One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 291 From One Extreme To Another

Chapter 291 From One Extreme to Another

No doubt, with Snape's current state of mind and appearance, anyone who wasn't a fool could see that there was something wrong with him.

Because the lingering melancholy that enveloped him before has completely disappeared, replaced by a sense of happiness visible to the naked eye, and the maturity and stability that only married men have.

As an outsider, Zuo Si can easily feel it, not to mention other professors who have worked with him for many years.

It's just that out of respect for his personal privacy, no one has taken the initiative to ask for it.

Professor McGonagall, in particular, seemed to have guessed something. When presiding over the sorting ceremony for new students, he would look this way from the corner of his eye from time to time, obviously absent-minded.

Snape was undoubtedly aware of this, and immediately whispered to Zuo Si beside him: "You know? In fact, Minerva also desperately longs to revive her dead brother in her heart.

Since the meeting at the Pig's Head Bar, I can often see her sitting in the office looking at the picture of her dead brother in a daze.

You have no idea what a great and epoch-making thing you have created that can drive the whole world crazy. "

"You mean, Professor McGonagall will also be willing to pay any price to get a piece of magic mercury from me?" Zuo Si asked calmly.

"Of course! As someone who has experienced it, I can clearly tell you that the strong sense of guilt will continue to accumulate and increase over time.

Maybe now, Minerva can still control her emotions with reason.

But it won't be long before she sees the dead reappear in front of her, like Aberforth, she will have only one thought left, that is to resurrect the dead relatives.

Emotion is something that can never be restrained by reason.

And the harder you try to forget, the clearer your memory will become, and the pain will multiply. "

When he said these words, Snape's tone revealed a kind of deepness and vicissitudes unique to those who have experienced it.

Ever since he heard the news of Lily's death and saw her cold and pale body with his own eyes, his world has completely lost its color, everything is gray at first glance, and he hasn't had a peaceful night's sleep in these years.

But the moment he resurrected it with his own hands, the whole world seemed to become colorful again.

Especially the days when they get along day and night recently, it's almost like returning to the carefree and beautiful life of childhood.

Because of this experience, Snape was able to understand Minerva McGonagall's ambivalence at the moment.

In the same way, he also knows that the other party will eventually make the right choice like himself.

"So, I'm going to prepare a piece of magic mercury in advance for Professor McGonagall?" Zuo Si asked with great interest.

"Do you still have extra magic mercury on hand?" Snape was obviously taken aback.

Because according to the size of the Philosopher's Stone, at most it can only store magic mercury that is almost enough for three to five people to bring people back from the dead.

He always thought that the two copies for himself and Aberforth should be Zuo Si's last stock.

Zuo Si responded with a meaningful smile: "Of course, Professor. Otherwise, why do you think I handed over the Philosopher's Stone so easily?

What's more, since I can make the first one, I can naturally make the second and third ones with the same method.

The really difficult part of resurrecting a person in this world is not the resurrection itself.

It's how to restore the memory of souls who have been dead for too long. "

Snape nodded thoughtfully: "This is indeed a subject worth studying. Maybe... we can try to use spells like Legilimency."

"Oh? Have you tried it? How does it work?" Zuo Si suddenly became interested.

As the name suggests, Legilimency is to extract a person's memories and emotions from the mind.

This part of memory and emotion can be put into the Pensieve to watch and share with others, or it can be thrown away like garbage.

The latter is usually used to free oneself from memories that are too painful and hopeless.

"Not bad. At least Lily has come to believe that I'm her best friend and childhood sweetheart."

Mentioning this matter, the corners of Snape's mouth could not help but slightly rise, revealing a happy smile.

But Zuo Si is so smart, he understood the other party's operation immediately, and immediately said with a half-smile: "Are you selectively telling the truth? Your methods really impress me. But are you sure you are really ready to fight?" Becoming Harry Potter's stepfather? I don't think he would accept it willingly."

"For Lily's sake, I will take care of that silly boy. What's more, this kind of thing is beyond his control." Snape's tone was full of confidence.

While the two were talking in low voices, Filch, the administrator of Hogwarts Castle, suddenly walked over quickly from a distance, and said in a gloating tone: "Professors, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley Hit the Whomping Willow in a flying car."

"Severus, can I trouble you to deal with it first? Minerva and I will stay here to preside over the opening ceremony." Principal Dumbledore, who had been silent for a long time, asked proactively.

"no problem."

Snape stood up without a second word, without the slightest hesitation or reluctance.

And before leaving, he also took a copy of the latest "Daily Prophet".

On the most conspicuous page, there was a report about a Muggle seeing a flying car appearing in the sky.

Things that happened in the morning will appear in the media in the afternoon. This kind of speed and efficiency is really not like the magical world where everything is procrastinated.

If nothing else, Lucius Malfoy must have played a lot behind the scenes.

After all, the bigger it got, the more he could use it to get Arthur Weasley into trouble, preferably losing his job at the Ministry of Magic.

In this way, under Filch's leadership, Snape quickly found two little ones who looked distressed and were carrying broken boxes and looking into the lobby on the first floor.

"Look! Isn't that South? Why is he sitting on the staff bench?" Ron exclaimed in a low voice.

"Well——I think it should be related to this semester's courses. This semester has an extra class on how to make magic scrolls every week. He should be the teacher of this class. After all, this technology is what he learned last semester. Invented." Harry explained with some envy.

"So...he became the youngest professor in Hogwarts history?" Ron opened his mouth in shock.

Harry nodded lightly: "Yes. If there are no accidents, no one will be able to surpass it in the future. But compared to this matter, I am more concerned about why there is an empty teaching staff seat... Where's Snape?"

"Maybe he's sick," Ron said hopefully.

"Maybe he resigned because he didn't get the Defense Against the Dark Arts class he wanted most." Harry also began to think delusionally.

Although by the end of last term, he had learned some truths from Dumbledore, understood that Snape was protecting himself.

But when I think of the other party always finding faults and deducting points for no reason, I still can't help feeling strong repulsion and disgust.

If possible, he hoped that Snape would never appear in front of him again in his life.

The desperate Ron obviously didn't notice the imminent disaster, and continued excitedly: "Maybe he was fired! You think, the whole school hates him except the students of Slytherin house..."

But before these words were finished, Harry and Ron heard an extremely familiar voice behind them that made their hair stand on end.

"Maybe he's hearing from the two of you why you didn't come to school on the bus."


Both of them shivered subconsciously, and turned around quickly, just in time to see Snape's iconic face and the half-smile expression hanging on it.

At this moment, anyone who is not a fool should understand that the conversation just now was clearly heard by the other party, and that his situation is not good.

"follow me!"

Snape glanced at the two students who were no different from idiots in his eyes, then turned and led the way to the cellar.

After a while, the three entered the staff office very close to the Slytherin common room.

Just when Harry and Ron were ready for the storm, as well as the sarcasm and sarcasm that could drive people to death, they were surprised to find that the other party gave themselves a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Here, drink it," Snape said in as kind a tone as possible.

Although what he said just now made him very angry, when he thought of Lily's beautiful, gentle and peaceful face, his newly hardened heart would be softened immediately.

And he kept telling himself in his heart that Harry Potter was Lily's child, and all of this was for Lily.

Undoubtedly, Snape's almost "gentle" attitude almost scared Harry and Ron to pee.

It's like a guy who is always looking for trouble, and suddenly one day his attitude takes a 180-degree turn, but anyone with a little brain will subconsciously be vigilant.

So even though Harry and Ron were already unbearably thirsty, neither of them dared to touch the pumpkin juice, let alone drink it.

Because they were all worried about whether the potion master in front of them had put something into the pumpkin juice, or simply wanted to poison themselves to death.

In this situation of mutual distrust, the atmosphere quickly became weird.

Especially the smile on Snape's face, which he managed to squeeze out, couldn't hang on several times.


The love for Lily finally made him choose to be patient, and he directly handed the newspaper in front of the two of them, and said in a tone that was not as harsh as possible: "Look, this is the trouble you have caused.

Two Muggles in London are believed to have seen an old car fly over the Post Office, as well as Mrs Hetty Bayliss in Norfolk while she was drying her laundry.

In addition, there are four or five reports of Muggles reporting to the police.

Do you know what this means?

This represents a serious breach of secrecy!

If you are not students, you should appear in the court of the Ministry of Magic now to stand trial.

Especially you, Ron.

I remember your father worked in the Misuse of Muggle Substances Office, right?

But now, his son is taking the lead in violating the law and exposing his private modification of a car.

Guess what, what would the Ministry of Magic do if it found out?

Maybe what you expect my expulsion from Hogwarts to happen to Mr. Weasley first. "


The faces of the two who hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem suddenly turned pale.

Especially Harry felt as if he was hit hard by the tree he hit just now, and his heart was filled with a strong sense of guilt.

He couldn't imagine, if Mr. Weasley really lost his job because of this, how he would face his friend Ron, the twin brothers, and the kind and friendly Mrs. Weasley in the future.

In contrast, Ron was worried that if his father lost his job, how would his poor family survive?

Would my mother come straight to school and strangle herself because of this?

In short, like all the bear children who get into trouble, they will feel afraid and regret only when they realize the serious consequences of their actions.

Snape noticed this, and immediately continued to add: "In addition to violating the Statute of Secrecy and the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Act, you have also harmed a very rare and precious magical plant in the school - the Whomping Willow. So please come again next time." Use your brain when doing this kind of thing, don't always be stupid and self-righteous."

"Next... next time? You mean, we won't be fired, right?"

Harry immediately tried to grab the last straw like a drowning man.

Because he would rather stay in Hogwarts as a handyman than be expelled and live with his aunt and uncle's family as an ordinary person.

"At least not this time. Just wait, when the sorting ceremony is over, Professor McGonagall will personally punish you."

After all, Snape waved his wand, and instantly summoned a large pile of pies, sandwiches, roast chicken, mashed potatoes and other food on the desk, and then turned around and disappeared at the end of the corridor outside without looking back.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps faded away that the two worried Ron and Harry in the room breathed a sigh of relief, and they sat down on the ground as if they were weak.

Knowing that he would not be fired, the intense hunger returned quickly.

This time, Harry didn't care whether the food would be drugged, so he tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Ron, while he gnawed on the whole chicken.

After eating almost half of the chicken, the two of them stopped at the same time, picked up the pumpkin juice on the table and drank it all.

When the hunger began to subside, Ron wiped the oil from his mouth and asked in an uncertain tone: "Dude, don't you think Snape's attitude towards us today is a bit strange? If it was before, He's going to take advantage of it and wish he could get us kicked out of school."

"Well, it's a bit strange. He is unbelievably tolerant today. Even if Professor McGonagall came, I'm afraid he wouldn't have such a good attitude." Harry nodded approvingly.

"Could it be some kind of conspiracy?" Ron's paranoia of persecution hit on the spot.

"Probably not..."

There was strong uncertainty in Harry's tone.

Because he didn't know that his mother, who had been dead for many years, had been resurrected, and he would have an extra stepfather soon.

I don't know whether the savior's first reaction would be happiness or pain and despair when he learned these two news at the same time?

After all, the person he hates the most is already living with the person he loves the most, maybe there will be a few more half-brothers or sisters in the future...

In this way, in a peaceful environment, the first day of the new semester passed without incident.

Although Harry and Ron received very severe warnings and punishments, under the booing of the Gryffindor students, they quickly forgot how scared they were when they stood in front of Snape, and instead felt very happy laugh it out.

But this good mood didn't last long.

When the owl messenger left a red Howler letter on the table early the next morning, Ron froze in place, and the hand holding the letter kept shaking.


The youngest son of the Weasley family showed despair in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Hermione, who was sitting at the table eating breakfast, obviously noticed that something seemed wrong.

Zuo Si responded with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just a shouting letter. I think Mrs. Weasley must be very angry at what Ron did, so she wants to teach him an impressive lesson."

"Howling letter?"

Hermione obviously heard the word for the first time, and a curious look appeared on her face.

"That's right. A letter that is blessed with magic and used to express the author's strong dissatisfaction. Unlike ordinary letters that need to be read, you can understand that it is a communication method that directly transmits voice. As for the content, it is just like the name The same is basically expressed in the way of yelling in anger. Believe me, when the letter is opened, it will be very funny."

After all, Zuo Si raised her cup and took a sip of the hot milk, looking like she was watching the excitement and not afraid of trouble.

"You'd better open it quickly, because the situation will be worse if you don't open it. Grandma sent it to me once, and I ignored it. As a result..." Neville, who was sitting at the next table, cautiously reminded.

But instead of relaxing Ron, these words made him more nervous.

Because the latter has seen the dead corner of the red envelope start to smoke and start to feel hot.

In the end, after struggling for a while, Ron tore off the wax seal with the mentality of going to the execution ground.

next second...

A deafening roar spread throughout the hall of the auditorium.

The volume was so loud that even the dust on the ceiling was shaken off.

Mrs. Weasley's voice was like several roaring dragons, which could be heard clearly by everyone in the castle.

I have to say, this is simply a large-scale social death scene for Ron.

Just looking at his pale face and slightly trembling lips uncontrollably at the moment, one can see how amazing the power of this roaring letter is.

Of course, it was the perfect buzz and fun for the other students present.

Especially near the table in Slytherin College not far away, there was even more unceremonious mocking laughter. Master Malfoy was even happier than winning the jackpot. He only wished that there was no magic camera around him to take pictures of this scene As a souvenir.

If there is another conflict in the future, he can take out this photo and severely humiliate the other party.

Fortunately, the duration of the roaring letter was not too long, it ended in just over a minute.

But the trauma inflicted on Ron's young mind clearly lingered for a long time.

From the dejected look in his eyes, it is not difficult to see that before this matter is forgotten, he can't expect to be able to hold his head up among his classmates.

As for Harry, it was more about guilt.

Because the Weasley family gave him the happiest time during the holidays, and his feedback made Mr. Weasley almost lose his job and is under review.

The two looked downcast and foolish, and Hermione couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "I suspect that Ron and Harry don't have such a thing as memory at all. You don't know, do you? They were in the public rest in Gryffindor last night." fooling around in the room and thinking it would be cool to drive a flying car to school without realizing that there was a price to pay."

"Impulsive, pushy and reckless, aren't these the common characteristics of boys in this age group? So there is no need to be too harsh on them, and they will mature slowly in a few years." Zuo Si smiled contemptuously replied.

"What about you? You seem to be completely different from them, and you have never done anything stupid." Hermione's eyes flickered with curiosity.

In her impression, from the moment she met Zuo Si until now, Zuo Si has always remained calm, calm and mature.

Don't say it's a mistake, I've never even been nervous.

Whether it is the final exam that is enough to scare most students, or standing on the podium to give public lectures to well-known wizards from all over the world, or facing a giant monster like a hill on Halloween last semester, always maintain With a calm demeanor that cannot be described in words.

If this kind of demeanor is normal for someone like Principal Dumbledore, he is also known as the greatest wizard of our time.

But appearing on Zuo Si, who is too young, seems very inconsistent.

And Hermione herself was deeply attracted by this mature, rational and calm demeanor.

"My situation is a little special. I will consider telling you some secrets and the truth when you grow up a bit, but it's not the time yet." Zuo Si whispered in the girl's ear.

"Grow up a little more?"

Doubt and incomprehension appeared in Hermione's eyes.

She didn't understand what her age had to do with it.

Zuo Si casually threw aside the milk that had been contaminated by the dust falling from the ceiling, and explained patiently: "Some things may be too complicated for you now and you cannot understand them well. When the time comes, I will reveal some truths to you, the truths about this world and the universe.”

Undoubtedly, these words completely ignited the curiosity and thirst for knowledge in the girl's heart, and her eyes flashed with a strange look: "You promise?"

"Of course, I promise. Because for me, you are the most special person in this world." Zuo Si responded meaningfully.


Hermione felt as if she had been electrocuted, her heart started beating wildly in an instant, her neck and ears became instantly red and hot, and she even lowered her head shyly and did not dare to lift it up.

I don't know how long it took, and when the strange and addictive feeling gradually subsided, she was surprised to find that Zuo Si had left at some point, leaving only an empty seat, and for some reason there was a faint feeling lost.

But soon, under the coercion of the second-year students of Gryffindor College, the girl flocked to the greenhouse with Professor Sprout to attend her first herbal medicine class.

What made her even more strange was that Zuo Si didn't appear in class like other Slytherin students, but disappeared inexplicably.


At the same time, in the principal's office on the eighth floor of the castle, Zuo Si is teasing the dying phoenix, Fox, who is about to be reborn from the ashes.

Probably because of the blood relationship of the Dumbledore family, this interesting-looking bird did not repel him, but very obediently pecked his fingers with its beak to express its closeness.

The moment Zuo Si touched the opponent's fiery red feathers, Zuo Si felt a faint agitation in the blood in his body that was not easy to detect.

Although it is very slight, it may even be subconsciously ignored by most people.

But as a planeswalker, he keenly captured this moment.

There is no doubt that the connection between the Dumbledore family and the Phoenix is ​​not just a legend, but a real connection between them.

It may be that the ancestors of the first generation integrated the blood of the phoenix into their bodies, or they may have concluded some unknown magic contracts.

Anyway, when approaching a phoenix, the magic power contained in its bloodline will be increased to a certain extent.

This also explains why Dumbledore's strength is so much higher than other wizards. Even Voldemort dare not confront him head-on, but keeps plotting in the dark.

If the Elder Wand is added, the magic power alone will be at least twice that of other wizards.

Just when Zuo Si was considering whether to take some blood from Phoenix to study while the principal was away, the originally closed door suddenly opened, and Dumbledore slowly walked in from the outside.

When the old man noticed that Zuo Si was interacting with Fox, a smile appeared on his originally serious face, and then he said, "I think you must be wondering now why you are on the first day of school. I handed it over to the office in one class, right?"

"No, I almost guessed it. It must have something to do with the ability of the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect from the dead." Zuo Si shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalant manner.

"Oh? So Fudge has already greeted you?" Dumbledore was clearly surprised.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. Minister Fudge has already made an appointment with me. He will visit the Department of Mysteries on the weekend of the second week after the start of school to discuss the matter of carrying out the resurrection experiment. And I also received Letters sent by many pure-blood families, I believe you should know what the contents of these letters are based on your rich life experience."

"You agree?" Dumbledore asked narrowing his eyes.

"I agreed to Minister Fudge's invitation, but I didn't respond to the proposal of those pure-blood families. Instead, I burned their letters. You know, I am not interested in the pure-bloods and their theory interest."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything, and openly explained how she handled it.

But this answer obviously did not satisfy Dumbledore.

Because in his opinion, it is best to completely ban such things as wanting to die and resurrect, and never let it happen, instead of opening a hole in private.

In that case, the entire wizarding world would be thrown into chaos.

So after a brief silence, the old man slowly pulled out his wand and pulled out a strand of silver-like memory from his brain, which was like a silk thread, and put it into the Pensieve, and then offered to invite: "Would you like to accompany me to watch a dusty memory from the past? "

"Memory? What is it about?" Zuo Si asked in a slightly curious tone.

"It's about some of the mistakes I made when I was young because of my arrogance and stupidity."

When he said this, Dumbledore clearly revealed a trace of shame.

He knew that he was not as perfect and great as the outside rumors said.

He made the mistakes Snape made, he made the mistakes Voldemort made, and even Greenwald set off a revolution in the wizarding world that almost overturned the existing order because of him.

And what he has done over the years is only to some extent repay the debt he owed in the past.

"Sorry, Professor, I'm not interested in your mistakes, nor do I want to know what you've done in the past.

I just know we are two different people and I will never regret my choice.

If you want to preach to me, I'm sorry you've got the wrong person.

Leave this kind of boring and meaningless behavior to Harry Potter, who might listen to you more or less because of his admiration for you. "

Zuo Si directly chose to refuse.

He knew very well that what Dumbledore wanted to show himself was nothing more than his experience after witnessing the death of his sister and breaking with Grinwald.

A talented wizard, this guy must have experimented with bringing the dead back to life.

If nothing else, it should be inevitable that some tragedies were created.

So the other party wants to use their own failures to convince Zuo Si to give up this crazy move, and it is best to directly destroy the Philosopher's Stone to avoid future troubles.

It would never have occurred to Dumbledore that in another world such things as raising the dead would not be such a big deal at all.

As long as it is not a natural death, and there is enough property to pay for the resurrection, many god churches and temples will provide corresponding resurrection services.

Especially in Askatla, the capital of Amn, many big family leaders and heirs, including members of the six-member council, have purchased accidental death insurance from the Church of the Goddess of Wealth.

Yes, you heard that right.

The church in Woking not only provides various services such as currency exchange, business investment, consignment and storage of valuables, but also insurance services.

Among them, accidental death insurance is the most advanced one.

As long as a large sum of money is paid every year, when these people die due to various accidents, the church will send high-level priests to resurrect them.

Of course, this kind of insurance business is not something that just anyone can buy.

Only dignitaries who have been in business for generations and believe in the goddess of wealth are eligible to enjoy such services.

Therefore, when it comes to the matter of death and resurrection, Zuo Si's attitude is very casual, not as serious and cautious as people in this world.

He understands the nature of death, and also understands that the so-called resurrection from death is just the process of using life energy to reshape the body, and then pull the soul back from the afterlife.

In Faerûn, many souls do not lose their memories for long periods of time due to the afterlife.

Therefore, resurrection magic or magic often requires the consent of the deceased himself.

But in this world, resurrection does not seem to require the consent of the deceased himself. When the spell or alchemy potion takes effect, the soul will be pulled back to the body in an instant, completely affected by any external factors.

"You want to explore the nature of death and the world after death?" Dumbledore was keenly aware of Zuo Si's intention.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "That's right. The essence of time, the essence of death, these areas that are considered taboo in traditional magic, I am eager to find out. If you want to stop it, then come here Well, anyway, I will not stop my progress."

"You lack a heart of awe, South." Dumbledore said earnestly.

"Lack of awe?

No, professor, I'm in awe of anything stronger than myself, whether it's a person or something.

But if I choose to give up pursuing the truth just because of awe, and use ignorance and ignorance as a shield, then I would rather die on the way forward.

I am very glad to be able to explain these words clearly to you face to face today.

If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first. "

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si put one hand on her chest and bowed slightly, then turned and walked out of the principal's office.

Less than three to five seconds after he closed the door with his front foot, an elderly phantom whose hair was about to fall out and wrinkled all over his face suddenly appeared beside Dumbledore out of thin air, and said in a slightly emotional tone: "Smart! Reasonable!" !Excellent magical talent! And that extremely stubborn character! He really looks like you when you were young, Albus."

"Are you sure South wasn't really created with my blood and magic?" Dumbledore asked with narrowed eyes.

"Of course, I am very sure. Because if I did it, I will not deny it. You should know this best." The old man's tone contained affection.

His words instantly softened Dumbledore's attitude, he took a deep breath and said, "I believe you have seen how amazing his potential is."

"Ah! I'm not blind, of course I can see. Especially exploring the nature of time and death, this ambition is much greater than when we were young. Compared with him, Tom Riddle is like a street You little bastard. Sometimes I really don't know what you are worried about?" There was strong dissatisfaction in the old man's tone.

"You don't understand, Gellert. If Sous was really created by magic, then they must have some kind of ulterior purpose. Before I find out the truth of the matter, I will never take it lightly .” Dumbledore expressed his inner worries.

Obviously, he has investigated Zuo Si's life experience in private, and confirmed that there are no wizards in his ancestors for several generations.

There is no doubt that the documents and memories that took a lot of time to forge in the first place finally came in handy at this time.

Even if Dumbledore himself went out, he still didn't notice anything unusual.

Just the opposite!

This made him even more convinced that Zuo Si was created with some magic to have the Dumbledore family, or even a child of his own blood.

The old man called Gellert sneered and asked: "So what? Haven't you discovered South's mature character and firm self-will? Even if the people who created him had bad intentions, there is nothing they can do now. Put any influence on it. Because a wizard like him can never be manipulated by anyone. Your worries are completely unnecessary."

"Well - I hope so." Dumbledore sighed slightly.

So far, there is really not much he can do.

After all, the biggest difference between Zuo Si and Voldemort is that the latter is always trying to bypass the law and all rules, and do whatever he wants unscrupulously.

But the former puts itself within the framework of rules and laws. Although it will use various methods and loopholes to achieve its goals, it will not break the existing rules at will, at least not on the surface.

Moreover, everything Zuo Si does often benefits the people around him and even more people.

So no matter what he does, there will always be a legion of supporters around him.

This was the case with the technology of making magic scrolls and storing spells last time, and the same is true of using the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect the dead this time. Even Professor McGonagall, who has been silently supporting Dumbledore, has been shaken.

The more he understood, the more Dumbledore could feel the terror of this young man.

Even though he made few friends at school, even the Slytherin students were very poor.

While Dumbledore was secretly investigating Zuo Si, he himself, who had just finished a day's course, had already quietly left the castle under Snape's leadership, and came to a house in a rural valley.

Just when she opened the door and walked into the living room, Lily, who was as beautiful as a girl in a long white dress, ran out of the kitchen and gave Snape a warm hug.

The two kissed like no one else for a minute.

It wasn't until Zuo Si couldn't stand it and coughed hard that she avoided being sprinkled with dog food.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't even notice that you brought guests back." Lily shrank her neck like a frightened animal.

"Don't worry, he's not strictly a guest."

With a happy smile on Snape's face, he gently stroked the long hair hanging from his ear for his lover, his eyes were full of doting.

It is estimated that if this scene is seen by other students and professors at Hogwarts, their jaws will probably drop in shock and they will start to wonder if the Potions professor is someone else in disguise.

"I'll cook first, you guys talk slowly."

Lily turned around and returned to the kitchen with great interest, and even took the initiative to close the door.

"It seems that you have recovered your lost love and everything, haven't you? If you don't mind, can you tell me when you plan to hold a wedding? When do you plan to add a younger brother or sister to Harry Potter?" Zuo Si sipped The corner of his mouth sneered.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that a person's personality could go from one extreme to another.

Looking at Snape's current reaction, where there is still the slightest gloomy and melancholy temperament, he is simply like a standard winner in life.

Especially this unknown house, maybe it is just an ordinary farmhouse from the outside.

But after walking in, you will find that the inside is completely built according to castles and luxury villas.

Whether it is furniture, furnishings or decoration design, they all reveal a kind of luxury that cannot be described in words, even the presidential suite of a five-star hotel looks so shabby in comparison.

What is the real Golden House Cangjiao?

That's it!

As for any woman, if a man is willing to build such a house for her, it is probably hard to refuse.

What's more, Snape is not ugly, and his feelings for Lily are completely true, and he is even willing to die for it.

It is normal to fall quickly under the double offensive of material and emotion.

From the intimate behavior of the two just now, it is not difficult to see that they probably have already slept in the same bed, and it is not worth making a fuss about "human life" in a few months.

The only question was whether Harry Potter was mentally prepared for this unexpected surprise.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it may be a shock...

(end of this chapter)

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