One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 276 Agreement? What Agreement? (Wan Zi Da Zhang Asks For Subscription)

Chapter 276 Agreement? What agreement? (Wan Zi Da Zhang asks for subscription)

Undoubtedly, the Dragonborn Knight's answer completely extinguished Faircrag's last ray of hope.

Although he didn't know what fascination soup Zuo Si had poured into the two guys in front of him, one thing was certain was that the other party was much better than himself in controlling his subordinates.

At least Wilmes and Davidian are very loyal, and they don't have the slightest thought of betraying their master.

Especially the latter, that kind of death-defying look is definitely not a verbal statement, but will really be put into practice.

Similar to this kind of loyalty and fanaticism, Faircrag has only seen it in the eyes of those extremely devout believers of gods.

Just like the paladin who came here holding the "Holy Avenger" Kasumir and solemnly swore to kill himself and return the barren Windspear Hill to the rule of Lord Galen.

Although the paladin failed in the end, the battle was not easy for him, and he was almost killed on the spot by being pierced through the heart by a sharp sword.

Since then, Faircrag has understood a truth, that is, don't easily provoke those guys with pious beliefs and firm wills.

Because these people often burst out with unimaginable terrifying power at the moment of life and death!

Just when the red dragon was reviewing his entire dragon life before dying, Zuo Si finally cleaned up all the constructs from the Mechanic Realm, jumped out of the cockpit of the Qualixu device, and transformed them into Cards that are easy to carry.

It has to be said that as the first time to participate in actual combat, this multi-functional platform specially designed for large-scale warfare performed quite satisfactorily.

In particular, the sawtooth parts of the two giant pliers made of pure gold are as effective as destroying structures with strong defensive capabilities.

You must know that one of the biggest advantages of a construct is a solid body that is difficult to destroy by ordinary physical attacks and energy attacks, and it is completely immune to the effects of spells such as charm and mind control.

It can be said that when facing a construct, most adventurers only have two choices.

One is to come to a head-to-head battle to hammer it to pieces, and the other option is to turn around and run away without saying a word.

Most low-level adventurers will choose the latter.

The reason is very simple. The crude non-magic weapons in their hands are simply not capable of causing effective damage to structures with very hard main materials such as metal and stone.

Conversely, the powerful construct can crush a person alive with just one fist, and scatter his internal organs, bones and flesh and blood in all directions.

Therefore, the Qualixu device can sweep across the construct like mowing grass, which means that no physical creature can stop the squeeze of the two large pincers in a frontal battle.

In addition, the metal crab shell that has been repeatedly strengthened by magic has also withstood the test in this battle.

Whether it was a violent impact, or energy attacks such as flames and lightning, none of them had a destructive effect on it. At best, it only made a few slight dents, and it would not take long for it to recover by itself.

Zuo Si felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction when he thought that the huge amount of money he had invested was not in vain.

What's more, which man can refuse the temptation of a large mecha?

If it weren't for the many difficulties that need to be overcome to create a humanoid mechanical body, he might try to build a 20-meter magic Gundam.

Of course, the shape of this giant crab is also good now.

And because of the low chassis, both balance and stability are excellent.

This can be felt very clearly in the fierce frontal collision just now.

In contrast, the steel monster in human form controlled by the spherical construct is far less stable than the metal crab when it takes a blow, and it often loses its balance and falls to the ground.

The only downside of the latter is that it is not flexible enough.

Not only is it very slow when turning around, but it is also very easy to be stuck if the terrain is narrow.

This aspect needs to be compensated bit by bit by the subsequent weapon system.

"Do you have any last words to say?" Zuo Si asked, staring into Fairkragg's eyes.

"No! You can do it now."

Red Dragon slightly lowered his eyelids and accepted his fate very calmly.

Because he knew that with his current state, he didn't even have a chance of dying.

Since the nerve center in the neck was cut off, other parts of the body except the head could not be controlled at all, neither magic nor breath weapons could be used.

"Very well, let's begin then."

With that said, Zuo Si directly released the ability of Planeswalker sparks, enveloping Faircrag in front of him and Davidian on the side.

Before the red dragon figured out what he wanted to do, he felt an invisible force begin to extract his magic and life force, and then transferred it to the dragon-born knight beside him.

In just a few seconds, the muscles of Fairkragg's body began to shrink, and the strong and powerful heart, stomach and other organs also became weak rapidly under this kind of extraction.

that feeling...

It's like the end of life is about to usher in the end of death!

On the contrary, the body of Davidian's dragon mentality is constantly expanding, and the scales on his body are getting thicker and thicker, and they are showing a dark rose red color.

Seeing this scene, Wilmes immediately showed naked and undisguised envy.

For having tasted the increased power that comes from devouring a dragon's egg, she knows all too well how terrifying a dragonborn knight can be by devouring such a powerful red dragon.

Especially the strengthening of basic attributes will reach a very astonishing level.

Soon, with the acceleration of the extraction speed, Faircrag's unmodified upper body and wings began to wither and wither at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into a mummy that had not rotted.

When the whole process entered the final stage, the soul of the red dragon was completely stripped out, and then swallowed by Davidian with his mouth wide open.


An astonishing flame storm erupted from his body, directly sweeping everything within a radius of more than ten meters around him.

A large number of rocks melted rapidly under the burning of high-temperature flames, forming a huge lava pit on the ground.

When the storm dissipated, no matter whether it was Faircrag or the dragon-born knight, they disappeared without a trace, leaving only half of the metal body that had almost melted into a liquid state.

And Zuo Si also had an extra card shining with golden light out of thin air.

[Creature Card: Follower - Red Dragon Knight Davidian]

[LV10 red card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Unique]

[Effect: Summon the Red Dragon Knight Davidian (the initial level is LV10, the level and strength will continue to increase with the battle and killing, the current maximum limit is LV40) to fight or serve you until you are killed.

Calm, loyal, and obedient, he can be the strongest shield used to resist the enemy's attack, or the sharpest sword when attacking.

From the moment you become a follower, you will automatically learn "Dragon Fencing" and "Flame Fencing".

The former is a superb weapon use skill that requires very high strength attributes, and can cause double weapon damage when successfully hitting the target.

The latter can add extra fire damage to the surface of the weapon, and it will also be strengthened as its level increases.

When the need arises, Davian can transform into a stunning red dragon.

At the initial level of LV10, it is an adult red dragon, and every three levels increases, an age group is added (the order is middle-aged, old, extremely old, ancient dragon, and ancient).

When reaching LV25, you will also get the special profession "Advanced Dragon" unique to real dragons, allowing them to continue to grow beyond the limit of the ancient dragon.

In addition, Davidian has all kinds of special abilities, warlock levels, and dragon language magic in his dragon form age group, and he can cast it at will even in human form]

[To use this card, you need to pay 60 points of red magic power, or 60 points of general magic power]

[When the follower—Red Dragon Knight Davidian dies in battle, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth, and the time is 70 days]

"Advanced dragon? It turns out that this is the profession that Faircrag has mastered. No wonder he can perform the nine-ring wishing technique."

After reading the details on the card, Zuo Si showed a thoughtful expression.

As we all know, as intelligent creatures, dragons, like ordinary people, can obtain professional levels through learning and training.

It's just that ordinary professions like warriors, warlocks, mages, rangers, barbarians, and druids obviously cannot satisfy these behemoths who are born with powerful strength and magical talents.

Therefore, some advanced occupations that only dragons can obtain came into being.

Among them, the more famous ones are [Blood Scale Rampage] and [Skin Carving Dragon].

The former is somewhat similar to the dragon version of berserkers and barbarians. By combining angry emotions with magical power, they can gain additional strength and physical attributes while reducing various physical and magical damage.

It is said that the giant dragon with [Blood Scale Rampage] has very obvious characteristics, such as bloodshot eyes, a large amount of saliva secreted from the mouth, and blood oozing from the scales to form amazing magic protection.

The latter is to carve magic runes on the scales on the upper and lower parts of his body, so as to obtain more immune characteristics, spell resistance, extra spell-like abilities, and so on.

In addition to the above two, dragon professions also include [Ashadron's Disciple], [Chroneps' Calm Observer], [Ascension Dragon], [Elemental Master], [Bahamut's Sacred Watcher], [Tiamat's Desecrator] and so on.

Some of them involved religion, and they needed to become believers and priests of a certain dragon god first, while others were simply created unintentionally by the forerunners of some powerful dragons.

Just when Zuo Si extracted the detailed information about [Advanced Dragon] from the card through the power of sparks, Wilmes suddenly moved his huge head over and asked in an almost flattering tone: "When will you Can you hunt a powerful red dragon like Faircrag as a sacrifice for me?"

"You?" Zuo Si rolled her eyes angrily. "Wait until you get rid of the laziness in your bones and fully develop all your potential at this stage."

"You are making things difficult for others! No! It should be difficult for strong dragons! Most dragons, whether they are good, neutral or evil, basically eat, eat and sleep like me every day, and their strength will naturally change with age. Strong. As for exercise, I've never heard of it." Wilmes gritted his teeth and defended himself.

"Ignorance is not an excuse to be lazy. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to exercise. I will make a detailed exercise plan for you. You just need to follow the above requirements and complete it on time every day. Don't worry, I will let Qiwu take charge of the supervision to ensure that You won't have the slightest chance to be lazy."

Zuo Si unceremoniously directly blocked all the opponent's back lanes.

Do you want to lie on the pile of treasure like an ordinary dragon and accumulate strength little by little until you become a powerful ancient dragon?

Go dreaming!

Roll it up for me!


The expression on Wilmes' face froze, and he didn't know whether he was trembling slightly from anger or fright, and golden sparks were constantly spraying out from his nostrils, as if he might spray a hot dragon's breath at any time.

But in the end she still didn't dare to attack, she lowered her head and responded in a very helpless and aggrieved tone: "Understood, I will exercise according to your plan."

"Very good. As long as you are obedient, I guarantee that within five to ten years, you will be qualified to challenge those dragon kings."

As the saying goes, give a sweet date with a stick.

Zuo Si had figured out the character of the female red dragon in front of her a long time ago, and immediately made a corresponding promise.

Sure enough, Wilmes, who was a little annoyed one second, was fooled by the big pie he drew the next second, and his two eyes shone with a light called ambition.

After all, a red dragon who does not want to be a dragon king and a tyrant is definitely not a qualified red dragon.

Wilmes made up his mind a long time ago that he must make his notoriety resound throughout the Faerûn continent.

Watching this guy run over and begin to count the treasures in Faircrag's lair, Zuo Si couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly and said to the shadow hiding in the dark corner not far away: "Come out, I know you haven't left all this time!" .”

Before the words were finished, Const slowly walked out from the inside, touched his chest with one hand in a very respectful manner and bowed deeply.

"My tribute to you, Honorable Elector. I think I have completed the previous agreement, can you give me what I want?"

No need to ask, he knew that the few rust monsters that helped a lot at the critical moment when he was fighting the Construct Legion just now were secretly summoned by him from hiding in the dark.

Obviously, the mage didn't realize that his memory was quietly modified from the beginning to the end.

"Agreement? What agreement? I don't remember making any agreement with you." A playful smile appeared on Zuo Si's face.

"What's the meaning?!"

Const thought that the other party was going to turn his back on him, so he quickly stepped back a few steps and made a gesture of wanting to escape at any time.

Zuo Si explained meaningfully: "It's literally. Although I made a condition, you didn't give any response. In other words, the memory in your mind that the agreement was reached is actually a fiction. It didn't exist in the first place."

"What! My memory has been modified by magic? How is this possible!"

Const became flustered instantly.

Because the memory is modified silently without any awareness, this is a very scary and unacceptable thing for most people.

"Nothing is impossible. It may be difficult to do it with arcane and divine magic, but it is very easy for psychic powers. Now, let me introduce you to Ishador from Askatra Miss La. She is a very rare human psion."

As she spoke, Zuo Si raised her arm and pointed to the dense stalagmite not far away.

The girl who had been hiding in the darkness for a long time came out cautiously.

Due to lack of dark vision, she accidentally tripped over a raised rock on the ground, stumbled and plunged into Zuo Si's arms.

" she a psion?"

Const obviously couldn't believe that this seemingly harmless noble lady would be the kind of "monster" who could play with and modify other people's memories and emotions at will.

That's right!

In the eyes of most people, psions are out-and-out monsters.

They can read the secrets most eager to be hidden in others' hearts, make the target serve themselves without any awareness, and even become puppets and slaves controlled by them.

This is why psions in the human community often choose to hide themselves.

Once exposed, what awaits them will be a tide of malice, and most likely hunted down from the uppermost ruling class.

Zuo Si gently stroked the girl's hair, and responded with a smile: "That's right. What you think we have reached an agreement is the result of Isadora's memory modification on you. Interesting, isn't it? As long as A small manipulation of memory at the right time can have an immediate subversive effect. This is why I am particularly interested in psychic powers."

"Sous, I helped you this time, right?" The girl raised her head with excitement shining in her eyes.

"Of course. You helped a lot this time." Zuo Si praised without hesitation.

Although strictly speaking this is a sneak attack without martial ethics, but with the girl's current psion level, being able to successfully assassinate a LV16 high-level mage is an incredible achievement no matter how you look at it.

Of course, it was quite difficult for the victim Const.

Because the reason why he chose to betray Faircrag was because of this agreement as the basis and guarantee.

But now, suddenly discovering that there is no agreement at all, and even himself is in an extremely dangerous situation, the subconscious first reaction is to use the teleportation scroll to escape.

After witnessing the battle between Zuo Si and the Construct Legion from the Mechanical Realm just now, he didn't think he had the slightest chance of winning.

What's more, there is the red dragon Wilmes and the equally dangerous psion to assist.

But just before he took out the scroll and waited for it to be activated, a cold light suddenly emerged from the darkness, hitting Const's right hand with lightning speed.



As the entire palm was pierced by the sharp arrow, he immediately couldn't help howling in pain.

Since no one used long-range weapons at all just now, this guy didn't bless himself with magic like protective arrows. He only had protection from evil, mage armor and protection from energy attacks.

Although the mage's armor managed to deflect the arrow a little, avoiding his own headshot by an arrow, his hand suffered.

Just when Konstant endured the pain and wanted to pull out the arrow, and then drank the healing potion, he immediately saw two figures rushing out of the darkness.

Among them, the white one moved the fastest, and came to the front in less than two seconds, biting the wrist of the injured hand.

next second...

Biting cold air spewed out from his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the palms and forearms were frozen into ice cubes.

Immediately following the upper and lower jaws, the frozen part was bitten into pieces with a click.

Now there is no need to pull out the arrow, because the palm with the arrow in it and the wrist all fell to the ground, completely separated from the forearm.

The winter wolf who succeeded in one blow didn't want to fight, but turned around and disappeared into the darkness again.

Because it saw the mage raised the ring worn on the other hand.

According to the usual training, Winter Wolf quickly realized that this should be a magic storage ring or other rings that can release offensive magic, so he decisively chose to run away.

As a result, as soon as its front feet ran out of range, it immediately felt a wave of heat coming from behind it, and even its tail was accidentally ignited a little.

I saw a high-temperature flame ray several meters long erupting from the ring, directly illuminating the surrounding dark environment.

You must know that the winter wolf, like the white dragon, has the special constitution of "flame vulnerable" while being immune to cold damage, so if it is burned to the front, even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured.

Feeling frightened for a while, the winter wolf immediately rolled on the ground to put out the fire on its tail, and went into the darkness in embarrassment to wait for the next opportunity to attack.

In contrast, Fanges, the werewolf girl who threw away her bow and arrow and rushed up, was much braver, directly resisting the burning of the flames, and left a bloody scratch on Conster's chest with her claws.

The latter's face changed drastically upon seeing this.

Because for a mage who needs to keep his sanity at all times, there is nothing more terrifying than a werewolf infected with lycanthropy and turned into a mania.

Especially under the influence of the night of the full moon, the lycanthropy will completely embrace the wildness uncontrollably, and in severe cases, there will even be "fragments", and they don't even remember what they did during this period.

"Damn it!"

After cursing in a low voice, Const quickly activated [Stone Skin Technique] to cover his whole body with a layer of hard material to resist this pure physical damage.

Obviously, with such a layer of protection, Fangers' claws after transforming into a werewolf would not be so easy to directly injure the flesh.

Often when one paw goes down, it's just gravel flying, not bloody.

However, the arrows shot before and the sneak attack of the winter wolf have successfully crippled one hand of this high-level mage, so he can't cast those high-level magics that require complex movements, and can only use magic missiles. Low-level spells, constantly bombarding the werewolf in front of him, in an attempt to make the opponent retreat under the threat of pain, injury and bleeding.

But it's a pity that Const didn't know that Fang Gesi had experienced many times of near-death states when he was training in the Mage Tower, so his tolerance for pain was simply not ordinary. How does it feel when death is approaching, so instead of taking half a step back, it became extremely fierce.

When the madness and bloodlust in the werewolf's bones were fully aroused, the stone skin covering the mage's body was quickly consumed.

Realizing that the situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable to him, Konstant didn't hesitate even a second, and immediately used another magic item to transform himself into a spirit body that was completely immune to physical attacks, and headed towards the top of the head leading to the upper floor as quickly as possible. The huge hole flew away.

But in the middle of the flight, Zuo Si, who had never made any movement, suddenly raised his hand and shot a [Advanced Dispel Magic].


Const changed from a spirit body to a physical body, and at the same time lost his ability to fly and fell straight down from a height of several meters.

One of the feet unfortunately stepped on the uneven stone, and the fragile ankle was scrapped on the spot.

Before he recovered from the severe pain, Fei De, who happened to be sneaking nearby, finally made a move.

The former didn't even see anything, but felt that his jaw was suddenly pierced by something cold and sharp, followed by an indescribable pain being transmitted to the brain, and finally his eyes went dark and he lost sight of his surroundings. perception of the environment.

"I thought you would hide until the end of the battle." Zuo Si teased with a half-smile.

"The battle is over from the moment you finish Faircrag. Killing this mage is just a matter of effort, not to mention that he has lost an arm, so there is no threat at all." The demon-born elf assassin wiped the corpse The dagger was stained with blood, and there was undisguised ease and joy in his tone.

Because she knew that the boss she was loyal to would be very, very happy after hearing the news.

Based on the habit of the Shadow Thieves Guild, they will definitely make up various versions of the story and spread it out in the form of gossip. On the one hand, it can increase the prestige of the organization, and at the same time, it can deter potential enemies.

"Do you have any grievances between Shadow Thief and Const?" Zuo Si rubbed his chin and continued to probe.

Fei De inserted the cleaned dagger back into its sheath, and blinked playfully: "It's not really a grudge. This guy is very interested in the treasures buried in the tomb of King Strahan III, so he was the one who encouraged Faircrag He suddenly turned his face and killed our members of the Shadow Thieves Guild. According to the rules of the Shadow Thieves, such a guy must not be let go."

"So that's it. This is a vendetta for revenge, and it's also the real purpose of Ellen Linville sending you to act with me." Zuo Si instantly understood everything.

The Shadow Thief is a criminal organization that is very good at taking advantage of the irreconcilable contradictions between other people or forces to achieve its own goals.

This is evident when they use the Sons of Baal to attack Buddy's vampire guild.

Fei De smiled wryly and nodded: "You are right. Const must die, which concerns the dignity of the Shadow Thieves Guild. According to the original plan, I should secretly find you when you are fighting Faircrag. There is no chance to assassinate him. But who would have thought that Isadora is actually a powerful psion. This means that my purpose has been exposed from the very beginning, doesn't it?"

"It's not completely exposed, at least I just learned that your mission is to assassinate Const. After all, a person's thinking and memory are too large, and Isadora's ability is not enough to kill Const in a short time. Finish reading. If you don't mind, can you help me keep a secret from revealing everything I saw today?"

Zuo Si stared into the eyes of the demon elf and made a request.

Fei De's face changed slightly when he heard it, and he asked in an uncertain tone: "Do you want me to betray Boss Ellen Linville?"

Zuo Si explained with a smile: "No, it's not betrayal, it's just selectively telling the truth.

I believe that with your intelligence, you should know that staying with Shadow Thief for a long time is not a long-term solution.

What's more, Ellen Linville is just the cannon fodder launched by the top management of the Shadow Thieves Guild to attract the attention of the enemy, and he may be killed at any time.

Just imagine, if one day he dies, will you, a cronies, be able to gain the trust of your successor?

If you can't, how will you deal with those people who have offended you by doing those dirty and tiresome work these years?

So it's better to leave yourself a way out now.

I promise, as long as you keep today's secret for me, you can come to the Mage Tower to seek shelter at any time when you are in danger. "

"If I really did this, wouldn't you use it as an excuse to threaten me to reveal more information and secrets about the Shadow Thieves Guild?"

Fei De, who has been working in the shadow thief guild for a long time, is obviously not a fool, and he immediately realized the huge risks involved.

Because there is a motto that has been circulating in the Shadow Thieves Guild.

Once there is such a thing as betrayal, there will be countless times in the future.

"How could it be? I swear, at least I haven't had such an idea so far. What's more, you should be very clear that Ellen Linville can't help you fight the most fearful thing in your heart, but I can. About this matter You can think about things slowly, and my promise will remain valid until you make a choice."

After all, Zuo Si gave the demon-born elf a good look, and then walked to the werewolf girl to treat her with divine magic.

In the short battle just now, she was hit by spells such as magic missiles, burning hands, Ma Youfu's acid arrows, and scorching rays. Although the magic items she wore offset part of the damage, she was still scarred all over her body.

Even with the recovery ability of a werewolf, it would take at least two weeks to recover.

"Master, I'm very sorry, I've let you down again." Fanges lowered his head decadently.

She knew, without asking, that she was terribly guilty of being frightened in front of Faircrag.

But Zuo Si comforted with a smile and said: "Okay, don't be too hard on yourself. This is not because of your timidity, but because of the influence of Longwei. When your professional level reaches a certain level, naturally You can be immune to its impact. If you want to overcome it in advance, then go to Wilmes to practice more on weekdays."

"But...but why is Isadora okay?" the werewolf girl asked with a puzzled expression.

"Isadora is currently a LV7 mage. If you count the psion level, she can almost resist the influence of Longwei. Coupled with the strong willpower of the psion and the frequent confrontation with Wilmes, in this respect The adaptability is much higher than yours." Zuo Si gave the answer straightforwardly.

"What? Isadora is already a LV7 mage!" Fangers opened his mouth in disbelief.

She has received education in the mage tower system, and knows that mage's level promotion is almost the slowest of all professions, and it will take several years to learn just from the basic theory.

But how long has it been since Isadora learned magic from scratch?

The werewolf girl always thought that this companion was at best a LV3~5 mage.

Zuo Si sighed slightly: "Yeah! Isadora is a genius, a real genius, so don't look at her with ordinary people's eyes. Similarly, you don't need to be depressed because of this. I have already obtained information about the magic archer When the time is right, I will help you advance to become a magic archer like Lantis."


Fang Gesi suddenly became very excited.

Because she has witnessed the strength of this elven archer, even creatures such as ogres, trolls and titans cannot withstand the enchanted arrows he shoots.

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

As he spoke, Zuo Si stretched out his hand and stroked the hairy head of the girl in werewolf form.


The feel is still as good as ever.

He clearly prefers his werewolf form in battle to his human form.

Just when Fanges was about to say something, Wilmes finally swept away all the treasures in the entire lair, Pidianpidian picked up the gems and magic items and sent them to Zuo Si.

"Here, everything you need is here.

A two-handed giant sword with astonishing divine power, almost 1,500 gems of various colors that can be used as spell-casting materials, four +2 protection rings, a +3 protection ring, and a ram ring , a ring of walking on water, several +1 and +2 magic weapons and armors.

It looks like they should all be picked off from adventurers.

In addition, there are three low-level magic wands, basically spell books that should be of no use to you.

Finally, there are four dragon-specific magic items equipped on Faircrag.

A ring of spell reversal, a ring of greater elemental resistance (cold), +6 agility bracers, +5 amulet of protection. "

"He wears the High Elemental Resistance Ring (cold)? No wonder the damage caused by the ice cone is so low." Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Obviously, this piece of equipment was specially built to overcome the Red Dragon's weakness of being afraid of cold damage.

Since it is exclusive to the dragon, the size and weight are amazing.

It is estimated that falling from a high place can kill a cow alive.

To create such a ring, the cost of materials alone is dozens of times higher than that of the same magic ring worn by humans.

Based on this alone, it can be seen that Faircrag is not good at transformation magic, otherwise there is no need to be so troublesome.

Create one according to the size of the human form, and then bless it with the corresponding transformation spell, it can easily adapt to the form of the dragon.

"Huh! This old guy is simply not ordinary insidious. +6 agility wristband and +5 protective amulet, the former provides him with faster action and reaction, and the latter can provide him with extra strength in melee combat Field defense. I just didn't notice this so I accidentally suffered a big loss."

There was strong resentment in Wilmes' tone.

You must know that until now, she has not had a magic item exclusive to dragons on her body.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

I thought it was nothing before, but after seeing Fairkragg's property, I immediately felt unbalanced.

Zuo Si noticed this, and immediately couldn't help but smile and said: "Okay, don't complain. Seeing that you have contributed a lot this time, let's use these four pieces of magic equipment first. But there is one The premise! That is, you must perform well in the next training. If I find you lazy, then these four pieces of magic equipment may be recovered at any time."

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, even for the sake of these equipments, I will work hard."

After getting what he wanted, Wilmes immediately beamed with joy, and put the two rings and wristbands on his front paws as quickly as possible.

As for the amulet, put it on your neck and you're done.

In order to appreciate her appearance at the moment, she even ran to find a large crystal mirror from the pile of treasures, and then stood it up to take pictures endlessly, just like those women who got their favorite clothes, shoes and accessories.

Only at this time, this guy will show his feminine nature, instead of his usual carefree look.

Zuo Si didn't bother Wilmes, and bent down to pick up the most valuable "Holy Avenger" Casomir among all Faircrag's treasures.

The moment the finger touched the blade, a golden light burst out from within, burning the skin on the hand.

You don't need to ask, you know that this holy sword is rejecting his touch, or in other words, rejecting the touch of all evil camp creatures.

If you switch to a neutral camp or a good camp, although it can't be used, there will be absolutely no burning sensation.

Fortunately, this kind of burning is not strong, and it doesn't burn the evil people into ashes as in the legend, it just feels very painful.

Through simple identification, Zuo Si quickly obtained detailed information.

【Holy Avenger "Cassumir"】

legendary weapon

+5 two-handed greatsword

An additional +5 against chaotic and evil-aligned enemies, treated as a +10 magic weapon.

The person holding this sword will gain 50% magic resistance, and can cast dispel magic three times a day.

When hitting the target, it will also produce an effect similar to dispelling magic, but only for a single target.

It is the nightmare of all evil spellcasters throughout the realm, and the last hope of all those who yearn for order and justice.

Note that this sword can only be used by paladins.

Others wield it just like a normal two-handed greatsword, without granting the wielder any additional power.

"Sure enough, it's exclusive to paladins..." Zuo Si muttered to himself while fiddling with the holy sword in his hand.

Undoubtedly, this is a sword of faith, and it is also a sword infused with justice, axiom and hope.

It is not forged with powerful magical power or divine power like artifacts, but it is not inferior to most lesser artifacts.

In fact, the name of the Holy Avenger "Cassumir", the first half of the Holy Avenger represents a type of weapon, and the latter half is its real name.

Many powerful paladins who have gone through countless hardships, tests, and made great achievements will have a weapon called "Holy Avenger" in their hands.

These weapons may be unremarkable at the beginning, just cheap items bought at the blacksmith shop for a dozen gold coins.

But as he continues to fight against evil and save innocent people, the paladin's beliefs and positive energy will merge with each other, and will eventually be poured into weapons bit by bit.

Over time, when the baptism of the two reaches a certain critical point, even ordinary weapons made of ordinary iron will be sublimated.

There are two most typical characteristics of the Holy Avenger, one of which is that only paladins can use it, and the other is that when dealing with enemies from the evil and chaotic camps, there will be additional damage bonuses.

"What are you going to do with this sword? Let me remind you, it is a big trouble. Neither the church of Tyr, the God of Justice, nor the paladins of the Blazing Heart Knights will ever allow Casomir It's in the hands of outsiders." Fede cautiously issued a warning.

"Don't worry, the legendary weapon Kasomir will not exist in this world soon. Because I will integrate it with the Day Star to create a paladin that can be used even if it is not a paladin. sword."

As he spoke, Zuo Si slowly pulled out the upgraded day star from his waist.


The golden light illuminated the surrounding dark environment.

Casomir obviously sensed something, and immediately emitted golden holy light.

The two swords complemented each other, making the demon elf assassin back several steps in a row.

That golden light made her feel an inexplicable fear and was very, very uncomfortable.

(end of this chapter)

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