One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 292 Anger From Old Father

Chapter 292 Anger from "Old Father"

"Wedding? Sorry, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Compared with this, there are two troubles that urgently need your help to solve."

Snape shook his head lightly, sat down on the sofa in the living room, and poured himself a glass of wine.

"You don't mean you want me to help Harry Potter and make him accept the fact that his mother is going to marry another man, and this man is also the professor he hates the most?"

Zuo Si guessed the other party's thoughts almost effortlessly.

Because he knew that with the degree of infatuation of the man in front of him, he would definitely not have the heart to let the woman he loves hide in this house for the rest of his life without contact with the outside world.

And contact with the outside world meant that sooner or later Lily would know that she was married and had a son.

However, due to the lack of memory, he might not pay too much attention to the husband who has been dead for many years.

But it is definitely impossible for the mother to give up or give up the biological son easily.

So resolving the conflict with the savior has become a must.

Snape was obviously very aware of this, and responded in a slightly helpless tone: "This is indeed a problem that gives me a headache. You should know that due to some things that happened in the first semester, Potter has always kept a close relationship with me. A considerable degree of wariness, so it is not easy to improve the relationship. I heard that your relationship with him is not bad, maybe you can change his attitude a little?"

"Sorry, Professor. My relationship with Harry Potter is limited to ordinary friends, no, it shouldn't even be considered a friend, at best a classmate with an ordinary relationship. If you want to expect me to exert any influence on him, I'm afraid it really is I think too much. In addition, I think that if we want to improve the relationship, we should first make him less averse to potion classes." Zuo Si smiled and gave his own suggestion.

You must know that around the teens are the age group that is most sensitive and prone to rebellious psychology.

Based on Snape's targeted and undisguised dislike last semester, it is estimated that changing his image in the heart of the savior may not be easy.

In the original book, the reason why Harry finally chose to forgive, and even be grateful to the half-blood prince, was entirely based on his last tragic self-sacrifice and handing over all his memories.

At that time, the savior had experienced many things, and he had matured a lot in terms of age and psychology.

"Oh? What do you think I should do?"

At this moment, Snape was not at all domineering and arrogant as usual, but like an "old father" who longed for his children's understanding.

Zuo Si replied casually: "It's very simple, the first thing is to give him extra points in Potions class and make sure he will be separated from Ron.

Because when the two of them are together, the rejection towards you will multiply exponentially.

Second, let him know that his mother was a great witch and very good at making potions.

Finally, and most importantly, you can stop trolling the Gryffindor students and build an image of justice.

If the above three points can be persisted for a semester, then I think he should change his mind about you. "

Snape nodded thoughtfully: "What you said makes sense. Especially Ron Weasley, he is simply a fool who does more than fail. He follows Harry all day long, except for delaying his progress. Besides, it doesn't help at all. I have to find a way to separate them so that Harry can be as good a wizard as his mother."

Hearing these words, Zuo Si immediately silently mourned for Ron for a second.

The new semester is off to a hellish start because of this poor little guy.

He will soon find out that the wand being broken in two and being scolded by a yelling letter from his mother in front of everyone in the school is just the beginning, and then he will have to face an "old father" anger.

After all, in the eyes of the parents, once it is confirmed that XX has spoiled their child, they will definitely do everything possible to take some extreme coercive measures.

However, Zuo Si didn't have any prejudice against Ron, and he didn't do anything specifically against him. To blame, he could only blame his big brothers for being too good, so that he was too ordinary and incompetent to set off.

It's like a big family where all outstanding talents suddenly appear, and a slightly less outstanding person will naturally appear very eye-catching, and every move will be subject to criticism and tremendous pressure.

Ron is the most typical example.

Whether it's the professors at Hogwarts or the parents at home, they will inadvertently compare the performance of the big brothers at school.

In addition, his best friend is Harry Potter, the savior with his own halo, which further created his strong sense of inferiority.

And people who are too low self-esteem or arrogant will not be likable at any time.

In this way, Zuo Si had a simple meal in Snape's new home, and gave full play to her advantages in social, language and psychological control of people, making Lily snicker with her mouth covered the whole time.

In less than half an hour, this Harry Potter's mother regarded him as a reliable young friend.

After returning to the castle, Snape even said thank you very rarely.

You must know that it is not an easy task to say these two words from his awkward and arrogant mouth.

At least in Zuo Si's knowledge, the potions master never said a single thank you to anyone else.

Along with this thank you, there were also a lot of expensive high-grade potions, and a potion notebook written by Snape himself that was more than 500 pages thick.

Among them, there are as many as hundreds of improved potion formulas, and many of them are subversive and have never been published.

From this alone, it can be seen that he was really disheartened after Lily's death, and he didn't even pay attention to honor, wealth and fame.

But now, these things are cheap Zuo Si.

Based on the content in the notes alone, Zuo Si can take a big step forward on the basis of standardization and quantification of potions.

Of course, he didn't forget to share it with Hermione.

As a result, many students and professors could see that the two were inseparable all day long, and after class, they would hide in the room specially assigned to Zuo Si for experiments to make potions.

There are even rumors that they saw a picture of the two hugging and kissing.

In short, as a man of great concern in the school, Zuo Si's every move has attracted countless people's attention, and Hermione, as the top student in her entire age who is second only to the former, has also received a lot of attention.

When the two get together, there will inevitably be some gossip and gossip.

Fortunately, they didn't care much about such boring rumors.

Hermione, in particular, was frantically absorbing a lot of knowledge about magic, alchemy, potions, etc. from Zuo Si, and had no mind and energy to care about other things.

In addition to sleeping and cleaning up her personal hygiene every day, she only spends a little time on makeup and dressing herself when she goes out in the morning. The rest of the time is either studying and experimenting, or doing some previous preparations.

"Damn! This is so hard!"

After trying to turn a huge rock into a human or animal form and failing, the girl couldn't help cursing in a low voice, filled with a strong sense of frustration in her heart.

Because it was only yesterday that she saw Zuo Si easily transforming it into a tiger more than two meters high and four meters long during a demonstration.

And the tiger's markings, eyes, claws and teeth are all lifelike.

If the material is not stone and there is no coloring, it is estimated that some people will regard it as a real tiger.

But when she tried it herself, Hermione realized how difficult this level of transformation magic was.

Leaving aside other things, just shaping the shape of such a large stone is much more troublesome than imagined, not to mention moving it.

Zuo Si, who was concocting the potion, comforted with a smile, "Don't worry, just take your time. The most taboo thing about magic is impatience. I believe that with your talent, hard work and ingenuity, you should be able to quickly It can be done. After all, with the current average level of the magic world, more than 98% of adult wizards cannot achieve this level of transformation."

"But you did it easily, didn't you?" The girl asked a little unconvinced.


No, I didn't do it easily.

In places where you can't see, I have devoted more time and energy than you can imagine.

Remember, there has never been such a thing as an easy-to-learn genius in the field of magic.

Whether a wizard is powerful or not is always directly proportional to his efforts in researching magic. "

Zuo Si warned solemnly.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, he is the kind of genius who can learn everything at once.

But actually?

Even with the help of the planeswalker's ability [Thinking Library] and the [Knowledge Eye] bestowed by Oghma, Zuo Si spent several months on systematic learning at the very beginning.

His study didn't just take a few hours a day like an ordinary wizard, but a continuous rotation 24 hours a day.

These few months are even comparable to other people's years or even ten years or decades.

What's more, Zuo Si didn't start from scratch, but experienced two worlds successively, laying a solid foundation of magic theory.

"Then can you teach me a little trick?"

Hermione obviously knew something about Zuo Si not sleeping at all at night, so she immediately put away her bad mood due to multiple failures, and began to humbly ask for experience.

"Tell me, what is the essence of the Transfiguration Curse?" Zuo Si asked, looking up into the girl's eyes.

Hermione pondered for a moment, and immediately responded: "The essence of the Transfiguration Charm is to temporarily change the structure and characteristics of the target substance through magic power. The decisive influence is firstly the strength of the magic power, and then the wizard's reaction to the subtle changes in the magic power." control."

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. Generally speaking, the strength of a wizard's magic power cannot be improved through the day after tomorrow, but will only accumulate with age. So in most cases, what really affects the transformation effect is The subtle control of magic. In this regard, Professor McGonagall and Principal Dumbledore are out-and-out masters. Do you know how they do it?"

"How did you do that?" The girl's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Simple! They've all put a lot of effort into understanding the properties of different living beings and matter.

Take the rock in front of you as an example. According to the method of modern science, it is composed of a large number of silicate minerals, and its main components are silicon dioxide and calcium carbonate.

If you want to change its external form and make it move, you need to use magic to intervene first with these two components.

Then there are other ingredients that account for a relatively small proportion.

Instead of taking the whole rock, make it as a whole to apply deformation magic.

This method of dividing the transformation target and adjusting the magic power output is the fine control mentioned in the transformation magic.

It's just that wizards don't know much about natural science, so they can't express the meaning clearly, so most of the Hogwarts students can only rely on their feelings.

This is why there are so few wizards who are really good at transfiguration magic. "

Zuo Si expressed his understanding without reservation.

Different from Faerun's complex transformation magic that may involve energy, space, and completely changing the size and characteristics of a substance, the transformation magic in this world is relatively pure, which is the interference of magic power on the substance itself.

The more a wizard understands a certain substance or creature, the easier it is to successfully cast transfiguration magic.

The semi-permanent Annie Magus is the pinnacle of this magic.

Its complexity is so complex that even the current Zuo Si dare not try it lightly.

Because once it fails, it is very likely that it will be completely assimilated by the transformed beast, and it will never be possible to restore the human form and mind.

Even many masters who are proficient in transfiguration magic only use a series of methods to transform themselves into ordinary animal forms such as cats, dogs, mice, and birds, rather than more dangerous and complex magical creatures with magical abilities.

Hermione had a thoughtful look on her face: "I see. Maybe I should try your method again."

"Here, drink this, it can give you a certain degree of enhancement in magic power sensing."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si took the prepared potion out of the cauldron and poured it into one of the transparent crystal bottles and handed it to the girl.

"Is this the new potion you have brewed for three whole days?"

Hermione took it carefully and looked at the liquid in the bottle emitting a faint blue light.

"Well, yes. Thanks to Professor Snape's notes, otherwise I might not have found the correct formula so easily."

Zuo Si waved his wand and poured the rest into other empty bottles.

You don't need to ask, the greatest use of these potions is to detect more detailed changes in the process of magic learning and research, so as to find the cause of failure faster.

Without any hesitation!

The girl directly raised her head and drank the potion in the bottle.

In just a few seconds, she could clearly feel the trajectory of the magic power flowing in her body, and then cast a transformation spell on the huge rock in front of her.

next second...

The shape of the stone began to change rapidly, and finally condensed into a vague human form, taking a step forward.

I don't know if there is a problem with the center of the shape, or something went wrong when controlling its movement.

In short, the stone titan didn't step on it firmly, and it fell towards the girl's position in an instant.

Hermione was obviously terrified, there was no time to react, and she could only close her eyes subconsciously.

But after waiting for a while, I didn't feel any shock or pain.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the stone titan had been reshaped, and a hand was attached to the wall without actually falling.

"Thank you, you saved my life again." The girl turned around and gave her a grateful look.

Zuo Si waved his magic wand to turn the titan back into a stone, and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "You're welcome. In fact, you were very close to success just now. Remember that feeling, and you should try a few more times. It could be a complete success.”

"The Potions class will start in ten minutes. It seems that I have to wait until the class is over before I can continue." Hermione glanced at her watch and said with some regret.

"You're right. It's best not to be late for Professor Snape's class, because today's Potions class might be very interesting." The corners of Zuo Si's mouth were raised with a playful expression.

He couldn't wait to see the wonderful look and reaction on Harry Potter's face when Snape gave him points.


The girl blinked her eyes in confusion.

Due to Snape's long-term behavior against Gryffindor students, even she who loves to learn can't like Potions class.

"You'll know when the time comes." Zuo Si pretended to be mysterious.

Passing through the intricate corridors and stairs, the two soon came to the Potions classroom in the basement of the castle.

Because they were almost late, the other students were already sitting in their seats when they arrived.

Especially Harry and Ron, who hated Snape and Potions very much, had no energy at all, and looked as if they were being tortured, with resistance visible to the naked eye exuding from every pore.

As a professor, Snape was keenly aware of this, a chilling glint flashed in his eyes, and he immediately asked in a non-warm tone: "Weasley! Tell me, the main raw material for making the blood tonic is what?"

"I... I don't know, Professor."

Ron stammered back in bewilderment.

He couldn't understand it at all. Didn't Snape always trouble his friend Harry in Potions class?

Why did you suddenly point the gun at yourself today?

"What about the formula for the tranquilizer?" Snape narrowed his eyes and continued to ask.

When the other students saw this scene, they couldn't help but thumped in their hearts.

But anyone who is not a fool can feel that the potion master is not in a beautiful mood, and is looking for someone to vent his anger on, so they all lowered their heads not daring to look at him.

Even the savior himself decisively chose to sell his teammates instead of attracting firepower to himself.

Realizing his helpless situation, Ron could only bite the bullet and reply in despair: "I don't know, Professor."

"Trash! Your stupidity and ignorance are beyond the limits of what I can imagine. At the end of a whole semester, you don't even have the most basic knowledge."

As soon as Snape came up, he opened fire with full firepower, and he dealt a heavy blow to Ron, directly spraying the poor child into autism.

The latter didn't dare to explain or retaliate at all, drooping his head and only hoped that the other party would finish scolding and deduct points sooner.

Anyway, it wasn't the first time a similar situation happened in Potions class, so he took it too seriously, just thinking that it happened that he had been unlucky recently.

However, Snape obviously didn't rush to deduct points from Gryffindor House this time, but quickly changed into another smile that made Harry feel creepy next to him, and asked softly: "Potter, daffodil root powder mixed with wormwood What does the dip get?"

"You will get a powerful sleeping potion, also known as the water of life and death." Harry gave the answer without thinking.

Because he will never forget that during the first potions class last semester, the potions master in front of him used the same question to give himself a blow.

"Very good! Ten points from Gryffindor." Snape nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and continued to point at Ron's nose and reprimanded him: "See? This is the result of knowing your mistakes and correcting them and listening carefully. But what about you? What do you do all day other than idling around?"

With these words blurted out, not only Ron who was being scolded was dumbfounded, but also the other students in the classroom, whether it was Gryffindor House or Slytherin House, all opened their mouths wide open, their eyes revealing shock and embarrassment. confidence.

Master Malfoy even pinched his thigh hard to make sure it was not a dream.

The stunned expression on Harry's face at this moment seemed to be asking: "Who am I? Where am I? What happened just now?"

This sudden change even frightened the timid Neville so much that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

But Snape obviously didn't give the others time to think and react, and directly ordered with a big wave of his hand: "South, come here and exchange places with Weasley. Potter may need some special guidance during the study period. As for you , Weasley, I hope the smart Granger can enlighten your elm brain a little bit, otherwise I will only give you a failing grade at the end of the semester."

"As you wish, Professor."

Zuo Si suppressed a smile and winked at the girl beside her, then walked straight to the side of the savior.

As for Ron, he swayed to sit next to Hermione as if he had lost his soul, and remained silent for the whole class without recovering from the huge blow.

While concocting the potion in class, Harry lowered his voice and asked, "What's going on? Did the sun come out from the west today? Or did Snape take some wrong medicine?"

"No, Harry, I think you misunderstood Professor Snape too much. He was actually a very nice person, gentle and considerate (at least to your mother), and also very helpful." Zuo Si said with a smile on his face.

"Are you sure you're talking about Snape and not someone else?" The corners of Harry's eyes twitched violently.

"Of course! Don't you realize that Professor Snape is showing kindness to you? If, notice what I said is if, one day your mother Lily is resurrected and will marry Professor Snape, and even be reborn with her Brothers and sisters, how would you react?" Zuo Si tentatively asked.

"Uh... I don't know. Joy? Maybe a little bit. After all, I haven't seen my mother since I was born. If she can be resurrected, it is naturally something to be happy about. But since my mother can be resurrected, why can't my father Resurrection together, and you still have to marry Snape?" Harry's face was full of doubts and entanglements.

Because he didn't know the grievances of the previous generation at all, let alone the complicated love-hate relationship between his parents and Snape.

Zuo Si lowered his voice and explained meaningfully: "Because in the beginning, your mother Lily and Professor Snape were childhood sweethearts, and your father was the culprit who intervened and caused their final separation.

Especially when you were a student, the image of your father was probably similar to Dellaco Malfoy now, proud, conceited, arrogant, always surrounded by a few buddies who are willing to act as accomplices.

And he bullied Professor Snape for seven years when he was a student.

If you don't believe it, you can ask the insiders including Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.

I deeply regret if these words subvert your father's image of a righteous hero.

But some things won't come just because you resist.

If there is such a day, I hope you can take it easy.

After all, there's nothing wrong with having a stepfather who loves your mother, at least it's better than living with the Dursleys, isn't it? "


Harry suddenly had a very bad premonition, and hurriedly raised his head to glance at the Potions master who was looking at him with caring eyes like an elder, he couldn't help shivering, and the hairs all over his body stood up .

As a result, for the next half of the class, his mental state seemed to be muddled, even worse than Ron's.

The pair of fellow sufferers picked up their books and ran away as soon as the get out of class was over, and they didn't dare to stay here for even a second.

"What did you say to Harry to scare him into this?" Snape demanded Zuo Si after the other students were gone.

The latter replied with a smile: "It's nothing, I just described to him the vision of a better life in the future. Also, I suggest that you hurry up and have a child. Because only in this way can Potter accept you as his Stepfather reality."

"Give... a baby?!"

Snape blushed slightly.

"Yes, having a baby.

Those who try to keep you from being together, who want to separate you will not succeed, only if you and Lily have a common blood.

From the act of giving up her life to protect Harry, it is not difficult to see that Lily is a great mother who loves her child very much.

If she can do it for Harry, she can do it for your children too.

So... Please work hard to create humans!

If you have difficulty in that, you can come to me for help. "

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored Snape's reaction, and disappeared side by side with Hermione, who was waiting at the door of the classroom, at the corner leading to the upper stairs.


At the same time, far away in the Department of Mysteries on the ninth basement floor of the British Ministry of Magic, Minister of Magic Fudge and several senior officials are watching an experiment nervously.

In the huge empty room, a prisoner whose hands and feet were tied, and who had just been picked up from Azkaban and escorted here was fixed on a chair.

He looked very nervous, about fifty years old, with a gloomy and world-weary face, and his beard almost covered his entire chin because he hadn't been trimmed for a long time.

This guy is none other than August Rookwood, one of the most important core members of the Death Eaters.

Back then, he worked in the Department of Mysteries and secretly passed on information, allowing Voldemort to know every move of the Ministry of Magic.

But today, the reason why August Rookwood was brought here was not because he had any secrets, it was just that this experiment required a living person, that's all.

"Minister, may we begin?" a diminutive wizard asked Fudge.

The latter nodded without thinking: "Of course, let's start. But be careful, I don't want any accidents to happen."

"Please rest assured, we have done experiments on animals before, and everything was very successful." The wizard assured him confidently.

In the next second, he turned around and pointed at August Rookwood and read Voldemort and the Death Eaters' favorite "Avada eats a big melon".

A green light flashed, and August Rookwood was hit on the spot and died instantly.

Due to the speed of death, he didn't even have time to scream.

It has to be said that letting a hardcore Death Eater die under the death curse is really full of drama and irony.

But none of the people present had even the slightest reaction. Instead, they all focused on the small bottle in the wizard's hand.

He opened the seal and poured the moonlight-like liquid on the dead body that had no signs of life.

About a minute or so, the corpse began to twitch violently, and the heart that had stopped beating began to beat again.

After a while, August Rookwood suddenly jumped up from the chair, lying on the ground and retching, while breathing heavily, his pupils revealed strong shock and fear.

The horror was that he had never dreamed that the Ministry of Magic would suddenly kill him with the Killing Curse.

What shocked him was that the other party actually mastered the secret of death and resurrection, and was able to resurrect himself after killing himself.

"You see, Your Excellency, just like the previous animal experiments, the magic mercury produced by the second Philosopher's Stone mixed with the healing potion can indeed have the effect of bringing people back to life. At least so far, we have No adverse side effects were found." The little wizard introduced with an excited tone.

You must know that he has worked in the Department of Mysteries for many years, specializing in the mysteries of life and death.

However, unlike time magic, which has made considerable progress, in the field of death, even the question of why ghosts are born and how they disappear are still unclear.

But the second Philosopher's Stone sent not long ago changed all that.

If it wasn't for the strict prohibition of human experimentation at the beginning, the person in charge would have wanted to directly bring over all the felons who committed unforgivable crimes from Azkaban as test subjects.

By killing them non-stop and then resurrecting them, I learned the truth about the soul world after death.

Fudge ignored the little wizard, but walked straight up, stared into August Rookwood's hazy eyes and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Cornel Fudge, a waste and a puppet who was supported by Dumbledore." August Rookwood grinned ironically.

Undoubtedly, these words instantly hurt Fudge's fragile self-esteem, his pupils burst into angry light, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It has nothing to do with Dumbledore that I can become the Minister of Magic! It's not even his puppet! "

"Oh? Really? You shouldn't have asked Dumbledore's permission to do this kind of experiment, right? Guess what he would do if he knew the truth?"

August Rookwood obviously saw through Fudge's weakness, and began to use his eloquence to instigate conflicts between the two.

Needless to say, he succeeded.

Because since being corrupted by power, what Fudge hates the most is someone saying that he is Dumbledore's puppet, and he needs the other party's help to climb up to the position of Minister of Magic, so he immediately raised his foot and kicked August Rookwood on the ground. On the ground, he ordered angrily: "Give me this bastard and return to Azkaban! Let him stay in there until he turns into a walking dead."

Soon, two Aurors who were responsible for escorting the prisoners walked in, dragging the newly revived August Rookwood and disappearing at the end of the corridor.

After the three of them walked away completely, Fudge said to the person in charge of the project: "Remember, all experiments today must be kept strictly confidential. Also, don't revive anything in the next few days, everything will have to wait until South Arrive at the Ministry of Magic for discussion."

"Understood! Please rest assured, I will strictly abide by the tradition of the Department of Mysteries to keep silent." The little wizard nodded vigorously.

As the place with the highest level of secrecy and the most hidden secrets and dangerous items in the entire Ministry of Magic, the Department of Mysteries is actually equivalent to the top scientific research institution in the magic world of a country.

Most of what they researched were extremely dangerous items that ordinary wizards would never have access to in their lifetime.

From the beginning of its establishment, confidentiality has become a consensus from top to bottom.

Take the time reversal spell as an example, if it is mastered by someone with ulterior motives, then the existing world pattern may be completely rewritten.

After witnessing a process of human beings being resurrected from the dead, Fudge's heart was obviously calm at all. After returning to his office, he drank a good glass of wine before barely regaining his composure.

Umbridge on the side seemed to have noticed this, and quickly suggested in a low voice: "Mr. Minister, I think you should reach some closer cooperation agreements with Your Excellency South as soon as possible."

"Cooperation agreement?" Fudge was stunned for a moment.

Because he has always regarded Zuo Si as a young and promising junior, and never thought of any cooperation.

"That's right, it's cooperation." Umbridge quickly explained: "South has already gained considerable fame, and his great potential for future development is also recognized by everyone. Since Dumbledore is already From a supporter at the beginning to a threat, why not cultivate a Dumbledore of your own? Don't forget, Dumbledore admitted to Zuo Si's family blood."

"Ah! What a great idea! Why didn't I think of it!"

Fudge's eyes lit up, moved by his subordinate's proposal.

Is there a better idea in the world than using a younger, more talented Dumbledore who is not a threat to his own status, and defeating another old and respectable Dumbledore?

The answer is obviously no.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked: "What should I do?"

"You just need to find a way to give Sous a title like a consultant when he visits the Ministry of Magic, so that everyone will know that he is yours. In exchange, you can relax restrictions and give him some privileges , so that he can freely engage in the research he likes." Umbridge suggested calmly.

"Then what about Albus?"

Fudge was obviously still a little afraid of Dumbledore in his bones.

Because he had experienced Greenwald's revolution that swept across Europe, he knew better how powerful Albus Dumbledore was who could defeat it.

If the opponent proposes a one-on-one duel, I am afraid that I will be defeated in minutes.

"Don't worry, Minister, I will block all troubles for you."

As he spoke, Umbridge's eyes shone with a gleam called ambition.

Undoubtedly, the reason why she chose to help Fudge stabilize his power was because she saw the cowardice and incompetence in the old man's heart.

After finishing Dumbledore, her next goal is to replace Fudge and become the new Minister of Magic.

This is a woman who was born for power, but also a cruel, cruel and unscrupulous politician.

The biggest difference from other wizards is that Umbridge never expected such things as family, friendship, and love, but relied on lies, deceit, and a false identity constructed to climb to where he is today step by step.

Although she claimed that she was a descendant of the twenty-eight pure-blood family - the Selwyn family, and her father was an important member of the Wizengamot, the highest court in the magic world - she actually came from a mixed-blood family, and her mother was an unnatural person. Muggles without compromise.

As for his father, he was a cleaner who only cleaned in the Ministry of Magic.

In order to avoid her identity being exposed, the woman even forced her father to retire early by order, and lived a secluded life in seclusion, and never visited her until her death.

It's a pity that Fudge didn't see that his most trusted assistant was actually an extremely dangerous black widow.

And he himself is the most important and the last stepping stone for the latter to climb to the apex of power.

Under the deliberate flattery and sweet words, the Minister of Magic quickly gave Umbridge great power and allowed him to use all the resources of the Ministry of Magic.

But he didn't know that Umbridge had actually secretly made another plan, which was to reach an unknown deal with Zuo Si by himself.

For this reason, the woman even made a list, all of which were the most valuable knowledge and magic items in the Department of Mysteries.

As an ambitious and astute politician, she knows exactly which enemies she needs to eliminate first if she wants to become Minister of Magic.

Among them, Dumbledore is the most important, in addition to Barty Crouch, Amelia Bones and other well-born and highly respected people.

Otherwise, even if Fudge was eliminated, Umbridge would not be able to win the new round of elections.

Because what she did offended too many people, she must have a strong supporter, just like Fudge was promoted to the position of minister by Dumbledore.

And Zuo Si is the best candidate.

To be precise, Umbridge didn't lie about the specific plan, but just temporarily replaced his own name with Fudge.

In the evening, a letter sent by the Ministry of Magic flew to Hogwarts under the owl messenger.

As for the content inside, it is also very simple, that is, the carefully listed list.

Umbridge believed that Zuo Si, as smart as he was, should see what he meant when he saw the list.

At that time, as long as we find a time to talk privately when Fudge is not present, it should be easy to reach a cooperation agreement.

After all, she can give what Fudge can give, and she dares to give what Fudge dare not.

Anyway, the things from the Ministry of Magic don't belong to me, so I don't feel bad even if I give them away, but the power I get is real, Umbridge said to himself in his heart...

(end of this chapter)

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