One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 275 The Huge Risk Of Wishing Technique

Chapter 275 The Huge Risk of Wishing Technique

With the reappearance of Zuo Si, the three dragons who had been in a melee quickly separated.

Especially Fairkragg, who was at an overwhelming disadvantage, had already begun to feel that he was being calculated, and immediately tried to summon his most capable subordinates.

In the blink of an eye, the mage Const and a mercenary team composed of humans and gray dwarves rushed in from another entrance.

When they saw the three red dragons in front of them, they were all dumbfounded, and they couldn't figure out what happened.

But from the blood sprinkled on the ground, and the large number of wounds on his master's body caused by claws and teeth, he could vaguely tell that a fierce battle must have erupted just now.

So after hesitating for a moment, Konstant couldn't help asking immediately, "Great master, what's going on?"

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense! All these guys you see are enemies!"

Faircrag roared and instantly activated a magic item worn on his body. The healing spell released from it restored some vitality slightly and stopped the wound on his body from bleeding.

Hearing that the two red dragons were enemies, Const's face changed slightly, and he raised his hand to start casting spells.

But before he could sing the first syllable, Zuo Si slowly warned, "If I were you, from now on I would just stand still where I am, instead of getting involved in this incident rashly." In a battle that does not belong to you. Because as long as you complete even the lowest level of zero-ring tricks, I guarantee that you will die in the next second."


Const's original waving hands stopped, and his eyes instantly revealed intense panic.

He knew without asking, he recognized Zuo Si's identity, and he also knew what this elector who was appointed by the two goddesses had been doing recently.

Whether it's defeating and sealing a secondary abyss lord, or killing Mansong, or defeating several chief red-robed mages, and making the famous Sazastan retreat, it's definitely beyond the reach of a mere LV16 mage. .

Seeing that the mage hesitated, Zuo Si immediately realized that the other party and Fairkragg might not be the kind of very strict superiors and subordinates, but closer to an ally or cooperative relationship.

It's just that in this kind of cooperation, Red Dragon occupies an absolute dominant position, while Const is a subordinate position.

In normal times, with Faircrag's powerful strength, Konstant did not dare to have any second thoughts, otherwise he would be hunted down.

But now, Fairkragg seems to be unable to protect himself, and at this time he will inevitably have to think about himself.

There is no way, whoever makes people from the evil camp basically count as one is often very selfish, and wanting them to make sacrifices for others is simply a dream.

Especially the mages of the evil camp are the typical ones.

Seeing that his subordinates were about to betray, Faircrag's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce and cruel, and he threatened in an extremely cold and slow tone: "Const! You have to think clearly about the price of betraying me!"

"Don't worry, as long as your master dies today, then he has no ability to make you pay any more. So why can't we cooperate? I promise, no matter what Faircrag promised or reached with you I can pay double for any agreement."

Zuo Si launched a psychological offensive with a smile on her face.

Even with his current strength, it would not take much effort to deal with Const and his human mercenaries.

But it's interesting to watch enemies fight among themselves and then kill each other.

After all, the top spellcasters will always give priority to the use of wisdom, instead of knowing how to unscrupulously vent their magical power like many preaching mages who die in incomparable ways.

"Idiot! Do you think he will let you go after I die? Don't dream! You have no right to bargain at all! Come and help me! This is the only choice!" Fairkragg roared sharply.

Just when Const was hesitating, Isadora, who was hiding in the dark, finally made a move.

Since psychic powers are more subtle and weird than any magic and divine spells, there was no sign when she released [Tampering Memory].

However, under the influence of this psychic power, Const was modified the memory of the past five minutes, thinking that he had reached a cooperation agreement with Zuo Si, and immediately pointed to Faircrag and ordered the mercenary behind him: " Go! Kill him!"


All the mercenaries and Faircrag were stunned.

Especially the latter, it was almost unbelievable that this mage, who had always been extremely respectful and obedient to him, dared to betray him at such a critical moment, and he didn't seem to hesitate at all.

"Are you crazy?"

Felcragg's lava eyes blazed with the tyranny of a red dragon in crisis.

But unfortunately, the response he got was a 【Cone of Ice】.

Since the red dragon is a giant dragon with fire attributes, it is particularly vulnerable to cold damage while being completely immune to all fire element damage.

To use a more professional vocabulary to describe it is "cold and vulnerable", that is, cold weapons and magic can cause additional damage to it.

So when the piercing coldness of the 【Ice Cone】 hit the wound, Faircrag instantly lost his mind and fell into a state of madness.

I saw him completely ignoring Davidian and Wilmes, and rushed directly to where Conster was, and opened his mouth to breathe out a mouthful of scorching flames.

Several human mercenaries who were still in shock and had no time to react were reduced to ashes on the spot under the burning of white high-temperature flames as high as more than 1,000 degrees Celsius.

But Konstant was clearly prepared, and immediately activated the arbitrary door spell at the moment the dragon's breath spewed out, and disappeared in place.

With the activation of any door, and the invisibility cloak on his body, the whole person disappeared from Faircrag's sight in an instant.

Combinations like this Dimension Door with invisibility magic items or potions are what many arcane spellcasters use most often when under attack.

Among them, any door can be used for short-distance teleportation, instantly bringing the caster to a relatively safe place.

The invisibility potion or magic item can make the moment the teleportation is completed, so that the enemy can't find a target to attack, so as to buy enough time for oneself to cast the next spell or turn around and escape.

"It seems that you are really at the end of your rope this time." Zuo Si stared at Faircrag's out of breath and showed a playful smile.

Because of the connection between his mind, he knew very well what Isadora who was hiding in the corner had done.

As a psion who specializes in the "telepathizer" faction, the ability of the girl to quietly influence and manipulate other people's minds is even far higher than that of a mage who specializes in enchantment.

Especially in the face of unique psionic spells such as [Altering Memory], [Reading Thoughts], [Aversion], [Suggestion], and [False Sense], unless one is 100% immune to everything in this area, it is very likely that one will not notice it at all. When it comes to the situation, it will be manipulated unknowingly, just like the current Const.

Moreover, people who are influenced and manipulated do not notice any abnormalities at all, but feel that all this is due to their own subjective choices.

"Very good! Very good! This is what you forced me to do!"

Faircrag flapped his wings violently and pushed Wilmes away, then rose into the air and quickly chanted dragon language magic in midair.

Zuo Si has read some Netherese scrolls, so she has an unparalleled advantage in spellcraft.

When the opponent had just chanted halfway through the spell, he immediately recognized that this guy was actually releasing the nine-ring magic [Wishing Art].


Magic ability?

Dragon unique occupation?

These three possibilities instantly appeared in his mind.

You must know that in Faerun, most of the evil dragons are the kind of slobs who have no occupation, eat and sleep all day long, and occasionally go out to plunder wealth.

But if this lazy nature can be overcome, then this behemoth can become a most formidable foe.

A lifespan of thousands of years allows it to learn all kinds of knowledge and skills, and its wisdom will be strengthened and precipitated with age.

But curiosity is curiosity, Zuo Si will not let the opponent cast [Wishing], a powerful magic that is very likely to reverse the situation in an instant, and immediately start using the creator's ability to extract the energy that supports the structure of the spell.

However, dragon language magic is obviously very different from the magic used by mortals. It mobilizes more energy and has a more stable spell structure.

Therefore, at the moment the spell was completed, Zuo Si did not destroy it, but only reduced it from the [Wishing Art] of the ninth ring to the [Limited Wishing Art] of the seventh ring.

Although literally only the word "limited" is added, the effect is quite different.

The moment Faircrag expressed his wish, several portals were suddenly opened, followed by a large army of metal constructs walking out from the other side.

One of the leaders, a construct that looks like a huge ball, issued a mechanical electronic sound from the opening on the top of the head: "According to the excerpts from Chapter 3, Section 4, and the second paragraph of the Germis Treaty, we respond Called here. The 9th Squadron of the 12th Battalion under the Sixth Army of Malaka will fight for you."

"I order you to kill all living things except me!"

Faircrag quickly gave orders to the constructs summoned with [Limited Wishes].

But what's interesting is that these constructs didn't start to act immediately, but first took out a thick stack of metal plates engraved with a large number of unknown symbols from somewhere in the body, and handed them to the red dragon without any emotion. The tone said: "Please read the terms of the agreement carefully, and sign after confirming that there is no problem."

"Sign... Sign?"

Faircrag was stunned for a moment.

Because he couldn't believe it even in his dreams, these constructs that he didn't know where he summoned would actually make such a strange request.

However, he obviously couldn't understand those strange symbols. Just as he was about to sign his paw on it, he suddenly heard Zuo Si reminded him: "If I were, I wouldn't just sign such a powerful magic-bound sign. something powerful."

"Why, are you scared?" Faircrag sneered.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, of course not, I'm just simply stating a fact.

Because these constructs come from a plane of ultimate order, a cold and emotionless plane, its name is Mechanism.

The Mechanic Realm is the birthplace of the power of order in the entire multiverse, so various agreements and rules must be implemented no matter what.

If you make a contract with the devil and don't keep it, at most they will send some of their minions to hunt you down.

But if the agreement is signed with the mechanical realm but not fulfilled, it means that it will be an enemy of all order forces in the entire multiverse.

According to some history from different planes, it can be known that a certain god once wanted to use the mechanical realm to achieve his goals, but refused to fulfill the content of the agreement after it was done.

Guess what happened to him in the end?

His country was captured by an endless army of constructs, and he was forcibly taken back to the Mechanical Realm for transformation.

In the end, a brand new gear kingdom and machine lord appeared in the machine world. "

Hearing these words, Faircrag couldn't help shivering immediately.

Although his plane knowledge is not rich, he has heard about the mechanical world.

This plane as a whole looks like a huge drop-shaped clock, and every law and order will form a gear kingdom.

All the gear kingdoms operate according to an extreme order and rules, and there will be absolutely no slightest deviation or error.

Some people say that the Mechanical Plane is a place of complete balance, justice and order, where light and darkness, cold and heat, positive energy and negative energy are all 50-50, and no one side can take even the slightest advantage.

And because of the complex laws, rules and etiquette brought about by the ultimate order, everything looks so dull.

Things such as passion, dream, pain, longing, etc. that can cause violent emotional fluctuations are completely absent.

There are no wild animals and plants here, only intelligent constructs that are equally cold and can endure extremely boring.

For a red dragon who is greedy, evil, and eager to become a tyrant and rule a large realm, there is no place more terrifying than Mechanism.

Staring at the dozens of pages of metal plates in front of him, Faircrag fell into deep contemplation. After about two or three minutes, he asked cautiously, "What are the contents of these treaties?"

"Quoting the twenty-fifth subsection of the Seventh Amendment, the summoner should know the price he has to pay, and the executor has no right or obligation to give any explanation to the summoner." The spherical construct continued to respond in a very dull tone.

Undoubtedly, this answer immediately put Fairkragg in a dilemma.

Because on the one hand, without knowing the content of the terms, he didn't dare to sign it rashly.

On the other hand, he urgently needs help now, otherwise he might really die here today.

After hesitating again and again, the red dragon finally chose the latter between death and serious consequences.

The moment he signed his name on the metal plate with his claws, the spherical construct immediately expanded into a huge metal net.

Before Fairkragg could react to what happened, his whole body was completely covered, and he was firmly fixed on the ground.

No matter how hard he struggled and breathed out his deadly flame breath, it was of no avail.

The spherical construct waved thousands of mechanical hands at an incredible speed, prying off the scales of the red dragon one by one.

At the same time, use those scalpel-sharp front ends to tear away muscles, internal organs and bones, and then replace them with metal handed over by other constructs behind them.

The severe pain of being hacked into pieces made Fairkragg unbearable at all, and he roared frantically: "Let go of me! Stop! I order you to stop immediately! What exactly are you trying to do?"

"I am fulfilling the contract, transforming you into a construct like us, and becoming one with me. In this way, you will be able to become the commander of the ninth squadron of the 12th Brigade under the Sixth Army of Malaka Officer, and lead us to do everything you want to do. Of course, the premise is that you still have this idea at that time."

The spherical construct uttered words in the calmest language that made Faircrag shudder.

Not only Faircrager, but also the other red dragon Wilmes present.

The latter witnessed the horrible scene of such a powerful kind being pressed to the ground and dismembered alive, and immediately retreated to the corner of the lair, not even taking a second look at the mountain of treasures.

"Master, what should we do now?" Dragonborn Knight Davidian asked in an uncertain tone.

"Don't worry, just observe for a while." Zuo Si stroked her chin and replied with great interest.

Undoubtedly, when Faircrag made a wish, he did not realize that his [Wishing Art] was downgraded due to insufficient energy to support the spell structure, so he made a wish according to the nine-ring [Wishing Art] format, Instead of Seven Rings [Limited Wishes].

This also means that there are loopholes in the wording, and the effect is very easy to be misinterpreted.

And the agreement that the Mechanical Realm couldn't understand and didn't give an explanation was the biggest "pit".

In fact, similar situations often occur when using [Wish] and [Limited Wish].

Sometimes it was because the wording of the wish was not rigorous enough, sometimes the wish exceeded the upper limit that the spell could achieve, and sometimes it was because of some inexplicable interference.

In short, the [Wishing Art], known as the strongest magic under the legend, is essentially a spell that tests luck and character.

People who are lucky can use it to get what they want, but people who are unlucky are very likely to lose themselves after casting it once.

This is also the reason why Zuo Si obviously has mastered the wishing technique, but rarely uses it.

After all, this is not a game. You can choose the result you want from some options, let alone running a group with a DM to save the field.

Except for some fixed routines that have been explored by mages, such as strengthening basic attributes, or simulating other magical effects, he does not intend to rely too much on the convenience brought by [Wishing].

It has to be said that the constructs of Mechanic Realm are definitely the highest in the entire multiverse in terms of work efficiency.

It didn't take a while to transform Faircrag's almost half of his body from tail to abdomen into pure mechanical metal.

Especially when a big baby was cut off, his screams were extremely hoarse.

What's even more frightening is that this transformation is still going on, and it will soon touch the two core internal organs of a dragon—the heart and the stomach.

Among them, the heart is the source of life for the dragon, and once it is lost, it means that it is no longer a living creature.

The stomach is the source of power, and many supernatural and spell-like abilities, including breath weapons, rely on the powerful stomach to absorb elemental energy and supply it to the whole body.

Coupled with the pain caused by the forcible dismantling of muscles, bones, and internal organs, Faircrag finally collapsed, and directly asked his enemy for help: "Help me! I would rather die as a red dragon! I don't want to die as a red dragon!" To become a cold construct!"

But Zuo Si asked back unmoved: "I warned you just now, but you ignored it. Now, give me a reason to help you?"

"Don't you want my body, life and soul? I can give you all of them!" Faircrag obviously gave up.

Because he knew that once the transformation was completed, he would become one of the many constructs in the Mechanical Realm, and even his soul would undergo drastic changes under the powerful and absolute force of order.

Rather than obeying all kinds of laws and dogmas every day like these guys, it would be better to just die.

Of course, it would be best if he could escape in the melee.

"Remember your promise."

Zuo Si is obviously very aware that this cunning red dragon is really using him, but considering the threat that the other party may bring after being transformed into a construct, he still decides to prevent it from happening.

Otherwise, he would have to spend some more effort to find another powerful red dragon as a sacrifice.

Although the constructs from the mechanical world are dull, they are not fools.

Noticing that this mortal wanted to attack, he immediately gathered together to form a tight defensive formation.

Unlike the golems and shield guards made by mages, this construct not only has a hard and indestructible body, but also has a terrifying brute force that can easily knock down a wall. There are quite a few spellcasters.

Especially the small humanoid constructs whose bodies are filled with lightning energy or flame energy, 100% have the ability to control at least one element.

The spherical construct that is transforming Faircrag issued a straightforward warning: "Stand back! If you get closer, we will regard you as an enemy and attack."

"Isn't it true that from the moment that agreement was signed, we were already enemies? If I remember correctly, according to the first law of the Mechanic Realm, all signed agreements must be implemented. So from Fair When Cragg gave the order to destroy all enemies except himself, it meant that only one of us would survive."

As Zuo Si spoke, he drew out two cards that had never been used before.

Obviously, when dealing with these army of constructs with many immune abilities, he needs to activate some special powers and props.

"The agreement will be finalized by the commander after the transformation is completed. Before that, our relationship does not have to be an enemy. But if you interfere with the implementation of the agreement, we will kill you without mercy .” The spherical construct explained meticulously.

As a creature in the Mechanical Realm, it will never and cannot lie, so every word it says is the truest thought in its heart.

It's a pity that Zuo Si, who had already decided to do it, didn't care about the idea of ​​these constructs at all, and activated the first card without hesitation.


A huge crystal tower with a height of seven or eight meters appeared out of thin air.

Before the spherical construct had time to react, a terrifying thunderstorm shot out from the spire, covering the position of the construct army at an unimaginable speed.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by streaks of dazzling and bright lightning falling from the sky, a large number of constructs were immediately placed in a large area.

Because the metal body is an excellent conductor of electric energy, under the influence of a strong current, the magic energy that originally maintained its action is blocked, and it instantly becomes extremely slow or completely loses its ability to move.

There are also some constructs with relatively high resistance, which start to heat up uncontrollably and rise sharply.

Finally, after being electrocuted several times in a row, his whole body completely melted into a puddle of scalding molten metal.

Needless to ask, I know that this super-giant crystal tower is an energy storage device that Zuo Si made for himself in his spare time.

It is an upgraded version of [Blue Dragon Buster]. Both the stored power and power have been greatly improved.

"Warning! Warning! The agreement in progress is under attack! The ninth squad of the 12th Brigade under the Sixth Army of Malacca immediately entered a fighting state."

The spherical construct immediately issued instructions to the army of constructs who were receiving the electric shock.

Just a second later, one of the flashing constructs jumped up and rushed into the dense clouds above, completely absorbing the thunderstorm that had just formed.

next second...

This guy smashed all the lightning energy he absorbed towards Zuo Si's position, trying to eliminate this most threatening mortal in one fell swoop.

But when the lightning that was thicker than a stone pillar fell, Zuo Si's body suddenly began to expand rapidly, and was finally engulfed by the huge roar and white electric light.

Due to Yu Liang's exaggerated relationship, everyone in the dragon's nest only felt a strong stinging pain in their eyes, accompanied by a slight burning sensation.

According to the diagnosis results given by the doctors on earth, the lightest is a retinal burn, which may cause irreversible damage to vision.

But for Faerun, a world brimming with magical powers, it only takes one to heal a minor injury or pour a few drops of healing potion into the eyes to quickly recover.

When the white thunder light gradually dissipated, Faircrag opened his mouth wide and showed an expression of disbelief.

Because he saw a blue dragon of the same kind covered with dark blue scales standing at the center of Thunder just now.

As we all know, blue dragons are completely immune to lightning damage.

So even though he was attacked by such a powerful thunderbolt, he didn't suffer the slightest damage.

Needless to ask, Zuo Si chose the simplest and easiest countermeasure when facing a powerful lightning attack.

Not only that!

He also took advantage of these simple-thinking and rigid constructs not knowing what happened, he decisively opened his mouth and exhaled a super lightning breath.

The latter is like a huge net, directly covering hundreds of constructs, and cooperates with the crystal spire to repeatedly destroy and ravage the aborigines from the machine world.

As a planeswalker, manipulating, transforming, and storing energy is as instinctive as breathing.

When the terrifying lightning energy came, Zuo Si not only transformed into a blue dragon for immunity, but also absorbed most of the energy into the body, and then bounced back again with the way of breathing.

And this time, he didn't give the opponent any chance to absorb and transform.

Two consecutive heavy blows quickly shattered those structures that were not strong enough.

Some were completely destroyed, while others were only temporarily incapacitated, entering a state of self-healing.


You heard that right!

Unlike the constructs built by mages, the constructs with life and soul in the mechanical realm can slowly recover from injuries through dormancy.

Although this process can be very long, some constructs wake up to find that thousands of years have passed.

Of course, time means nothing to immortal constructs, so they will soon find a way to return to Mechanism, continuing to perform their dull and tedious duties until the end of time or the end of life.

Seeing that more and more subordinates were forced to go into hibernation, the spherical construct finally stopped transforming Faircrag, and swung the sharp blade in his hand to cut off the nerve network connecting the brain, body and limbs, and then used the body to extend The slender mechanical arms that came out connected the damaged constructs one after another.

After a while, these wreckages were reassembled under its control to form a huge super-giant construct.

And it can also shoot long-range weapons such as metal spears, javelins, and iron balls from various independent parts.

Both Wilmes and the dragon-born knight suffered serious injuries in this round of stormy attacks.

In particular, Davidian's strong strength attribute was completely suppressed by the opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

Based on this alone, it can be confirmed that this combined steel titan has at least fifty strength attributes.

As for the anti-strike ability, it is exaggerated to the extreme, even the dragon claw can only tear a small hole in it.

Even the flaming breath that is enough to melt rock and steel only makes the surface red and hot.

Only the shockingly powerful lightning can cause a short delay.

"Damn it! This thing reminds me of the fusion of robots in some old animation works..." Zuo Si whispered with twitching corners of his mouth.

Although he had read about the grotesque and mechanical punk style of Mechland in some books, he still felt the shock from the bottom of his heart after seeing it with his own eyes.

After all, this group of constructs may only be a small part of the vast army of some cog-land machine lord.

This shows how terrifying and astonishing the power contained in the entire Mechanical Realm is.

It's no wonder that when the demons of the abyss set off a war to conquer the multiverse, they never went to the trouble of Mechanism.

It's not that they don't want to, but they really can't afford to provoke them.

Because the demons in the abyss are endless, the constructs of the mechanical realm are also endless.

Once any unordered force invades, it will be besieged by unimaginable violence every minute.

"Mortal, you violated the agreement and violated the performance of the agreement. I officially announce that you have been arrested. Please give up resistance immediately and go back with me to accept the legal trial. Otherwise, I will use the final clause to eliminate you and your accomplices."

The spherical construct issued a strict ultimatum.

Obviously, as a manifestation of the ultimate order, even at this time it is still strictly following the procedures.

"Destroy me? Sorry, you can't do this with your strength."

With that said, Zuo Si returned from the dragon form to a human form, and quickly activated another card in his hand.

Accompanied by a strong arcane aura, a huge crab-like robot monster appeared out of thin air.

It has a huge body that is almost the same as that of the enemy, two metal pincers that can crush everything, and three pairs of jointed limbs used to support the body.

Through the two eyes towering at the front of the head, one can vaguely see that there is a very complicated control room inside.

Without further ado, Zuo Si opened the entrance and jumped in, pulling down the red lever that marked start.

Click! Click!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

After a very rhythmic mechanical sound and roar, the giant metal crab slowly stood up from the ground, and waved its pincers to block the fist of the steel titan.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Deafening roar echoed in the cave.

In this way, the two steel behemoths launched a unique battle in the dragon's nest.

The sound of the collision between the terrifying force and the steel left Faircrag, who was incapacitated, dumbfounded.

Since he had traveled to many places in Faerun when he was young, he recognized at a glance that the big metal crab controlled by Zuo Si was not a construct, but a magic called "Quarish". mechanical.

This kind of thing is very common among mages with certain strength.

In the area around the Sword Coast alone, many people have built submarine-like Qualixu devices for themselves to salvage and collect treasures that have sunk into the bottom of the sea.

It's just that most quarish devices are usually not too large in size, and the largest will not exceed the area of ​​a log cabin, and the small ones can only accommodate one person.

On the one hand, it is because the larger the Qualixu device consumes more materials and costs, and the manufacturing difficulty will also increase geometrically;

On the other hand, a too large Qualixu device consumes terrible energy, which is simply not what ordinary mages can provide.

Faircrager couldn't imagine at all, what kind of method Zuo Si used to control this huge steel monster like the biological weapon used in the undersea race war-"Siege Cancer".

"What are we going to do now?"

Wilmes showed a bewildered expression as he watched the two steel behemoths fighting close to each other.

She may dare to challenge those dragons who are stronger than herself, but she dare not easily join the contest between such super steel behemoths.

Because even if it is accidentally hit, it may be seriously injured or even killed immediately.

"Just wait. The master will get rid of those constructs from the Mechanic Realm."

With that said, Davidian went straight to Fairkragg's side to control him.

He obviously knew about this super-giant qualixu device.

To be precise, after Askatera settled down, Zuo Si has already started planning to build a multi-functional combat platform that can adapt to various complex environments.

Since the Quarish device is a typical combination of magic and technology, it naturally became the first choice.

Unfortunately, due to the limited supply of some rare and precious raw materials, the manufacturing progress has been very slow.

Even the giant metal crab with considerable combat power in front of him is just an unfinished semi-finished product.

Not even one weapon system that can truly kill the enemy on a large scale and efficiently has been installed.

Otherwise, Iron Titan might have been defeated long ago.

Just when everyone in the dragon's nest was attracted by the battle between the two steel behemoths, several monsters that looked like a mixture of enlarged ants and spiders suddenly rushed out from the corner.

They have thick limbs, their bodies are more than one and a half meters long, and the height of their protruding backs is about one meter. They rushed towards the steel titan at an extremely fast speed, opened their mouths and bit them fiercely.

Under the action of the saliva rich in magic power, a large area of ​​metal instantly showed taupe rust spots, and it was still expanding at an extremely fast speed.

Moreover, these monsters used rusty steel as food, gnawing on it.

"Rust Monster?"

Zuo Si instantly recognized these strange monsters that didn't look very threatening.

As the name suggests, this monster has the magical power to make metal rust, and feeds on it, it is simply the natural enemy of all metals.

Although the few rust monsters in the area are limited to the threat to the steel titan in front of them, they make the spherical structure as the control core very panic.

It didn't even care about the huge claws of the metal crab, and immediately shifted its attack focus to the rust monsters.

When the first rust monster was blasted by the iron fist hammer, Zuo Si finally seized the opportunity to manipulate the Qualixu device to swing two giant pincers, and cut off the opponent's two arms with a click.

Then it took a deep leap to crush it to the ground with its weight and inertia, bit by bit the spherical structure was dug out from the layers of wrapping.

Although this guy has been struggling and resisting throughout the whole process, it is obviously not that kind of combat-type construct.

Even waving the densely packed mechanical arms failed to cause substantial damage to the hard crab shell, at best it only left some insignificant scratches.

Without any hesitation!

Zuo Si quickly crushed the obviously leading construct, and threw the remains to the rust monsters to eat.

As for the other constructs that had not been destroyed, they immediately fell into chaos after losing their command.

Although they were still trying to carry out the final order, due to the lack of a unified command and dispatch, they fought independently, and were soon destroyed by giant metal crabs.

Especially the two huge pliers, which can often crush a small construct in one go, and heads, limbs, and torsos made of various metals are scattered everywhere.

When the last construct was shot to death and the battle was completely over, these parts alone piled up into a hill, which was many times more spectacular than the golden treasure pile next to it.

As for Faircrag, who watched the whole process lying on the sidelines, he is aware of the fate he is about to face at this moment, and his eyes suddenly revealed strong fear, and he lowered his voice and incited: "You two are also members of the great red dragon group! , Do you really want to watch me get killed? We can join forces and launch a sneak attack when he comes over. I swear, as long as we can survive this crisis, all the treasures in the lair will be graded by you."

"Forget it. Betray Soth? I haven't lived enough."

Wilmes unhappily raised his front paws and stepped on the head of the "old senior", his tone was full of disdain.

Although the treasure is very tempting, she has not forgotten that she has a thing in her head that can kill her at any time.

And compared to the long-term benefits that can be gained by following South, this short-term one-shot deal has long been less attractive.

Seeing that Wilmes refused to cooperate with him, Faircrag turned his attention to the Dragonborn Knight.

Davidian even told him straightforwardly: "I am not your kind, but I have obtained the ability to transform into a red dragon through the power of my master. He came all the way to capture you this time just to make my ability Going one step further. The most important thing is that my loyalty to my master is absolute, no matter what order he gives, even if it requires me to die, I will execute it without hesitation."

(end of this chapter)

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