Chapter 298 Dad Supports You

"The headline on the front page of the Daily Prophet, the Ministry of Magic used the power of the second Sorcerer's Stone yesterday to resurrect the hero who died in the glorious battle against the Death Eaters during the First Wizarding War - Gideon Prewett! "

"Sous, the maker of the second Philosopher's Stone, brought an unprecedented impact to the entire magic world!"

"Nicole Flamel, the maker of the first Philosopher's Stone, publicly admitted that South's attainments in the field of alchemy have surpassed himself."

"Congratulations to the rising star and genius in the British magic world, who officially ascended to the top and became the greatest alchemist of our time!"

"The ministers of magic of the seventeen countries urgently negotiated with Fudge, hoping to obtain part of the right to use the Philosopher's Stone through a transaction."

"The famous French wizard family offered a sky-high price of three million Galleons. They only hoped to buy a piece of magic mercury made from the Philosopher's Stone, so as to revive their family's descendants who died in an accident."

"The Beauxbaton School of Magic has officially issued an invitation, and I hope that His Excellency South can go for academic exchanges."

"Sirs of Merlin unanimously decided to award South the First Class Medal. The Alchemist Association invited South to become the chief of the organization. The International Federation of Wizards also announced that it would admit him as an honorary member,"

"The largest potion and alchemy item company in Europe wants to pay a high price for the portrait rights of Soth as its new logo."


As countless newspapers and magazines were circulated frantically in the hall on the first floor of Hogwarts in the early morning, the students of the seventh grades fell into complete madness.

As Rita Skeeter predicted, fame, fortune, power, and high status all mushroomed as the true purpose of the second Philosopher's Stone was revealed.

After all, to the wizards, the resurrection of this power is like the Muggle world suddenly discovering a good medicine that can cure all incurable diseases, and it will inevitably cause a huge sensation.

This sensation was not limited to the British magic circle, but quickly spread throughout Europe and even the other side of the ocean.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si is completely famous this time.

If the technology of magic scroll and spell storage last year was only regarded as a rising star, making everyone full of expectations for its future, then now it has become the top authority and master in the field of alchemy.

After all, even Nicole Flamel has publicly admitted that Zuo Si has surpassed himself in the field of alchemy, and even pioneered the use of some unprecedented knowledge and technology in the production of the second Sorcerer's Stone.

Based on this alone, no one dared to question the slightest except someone who was able to successfully produce the third Philosopher's Stone.

So even though Zuo Si is still a second year student at Hogwarts, no one would treat him as a student anymore.

At least not the officials of the Ministry of Magic, not the members of the big families, not even the professors at the school.

"Resurrection? Resurrection from the dead? Could it be that the Daily Prophet misprinted an entertainment joke today?"

George stared dumbfounded at the newspaper in his hand, then twisted the thigh of the twin brother next to him to make sure it was not a dream, or a hallucination.

"Ah!!! Bastard! Why are you pinching my thigh? Pinching your own!"

Fred suddenly let out a scream, and even the fried egg he was holding fell to the ground.

"Hey, sorry, I'm a little afraid of pain." George explained with a hippie smile.

"Bastard! I'll fight with you!"

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom!"

Soon, the pair wrestled with each other as usual, smearing butter, cream, peanut butter, ketchup and other things on each other's faces, which immediately attracted many people to boo and laugh.

Because everyone knows that the Weasley twins' fights never affect their relationship and feelings, but are closer to a joking nonsense.

However, as the elder brother, Percy obviously didn't like these two younger brothers who were messing around in school all day, so he frowned subconsciously, then picked up the newspaper and glanced at it.

After a while, he noticed the name marked in bold type, and immediately exclaimed: "Wait! The name Gideon Prewett sounds familiar. Damn! He... he is Our uncle! Mother mentioned him before!"

"What? This resurrected dead man is our uncle!"

Hearing this sentence, Ron was stunned, recalling the reaction of his parents yesterday morning in his mind, and suddenly understood the truth.

It turned out that my mother's tears were not because a relative in the family had passed away, but because she was about to be resurrected from the dead.

When meeting loved ones who have passed away, of course there will be tears of joy.

"That's right! You were not born back then, and George and Fred were young, so I don't remember Uncle Gideon at all, but I still have a little impression of him." Percy said with a hint of emotion in his tone.

After all, when he was young, it happened to be at the height of the first wizarding war.

The two sides have completely torn off the last disguise, and are engaged in the most terrifying and tragic fight.

Almost every few days you can hear the news of someone dying in action.

Especially when the news came back that the two uncles died in battle, Percy remembered seeing his mother hiding in the kitchen alone and crying for a long time, her eyes were red and swollen for several days.

Ron nodded lightly: "I see. So... our family owes South a big favor this time?"

"It's more than a favor. Do you know what it means to be resurrected from the dead? He is now the whole of Britain, no, he should be a big shot in the magic world of Europe and even the Americas."

There was stark and unabashed envy in Percy's tone.

There is no way not to be envious!

You must know that his goal in life is to enter the Ministry of Magic to gain power and make a career after graduation.

But now, Zuo Si has easily obtained everything that he didn't even dare to think about.

It's a pity that Percy's small calculation of trying to get closer and establish a friendship with Zuo Si in the last semester failed, and the other party didn't even bother to talk to him.

This caused Percy, who was a little bit arrogant, to suffer a great blow to his self-confidence for a long time.

But today he finally understood why Zuo Si always had a very cold attitude towards most students in school.

Because with Zuo Si's talent and talent, there is no need to waste time with these immature students in school.

Those senior bureaucrats in the Ministry of Magic and well-known wizards from all over the world are qualified to communicate with them.

"By the way, did you see Harry this morning?"

Ron glanced at the table in Gryffindor College, but he didn't see his friend.

Percy nodded slightly: "I see. When he was going downstairs, he was called to the office by Professor Snape. It seemed that he was going to talk about some important and serious matters."


Ron frowned immediately, and quickly turned his gaze to the relatively empty table in the corner, only to find that Zuo Si was not there, only Hermione was sitting on the chair, yawning and drinking milk.

In fact, he had no idea that at this moment in the office underground in the castle, Snape had decided not to hide it, but to have a showdown with Harry Potter.

As for Zuo Si, she just wanted to have a meal, and she sat by without saying a word the whole time, enjoying this family ethics drama that can be played at 8 o'clock in prime time.

"Potter, have you read today's newspaper?" Snape asked first to break the silence.

"Er...not yet, Professor." Harry replied cautiously.

He couldn't figure out what serious illness this potions teacher, who had been targeting him incessantly last semester, had started to change his attitude this semester.

Especially the eyes of the father looking at his son, every time they meet, it will make the savior feel uncomfortable all over.

"Here, read it, and we'll talk after you finish reading."

As he spoke, Snape threw a newspaper that had just been delivered this morning on the table.

Out of curiosity, Harry subconsciously picked it up and glanced at it, and immediately saw the content of the headlines on the front page, as well as Rita Skeeter's unreserved praise for Zuo Si throughout.

Especially the eye-catching and dazzling title of "Resurrection from the Dead", he seemed to understand something immediately, his face was full of shock and disbelief, and at the same time, a chill ran from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.

" resurrected my mother? That's why you said that in Potions class?"

The savior suddenly stood up from the chair, staring at Zuo Si who was drinking lemon tea.

Although he is easily deceived and fooled by others due to his age, it does not mean that he is a fool.

"No, dear Harry, I did not resurrect your mother, but Professor Snape himself resurrected his beloved.

What's more, haven't you always been eager to live with your loving mother?

Now, that wish can come true.

Although it might be a little different than what you expected.

But I believe that all this will be solved when I see Ms. Lily. "

Zuo Si put on an appearance of watching the excitement and not afraid of troubles, and comforted her.

Because the scene he most wanted to see was about to take place.

"And what about my father?" Harry asked subconsciously.

Zuo Si shrugged innocently: "As I said, your father is not a likable guy.

And I'm not familiar with him, so why should I spend so much effort to revive a stranger?

What's more, if you die for more than ten years, even if you are resurrected, you will lose a lot of memory, which is reflected in your mother.

She even forgot that she was married and had a child like you, and even her childhood memories were slowly restored with the help of Professor Snape.

So if you want to resurrect all your parents and live together as a family of three, get rid of this idea as soon as possible.

Because the most precious memories of the two of them have been lost, and there is no possibility of getting them back.

But Ms. Lily is different from Professor Snape. They are childhood friends who grew up together, and many memories can be traced back to childhood.

So in the process of recovery, there will naturally be feelings slowly developed, and then finally come together.

Otherwise, what do you think is the purpose of Professor Snape calling you here today?

Just to inform you that your mother has been resurrected?

No, he is inviting you to a wedding and to be part of this new family.

The most important thing is that your mother is pregnant recently, and she will give birth to a younger brother or younger sister in June or July next year.

How about it, are you surprised after hearing it?

Now you not only have a mother who is willing to sacrifice her life for herself, but also a stepfather who is a professor who is very well-known in the magic world, and a lovely brother and sister. "

no doubt!

These words were like a bolt from the blue, directly shattering Harry Potter's young mind and outlook.

His own mother was resurrected?

His own mother was going to marry Snape?

And they have a baby!

Want to be a big brother yourself?

The huge amount of information completely plunged the savior's little head into chaos, and he couldn't recover from the huge amount of information for a long time.

Fortunately, Zuo Si had already been vaccinated in advance, otherwise he would probably pass out due to the overload of the "CPU".

In addition, Harry also realized why Snape's attitude towards him was a little strange from the beginning of this semester.

It turned out that everything was because he got involved with his mother!

For a moment, Harry didn't know whether he should be angry that a prairie grew on his father's head, or be happy because his mother died and came back to life, or despair because Snape became his stepfather...

With such mixed emotions of sadness and joy, he couldn't help asking in a slightly trembling voice: "Can I go and see my mother?"

"Of course! In fact, I am going to take you to see her. But there is a proviso, you have to sign this document first."

Speaking, Snape took out a scroll of parchment with the official seal of the Ministry of Magic from his arms.

With just one glance, Harry immediately understood that this was a custody transfer agreement.

If he signed it himself, the guardian would change from uncle and aunt to his biological mother, and he would not have to spend every summer vacation with the annoying Dursleys.

But the price is that if Snape and his mother really get married, the other party will become a veritable stepfather and have the right to discipline him.

to be frank……

This is a dilemma.

Harry wouldn't want to pick either if he could.

But in the end, between the bad and the not-so-bad, he chose the latter.

After all, Lily was his biological mother who had stood up to protect him and died, and living in a wizarding family was far better than living in a Muggle family.

After the name is signed, the magic contract of this scroll takes effect instantly, and is sent back to the Ministry of Magic at an extremely fast speed and a backup is generated.

As long as Lily's identity is recognized, the contract will have legal effect.

Seeing that the contract came into effect, a creepy smile appeared on Snape's face, and he said in an extremely gentle voice: "Don't worry, I won't force you to call me father, and I won't interfere too much with everything you do at school. Behavior.

Just the opposite!

If you encounter any trouble, or if you are troubled by others, you can come to me.

Now, go to class. When the last class of today is over, come directly to the office and I will take you home. "


Harry was obviously frightened, subconsciously nodded vigorously, then turned around and fled.

Because he suddenly discovered that Snape's appearance now was ten thousand times more terrifying than when he was targeting him before.

Especially the expression like "old father" is really scary.

Compared with this, when he encountered Voldemort at the end of the first grade, the hideous and terrifying appearance of the other party seemed a bit childish.

Seeing the reaction of the savior running away, Zuo Si finally couldn't help laughing out: "Pfft ha ha ha ha! Dear professor, I think you, a stepfather, may not be able to change the situation in Harry's mind for a long time. Bad image."

Snape rolled his eyes angrily: "Stop gloating there, and help me find a way. Compared with Harry, how to get Lily to accept that she was married and has a child is a big problem."

Zuo Si responded nonchalantly: "There is no need to worry about this.

With Harry's dark green eyes, as soon as he appeared, Ms. Lily would immediately recognize it as her child.

Sometimes the power of blood is so magical.

It allows relatives who have been separated for many years or have never seen each other to recognize each other in an instant. "

"You're coming with me tonight, aren't you?"

Snape would be extremely cautious and nervous about anything involving Lily.

After all, he was originally a "love saint", and this love is lost and found, so naturally he will cherish it.

"Of course! How could I be absent from such a wonderful scene?"

Zuo Si gave full play to Lezi's prudence of eating melons, and agreed without hesitation.

Just when Snape was about to say something, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the corridor outside.

Immediately afterwards, a student was heard shouting through the door: "Professor! Professor Snape! No good! A student was attacked in the school! And Harry Potter is the only witness and the biggest suspect! "

"Huh? What!"

When Snape heard the news, he didn't care about being reserved, and immediately opened the door and asked, "Be careful! What's going on?"

"The scene is over there! I'll take you there!"

The students of Slytherin House who came to tip off the news didn't know how to explain it at all, so they simply chose to lead the way.

After a while, the three of them, including Zuo Si, came to a relatively secluded corner of the corridor.

At this moment, the scene has long been surrounded by students.

As the principal, Dumbledore and the vice-principal, Professor McGonagall, arrived first and were carefully examining a stone statue in the shape of a student.

Harry, on the other hand, stood by in a daze at a loss, looking completely dumbfounded by the sudden unexpected situation.

Master Malfoy even took the opportunity to fan the flames and said, "Ah! Blatantly attacking your classmates with curses in school! I'm afraid no one will be able to protect you this time, Potter. It seems that after an hour or two at most, you will pack your bags and leave." Go back and live with your stupid Muggle relatives."

"Shut up! I said it! I didn't do it! I just heard some weird noises!"

Harry glared viciously at the bastard who was always haunting him.

If Snape was his most hated professor, then Della Malfoy was his most hated classmate.

"Hmph! You still want to deny the evidence? Look at this poor guy, his whole body has been completely turned into stone. It is estimated that even the best doctor at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries will not be able to restore him to his original state." Just wait, you might be sent to Azkaban for a lifetime of imprisonment."

Master Malfoy fired all his firepower in an instant, wanting to trample on the savior who had rejected him and made himself a fool of himself in public.

But soon, he felt a chill coming from behind him.

Out of his subconscious first reaction, he turned his head immediately, only to find that the dean of his school was staring at him with squinted eyes. He was so frightened that he backed away again and again, and even started to stutter.


"Until the evidence is found and the matter is not settled, keep your mouth shut, Dellako. If I hear these rumors and nonsense coming out of your mouth again, I don't mind giving you something to drink to make sure you Never able to make a sound. Do you understand?"

Snape bent down abruptly, scaring Master Malfoy so much that he almost peed his pants with such an overwhelming force.

There is no doubt that he is definitely a naked threat.

The latter couldn't even dream of believing that Snape, who used to target Harry and Gryffindor College everywhere, would suddenly turn his guns on "his own people".

Not only Malfoy couldn't understand, even the other students present couldn't understand.

But due to Snape's powerful aura and domineering style, no one dared to raise any objections, and they all shut their mouths and dared not make any sound.

As for Master Malfoy, he could only back away and hide in the crowd in desperation, his mind was full of thoughts about what he had done wrong, and he would be scolded all over his face.

Just because he doesn't know doesn't mean Harry doesn't know.

Especially when he saw the "Father will support you" revealed in Snape's eyes, he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, and hurriedly lowered his head not daring to look at him.

The atmosphere at the scene also became weird.

"It's so touching! What a father's love is like a mountain..."

Zuo Si suppressed a smile and muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

You must know that Malfoy used Snape's eccentricity to trouble Harry in the past, but now the situation is obviously completely reversed.

After all, the relationship between Lucius and Snape can only be regarded as hypocrisy at best. They were Death Eaters who worked together under Voldemort for a period of time, and they both graduated from Slytherin College.

There is no way to compare with the unforgettable love and life and death between Lily.

If there was a choice between the two, Snape would not hesitate to trade the lives of the whole Malfoy family for the lives of Lily and Harry.

"Albus! What the hell happened here?" Snape asked bluntly.

"Alas—this child who was attacked was attacked by a very powerful petrification magic. He has been completely turned into a stone. I am afraid it will be difficult to recover." Dumbledore sighed helplessly.


Snape's expression turned serious when he heard this.

Because the petrification spells in this world are very different from Faerun's petrification magic.

The former just temporarily incapacitated people, just like being hit by a fixation spell.

But the latter is true petrification, turning a person into a stone-shaped sculpture.

Therefore, in the general perception of wizards, spells that can completely petrify a person are generally terrible black magic, or some extremely dangerous magical animals.

An attack like this at the school meant that Hogwarts was no longer a safe place.

Dumbledore nodded solemnly: "Yes, petrification. We must gather all the students and conduct a general search of the entire castle. In addition, we must notify the Ministry of Magic and the parents of the victims."

"Can the power of the Philosopher's Stone restore the child?"

Professor McGonagall obviously noticed Zuo Si, and immediately pinned his hopes on him.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, I just know a magic that can undo petrification."

As he said that, Zuo Si squeezed out from behind the crowd, waved his wand and cast a Faerun six-ring arcane magic that was specially transformed into a spell not long ago-【Dispel petrification】.

The moment when the tip of the wand touched the petrified student!

The latter's hard body quickly became very flexible, and within the next minute it returned to elastic skin and muscles.

After his whole body completely recovered, he fell to the ground with a plop, panting heavily as if he had collapsed.

"What kind of spell is this?" Dumbledore looked up with surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

As the ceiling of the magic world's combat power, he learned almost all the spells when he was young, but he had never heard of any spell that could restore a completely petrified person to his original state.

Even the potion made of mandella can barely heal the semi-petrified people.

As for full petrochemicals...

Sorry, so far there is no good way for the wizarding world.

"Relieve the petrification curse. I just invented it before school started. How is it? It works well, right?" Zuo Si asked back with a smile.

"It is indeed quite good. It seems that your talent in spells is no worse than alchemy. And... you also saved a precious life of a classmate. As the headmaster, I decided to give Slytherin 100 points."

A smile appeared on Dumbledore's otherwise serious face.

Because this spell is completely non-aggressive, it was created purely to save people.

So he subconsciously felt that there must be many good parts in Zuo Si's heart.

As everyone knows, the reason why Zuo Si took the pains to convert the de-petrification into a magic spell is actually just to deal with the basilisk in the secret room this semester.

With this spell, no matter how many students are petrified, they can be brought back with little effort.

Once the petrified eye is abolished, the basilisk is at best a poisonous giant snake, which is not justified at all.

"Professor, I think you have time to give me extra points here. Why don't you hurry up and ask this student what happened. You must know that lifting petrification will cause a certain burden on the body. He must be very tired now and may fall asleep at any time." Pass or fall into a coma." Zuo Si calmly reminded.

Dumbledore obviously noticed the victim's weakness, and hurriedly lowered his head and asked, "Justin! Tell me, what happened to you just now? Who attacked you?"

"It's... a pair of eyes! Scary giant pale yellow eyes! I just looked at them for a while, and then I didn't know anything."

The boy named Justin gave the answer in a weak voice while shaking violently.

As soon as he finished speaking, he fainted from his eyes.

"A pair of giant pale yellow eyes?"

"Could it be the effect of some kind of spell?"

"I don't think so. It might be a horrible magical creature."

"Damn! Why does this kind of thing appear in the school?"

Immediately the professors began discussing the possibilities in low tones.

Because the attack left no clues, and there was no second witness other than the victim, it can only be guessed like a blind man.

Only Zuo Si knew very well that Voldemort's Horcrux had awakened and launched its first attack, so he immediately cast his eyes on Lockhart, who was pale and evasive.

It's just that he didn't quite understand why the other party didn't write titles such as "The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened", "The Heir of Slytherin will bloodbath the entire school of Muggle students" and so on on the wall to create panic.

"Soth, have you thought of anything?" Snape asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, no, I just find it very strange why the other party would attack a worthless student, and still use petrification." Zuo Si responded with a look of confusion.

"In short, first call all the students together, the two professors stay where they are, and the rest search every corner of the castle separately."

Headmaster Dumbledore quickly made arrangements after simple thinking.

After all, if there is an attack in the school, it is undoubtedly the safest to conduct a large-scale search.

Soon, under his leadership, the professors began to search room by room along the corridor in groups of two.

And Zuo Si deliberately applied to be a team with Lockhart, directly frightening the liar so much that he almost fainted on the spot.

When he completely distanced himself from the other professors and entered the dark cellar and warehouse, he waved his wand and directly closed the door leading to the upper floor, saying meaningfully, "How long do you plan to hide?"

"What... what do you mean?" Lockhart asked in a trembling voice.

"It's literally. Although you pretend to be very similar, you are not Lockhart after all. Because the real Harold will not let go of any opportunity to brag about himself even in extreme fear. And Jilockhart is right-handed, but you've held your wand in your left from the start."

Zuo Si directly saw through the other party's disguise.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that the young Voldemort would be so bold that he dared to appear under Dumbledore's nose openly.

"Oh? You really are a really smart and talented wizard just like the rumors say."

A strange smile appeared on Lockhart's face, and then he suddenly raised his wand and shot a red light.

"Disarm you!"


The red light hit Zuo Si's right hand directly, and the wand flew several meters away and fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha! You are too careless, my dear friend. If I were you, I should strike first when I found out that something was wrong with someone around me, instead of revealing the other person's identity first." Voldemort grinned smugly.

Undoubtedly, being able to instantly defeat and subdue a genius like Zuo Si brought him great satisfaction and a sense of psychological superiority.

After all, in the traditional concept of wizards, losing the wand means losing the weapon and the threat, which can basically be regarded as a complete loss.

But Zuo Si who dropped the wand was not nervous at all, instead she asked with a half-smile, "That's it?"

"Why, do you still want to fight without a wand?" Voldemort's tone was mocking and joking.

"Let me teach you a lesson today. The wand is just a tool, and the real power of the caster always comes from himself."

After that, Zuo Si raised a finger and slowly read a few words from her mouth.


next second...

An unbearable pain instantly changed the face of the young Voldemort, and he fell to the ground with a plop, violently convulsing uncontrollably, accompanied by heart-piercing screams.

Fortunately, this severe pain didn't last long, and he quickly got rid of the Cruciatus Curse through some kind of black magic, panting heavily.


"Casting spells without a staff?"

Zuo Si nodded with a smile: "That's right! No stick, no sound, instant, all of these I can easily do.

So you think knocking off my wand wins?


The real fun is just beginning.

Use all your power to please me!

If your performance is not satisfactory to me, then I will destroy your real body, that old diary. "

" know who I am?"

Voldemort's complexion suddenly changed when he was young.

"Of course! Tom Riddle, or Voldemort is also fine. In fact, this is not the first time we have met. I met another you in the last semester. I have to say that in terms of combat experience, He is much richer than you, at least he gave me a good experience, so I chose to let him go."

While talking, Zuo Si released various protective spells casually.

After a while, his body was surrounded by three inner and outer layers of protection.

Some of them protect against energy attacks, while others protect against force field attacks and physical attacks.

In short, there are so many types that even the young Dark Lord was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he realized that the other party was the fisherman, and he was just the fish that was caught.

Thinking of this, Voldemort immediately became cautious, and asked in a low voice, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Didn't I just say that? Use your strength to please me! If you are satisfied with your performance, I will let you go and promise not to tell anyone. But if you are not satisfied with me, then die here today. As far as I know, Fiendfyre seems to be able to destroy Horcruxes."

After saying this, Zuo Si raised his hand and summoned a group of flaming Fiendfire, and then shaped into the shape of a giant dragon to pounce on the opponent.

"Arrogance! Let me show you how powerful you are!"

The young Dark Lord was obviously enraged, and immediately sprayed a large amount of water from the front of the wand, and formed a huge wave, smashing straight towards Fiendfire and his opponent.


After a loud noise, Fierce Fire was extinguished in response.

But Zuo Si stood there without moving a bit, only a few drops of water were splashed on her face.

The beating of the huge waves just now was basically blocked by the protective force field.

I saw him wipe it lightly with his fingers, then joked with a smile: "Is it water?

Do not! These are the tears of the weak!

Looking at the state you're in right now, it's so disappointing to try your best and not even get me hurt.

So the so-called Dark Lord is at this level?

If I were you, I would rather choose a heroic death than live like a cockroach or a mouse hiding from XZ. "

"Are you provoking me on purpose?"

Voldemort in his youth was obviously not as irritable and irritable as he was later, but was extra sensitive and vigilant.

"Hehe, have you found out? This is worthy of praise. But the problem is that your identity as a weak person has not changed. Let's spend a little more time playing around."

As he spoke, Zuo Si was like a mobile fortress, instantly releasing a large number of overwhelming spells.

Since he didn't read spells or wave his wand, Voldemort could only roughly judge what kind of magic it was through the fluctuation of magic power. Not only was it very difficult to deal with, but he often missed one or two of them.

In the blink of an eye, Lockhart's gorgeous and expensive robe was torn to pieces.

The famous Dark Lord could only do his best to resist and dodge with his shirtless body and half-exposed buttocks, and danced like a clown under Zuo Si's control to Swan Lake, looking extremely embarrassed.

Zuo Si even took out a music box and put it on the shelf beside her as an accompaniment.

At the end of the song, he stopped attacking and said with a sneer, "You danced well. I can't see that you are quite talented in dance and art. are more suitable for the job of the Dark Lord." To perform at the Ballet Company in London. After all, weaklings don't deserve a title like Dark Lord, that would just make people laugh."

"What the hell are you trying to do?!!!!!!"

Voldemort was obviously very angry, his neck and face were completely red, and his eyes were even densely covered with bloodshot eyes.

You must know that since he was born, he has never been humiliated so much.

"It's nothing, just idle and bored to pass the time. Besides, I'm very satisfied with your performance just now, so you can go."

Zuo Si followed the door leading to the upper floor behind him and made a gesture of please.

This action instantly made Voldemort, who was so angry, unable to deal with it. He froze in place for a long time and couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was.

But after hesitating again and again, he still controlled Lockhart's body and ran out.

Not for anything else!

I just want to hide the diary as a Horcrux in a safe place.

In this way, even if the controlled Lockhart dies, he can find another person to resurrect him.

When Voldemort was completely gone, Zuo Si bent down to pick up his wand, stroked his chin and analyzed: "The Horcrux is much more complicated than I expected. Rather than saying it is a relatively stable piece of soul, it is better to say that it is a Some kind of copy of memory and personality. But what they have in common is that their emotions are very easy to lose control."

"Emotional easily out of control?"

The diary couldn't help asking a question.

Zuo Si replied with a smile: "Yes! As a student, Voldemort should have been the most forbearing and disguising period in his entire life.

But did you notice that when I started prodding him, the guy was able to hold back at first, but quickly lost his mind.

Especially in the final stage, he couldn't help but want to cast some black magic several times to kill me.

But held back until the last minute.

So there is a price for tearing one's own soul to make a Horcrux!

And the cost is far greater than many people imagined.

Otherwise, with so many dark wizards in this world, Horcruxes should have been flooded long ago. "

"I think we should catch him and do some more in-depth research, especially on the soul." The diary quickly gave his suggestion.

But Zuo Si refused: "Don't worry, it's not the time yet.

This research cannot start until the Horcrux absorbs enough vitality and is completely revived.

Until then, let him continue to toss in the castle.

After this incident, he should have an extremely strong desire for power.

I have to find a way to get some sacrifices for him, so that the students in the school will not suffer from it. "

"How about Azkaban? There are many Death Eaters and prisoners on death row."

"Azkaban is too eye-catching. Let's go to the European continent under the guise of academic exchanges in a few days. I heard that there are more dark wizards in prisons there..."

(end of this chapter)

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