Chapter 266 Evil Convergence

Departing from Mintan Island, the fleet crossed the Kollin Islands along the northerly monsoon, and arrived at the Whalebone Islands within a few days.

When Zuo Si landed, there were basically no living people on the entire island except the sailors of the Nelanthel fleet and the few captives left behind.

Because this place was originally a gathering place for pirates, there were no civilians on the island except pirates and unscrupulous businessmen.

Therefore, during the capture process, the two liches responsible for providing magic support unceremoniously used the dead cloud and stinky cloud spells that can kill in a large area, and combined with hundreds of undead creatures, they easily captured the two main forces. The stronghold was slaughtered.

Although the pirates also hired a few mages and warlocks, their spellcasting levels were too low to resist the combination of cloud death and undead creatures.

In addition, very few priests in Amber, the goddess of the sea, were killed in the melee.

In short, under the crushing force of absolute power, the pirates of the Whale Islands were pushed flat without any waves at all.

Looking at the undead army resurrected into zombies or skeletons by necromantic magic, Zuo Si suddenly asked without looking back: "How many low-level undead creatures do you have now?"

"Well... counting the previous ones, there are almost more than 100,000. But most of them are used as laborers, and they are not equipped with enough weapons and armor."

Vanessa lowered her head and thought for a moment, and quickly gave a very vague number.

After all, the work of transforming the undead is often carried out simultaneously with the killing of the enemy.

For example, for the pirates who attacked the Whale Islands today, the relatively well-preserved corpses would be transformed into undead after the battle.

In the same way, if anyone in the organization finds monster tribes such as orcs, gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, bear goblins, ogres, trolls, etc. in the wild, they will also notify Vanessa, who is good at necromancy magic, to leave to harvest.

Therefore, it is really not easy to add up the scattered statistics for accurate statistics.

In addition, there will be a certain loss when used as cannon fodder, so even Vanessa, who controls these undead creatures, does not know how many low-level undeads he has under his command.

Under normal circumstances, he only counts those undead who can be transformed into ghouls, ghosts, mummies, etc., who are slightly advanced or have certain wisdom.

Because although the number of the former sounds very large, if you encounter high-level priests and paladins, you can often kill a large number of them with just one dispel or positive energy magic.

This is why in Faerun, there has never been a situation like "Undead Scourge".

Even for the red-robed wizard who controls a large number of undead creatures, the main composition of his army is living humans, dwarves, orcs, half-orcs and other humanoid creatures, as well as a few constructs.

It is really something like the natural disaster of the undead, which is too restrained in the land of Faerun, which is full of magical users.

Only when the opponent does not have any decent spellcasters, can the huge advantage brought by the number be brought into play.

"One hundred thousand? It seems that you need to control the upper limit of the number a little bit. You must know that controlling so many undead creatures will definitely attract the special attention of some gods and their followers." Zuo Si reminded in a low voice.

"I don't need you to tell me about this. However, most of the low-level undead are arranged to be farmed on deserted islands that are inaccessible, and some are thrown into dark mines, so you don't have to worry too much. Compared with Well, I am very interested in the special life born by the vampire queen named Badi."

While saying these words, Vanessa's eyes shone with chilling excitement and curiosity.

It is incredible to know that the undead creature is pregnant, not to mention that it may be related to the saint of the gods.

If he didn't get the permission, he even wanted to rush into the sewer of Askatla Cemetery immediately, and cut open Badi's stomach to see what kind of secrets were hidden inside.

"Don't worry, we'll go back and deal with this matter after Luskan is settled. I think that thing is much more difficult to deal with than the Arcane Brotherhood." Zuo Si responded meaningfully.

"Could it be a demigod or a god?" Vanessa guessed in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "Probably not. Because I didn't feel the existence of divine power and divine sparks. Of course, it is not ruled out that it is because the remaining power of the saint is too weak to form a stable The core. But one thing can be confirmed, that is, it is at least a legendary creature with great power."

Vanessa said deeply: "This is exactly what I am interested in. And I think it is absolutely impossible for a situation like this to happen naturally, otherwise it would have been long ago when Irenicus tortured the saint. It happened. Perhaps some god, demon lord, or devil duke was plotting something behind it."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, what this world lacks is always various intrigues and unexpected enemies. No matter what the mastermind behind the scenes wants to do, now this most important prop is under our control." Zuo Si said with a tone With a trace of carelessness.

If there is anything that impresses him the most about Faerun Continent, it must be the series of conspiracies one after another.

Especially when you are entrusted to investigate some special cases, when you feel that you are very close to the truth, you will suddenly find that there is a hidden force behind the murderer.

After you have worked so hard to eradicate this force, you find out that the other party is only being deceived and manipulated, and there is a deeper hidden mastermind.

In short, the more important and far-reaching an event is, the more there will be more than one participant behind it.

Take the son of Baal as an example. At the beginning, the adoptive father Grian was raided and killed, followed by the iron mine crisis and a large number of thieves cutting off the business route, and then it was found out that the man behind the scene was the Iron Throne.

After returning to Candlekeep, it was discovered that the real culprit was Sarevok, who was also the son of Baal.

And this is just the beginning of the legendary adventure story!

Next, there will be a battle of wits and courage between Amn and Irenicus to regain their own soul and divinity.

After going through a difficult battle among the five descendants, it was not until the end that they discovered that the real man behind the scenes was actually helping the Son of Baal on the surface, but actually betrayed the murder god he served, and wanted to seize divinity and harmony. Goddess Melisandre.

It can be said that the Son of Baal incident is the epitome of the serial conspiracy in the entire Faerun continent.

In the same way, if you want to completely destroy the Arcane Brotherhood and occupy Luskan right now, you need to face not only the enemies in front of you, but also the Zhentarim Society, the Red Robe Wizards, and other temporarily unknown forces.

As for the weird life like Ba Di's belly, there may be more involved.

So Zuo Si is very patient, knowing that the other party will show up by himself sooner or later, there is no need to spend so much effort and energy on investigation.

Just when Vanessa was about to say something, a very young-looking apprentice walked over quickly from a distance and reported in a low voice: "Master, there is new news from Luskan just now, A rebellion broke out within the Arcane Brotherhood. The four tower masters united to overthrow the rule of Akram Grace, causing him to escape seriously injured."

"Oh? When did it happen!" Lich's eyes lit up instantly.

If this news is true, then this will be the best time to attack the main tower of the Arcane Brotherhood.

"It happened about two days ago. However, due to an accident during the transmission of the news, it was not sent back immediately. At present, this incident has shocked the entire Northland. It is said that Neverwinter City has united Many towns have sent troops to confront Luskan's army on the frontier."

The ecstasy that could not be concealed was evident in the apprentice's tone.

Because this means that the entire Luskan is in a defenseless state right now.

"It seems that we must move faster." Vanessa touched her chin with a sinister expression.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "It is true that we must act faster. Let everyone board the ship immediately. It will take a few days to reach Luskan from the Whale Islands. I hope our fleet can launch an attack before they react. .”

"No, what I mean is that we go around behind the Luskan army and cooperate with the Neverwinter coalition forces to encircle and wipe out their last remaining force.

Then march from both sides of the waterway at the same time, making the city completely lose the will to resist and surrender.

After all, you also said before that Neverwinter and its allies may not be useful militarily, but politically they can provide legitimacy and legitimacy for us to occupy Luskan.

So I think it's a good choice to let them participate more deeply. "

Vanessa expressed her thoughts with great interest.

"From our standpoint, maintaining an overly close relationship with Neverwinter, especially letting them join the ranks of attacking Luskan, is actually not a good thing.

You have to understand that the church and paladins of Tyr, the god of justice, have a very firm attitude towards undead creatures, and there is almost no possibility of any compromise.

So it is no problem to join forces with Luskan's army to encircle Luskan's army, but it must not be allowed to enter Luskan's city walls.

Otherwise, it will become very troublesome when we use the army of the undead and cleanse the existing vested interest groups. "

Zuo Si rejected the Lich's proposal without hesitation.

He didn't want anything to happen when the whole plan was about to succeed.

"Okay, I will ask Eric to come forward and be in charge of contacting Neverwinter, and try not to use undead creatures and spells that transform undead creatures in front of them."

After all, Vanessa quickly began to issue orders to let the sailors who had rested for a day re-board the ship.

About an hour later, the huge fleet set off from the bay, aiming at the final destination of the trip - "City of a Thousand Sails" Luskan.

Just as the fleet set sail, Akram Grace finally succeeded in transforming into a Lich with the help of Eros.

Feeling the new body filled with negative energy and not aware of any aging, exhaustion and lack of energy, he couldn't help showing an extremely satisfied expression.

"This really great! It can't be described in words! No wonder capable mages will do everything possible to transform themselves into liches. Endless lifespan, never-tired spirit, as long as the phylactery exists, it will never be destroyed. Killing, being able to maintain absolute sanity without being disturbed by various physical desires, this is exactly the state that mages dream of."

"It's fine if you like it. Besides, I will keep this phylactery temporarily. I believe you won't have any objections, right?"

Eriny lightly shook the small box in his hand that exuded the aura of necromantic magic.

She knew it without asking, she was reminding the other party that she was the leader of the next series of actions.

"Of course. It is my honor to serve Grand Duke Disbate."

Akram Grace touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply, his eyes and movements were extremely obedient, and he didn't have the slightest intention to snatch back the phylactery that was related to his life and death.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but his cautious character makes him unwilling to act rashly before he knows the opponent's strength and hole cards.

Because he knows that the real devil is often very different from what is described in the books.

Especially the guys who are sent to the material world to perform tasks, maybe in addition to their own natural abilities, they will also have a certain professional level.

The erinia in front of him can help him complete the ritual of transforming into a lich, so he must have very high attainments in necromancy magic.

Even if he is not a mage, he is probably a warlock.

What's more, Aklum Grace wanted to use the opponent's power to fight back and kill all the traitors.

Erinite nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, I like your current attitude. Since time is short, let's stop talking nonsense and start taking action directly."

After that, she stretched out her hand and pushed open the door behind her.


A group of two dozen guys dressed as adventurers appeared out of nowhere in the yard outside the door.

Since more than half have red scales, claws, horns, and tails, it is easy to recognize that they have the blood of purgatory flowing inside them.

You don't need to ask, these guys are all the people who were sent to Faerun by another pit fiend to collect information about Zuo Si.

But now, they were all summoned by the higher-status Erinites to assist Akram Grace in killing Luskan and regaining control of the Arcane Brotherhood.

"How, are you satisfied with these helpers?" Erinyao asked with a half-smile.

"I can't be more satisfied. Come on, I just secretly left a back door in the mage's tower. It's time for those damn traitors to pay for their ungrateful, despicable actions, the price of blood and death..."

After gritting his teeth and saying these words, Akram Grace immediately began to chant the spell, opening the transmission channel between the safe house and the Luskan Mage Tower.

As the founder of the entire Arcane Brotherhood, it is naturally impossible for him not to have left behind in the Mage Tower.

This was true for the teleportation rune used to escape before, and the same is true for the secret teleportation channel now.

If after the rebellion is over, those tower owners can quickly elect a leader who convinces everyone, and then sort out the entire mage tower from beginning to end, maybe these hidden dangers can be cleaned up.

It is a pity that the four tower masters refused to accept each other, and finally joined forces in two to form a situation of splitting and confrontation.

Not to mention cleaning up the hidden dangers inside the mage tower, they didn't even dare to approach the area controlled by the other party, so they could barely maintain this delicate balance.

Soon, under the command of Erinyes, this team, which obeyed the orders of the lords of the second layer of hell, filed in.

When they passed through the portal, they immediately found themselves in a hidden underground warehouse without any doors or entrances.

Surrounded by excavations from various ancient ruins in the North.

Some of these are statues of gods emanating energy, demons and fiend-like sculptures, and others are broken magic items left over from the days of Netheril.

Among them, the most conspicuous one is the Mythra Core placed in the middle and protected by a powerful barrier.

"Where did you get this thing?!"

The erinyes were visibly taken aback by the incredible energy emanating from the Mythra Core.

She never expected that the Arcane Brotherhood, which was regarded as a third-rate spellcasting organization, would actually hide such a hole card.

You must know that Mythra's Core is the work of the peak period of Netheril civilization, which can make a floating city as huge as a mountain float in the sky, and provide energy for simple temporary magic items within a radius of one and a half kilometers.

Even back then, only those who reached the level of Grand Arcanist were eligible to obtain a Mythra Core and start building their own floating city.

Akram Grace replied with a little satisfaction: "I found it in the depths of the ruins of a floating city. But I don't know whether it was the goddess of magic who changed the rules of the magic net, or was damaged during the fall." , in short, it has become very unstable now, without the protection of the enchantment, it is like a super arcane bomb that will explode at any time."

"Where's the power? What is its power?" Erinyao narrowed his eyes and continued to ask.

"I think it is possible to raze the entire Luskan and all the surrounding buildings and roads to the ground, and form a permanent area of ​​dead magic or chaotic magic." Akram Grace was not sure. The tone guessed.

Because since the complete demise of the Netheril civilization, many technologies have been lost, and only the remaining archarcanists still have some.

So he didn't know the specific working principle of Mythra's Core, and how amazing destructive power it could release if it was used as a bomb.

"Very good! It seems that we already have a hole card against South, don't we?"

Eriny walked up to it with light steps, stretched out his hand to gently caress the huge crystal, and the manic primitive energy extracted from the magic net inside, and a playful smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Especially when she spread her wings to show off her nearly perfect golden ratio figure, everyone present immediately felt a corrupt and dark beauty.

Although many people mistakenly regard the succubus among the demons and the erinia among the devils as the same kind of creatures, they both exist to lure mortals to fall.

But in fact there is a huge difference between the two.

Among them, the succubus is the one who uses desire to make mortals unknowingly walk into a well-made trap, until they are completely immersed in it and cannot extricate themselves.

Their ability to draw life and energy through kisses and other intimate acts is the best proof.

However, the same beautiful and endlessly imaginative erinia does not have even a similar ability.

The latter are powerful evil warriors and spellcasters who can quickly cut into the battlefield with their flying ability and kill the enemy in a very short time.

Although many devil dukes prefer to use the beautiful appearance of these creatures to engage in jobs similar to succubi.

The biggest difference between the two is that succubus is not good at and doesn't like to fight head-on, while erinia is just the opposite.

"You want to blow up my mage tower and the whole of Luskan?" Akram Grace frowned subconsciously.

Eriny smiled and shook his head: "No, I just intend to use it as a bargaining chip in the negotiation. Don't forget, even if you succeed in taking back everything that belongs to you, with the current strength of the Arcane Brotherhood and Luskan Not enough against South at all. So we have to find a way to push him back first."

"What if he doesn't follow that? You're not really going to blow up everything I've built in the past ten or twenty years, are you?" Aklum Grace's tone became severe.

You must know that both the Arcane Brotherhood and Luskan are extremely important things in his eyes, and they are also important tools to realize his ambitions.

"It's better to destroy it with your own hands than to leave it to the enemy. Don't forget, you are now a lich with an infinite lifespan. Even if you destroy it, you can start from scratch. Anyway, for a lich, the most important thing is time ’” Erinyes shrugged nonchalantly.

"No! No! I will never allow you to do this. Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood belong to me, and you have no right to dispose of it."

Akram Grace unsurprisingly erupted into a backlash.

It's a pity that this kind of strong opposition quickly disappeared without a trace after Erin Demon pointed to the phylactery.

Only at this time did he realize that he was no longer the uncompromising leader of the Arcane Brotherhood, but a little lich under the control of the Lord of Hell.

In many cases, he has no choice at all and can only obey the orders given by the other party.

Of course, due to the astonishing power and unstable state of Sera's core, Erinia did not move in a hurry, but ordered two people to stay and take care of it.

As for the others, they followed Akram Grace with all their brains, and launched raids on various areas in the mage tower through hidden secret doors. All those who participated in the rebellion were slaughtered mercilessly.

And those who didn't participate and knelt down and surrendered at the first time were immediately incorporated into the counterattack team and rushed to the forefront as cannon fodder to prove their loyalty.

Relying on the prestige accumulated in the past and his familiarity with the internal structure of the mage tower, he took control of the entire lower area without much effort.

Since the early warning system was turned off immediately before the battle started, the tower masters and high-ranking mages on the upper floors who were still arguing for power didn't realize that they were in dire straits.

When Aklum Grace regained control of the tower and led people in, each of them had expressions of shock, astonishment, panic and disbelief on their faces.

" dare you come back?!"

The Lord of the North Tower suddenly stood up from his chair.

Obviously, in his perception, even if the founder of the Arcane Brotherhood didn't die from serious injuries, he should be hiding in an unknown corner and silently licking his wounds.

But only a few days after the rebellion, the opponent not only came back, but also brought a group of powerful men.

"Hmph! You didn't expect me to be back so soon, did you?"

Akram Grace grinned cruelly like cat and mouse.

As a person who must take revenge, he is extremely enjoying the pleasure brought about by the success of revenge.

There is nothing more to look forward to than watching an enemy display horror and despair in front of one's face, and then eat him alive bit by bit.

"Damn it! This guy got help from the devil!"

The Master of Sita saw Erinyes and the mercenaries with purgatory blood behind her at a glance, and loudly reminded the others in the room.

From the moment Akram Grace appeared, the conflicts that erupted between them in the fight for power before did not exist anymore.

Instead, a concerted effort must be made to confront the greatest threat of all.

"Witch... Lich! Akram Grace has successfully transformed himself into a Lich!"

Another high-level mage seemed to have noticed something through detection magic, and his face changed drastically.

After all, before this, the last thing the entire Arcane Brotherhood and even the forces in the North wanted to see was that Akram Grace successfully transformed himself into a lich and gained a nearly eternal life.

But now, the most worrying results are unfolding in front of them.

"Hahahaha! That's right! I'm already a lich! And you... will all receive the most severe punishment under my monstrous wrath today."

Accompanied by a burst of creepy laughter, Akram Grace's body instantly released a cold and creepy aura.

Several young apprentices seemed to have seen some terrifying influence, and immediately lost their will to resist and turned around and wanted to run outside.

But before they ran a few steps, they were hit by the evil necromancer magic and turned into two lifeless corpses.

Fear aura, an ability that can only be obtained by the top and most powerful undead creatures.

Obviously, ordinary apprentices and low-level mages can't even resist in the face of this kind of power, and their will and mind will be defeated in an instant.

However, the four tower owners were not vegetarians either. When they realized the power of Akram Grace, one of them immediately summoned his pets, two pterosaurs that had been carefully cultivated and domesticated.

Several other people also began to prepare spells, activate magic items and scrolls, planning to have a positive spell confrontation with Akram Grace.

Just when a magic war was about to break out, a portal suddenly appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

next second...

A man in a bright red robe came out from the other side of the portal.

He first inspected the surroundings, and then took the initiative to say: "Everyone, if you don't mind, can you listen to me for a few words before the fight?"

"Who are you?"

A gleam of vigilance flashed in Aklum Grace's eyes.

Although he had already figured out the approximate identity of the other party from his attire and the conspicuous black tattoo on his bald head, he still had to confirm it.

"My name is Aznar Srull, I believe you should have heard of it." The man reported his name meaningfully.


Neither was Akram Grace present. Or the other four tower masters and high-level mages all showed expressions of surprise or surprise.

Because they really couldn't figure out why a chief red-robed wizard would come all the way from Searle at the other end of Faerun to the barren Northland at great risk.

Although the Arcane Brotherhood had cooperated with the red-robed wizard before, the level was limited to the level of the concession.

In other words, the latter's high-level executives don't think highly of the former at all.

But Aznar Srull took advantage of this gap and said in an unhurried voice: "By now, you should all know who the enemy you really have to face is.

That's right, it's the young man who has only risen suddenly in the last two years.

Right now, his fleet is constantly approaching Luskan, and may approach the city at any time.

At this time, the most important thing to do is to temporarily put aside the grievances between each other and join hands to deal with foreign enemies. "

"You want me to let these traitors go?"

After realizing the purpose of the other party's visit, Aklum Grace's eyes quickly became full of hostility.

Because he felt that this guy might stand on the opposite side of himself.

"No, it's not letting go, but letting go temporarily. At least when dealing with our common enemy, we need to unite all forces that can be united. Don't forget, if Luskan is occupied, then even if you succeed in revenge today, it will become Meaningless." Aznar Srull patiently explained.

As the head of the red-robed wizards, he is undoubtedly a powerful legendary mage.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to become the leader of a faction within the parliament and stand at the forefront of the confrontation with Sarzastan.

It's just that Aznar Srull prefers to use the art of language to persuade the other party to cooperate with his actions than using violent means.

"What is your purpose? Or, what do you want to use us for?" Akram Grace tentatively asked.

"Of course it is to capture this young voter, obtain from his body the supernatural power that can control all plagues from Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and decipher the mystery of silver fire given to the voter by the goddess of magic. And I promise Afterwards, not only are you allowed to participate in the research, but you are also allowed to share all the results."

Aznar Srull unhurriedly stated the purpose of the trip and set out the conditions.

In fact, the reason why he came up with this idea was the plague that swept across the entire Northland not long ago and almost wiped out the orcs.

It was through this plague that the upper echelons of the red robe wizards realized the value of Zuo Si as a super strategic weapon.

As for the silver fire given to the voters by the goddess of magic, the chiefs have long been greedy.

It's a pity that several operations against Elminster, Kelben, Laila, and Simbu all ended in disastrous failures, and no one dared to attack them as time passed.

Can be so different!

It took a very short time for him to acquire the ability of voters, and in the eyes of the outside world, his strength is definitely not as good as those veteran voters.

Coupled with this war, some chiefs of the red-robed wizards saw an opportunity, so Aznar Srull decided to step in.

Garnier's unauthorized actions actually obtained their acquiescence and support.

Akram Grace is obviously hesitating!

Because he knew very well that compared with the red-robed wizard, his Arcane Brotherhood was an insignificant small organization, and there were still a lot of "anti-bones" in the organization who wanted to die.

If you agree, then it is difficult to guarantee that those tower masters and high-level mages who participated in the rebellion will regain the strength to fight against themselves with the support of the other party.

But if he didn't agree, the chief in front of him would be enough to drink a pot by himself, and counting those traitors, even with the help of the devil, it would be difficult to take advantage of it.

There was a long silence, and finally Eriny came out from behind and said with a smile: "We agree to this cooperation. But there is one thing, the soul of Sous must belong to me after it is done."

Aznar Srull responded without thinking: "No problem. I wish us a happy cooperation. If you don't mind, can you tell me that you are serving the Duke of Hell?"

"The lord of the second floor of Hell, Grand Duke Disbate." Eriny straightforwardly reported his master's name.

Because she knew that just this signboard could make the sinister and cunning mage in front of her feel afraid.

"Ah! A respectable and fearsome great devil, it is my honor to cooperate with his subordinates. If you don't mind, I think we should find a quiet place to discuss specific details, what do you think?" Ah Znar Srull quickly extended the invitation.

The red-robed chief has already discovered that the one who can really call the shots in the Arcane Brotherhood is no longer Akram Grace, but the stunningly beautiful devil in front of him.

"Hehe, yes. I also happen to have a happy secret that I can share with you. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to take him down."

After all, Eriny walked towards the next room together with Aznar Srull, ignoring the tense atmosphere around him.

Because both of them knew that the infighting of the Arcane Brotherhood could no longer be fought.

At least Akram Grace no longer has an absolute advantage after losing the support of the devil, and those tower masters and high-level mages dare not act rashly, they can only wait for the result.

It has to be said that the development of things to this point has far exceeded their expectations.

But what made these people even more unexpected was that Mansong, who had just listened to Ximanmeng's report in Zhentil Fort, also made an astonishing decision.

He didn't even notify anyone, and directly took a few of his men to a wooden house in the woods on the outskirts of Luskan.

This is a secret Zhentarim stronghold that not even the all-pervasive Harper knows about.

"Teacher, are you sure you want to do this? South is not an easy person to deal with, and he also has a strong revenge mentality that is different from ordinary people. If these actions are discovered by him, then Zentil Fort..."

Before Xi Manmeng finished speaking, Mansong interrupted immediately: "No, you are wrong, my apprentice. Controlling the dark intelligence network for a long time has made you lose your aggressiveness and courage to challenge the strong. Remember , before the threat has not been put into actual action, it is just a threat. Never let the threat scare you, let alone let it become the shackles that limit your actions. It is true that the ability that Sous has is very terrifying, but So what? Don't we have less trouble now?"

"What if he really releases the plague in Zhentil Castle?" Simon asked cautiously.

"It's very simple! Then send out all the people infected with the plague, so that the scope of the plague will be expanded tenfold or a hundredfold. At that time, we will not need to take action, and those paladins who claim to be righteous and the Church of the Good God will come forward. Since he You can use the plague to threaten us, why can't we counter it?"

Obviously, Manshoon is worthy of being the founder and supreme leader of the Zhentarim Society, and he found a way to crack it all at once.

And he can also use these plagues to weaken his enemies and countries he wants to invade, causing them to inevitably fall into civil strife.

As a typical evil mage, he doesn't care about the life and death of civilians, but only cares about whether he can achieve his ambitions and goals.

If it can, then it doesn't matter if all the residents of Zhentil Castle are sacrificed.

"So that's it!" Xi Manmeng suddenly realized, and immediately realized that he had been led into a misunderstanding by his opponent. "So, this time we are going to side with the Arcane Brotherhood?"

"Not only the Arcane Brotherhood, but also the heads of several red-robed wizards. When those concessions launched an attack on our intelligence network, I received some secret letters. So this is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Chance."

When he said these words, Mansong revealed a strong desire in his tone.

Silver fire!

The magic net is the core, the most primitive, the power that belongs only to the goddess of magic.

As long as he can capture this power, he can further surpass all arcane spellcasters, and even become a demigod.

Zuo Si still doesn't know that he has unknowingly become the so-called "Tang Monk Meat" in this conspiracy, and many people want to pounce on him and take a bite.

Similarly, when these evil forces gathered in the Northland, Kelben also received urgent information from the Harper Alliance.

Especially the weird atmosphere between the red-robed wizards and the Zhentarim, as well as the large number of suspicious people frequenting the tower of the Luskan Arcane Brotherhood, made this powerful elect feel uneasy.

Just when he was hesitating whether to go there in person, Alaszhuo suddenly teleported over and said in a serious tone: "Something has happened! According to the information obtained by one of my spies lurking inside the Zhentarim Society, the red-robed wizard Several chiefs have teamed up with Mansson, and the Arcane Brotherhood is very likely to target South. He is in a very dangerous situation now."

"What's the purpose? What is their purpose in dealing with Sous?" Kelben frowned and asked.

Alaszhuo shook his head: "This is not clear yet. But I think he should be notified immediately to lead the fleet back, stop the plan to attack and occupy Luskan. It is very likely that there is a huge trap right now. Where's Laila? Why isn't she here?"

"Leila went to Harua, the country of mages, at the order of the goddess, and tried to promote some life-like magic. I guess I won't be able to make it back in a while. In addition, I don't think Sous will be the kind of character who listens to people's advice. .So we should be ready to rescue at any time. No matter what these guys are planning, we must not let them succeed."

Kelben quickly made a judgment on the current situation.

As a person who doesn't like to make troubles, he really doesn't understand why Zuo Si is like a magnet, which can cause a series of troubles and problems no matter where it goes.

"Damn it! I'll contact Simbu and Storm, and you'll inform Elminster and Dove. Remember to keep in touch."

After saying this, Alaszhuo hastily cast the teleportation magic and disappeared without a trace.

She remembered very clearly that the last time she contacted so many voters of the Goddess of Magic was when Sammaster attacked herself out of jealousy.

But at that time, neither side had the heart to kill each other.

But this time facing the top strength of the Zhentarim Society and the red-robed wizard, everyone must go all out.

After all, whether it is Mansong or the chief of the red-robed wizard, they have fought against the elect of the goddess of magic more than once, and both sides are very aware of the powerful power possessed by the other party.

Similarly, after Kelben packed up his belongings a little bit, he was directly teleported to Elminster's residence in Shadow Valley.

To be honest, he didn't have much confidence in whether he could persuade this old man with a way of thinking that was different from ordinary people to join this operation.

Because Elminster was too freewheeling and stubborn.

As long as it's something this guy believes, it doesn't even matter if the goddess of magic from the previous generation came.

(end of this chapter)

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