Chapter 277 Conspiracy

In the early morning, the breeze blowing from the sea gently brushed over the city, bringing slightly salty and humid air

Because the sun has not yet fully risen, one can vaguely see the white and hazy fog surrounding the sea level and the pier.

Normally, under such low visibility conditions, ordinary ports would not allow ships to approach the plank road.

However, due to the busy maritime trade with the Maztec mainland and the opening of a new sea route with Luskan in the north, the whole of Amn is in a state of economic prosperity with extremely inflated wealth.

And the most direct manifestation is that the loading and unloading of goods at the terminal is so busy that it is many times higher than before, so that it is necessary to take the risk of keeping the plank road responsible for loading and unloading in operation 24 hours a day.

Not to mention the mere morning fog, even at night it is busy day and night.

The salaries of porters more than quadrupled in less than half a year.

Due to the labor shortage of young and middle-aged males, some chambers of commerce even used their influence to get the parliament to act to arrest all able-bodied and able-bodied beggars in the entire city and force them to work at least ten hours a day.

Of course, since slavery was legally prohibited in Amn, these beggars would be paid the same wages as longshoremen.

But this group of guys who are used to living off donations from the rich still complained a lot. In the end, under the interference of the Church of the Good God and the Knights of the Burning Heart, the Council of Six had to terminate the bill.

Instead, a large number of tools such as pulleys, booms, and primitive cranes were put into use, and the influence of Gond, the god of craftsmen, began to expand rapidly.

However, these relatively primitive tools alone obviously cannot completely replace the huge gap in labor.

As a last resort, the werewolves and goblins that Zuo Si raised and bred underground in the mage tower became the only choice.

Because even paladins who symbolize goodness and order will regard goblins as destroyers of civilization and order, a pest that is annoying and cannot be eradicated.

Even if they would never approve of such obviously enslaving behavior out of their beliefs and ideals, they would not show too strong opposition.

Right now, the entire pier has "employed" a total of 5,000 goblin workers in two shifts to ensure that as soon as a ship calls at the port, the loading and unloading of goods will be completed in a very short period of time, and berths will be freed up for subsequent ships.

Otherwise, once there is an obstacle or a long queue, it will cause great losses to the businessmen.

Likewise, the government of Amn would lose out on a lucrative tax and berthing fee.

In order to prevent the jobs of dock workers from being taken away by capable werewolves and goblins, Zuo Si specially offered a relatively high price, almost the same as hiring a human or dwarf.

In this way, unless there is a real shortage of manpower, most merchants will definitely prefer to hire their own kind at the same price.

Of course, the so-called "commission" paid to these werewolf goblins naturally all went into Zuo Si's pocket.

Although at the beginning, this combination of lycanthropy and goblins caused panic among many local residents, and some even strongly demanded that all these monsters be killed or driven out.

But with the passage of time, relying on more than a dozen times of artificial genetic intervention and the high degree of obedience generated by iterations, people began to gradually discover that these beastly goblins, which looked very dangerous, were not as scary as they imagined.

Just the opposite!

Not only are they never lazy, but they also work extremely efficiently, and they don't complain in private from time to time like human porters who are too tired to work and too little paid.

It's just that these people don't know that all goblins who are not efficient at work, like to be lazy, and always complain in private, don't even have the chance to reproduce, and are "consumed" in a short period of time.

Now the rest of these are selected from the best, and the word obedience is deeply engraved in the bone.

If it is explained by the theory of evolution, the goblins are forced to choose an unimagined path in order to survive better and continue their genes.

They are like poultry and livestock with special purposes such as dairy cows, laying hens, meat pigs, and purebred horses that have been bred under the intervention of modern humans.

Similarly, after realizing the benefits and convenience brought by these farmed werewolves and goblins, the Masked Mage Guild quickly increased its purchases.

Nasikai, a small town developed by mining and metal smelting, even signed a long-term contract to hire hundreds of werewolf goblins to go deep in the mine to do the most dangerous excavation work.

Because this kind of exploration and excavation of deep tunnels often leads to collapse accidents if one is not careful, causing dozens or even dozens of miners to be crushed to death or blocked inside.

Just the pension and compensation paid to the family members is a lot of money.

Not to mention the staggering cost of organizing rescue after a mining accident occurs.

But now?

One goblin only needs to pay twenty-five gold coins as compensation, and one hundred goblins only need to pay 2,500 gold coins.

There is even no need for rescue after the event, and there is no need to worry about the negative impact of human absenteeism and death.

If it weren't for the fear that the goblins would suddenly riot and occupy the entire mine, some mine owners would even want to hire more to expand production capacity.

In short, it is the same as Zuo Si originally envisioned.

Goblin breeding, an industry that has never been touched in the entire Faerun continent, not only has amazing development potential, but is also very easy to be accepted by merchants.

After all, from the perspective of cost control, apart from undead creatures, there is no second thing that can be compared with goblins in terms of fertility, growth speed, and harsh environment tolerance.

Watching hundreds of goblins who turned into werewolves carry boxes and barrels like ants, and walk back and forth between the deck of the ship and the warehouse, the paladin Kaidong couldn't help but sighed slightly, with a very helpless expression. He asked in a calm tone: "Chief, am I getting old? Why do I always feel that this city is changing so fast that I can't figure out the situation at all."

"No, it's not that you're getting older, it's just that Askatra is undergoing an unprecedented upheaval. Although I don't know whether this change is good or bad, at least the income of the common people is increasing, and the food on the table It has also become more and more abundant." Witherland comforted with a smile.

He actually admires this veteran paladin who has served in the Blazing Heart Knights for decades and has never deviated from his sacred oath.

Because there are too many temptations in Askatra, the capital of gold coins, so that less than one-tenth of the members can stick to their hearts and retire.

The remaining ones basically either made unforgivable mistakes in the process of performing tasks, or went astray in various temptations.

Although some of these people will wake up and become paladins again by participating in the Atonement Trial.

But from the perspective of the Blazing Heart Knights, their honor and purity have been stained, and there is no way to wash it off in this lifetime.

"But what about these goblins? They look like slaves in disguise. Whether it's Tom, the god of loyalty and courage, or Tyr, the god of justice, they all teach us to challenge all the injustices in this world." Kaidong He questioned with his brows furrowed.

"I also know that this is a form of slavery in disguise.

But the problem is that the law of Amn has never recognized goblins as a legally protected race, or that few countries and cities in the entire Faerun continent will regard them as intelligent creatures.

This also means that we have no legitimate reason to interfere and intervene.

And do you know what these goblins put on the city registration list? "

Captain Witherland asked back with a bitter face.

"What is it?" Kaidong asked subconsciously.

"It's livestock. Like cows, sheep, pigs, horses, donkeys and mules, they are all artificially raised and bred livestock. Not to mention they are used as labor, even if they are all slaughtered, they will not violate any laws."

When he said these words, Captain Witherland's tone was filled with strong resentment.

Because he knew that this was the Council of the Six of Amn deliberately taking advantage of the loopholes in the law, and their behavior was no different from that of the devil in Baator Hell.

And this is not the first time something like this has happened.

But the Knights just can't do anything about it.

Because they are paladins, they must abide by the rules and laws, unless the laws of the country and city are beyond hope.

Obviously, Amn is far from the standard of "hopeless".

What's more, whether it is government officials, businessmen, nobles, or civilians from the bottom of society, they have all tasted the sweetness from it, and formed a huge network of interests, which cannot be shaken by the strength of the Knights alone.

Among them, the former can reduce some operating costs, make their own goods more competitive, and reduce the negative impact and economic loss caused by accidental labor deaths;

The latter can also be liberated from those very dangerous and heavy physical labor, and do some lighter work with the same salary, such as being a supervisor or technical guidance.

In short, in this magical world where there is no large-scale machinery to liberate productivity, if you want to make civilians live a little better, you must have a huge exploited class.

In most countries this class is the lowest class of peasants, serfs or slaves.

In the Nelanthir Islands and Luskan, this class is a large number of low-level undead creatures.

In Amn, this class is a special goblin that can be bred and reproduced in large quantities.

The latter two have a common ground and source - Zuo Si.

Thinking of this unpredictable young voter, Kaidong couldn't help sighing: "Alas—I really hope this isn't the beginning of some kind of corruption. By the way, the Knights didn't send people to follow them some time ago. Did the merchant ship go to Luskan together? What's the situation there now?"

Captain Witherland hesitated for a moment, and then replied in an uncertain tone: "You can't say good, but you can't say bad either.

Sous launched an unprecedented purge there, completely destroying its original social structure, and slaughtered all pirates, thieves guilds, unscrupulous merchants, and ratmen in the sewers.

At the same time all human, elf, half-elf, halfling and dwarf slaves were freed.

Moreover, all the residents of Mintan Island were transferred to Luskan by very rough means.

Through these actions, he successfully proved to the Northland Lord Alliance that he would transform Luskan into a brand new look, so many towns in the Northland began to resume trade with the City of Thousand Sails one after another.

Coupled with the addition of Amn and Baldur's Gate merchants, the entire city is recovering at an extremely fast speed, and it can be predicted that it will become very prosperous in the future.

At least it is more orderly than under the rule of the Arcane Brotherhood, and the people's living standards will continue to improve.

But just like the problems that occurred in the Neilansir Islands, Sousse transformed and used the undead as laborers on a large scale, engaged in agricultural production, mining, logging, quarrying, road construction and water conservancy.

Sometimes I really can't understand what is going on in his mind.

If the god of tyranny had not fallen in the year of turmoil, he might have become the first person in the history of Faerun to be granted the status of a voter by three gods at the same time. "

Undoubtedly, according to the standards of this world, what Zuo Si did in the Neilanthel Islands and Luskan can definitely be regarded as a standard tyranny.

He ignored all voices of opposition and used powerful violence to enforce what he believed to be correct social transformation.

That's why Fuzzel Chamberry firmly believes that Zuo Si has the potential to be the greatest tyrant ever.

You must know that the tyrant defined by the Bann Church is not the kind of supreme ruler who most people think makes the country miserable, and then unscrupulously plunders wealth and enjoys various luxurious lives.

Just the opposite!

In their eyes, a tyrant is one who possesses great power, enough to suppress anyone who opposes and enforces his own will.

Force others to obey themselves through violence, intimidation, threats, etc. This is the only criterion for measuring a tyrant.

This can be seen from the slogan "Only Bane obeys" shouted by the Church of God of Tyranny.

In addition, even under the rule of a tyrant, a country can become very prosperous and rich, and the standard of living of the people is far better than that of other regions.

"So you think this young voter is going to be a terrible tyrant in the future?"

Kaidong seemed to realize something, with a serious expression on his face.

"Sorry, I don't know, old friend. But our duty and task is to prevent things from developing to the worst. I hope you can go to Neverwinter City first, get in touch with the Church of the God of Justice there, and then Then go to Luskan to set up a branch of the knight order." Captain Witherland expressed his thoughts straightforwardly.

"Establish a branch of the Knights? In Luskan?" Kaidong raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Captain Witherland nodded seriously: "That's right. I've talked to Sous before, and he agreed that as long as he doesn't object to the use of undead labor, he will allow us to enter and give us corresponding law enforcement and judicial rights."

"I don't understand. Why did he do this?" Kaidong asked with a puzzled expression.

"His own answer is that he hopes that we can reshape the chaotic nature of Luskan, and make the locals no longer wary of each other at the social level, and have a certain degree of confidence in the law." Captain Wetherland gave without hesitation. There is an answer.

"Like the cooperation on the Maztec continent?"

Kaidong suddenly remembered the invitation that Zuo Si sent to the Blazing Heart Knights half a year ago, and the law enforcement team that was sent half a month later.

"Almost. As long as it is within the framework of the law, we have judicial power independent of the administrative system. No matter what South's real purpose is, I think this is a good opportunity."

Captain Witherland spoke earnestly and earnestly expressed his truest thoughts.

"Well, I hope you are right. Give me two days to prepare, and I will leave for Neverwinter after two days."

Kaidong was silent for a moment and finally chose to agree.

Although he preferred to stay in Askatla to be with his wife and newborn child, his strong sense of responsibility and mission made this young paladin embark on the journey to the far north again.

However, the two paladins of the Burning Heart Knights didn't know that all the content of their conversation just now was projected onto the mirror on the top wall of the mage tower.

Looking at Kaidong's receding back in the mirror, Zuo Si quickly turned off the magic detection and fell into deep self-doubt.

Because he really couldn't figure out how he looked like a tyrant.

Whether it is using undead labor to engage in production activities, or providing goblins to fill the gap in Amn's labor force, it is obviously benefiting society, freeing more ordinary people from boring and tedious physical labor, and providing a large number of basic living materials to ensure Stable prices of grain and salt.

What's more, it is not Zuo Si who really rules the Nelanthir Islands and Luskan, but Vanessa, the second in command in the organization, and the bureaucratic system controlled by him.

He has never had much interest in power, and he is even less willing to waste precious time and energy on it.

But now it's a good thing, somehow he was labeled as a tyrant.

Just when Zuo Si was very confused about this, the Mage Tower suddenly informed through telepathy: "Master, two strangers appeared outside the secret door of the sewer and asked to meet you."

"Stranger?" Zuo Si was slightly taken aback.

"That's right. According to my detection, one of them is a vampire, and the other is a human with astonishing divine power in his body. It is very likely that he is the chosen one of a certain god."

The mage tower consciousness explained while projecting a magical influence on the mirror.


Zuo Si just glanced at it, and immediately called out the name of one of them in great surprise.

He is too familiar with the actual controller of the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network.

There have been more than one contact and cooperation between the two.

But it all eventually turned hostile when Manshin ambushed himself in Luskan.

But at this moment, Ximanmeng looked obviously a little abnormal, not only his face was very pale, but also his eyes became more gloomy than before.

Finally standing next to him was a man with long blond hair whom Zuo Si was sure she had never seen before.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, he immediately ordered: "Let them in. I want to see what kind of trick this guy is trying to do."

"As you wish."

The consciousness of the mage tower immediately opened the hidden secret door.

At the end of the originally sealed passage, a wall suddenly disappeared out of thin air, revealing an entrance to the basement floor of the tower.

The two walked in without hesitation.

Soon, led by a golem, they walked through narrow corridors and stairs, and finally came to a secret reception room.

Zuo Si, who had been waiting here for a long time, teased directly with a slightly sarcastic tone: "I really didn't expect you to be able to muster up the courage to appear in front of me. I thought you would avoid me from now on."

"Luskan's actions were planned by the teacher alone, and have nothing to do with me. What's more, the teacher has already paid a heavy price for it. A series of important strongholds have retaliated. Even if there is anger, it should be almost gone by now."

Xi Manmeng decisively disregarded his direct connection with the whole incident, and pushed all the responsibilities on Mansong.

It has to be said that his attitude instantly made Zuo Si smell something unusual, and immediately squinted his eyes and asked tentatively: "Is there any problem inside the Zhentarim?"

Xi Manmeng quickly denied it: "We haven't had any problems, at least not for the time being."

"Not yet? Does that mean there will be in the future?" Zuo Si grasped the key in an instant.

Just when Simon was still about to explain, Fu Zuoer Chamberui suddenly stood up and interrupted: "Okay, don't play these boring word games, let's talk straight to the point. First of all, I Let me introduce, my name is Fuzzel Chamberry, I'm sure you've heard of it. Nice to meet you, young voter."

After all, this man with strong confidence stretched out his right hand.

But Zuo Si just glanced at him, and did not choose to shake hands with the other party. Instead, he questioned with a very indifferent attitude: "The tyrant of the Moon Sea? I don't know what advice you can give me when you come here? Don't tell me that you are here to do it." Peacemaker, advise me to give up revenge on Mansong."

"Hahahaha! No, of course not." Fuzzel Chamberry laughed wildly. "On the contrary, I'm here to seek cooperation with you. Unlike Mansong's short-sighted idiot, I can see the bright light emanating from your soul. As long as we work together, we will definitely be able to make something earth-shattering. Of course, to express my sincerity, I am willing to help you get rid of Mansong once and for all."

"I'd like to know what you mean by the so-called earth-shattering event?" Zuo Si put on a look of interest.

"For example, against our common enemy, Dark Sun and his Church." Fuzuoer Chamberui said meaningfully.

Zuo Si sneered and asked back: "Why do you think that I will take a huge risk to join you in fighting against one of the world's most powerful evil gods?"

Fu Zuoer Chamberui pursed his lips and replied with a half-smile: "Because we are all voters, you can't fool me at all.

Since your days in Calimport, you have shown unabashed hostility to the Dark Sun and its followers.

And whether it is Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, or Midnight, the newly appointed third-generation goddess of magic, they all have a hostile relationship with Cyric.

So we're natural allies, only to be undermined by Manson, a shortsighted idiot. "

"So what? It's Manson, not you, who controls the Zhentarim and Zhentil Castle now." Zuo Si challenged unceremoniously.

"That's why we need to work together to get rid of Mansong.

I've actually been spying on several of the locations he used to store his clones over the years, and now I've got some clues.

If you count Simon's help, I believe it won't take long to figure out all of Mansong's cards.

At that time, as long as you and I join forces to launch a surprise attack, we will definitely be able to make a mistake for Mansong, and then destroy all the clones before they wake up.

Well, not a bad plan, is it? "

As he spoke, Fu Zuoer Qian Borui raised his hand and patted Xi Manmeng's shoulder beside him, with a sinister expression on his face.

If you want to find a person in this world who most wants to kill Mansong, it must be him.

Even long-time foes like the Harpers have to step aside.

As the saying goes, there is naked hatred between colleagues.

From the beginning of the Zhentarim's founding, Fuzor Chambery has been trying to seize control, but he has always been firmly suppressed by Mansong.

Because Bane, the god of tyranny, holds the priesthood of "dispute", he is very happy to see the two factions under his command fighting each other, and will not favor either side.

This point was later perfectly inherited and carried forward by Cyric, creating a powerful divine power that is extremely evil and chaotic.

So now that there is an opportunity to get rid of Mansong, Fu Zuoer Chamberui will naturally not let it go easily.

Moreover, in the face of powerful external threats, the church he leads can no longer withstand too tragic internal strife, and must be completely unified in order to fight against the increasingly powerful Cyric.

Zuo Si undoubtedly felt the other party's strong intentions, and quickly began to consider the gains and losses in his mind.

After about two or three minutes, he spoke at a steady pace, "In principle, I agree to cooperate with you, not only to cooperate, but also to expand the scope to allow more forces to join in."

"You mean..." Fuzuol Chamberri's eyes shone slightly.

"What I mean is to fully stimulate the madness of the dark sun and make him the public enemy of the gods in this world. Even if he can't be killed or sealed, he must be pulled from the seat of powerful divine power. Compared to this In this matter, Mansong's life and death are simply insignificant."

When Zuo Si said these words, Xi Manmeng was in a state of extreme shock and panic and couldn't extricate himself.

Although he had known for a long time that the young man in front of him had an inexplicable dislike for Cyric, but he never expected that there was such a terrible idea hidden in his heart.

You must know that even Manson and Fuzuoer Chamberui, who believe in the god of tyranny, Bane, never dared to try to bring down Siri, who is already a powerful god, and they are more trying to make the dark lord recover from death. Come back, that's all.

"How to implement it? It's not easy to drive a god crazy."

Fu Zuoer Chamberui was obviously very interested in this plan, and his tone even brought a hint of urging.

"It's very simple! Send people into the church of Cyric, and induce his fanatical and abnormal-minded guys to launch indiscriminate attacks against churches of other gods.

And it preaches that the dark sun is the only true god in this world, and the other Shendu are false gods.

With Cyric's arrogant and narrow personality, he will certainly not deny it.

Therefore, there will naturally be more and more intense conflicts and conflicts with other gods, until they develop into public enemies of the gods.

When his power is weakened, the god of tyranny you serve will naturally have a chance to be resurrected. "

Zuo Si straightforwardly gave an extremely insidious and very executable plan.

According to his original plan, he wanted to wait for the publication of the famous artifact "The Cyric Sutra" before taking any action.

But now it seems that the whole plan can be slightly advanced.

After all, the intelligence network of the Zhentarim Society is all over Faerûn, and even if only part of it is mobilized, the destructive power it produces is quite astonishing.

In addition, the strategy is to take advantage of Cyric's personality flaws and weaknesses, so the probability of success is very high, and it may even cause the "Cyric Sutra" to be created in advance.

"Great idea! But before that, we must get rid of Mansong first, and use all the resources and power together."

Fuzzel Chamberry instantly realized that this plan had a very high success rate, and at the same time, it could alleviate the Cyric Church's penetration of the Zhentarim and Zhentil Castle.

When the damage and threats caused by these guys reach a certain critical point, other churches will naturally unite to form an "anti-Cyric siege network".

No matter what measures the gods will take at that time, Cyric's belief and influence in the mortal world will inevitably be on the verge of collapse under successive blows.

According to the new rules set by the god Io after the end of the year of turmoil, the size and influence of believers are directly linked to the strength of divine power.

So Cyric's fall from the throne of powerful divine power became an inevitable result.

As the tyrant of the Moon Sea, Fu Zuoer Chamberui has never lacked courage, courage and resourcefulness, nor is he afraid of becoming a thorn in the side or a thorn in the flesh of a certain god.

In fact, from the moment he became a chosen one, he knew that he would face threats from hostile gods.

In contrast, Xi Manmeng was almost terrified.

You must know that if this plan is leaked, it will definitely be hostile by many gods, and the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

He could already see himself being struck to death by divine power lightning falling from the sky in the future, just like Sammaster, the founder of Dragon Worship Cult.

The only difference is that Sammaster transformed himself into a lich, so he can also be resurrected through the phylactery.

But what he transformed was a vampire, and he would definitely die if he got hit.

But unfortunately, Xi Manmeng has already boarded the pirate ship and cannot escape at all, so he can only bite the bullet and join it, and use his wisdom and experience to make the whole operation more perfect and secretive.

In this way, the three of them hid in the mage's tower to discuss for several hours, and finally finalized some details.

Maybe it was because he found a way to defeat Cyric, so Fuzuoer Chamberui looked very happy, stroked the not very thick beard on his chin and praised: "Sous, you are the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life , the most special person. I am very much looking forward to the future cooperation and the profound impact you can have on the world. Believe me, if the Dark Lord really returns because of this plan, you will get unimaginable rewards."

"Forget it. I personally don't agree with Bane's teachings and ideas at all." Zuo Si shrugged indifferently.

"Kill all the rebels, use pure violence to implement your will, don't you find that what you do perfectly fits the ideas advocated by Bane? Maybe you haven't realized that you actually have the potential to become a A powerful tyrant who makes the whole world tremble." Fuzuel Chamberri revealed a strong temptation in his tone.

But Zuo Si dismissively retorted: "Don't act like you understand me very well.

The most typical characteristic of a tyrant is an insatiable thirst for power, but I am not very interested in power.

Whether it's the Nelanther Islands or Luskan, other people are usually in charge of the management.

As long as there's no big mess, I don't even bother to ask.

As for the actions you mentioned, they are just means used to quickly achieve their goals, and have nothing to do with any bullshit tyrant.

In my opinion, governance is a very rigorous and complex social science, including the two most important parts of economics and politics.

It's just that the centralized use of power happens to be closer to the ideas of tyranny and dictatorship.

It's as if I also use poison and plague as a weapon, but I don't agree with Talona's teachings because of it.

I am me, unique me, no god is qualified for me to worship and believe in.

Even the current voter status is nothing more than a transaction.

So please don't take me and you as the same kind of people. "

With these words blurted out, Fu Zuoer Chamberui's complexion finally changed.

He wasn't sure if it was Zuo Si's bluff or the real thought in his heart.

If it is the latter, it means that Zuo Si has a very strong self-awareness and will not be easily influenced and instigated by others. It will be very difficult to turn him into a tyrant.

If it is the former, it is very likely that there is an unimaginably huge ambition hidden behind it.

In the end, the first trial ended in nothing.

Anyway, the two sides have already established a cooperative relationship, and there will be plenty of opportunities to observe slowly in the future.

After sending away the two Zhentarim leaders, Zuo Si immediately issued a summoning order to the liches in the organization.

After a while, they used teleportation magic to appear in the mage tower one after another, and one of them had eyes shining with excitement and anticipation.

Jeffrey was the first to stand up and put his hands on his chest and bowed deeply: "Your Excellency, we have completed the assembly according to your request. When will we set off to recover the floating city that belongs to us?"

"It's now."

After all, Zuo Si launched the power of the planeswalker spark at the huge portal standing in the center of the teleportation room, and at the same time frantically drew the stored energy of the mage tower.

Since the previous floating city has been sealed by powerful magic power, it is not easy to tear open a crack.

Along with the terrifying energy vortex with astonishing destructive power formed in the middle of the portal, a crack connecting the high towers of the floating city was finally slowly torn open.

A dozen or so undead on the other side seemed to have sensed something, and immediately wanted to rush over like crazy, but they were swallowed by the sudden gushing energy vortex after running halfway, leaving no bones left.

"It's now! Immediately bless yourself with energy protection spells and rush over." Zuo Si gave the order to set off without hesitation.

"I'll take the lead!"

After getting permission, Vanessa was the first to rush over, carrying a box full of undead army and constructs in her hand.

Several other liches followed closely behind, without the slightest fear of the energy vortex that was likely to swallow them.

When the last one also passed through the unstable portal, Zuo Si grabbed the holy sword made of the fusion of Daystar and Kasumir on the table, and disappeared into a blue vortex with a deep leap. among.

As soon as he walked forward, the portal that lost the support of the sparks quickly closed.

Isadora, who specially ran over to follow along, only saw a gap the size of a fist that dissipated in less than a second.

Looking at the portal with only a square metal frame left, she immediately complained to the Fulu cub floating near her shoulder, "Damn it! Soth must have disliked me as a burden, so he left me again." !"

Gulu Gulu!

The little furu spewed out some gas immediately, and its body turned green, which symbolized curiosity.

Since signing a magic contract with the human in front of him and becoming a magic pet, it has completely lived a life without worrying about food and clothing. Not only can it breathe divine energy openly, but it can also read a lot of interesting memories from other people, Emotion and knowledge are simply dreams of a better life.

Perhaps sensing that the girl's mood was not stable, the furu cub immediately danced its tentacles in an attempt to appease its master.

But unfortunately it is still too small, the ability in this area is not outstanding.

As a result, Isadora grabbed it and kneaded it repeatedly like kneading dough, kneading it into an oval shape for a while, and kneading it into a long strip for a while, apparently to vent her inner dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, Fulu doesn't have a single bone in his body, and he is a soft-bodied creature, so this kind of behavior will not cause any damage to him. Instead, this little guy mistakenly thinks that his master is playing with him, and his body quickly becomes Light pink symbolizes joy.

After a while, the girl with poor physical strength sat on the ground tired and out of breath, poked her magic pet with her finger and asked, "How do you think I can become stronger in a short time and catch up with Soo?" footsteps?"


Little Fulu spewed out some gas again, and then showed his master some pictures of mind flayers nurturing giant mind flayers through a telepathic connection.

"You mean that I can also try to cultivate a mind-fleeing giant worm of my own?" Isadora subconsciously clenched her fists.

Since there is a huge conch shell ship under the Mage Tower at this moment, as well as the mastermind placed in the brain pool, and a small number of mind flayers, theoretically there is no difficulty in cultivating a giant mind flayer.

The only problem is that she doesn't think that with her current level of psychic powers, she can control this kind of monster that even the mind flayers are moved to fear and fear.

But Xiao Fulu quickly waved his tentacles to show that he didn't mean it, and at the same time enlarged some details of the picture in telepathy.

After repeated observations, Isadora was shocked to discover that the mind-snapping giant worm located in the deep sea on the seventeenth floor of the Lost Earth Leyline City did not simply start from one tadpole, but cultivated multiple tadpoles at the same time, and then let them devour each other. In the end, the most powerful one will devour the rest of the tadpoles.

Combined with the human cloning technology she saw in the library before, she suddenly came up with a bold idea, that is, self-cloning, and then implanting the personality fragments split out of her mind into these clones to make it another self.

When the time is right, by killing each other and devouring each other's psychic powers, the one who wins in the end will gain a powerful power comparable to that of the mastermind.

Of course, doing so has a very high risk, and if it fails, the main personality will be replaced by the derived sub-personality fragments.

But Isadora didn't care.

Because at a very young age, she had already done so more than once in her head.

Just do it!

Since Zuo Si with the highest authority and the liches with partial authority have already gone to another world, no one can stop the girl's crazy behavior.

It didn't take long for her to start trying to breed her clones in a giant glass jar in the basement according to the description in the book.

Under the influence of magic power, in just a few hours, the embryo quickly developed into the appearance of a baby.

If there is no accident, these clones will soon start to have a heartbeat, and develop into a girl exactly like Isadora...

(end of this chapter)

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