to refuse, why don't you listen to the conditions I can offer? After all, you have already stepped into the coffin with half of your foot, and you will usher in physical death in three to four months at most."

Saying that, Eriny took out a scroll of parchment that smelled of sulfur from somewhere on his body.

Although Akram Grace was very resistant to selling his soul, he opened it with the mentality of giving it a try.

As a result, this glance made him tremble with excitement.

Because the condition offered by the devil is exactly what he needs most right now, that is, a complete ritual of transforming into a lich.

Not only that, these demons also promised to help them regain the dominion of the Arcane Brotherhood and Luskan after becoming a lich.

"How, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Nefertis blinked meaningfully.

As the force that knows the "art of trading" best in the entire multiverse, the devil's contract is so famous because they can always offer attractive conditions that the other party cannot refuse.

Akram Grace was obviously hesitating and struggling.

After two or three minutes, he tentatively said cautiously: "If I transform into a lich, you won't be able to take my soul, will you?"

Nefertis responded with a smile: "No, you are wrong. There are many ways to control a soul. It doesn't mean that you can escape the fulfillment of the contract by becoming a lich. And you feel that you have the ability to fight A powerful hell lord?"

"Before I sign this contract, will I have the honor to know that I will serve that lord in the future?" The old mage subconsciously clenched his fists nervously.

"The lord of Diss on the second floor of Hell - Grand Duke Disbat. He now needs enough servants to form a force on the material plane, and you are the chosen one."

Erinia didn't have any intention of concealing it, and openly revealed the identity of the master behind it.

She believed that the other party should be very clear about the meaning of the name Grand Duke Disbate.

Hearing that he was being watched by a hell lord, Akram Grace suddenly showed an expression of disbelief on his wrinkled face, and then he couldn't help questioning: "Why me? Or, do you want What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple. Grand Duke Disbate hopes that you can sacrifice a person's soul to him. As long as you can do this, your soul will belong to you again." Erinia responded with a playful look.

"Who's soul can actually make a hell lord so interested?" Akram Grace continued to probe.

Although he wanted to sign the contract very much at this moment, the little rationality left kept reminding himself to figure out the situation first.

Erima stretched out a finger and scratched lightly in the air, and instantly created a slightly blurred image out of thin air, and introduced calmly: "His name is Soth, and he is the tower of the goddess of poison and disease. The only voter of Lorna, I heard that he has recently become the voter of the goddess of magic. Oh, yes, he is also the real manipulator behind the forces of the Nelanther Islands, and he is also one of your enemies."

"What?! Are there other forces behind the Neilansel Islands?"

Akram Grace was dumbfounded, and finally realized why those tower owners suddenly broke out in rebellion collectively and wanted to kill him.

No wonder the Lord of the North Tower would say that he was the first to do it.

In addition, the unusual reaction of Symamon, the head of the dark intelligence network of the Zhentarim, finally found the answer.

"Go to war without knowing who the real enemy is. I really don't know whether to praise your bravery or laugh at your stupidity. But it's different now. With the help of Grand Duke Disbate, you can take advantage of Before Sous captured Luskan, he rushed back to regain power and organize resistance. So hurry up and sign the contract, so that I can help you transform into a lich. We don’t have much time left. .”

Eriny urged with a slightly impatient tone.

You must know that transforming a lich is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive task. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late when the news of Luskan's fall comes back.

After a moment of silence, Aklum Grace finally mustered up the courage to sign his name at the bottom of the contract.


The entire parchment was turned into a raging flame and burned to the ground.

Almost at the same time, a bright red mark appeared on his forehead, but it only appeared for a few seconds before disappearing quickly.

You don't need to ask, it's a sign that the soul has been marked by demons.

If the agreement is not followed, the devils will be able to sense and send out hunting teams no matter where they escape to Cape Tianya.

Seeing that the contract came into effect, Erima handed over a book about the entire content of the Lich Transformation Ceremony and a copy of the necessary materials for making the phylactery without saying a word.

With her help, Aklum Grace quickly made his own phylactery, and began the ceremony impatiently.


On the other side, the despondent Ximanmeng finally found Zuo Si who was heading north on a sailboat on the vast sea.

As soon as we met, he immediately asked aggressively: "Why did you attack our Zhentarim intelligence network? If I remember correctly, our relationship should be an ally."

"Attack? When did I send someone to attack your intelligence network?" Zuo Si put on an innocent look and pretended to be stupid.

"Pretend less! It was under your control that Garnier gave the attack order to the concessions of the red-robed wizards. Don't think I don't know, you want to use this opportunity to provoke a war between the Zhentarim and the red-robed wizards." war between the

Xi Manmeng was obviously a little frustrated.

Because since he has been in charge of the dark intelligence network for so many years, it is the first time that he has been manipulated and played like a puppet.

The most important thing is that the magic power mastered by the young man in front of him is stronger than his own, so this kind of anger can't be vented at all, and he feels as aggrieved as he wants.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about. If the red-robed wizards attacked you, then you should go to them, not me. Also, I suggest that you better not meddle in Luskan's affairs. Otherwise If so, I don't guarantee that there will be some more serious problems in the future." Zuo Si issued a half-true warning.

Even though the Zhentarim have shown no intention of helping the Arcane Brotherhood so far, that doesn't mean they won't attack at the last minute.

"for example?"

Xi Manmeng narrowed his eyes tentatively.

Zuo Si said in a casual tone: "You should have heard that the orcs in the Northland are experiencing an unprecedented plague recently, and countless tribes are dying out at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just imagine, if a similar situation occurs What will happen in Zhentil Keep?"


Xi Manmeng's face changed.

As a senior official of the Zhentarim Society, how could he not know about this terrible plague that was spreading from the Northland to other regions.

Moreover, the plague only infects orcs, and will not pose even the slightest threat to other races.

Anyone who is not a fool understands that this is Zuo Si's revenge for the ambush designed by the orcs and their gods before.

It is precisely because of this that the belief in Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, began to spread rapidly in many towns and even barbarian tribes in the Northland.

Even if they originally had their own beliefs, they would set up a shrine specially for Talona and offer sacrifices to the goddess in awe.

On the one hand, it is to thank the goddess for driving away the orc community that is the greatest threat to their survival, and on the other hand, it is to hope that such a disaster will never fall on their own heads.

Of course, for the expansion of the influence of the Goddess of Poison and Disease, Simamon and the Zhentarim Society's top management obviously don't care very much.

When it made them feel nervous, Zuo Si actually dared to use the plague as a weapon and used it on his enemies unscrupulously. He didn't mean to put the orc gods in his eyes at all.

You must know that since the death of Bane, the god of tyranny, Zhentil Castle and the Zhentarim have no powerful gods behind them.

So they fear more than anyone else Zuo Si who can use the plague as a weapon.

After a long silence, Ximanmeng finally took a deep breath to force himself to remain calm, and said in a slightly low voice: "We don't need to intervene in the war between you and Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood. But there is one condition , that is, you can’t sabotage and interfere with our intelligence collection in the North, let alone cooperate too closely with the Harper.”

"Don't worry, I don't have the slightest affection for those self-righteous and self-impressed guys. In my eyes, there is actually no difference between you. If there is nothing else, please go back, no more than two days, red robe The wizard's attacks should stop."

After all, Zuo Si waved her hand to signal the other party to get out.

As the power under his command began to expand rapidly, he no longer needed the information from the Zhentarim.

Combined with the fact that the organization will be hit hard in the next few years, it's not worth wasting too much time.

On the contrary, the red-robed wizard who kept silent all the time and didn't make any reaction gave people an unfathomable feeling.

I don't know what Sazastan is thinking, and he remains unmoved even though the forces on the west coast are completely controlled by the enemy.

Xi Manmeng barely maintained his elegant demeanor and bowed with one hand on his chest, then cast teleportation magic and returned to his lair.

He could feel that every time he met Zuo Si, the strength of the other party seemed to be growing at a speed that ordinary mages could not imagine.

At this rate, perhaps the next time they meet, the two parties will no longer be able to communicate on an equal footing.

For Ximanmeng's worries, Zuo Si didn't care or care at all. Instead, he didn't turn his head to ask the Lich behind him: "Is there no response from the red-robed wizard?"

Vanessa shook her head lightly: "No. But there is a guy named Edwin Odysseron who suddenly appeared in the red-robed wizard concession in Askatla. He may have some kind of mission, or Or a mission from the upper echelons of the red-robed wizards."

"Edwin Odysseron?"

Hearing this very familiar name, the image of a man who is arrogant, sinister, vicious and likes to complain instantly appeared in Zuo Si's mind.

"That's right, that's the name. According to the information obtained from the prophecy department's magic detection, we can learn that he was born in a noble family in Searle. His father is a red-robed wizard who inherited a huge family fortune, and Uncle is a The governor of the province is quite powerful in Searle. Moreover, he himself is the chief disciple of the conjuration faction, and he has quite good spellcasting ability at a young age."

Vanessa told all the information obtained from the investigation of other members of the organization who are good at divination magic.

In his opinion, no matter Edwin's origin or the timing of his appearance, it all proved that he shouldered an important task.

But Zuo Si smiled and waved his hands: "No, don't pay attention to this guy, he is not an important role at all."

"Are you sure?"

A look of surprise flashed in Vanessa's eyes.

"Yes, I'm very sure. Instead of focusing on him, it's better to pay more attention to Garnier. If there is no accident, she should be dying soon, due to the assassination from the red robe wizard." Zuo Si Give your own judgment meaningfully.

Because from the moment this bald woman was controlled, her fate was already doomed.

As an evil, ruthless and ruthless organization of spellcasters, the red robe wizards have always had only one way to deal with traitors, and that is painful and desperate death.

The chiefs don't care if you have a last resort, or you are under the enemy's charm magic.

As long as there is an actual act of betrayal, it is equivalent to being sentenced to death, and there will be no chance of explanation.

And if the circumstances are serious, relatives and the entire family will be implicated.

Vanessa shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, Garnier has no use value, so let her be the bait. In addition, there is really no need to pretend to be a Zhentarim member. Do you want to eradicate the strongholds of these red-robed wizards?"

"It depends on the attitude and reaction of the red-robed wizard, and what kind of agreement we will reach. However, the stronghold of Baldur's Gate can be removed first. After all, I promised Habasser Delin to help him regain the monopoly of that place." Magical resources in this area." Zuo Si quickly made a decision after a little thought.

"Understood. I will notify Habasser Drin and let him prepare."

Attacking a concession or stronghold of a red-robed wizard may be quite difficult for ordinary adventurers and mercenaries.

Because these places are often built into fortresses that are strong and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In addition, there are a lot of magic items, potions, scrolls, wands and other things stored inside, so the number advantage is meaningless at all.

But for a lich who also possesses powerful magical power, it is not difficult to capture such a fortress. The only thing that needs to be feared is the reaction of the red-robed wizards.

Soon, a magical text message was sent out.

Habasser Drin immediately returned to his shop through teleportation magic.

Returning with him are several other core members of Tyrantyr's organization.

Standing by the window on the second floor overlooking the Red Robe Wizard Concession in the river port area, Habasser Delin's eyes flashed with undisguised malice, and he sneered and whispered: "I warned you that this is my territory , let you be careful. But you did not heed my advice. Now, get ready to meet my wrath."

"When shall we do it?" A female lich asked first.

"Eight hours after dark. I need to adjust some memorized spells to ensure that I can break through the enemy's magic defense in the shortest possible time." Habasser Delin gave the exact time straightforwardly.

In this way, after a long rest, several liches finally arrived near the concession of the red-robed wizard under the cover of night.

Since all kinds of low-level magic items are mainly sold here, there are almost no civilians to patronize.

Because they simply cannot afford even the cheapest item in the store.

So most of the time, the concession is quite empty and quiet.

Occasionally, mercenaries from Searle could be seen gathering in twos and threes near the bar, drinking drinks and talking about the dangers they encountered during their recent missions.

You must know that the stronghold of the red-robed wizard is not only used for business, but also to capture some children with special talents and abilities, take them back for experiments or train them as their own.

Many well-known arcane users in Faerun finally exploded with amazing potential and became famous after being hunted down by the red-robed wizard.

Among them, the most famous one is undoubtedly the Cursed Fire Bringer-Sandra Sissel.

After roughly confirming that there were no outsiders inside, Habasser Delin immediately winked at his companion behind him.

Immediately after, a lich who was good at evocation magic took two steps forward and began to chant spells towards the strong fortress.

When the violent fluctuation of the magic net caught the attention of the red-robed wizard inside, a huge iceberg had already formed in the sky above his head, and then smashed down with the momentum of Mount Tai.

next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The violent ground tremors and deafening bangs instantly broke the tranquility of the night.

Nine Ring Magic [Iceberg Crash]!

When dealing with large groups of enemies and solid buildings, this spell is far more effective than [Meteor Burst].

Looking at the red-robed wizard's concession that was completely reduced to ruins, as well as those mercenaries and mages who were smashed to death on the spot before they could escape, you can see how terrifying this thing is.

Of course, those lucky ones who activated the short-distance teleportation magic and escaped were not much better, and were immediately besieged by the liches.

Since the mages stationed in the concession were not very high-level, they were slaughtered in threes, fives and twos, and not even a single one was left alive.

After finishing all this, Habasser Delin unceremoniously swept away the well-preserved magic items and coins in the ruins, and then hung those corpses on the top of the ruins one by one to warn all those who tried to challenge themselves. The end of the Gate of Virtue's magic resource controller.

When the Flame Fist mercenaries rushed over, the liches had already retreated.

Obviously, this incident made the Duke of Silver Shield, who had tried his best to invite the red-robed wizard in, feel cold all over, and his whole body was trembling slightly uncontrollably.

Although he didn't know who did it, he could also realize that since the other party dared to attack the red-robed wizard's concession, he could also kill himself and his family without any effort.

"What should I do? What should I do now?" Anta Silver Shield immediately asked his political allies for help.

Duke Iltan responded with a gloomy face: "Don't ask me, I don't know either. Enemies like this are not something that Flame Fist mercenaries can deal with. I think... we may ask the Nelanther Islands for help." .”

"What? Are you crazy? The reason why we are here today is all thanks to them." The Duke of Silver Shield roared like crazy.

"But they just want money, not our lives. Now, do you think we have other options?"

The veins on Duke Yiltan's forehead were swollen, and anger and tyranny were bred in his pupils.

The long-term pressure made him inevitably become more and more ruthless, and he was extremely fancy about the power in his hands.

Just when the Duke of Silver Shield was still about to argue, Sarevok finally stood up with his mercenaries belonging to the Iron Throne, and recommended himself in a resolute voice: "Why don't you leave this matter to me to investigate and settle the matter?" Let's deal with it. I promise, within a week at most, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."


Duke Yiltan looked up and down at the young man in front of him.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that the other party is a little different from before.

Especially the unintentional breath that made me always feel a strong smell of blood reverberating in the air.

"That's right. I have already obtained the consent of my adoptive father, and I plan to make a name for myself at Baldur's Gate. Anyway, the two dukes don't have any good solutions for such a tricky matter. Why don't you leave it to me to try?" Let’s try it out. As for the rewards and rewards, we’ll talk about it later.”

Sarevok's tone was filled with strong confidence.

Because not long ago, he had discovered the secret of his life experience, and he also found the Temple of Baal located under the city of Baldur's Gate.

With the help of mysterious religious rituals, he not only successfully activated the divinity endowed by his biological father in his body, but even tried to strengthen it through various methods.

Feeling the powerful power bred in his body, Sarevok is no longer satisfied with being the thug of the Iron Throne, but desires to inherit the vacant throne of Baal and become a god, a murder god above all living beings and mortals .

And to become a god, you first need believers, very, very devout and pure believers.

His plan at this stage is very simple, that is to make a name for himself and attract many people to join him, and then select qualified believers from among them.

In this way, the divinity and divine power in the body will continue to increase.

When a certain critical point is reached, a war can be started, and the death and wailing of countless people will be used as sacrifices for conferred gods.

In addition, he had read many books about the Year of Trouble and the Three Death Gods at Candlekeep, and he knew that his father Baal left many brothers and sisters in the mortal world.

As long as these brothers and sisters are killed, the divinity and divine power remaining in their bodies can be taken away.

Just as the wise man Alendo predicted, the son of the murder god has begun to awaken, and the whole world will be plunged into turmoil and restlessness...

(end of this chapter)

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