Chapter 299 Showdown

The search of the castle organized by Principal Dumbledore failed to find any intruders, or dangerous magical creatures running in from the Forbidden Forest, so they could only disband on the spot.

After all, the chamber of secrets is located under the castle, and the basilisk moves along intricate sewers.

It is almost impossible to find or capture it unless caught in the act.

In particular, its scales full of magic resistance can resist and even rebound many spells with insufficient power, and even the professors have to spend a lot of effort to deal with them.

However, Dumbledore did not give up, but wanted to wait for the victim student who fell into a coma to wake up, and then see if he could use the Pensieve to extract the memory of being attacked and confirm the true identity of the attacker.

Because blatantly attacking students in Hogwarts castle undoubtedly seriously touched his scales and bottom line.

The old man will not let it go until he finds out the truth.

As for the "little episode" that happened in the cellar Curry between Lockhart and Zuo Si, who were controlled by Voldemort in his youth, outsiders have no way of knowing.

Anyway, the two parties will not disclose it to anyone, but treat it as a secret that only each other knows.

Especially Voldemort, after returning to Lockhart's office, immediately hid the diary in the secret room, which was guarded by the basilisk 24 hours a day.

In addition, he went to the Forbidden Forest to hunt and kill many animals to feed this hungry pet, and accelerated the speed of devouring and absorbing Lockhart's vitality.

Obviously, the previous battle with Zuo Si gave the young Dark Lord great excitement.

So much so that he made an astonishing decision, that is, to find another himself to join forces after the complete resurrection.

Since the horcruxes can sense each other, Voldemort, who was hiding in Albania, also vaguely felt that one of his horcruxes had awakened.

It's just that because of the distance, I don't know which one it is.

And now that he doesn't even have a possession object, he doesn't dare to return to the British Isles, let alone approach Hogwarts where Dumbledore sits.

At this very moment, the guy who once terrified the British magic world was hiding in an uninhabited bunker, flipping through a newspaper he had just found from a local wizard.

This unlucky wizard was lying in a corner of the bunker right now. Not only was his whole body stiff, but his face was pale and blue. There were two conspicuous holes on his neck, but he was no longer bleeding. He was obviously poisoned to death. .

To be precise, he was bitten to death by a snake possessed by Voldemort.

It is estimated that by the time other people find it, the corpse has already decayed to the point where only a pile of bones remains.

We must know that Albania is a famous "country of bunkers", and its leader, Enver Hoxha, is even more famous for his "paranoia of persecution" and "bunker construction maniac".

In the forty years after the end of World War II, hundreds of thousands of bunkers were built frantically along the country.

On average, every ten Albanians own a bunker, which is unmatched by any other country.

Therefore, the title of "Nation of Bunkers" is by no means in vain.

With so many bunkers, it is naturally impossible for someone to check and maintain them frequently, so they naturally become an excellent hiding place.

Coupled with the drastic changes in Eastern Europe in the past two years, the whole of Albania is experiencing severe turmoil, and the whole country is deeply trapped in a Ponzi scheme, let alone these bunkers.

As for the local wizards, due to the small number and very closed relationship, there is no way to form a unified and effective management organization like other places.

This is why Voldemort chose to hide here.

When he saw the news about the second Philosopher's Stone and the resurrection in the newspapers, he instantly fell into an uncontrollable ecstasy.

Because this kind of power happens to be the perfect solution to get him out of his current half-dead state.

The only question, though, is where to find a loyal henchman to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic and steal the Philosopher's Stone, created by Zuo Si?

After pondering for a long time, Voldemort quickly locked his target on another awakened Horcrux.

So far, he can't trust those Death Eaters who either choose to betray or escape after his downfall. On the contrary, the other self is more credible.

Ever since, under the influence of Zuo Si, the butterfly flapping its wings, two Dark Lords of different ages miraculously joined forces.

I don't know how the wizards in the British magic world will react when they hear the news, or whether they will be frightened.

After all, one Voldemort got them all back then, and now they still have psychological shadows. If the two get together, it will be fine.

Zuo Si obviously knew nothing about the upcoming alliance of the two Dark Lords.

I guess even if I knew it, I wouldn't care too much.

Because he already had a clear understanding of Voldemort's potential and upper limit, and he didn't feel that the other party could pose any threat to him.

Not to mention two, even if seven Horcruxes were awakened at the same time, it would be useless to summon a dragon that could make a wish along the way.

Under the premise of not being able to obtain magical knowledge and technology from other worlds, it is difficult for even the most talented people to break through the limitations of their own civilization. Voldemort is the best example.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out of the magical system of wands and spells that had been formed a thousand or two thousand years ago.

This is why Planeswalkers are called the most buggy group in the multiverse.

They can travel through strange planes and worlds without any restrictions, absorb knowledge and power from completely different magic civilizations, and then form a unique magic system that suits them best.

Coupled with the long life span of thousands or even tens of thousands of years endowed by sparks, as long as you don't seek death yourself, sooner or later you will become a powerful existence like a god, or even surpass a god.

So from the very beginning, Zuo Si ignored Voldemort.

At this moment, he was sitting at Snape's house, enjoying the scene of mother and child recognition with great interest.

Because in the last semester, Harry had seen his mother when he was young through the magic mirror and the photo album provided by Hagrid.

So at the moment of crossing the threshold, the whole person trembled with excitement.

Lily obviously also noticed this boy with the same dark green eyes as her own, and immediately felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy from the bottom of her heart.

She got up and kissed Snape first, and then asked in an uncertain tone, "Who is this child?"

"His name is Harry Potter, and he is your son." Snape replied in a very gentle voice.

"Me...and your son?" Lily opened her mouth in surprise.

The one who reacted the same way as her was the savior standing at the door who just wanted to rush to recognize him.

Especially seeing the scene of his mother kissing Snape made Harry feel goosebumps all over his body, and his heart felt as uncomfortable as he wanted.

Snape shook his head slightly: "No, of course not. His name is Potter, and he's your child with another annoying bastard.

It was that self-righteous guy who led to the later tragedy and your death.

Some time ago, since you just resurrected, your thinking and memory were in a mess, so I didn't tell you this.

Now that things are back to normal, I think it's time for you mother and son to reunite. "

"You mean... I was married to someone else?" Lily was shocked in disbelief.

Because she selectively told the truth, she always thought that she and Snape were a natural match, and that's why she fell in love so quickly amidst the other's sweet words.

But now, the whole thing suddenly took a huge turn.

It turned out that she not only married someone else, but also gave birth to a child!

what the hell is it?

Is the scumbag Snape changing his mind?

Or have you cheated on yourself?

Lily's sixth sense as a woman exploded, and she instantly felt that there must be something wrong with it.

"Honey, you listen to my explanation."

Noticing the violent reaction from the love of his life, Snape was visibly flustered.

Just when he was about to tell all the secrets, Zuo Si suddenly stood up and interjected: "Ms. Lily, the truth is actually this. You and Professor Snape were indeed childhood friends, and the relationship has always been All very well. But it all changed a little bit when I went to Hogwarts to study."

"What change?" Lily asked with her brows furrowed.

"It's a branch house. As we all know, Hogwarts is divided into four colleges, and every student will enter one of them under the arrangement of the sorting hat when enrolling.

Unfortunately, Professor Snape was sorted into Slytherin, and you into Gryffindor.

The most important thing is that there have always been complex grievances and enmities between the two colleges, which are constantly being cut and reasoned, so the two sides often look at each other disliked.

During the school days, there was a very annoying and self-righteous guy in Gryffindor College. He always liked to take the initiative to trouble the students of Slytherin College, and even ganged up to bully Professor Snape.

In the end, the two sides forged a beam, and gradually evolved into enemies over the course of several years.

It was also at this time that this annoying guy discovered your close relationship with Professor Snape, so he had a very vicious idea in his heart, that is to take you away from Professor Snape.

In order to achieve this goal, he and his accomplices designed a series of traps to make you misunderstand Professor Snape, and finally succeeded in separating the two of you, and then he took advantage of it.

And this person is Harry Potter's father, your first husband.

Later, because of the blow of this incident, Professor Snape became disheartened and gave up on himself. He chose to join the Death Eaters and became one of Voldemort's subordinates.

But even so, he still clearly asked Voldemort not to hurt you.

Even after learning that you were killed, you immediately chose to betray the water in a fit of rage, and promised Principal Dumbledore to protect your child, Harry Potter, secretly being a double-faced agent who is always taking huge risks..."

Undoubtedly, in Zuo Si's selective description, Snape has completely become a great man who is willing to sacrifice everything and give up everything for love, while Harry's father is an out-and-out despicable person .

Moreover, he grasped Lily's psychology very accurately, so that she was so moved that she forgot her previous doubts immediately after listening to it, and immediately took Snape's face and kissed it.

As for Snape, he sneaked a grateful look while enjoying the fiery kiss.

At this moment, the master of potions finally realized why Zuo Si was always able to handle the relationship with everyone around him with ease, even when facing a difficult character like Dumbledore, he still did not panic.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, just this method of trying to figure out the other party's heart and telling what the other party most wants to hear in a half-truth and half-false way is enough to make people feel scared.

In addition, this kind of fear is different from Voldemort's kind of pure violence, killing and death, but something deeper and closer to the essence.

Especially when the lights in the house shine on Zuo Si, the huge shadow cast on the wall seems to be the true face of his soul hidden under the skin.

But compared to Snape, who had just resolved a crisis, Harry, who witnessed his biological mother kissing the professor he hated the most, obviously showed a very unhappy, even disgusted expression.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to remain calm, then walked up to Zuo Si and questioned: "Is what you said just now true? My father deliberately separated him and Snape for revenge. My mother, and then sneak in?"

"Of course! I never lie about this kind of thing (I just tell the truth selectively)." Zuo Si pursed her lips and replied meaningfully.

In fact, when James Potter first pursued Lily, he did have such an idea.

But later, as the two got closer and closer, he was gradually and inevitably fascinated by each other.

After all, among her peers, there was almost no witch who could perform better than Lily.

Otherwise, the two would have separated during the more than a year-long pursuit, how could they still find time to have a child.

But Zuo Si will definitely not tell Harry these things.

He was not familiar with James Potter, so why would he give up the good relationship he had established with Snape, the master of potions, for the sake of him.

"But Hagrid said my father was a good man." Harry argued, frowning.

Zuo Si sneered and asked back: "Good guy? Do you think a good guy would bully other students with more? What's more, Hagrid himself was born in Gryffindor House, so he would inevitably turn to his own people. The most important thing Unfortunately, your father has been dead for more than ten years, and there is no point in arguing whether he is good or bad now."

"No! It makes sense! Since my mother has been resurrected, my father can also be resurrected."

While saying these words, the eyes of the savior shone with a light called hope.

"Hehe, that's right, it is true in theory. But the question is, are you sure you can get a place from the Ministry of Magic? As far as I know, the list of resurrections has already been placed two or three years later. They I won't give you some convenience just because you are Harry Potter."

Zuo Si bluntly poured a basin of icy water on the whimsical child in front of her.

In the Ministry of Magic where interests are intertwined, fame is of no use at all.

Especially those bureaucrats who hold power, they don't care what savior you are, but your status in the magic world and how much money you can donate to the Ministry of Magic.

Although Harry had a large inheritance at his disposal, he was still only a second year student at Hogwarts, lacking the most basic social status.

"Can't you help me?"

The savior subconsciously asked a very naive and stupid question.

Zuo Si shook his head bluntly: "Sorry, no. I have given the right to use the Sorcerer's Stone to the Ministry of Magic. If you want to revive your father, you can only go through the normal process by yourself. If there is no accident, at least in the Don't think about it before you graduate. At that time, your half-brother or sister may have given birth to several."

After all, Zuo Si cast her eyes on Lily's slightly protruding belly.

I don't know if he used some potions that can enhance fertility, or did some exercises more frequently, but Snape actually killed someone.

With this still-developing fetus as insurance, even if James Potter revives immediately, don't expect to be able to separate the two easily.

Just when Harry was about to say something, the other two adults in the room finally recovered from the passionate kiss.

Lily calmed down her excited emotions a little bit, and then walked straight over and hugged her son in her arms, and said with tears streaming down her face, "You must have suffered a lot these years, right?"

"Well—it's okay, actually. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon at least gave me a place to live." Harry replied with feigned relief, fighting back tears.

"They abused you?" Lily's eyes showed an angry fire.

"Ma'am, your sister and brother-in-law not only abused Harry, but also forced him to do all kinds of housework, and if he didn't like it, he would be locked up without food. Although Principal Dumbledore did this to make you The protective spells cast on Harry continued to work, making sure Voldemort couldn't do him any harm, but I think it's still a little off."

Zuo Si interrupted appropriately.

His purpose is simple, that is to weaken Dumbledore's influence on the woman in front of him as much as possible, so as to ensure that Snape will always be on his side.

"What? How dare they! And Dumbledore! Who gave him the power to arrange my son!"

Lily was furious in an instant, and she didn't save the greatest wizard of this generation any face.

Because according to the law, Dumbledore has no blood relationship with Harry Potter himself, so he has no right to decide who will give Harry, who was still a baby at that time, to whom to raise him.

"Honey, calm down, don't be angry. Don't forget that you are pregnant now, and being angry is not good for your body and your child. Don't worry, I have used some means to help you get back custody. Wait for the Ministry of Magic Get your legal status approved, and you can let Harry live with us." Snape hurried over to comfort him at this moment.

"Really?" Lily's face was full of touch and surprise.

Since the two of them got together after the resurrection, she has already noticed the infatuation of the man in front of her.

Especially once there was something he wanted, as long as he showed the slightest intention, Snape would be ready the next day without opening his mouth.

This kind of meticulous care and care is fatal to any woman.

Snape nodded seriously: "Of course it is true. As long as you want, I can bring Harry back to visit you every day after the course is over, and have dinner together."

"That's great! Severus! You're so considerate." Lily held out her other hand to keep Snape in check.

At this moment, with one arm around her lover and the other around her long-lost son, she was surrounded by a great sense of happiness.

But for Harry, this experience was a mixed feeling of pain and pleasure.

The warmth and affection brought by being hugged by his biological mother naturally made him very happy and joyful.

But when he saw Snape's face with a happy smile so close at hand, he felt an indescribably awkward, repulsive and uncomfortable feeling.


Lily's hug didn't last long, after a few simple chats, she immediately ran into the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous meal.

Hearing that her son was often starved and abused at the home of her sister and brother-in-law made her desperate to do something to make amends.

Watching the figure of the young mother go away completely, Snape, who passed the test without any risk, was obviously relieved. While standing up and pouring himself a glass of wine, he asked Zuo Si and Harry with a smile: "How long is it before dinner?" There's still a while, what do you two want to drink?"

"In addition to alcoholic beverages, tea, lemonade, juice, and coffee are all fine." Zuo Si shrugged indifferently.

He has never been picky about drinks, but he has no interest in alcohol.

On the one hand, the primitive and backward brewing technology of Faerun Continent really did not leave a good impression on him. On the other hand, the taste of alcohol is too bad, and it will also have a certain negative impact on the brain.

"I'll have a butterbeer."

Harry looked a little reserved, and asked for a drink that was more traditional in the British wizarding world in a low voice.

It can be seen that his mind is in a mess now.

Especially after witnessing the deep love between my mother and the professor I hate the most, I don't know what to do.

Snape raised his wand and waved it lightly, and quickly placed the drinks they wanted together with the cups on the table in the living room.

After finishing all this, he smiled and said to Zuo Si: "Thank you! If it wasn't for your help, I don't know how it would end."

"You are too polite, I just told the story of what happened that year. Finally, congratulations, you are going to be a father soon..."

While saying this, Zuo Si deliberately glanced at the savior sitting beside her from the corner of her eye.

Obviously, this is a typical pun.

Although Harry Potter himself didn't notice it, Snape understood it instantly, the corners of his mouth crazily raised, he stroked his hair and laughed and said with emotion: "Hahahaha! Fate is really unpredictable. I can't believe it, I can actually regain everything I lost, and even regain a family and a child of my own. By the way, if it is a boy, what do you think I should name it better?"

"I think you should ask Harry for his opinion. After all, he's going to be a big brother."

Zuo Si nudged the savior who was chugging butterbeer.

The latter was choked instantly, covered his mouth and coughed violently for several seconds, and then asked blankly, "What did you just say?"

"Name it for your younger brother or sister. After all, you are also part of this family." Snape repeated in an "old father" tone.

"I... I don't know. This is so sudden, I think I may need some time to digest and adapt." Harry responded with a wry smile.



new family?

And a half-brother or sister?

Especially the 180-degree turn of Snape's attitude, he always had a very absurd and unreal feeling, and he was very, very, very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, I can understand. But promise me, at least in front of your mother Lily, we must at least show love and love as a family, okay? I hope she can live in joy and happiness every day from now on , don't have any troubles anymore." Snape put his posture very low, and asked in a sincere tone.

From those affectionate eyes, Harry clearly felt the man's feelings for his mother, and after hesitating for a moment, he immediately replied: "Okay! I promise you!"

"Thank you! In exchange, I will also give you some extra help at school. For example, cleaning up Della every now and then." Snape said in a half-joking tone.

And this sentence reminded Harry of the embarrassment of Master Malfoy looking for trouble for him during the day, but he was severely scolded, and he couldn't help laughing.

He suddenly discovered that it wasn't Snape that he hated before, but that he always hated the Slytherin house and aimed at himself.

Now on the other hand, I feel an inexplicable excitement and refreshment.

While enjoying a sumptuous dinner, Lily continued to add vegetables to her son, which quickly eliminated the strangeness between mother and child. At the same time, it made Harry feel the real affection for the first time. He almost ate twice as much as usual. Food until nothing can fit in the stomach.

Even when returning to Hogwarts, he was always reluctant to give up and waved goodbye every three steps.

In this way, under Snape's deliberate catering, Harry Potter finally reluctantly accepted that his mother was about to marry another man besides his father, and promised to attend the wedding and send blessings .

But he still doesn't know that all this is just the beginning and not the end.

After marriage, Snape will get full custody, which will inevitably destroy the tragic fate that Dumbledore originally arranged for Harry, but push him to another completely different life path.

At that time, the contradictions and conflicts between the two will break out in an all-round way.

And the savior will also face an extremely difficult choice, that is, choose to believe in the principal he respects, or choose to obey the arrangements of his mother and stepfather.


Obviously, Dumbledore, who is the headmaster, would definitely not be able to hide something like taking Harry Potter out of Hogwarts.

When the three of them walked into the auditorium on the first floor, they immediately saw the old man standing at the door waiting for them.

"Where have you been?" Dumbledore asked blankly.


Harry was obviously a little guilty, and carefully turned his gaze to the other two people around him.

Snape was obviously not as afraid of the headmaster as the others, he stepped forward to block his stepson behind, and replied bluntly: "I took them home."


Dumbledore obviously got the answer he wanted from the savior's reaction, squinted his eyes and continued to ask: "I don't remember you having a family, Severus. And Hogwarts is a full-time boarding school for magic , students are absolutely not allowed to leave school until there is a leave of absence and approval."

"When did you care so much about school rules? I remember that people who graduated from Gryffindor like to break the rules the most. What's more, do you really have the heart to prevent a child from seeing his biological mother who has never been masked for ten years?" Si Nepe sneered tit for tat.

"So Lily was resurrected? Do you really know what you're doing?" Dumbledore's tone suddenly became severe.

Snape curled his lips in disdain: "Hmph! Of course I know what I'm doing. Besides, the current magic world is undergoing drastic changes, and your old-fashioned things can no longer keep up with the times. If you still want to If Harry cultivates a weapon against Voldemort, pass me first. For Lily, I will never allow anyone to hurt him."

"Weapon? Me?"

Harry was stunned.

"That's right. Do you think Dumbledore has any good intentions? No! He is using you! He wants you to fight Voldemort desperately, or even die with him." Snape directly chose the showdown.

Because from the moment Lily was resurrected, he completely parted ways with Dumbledore.

It's just that neither side has pierced this layer of window paper before.

"Is this true? Professor!"

Harry clearly felt that he had been betrayed, subconsciously clenched his fists and asked loudly.

Dumbledore took a deep breath, and responded in a slightly tired voice: "Yes, Snape is right, I did intend to do so. But all of this is a fate you must face! Because The lightning-shaped scar on your head contains a fragment of Voldemort's soul, or you are the Horcrux he accidentally created."

"Horcrux? What is that?"

Harry felt that his little brain was starting to lose track of the rhythm.

At this moment, he began to envy Zuo Si's profound knowledge, as well as his psychological quality of being able to remain calm and calm no matter what happened.

"This thing is a bit cumbersome to explain, and it's too complicated for you, so let's put it aside for now. You just have to believe that my actions are not harming you, but helping you." Dumbledore patiently explained.

Unfortunately, just as Harry was gradually gaining trust in the old headmaster, Zuo Si suddenly stood up and interrupted: "Professor, manipulating other people's fate at will, whether it is out of good intentions or malice, is absolutely not in essence. It is kindness. And Ms. Lily asked me to bring you a message, the original meaning is what qualifications do you Dumbledore have to arrange for her son. "


Dumbledore's expression changed drastically.

As Harry Potter's mother, Lily was obviously qualified to say this, and she was able to mess up all his plans.

After all, even the greatest wizard of our time can never have as much influence on a child as his biological mother.

This is why he strongly opposes using the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect the dead.

When people who have been dead for several years or even more than ten years are resurrected, there are too many uncertain factors.

"Are you against me too?" Dumbledore asked, staring into Zuo Si's eyes.

Zuo Si retorted with a smile: “No, professor, you are wrong.

I'm not against you, I just want to give Harry a chance to choose his own destiny, instead of being manipulated like a marionette according to the route you planned and set.

Most importantly, don't you think it is a very dangerous and cruel thing to deliberately arrange a few first-year freshmen to face a twisted and sick soul like Voldemort? "

"An... arrangement! You mean, my encounter with Voldemort last semester was arranged? Is this true? Professor Dumbledore!"

Harry, who was beginning to learn some truths, looked furious.

He couldn't believe that the principal he had always respected had been deceiving and fooling him like a fool.

Dumbledore quickly explained: "Things are not what you imagined. Indeed, I arranged the meeting with Voldemort, but I just hope that you can get to know the most powerful and terrifying enemy in the future with your own eyes, and become the most powerful and terrifying enemy in the future. Courageous and resolute."

"Why didn't you tell me the truth after that?" Harry questioned bluntly.

It is not difficult to see from the tone and demeanor that he no longer trusts the other party.

"Oh—you're too emotional, today is not suitable for talking, let's wait for another day."

Realizing that no matter what he said, the boy in front of him would not listen, Dumbledore could only sigh and turn away.

Watching his back gradually disappear at the corner of the stairs leading to the upper floors, Zuo Si said in a slightly playful tone: "It seems that after tonight, we will all be on the principal's blacklist."

"It doesn't matter! No matter what he thinks, I will never obey his orders anymore." Snape clearly expressed his attitude.

From the moment he chose the showdown, he anticipated this day and made countless corresponding preparations.

What's more, Dumbledore is not a dark wizard, he will only take methods within the rules, and there is no need to be afraid.

"That's right, let's see what happens." Zuo Si shrugged nonchalantly.

Since the plan went very smoothly, he had already gained a huge reputation and a pivotal position in the wizarding world, so there was no need to look at Dumbledore's face.

If necessary, even some means can be used to make Hogwarts change a headmaster.

You must know that Zuo Si is a professional playing with rules, laws and exchange of interests, and even ten Dumbledores tied together are no match for him.

"Well... can any of you explain to me what's going on?" Harry blinked in confusion.

"Come on, come with me to the office, and I will tell you the truth."

Snape took the initiative to take over the job, dragged the savior and disappeared at the end of the stairs leading to the cellar.

When everything calmed down, Zuo Si turned around and said to the clock in the corner, "How long are you going to hide there? Be careful and catch a cold."

The voice has not yet fallen!

Suddenly there was a crisp sneezing sound near the clock.

Immediately afterwards, a girl in pink pajamas appeared out of thin air, covering her mouth and nose. It was Miss Hermione Granger herself.

I saw her with messy long hair, wearing plush shoes on her feet, holding towels, soap, toothbrushes and other toiletries in her hands, and her body exuded water vapor and a faint smell of shower gel, obviously Just got out of the shower.

The girl who was caught on the spot blushed, and explained with some embarrassment: "I swear I just happened to pass by, and definitely didn't eavesdrop on purpose."

"By chance? Then by chance cast a silent disillusionment spell?"

Zuo Si raised her eyebrows and obviously didn't believe this statement.

"Damn! Can't you give me a step down? Well, I admit, because I was curious why Principal Dumbledore was standing at the door, so I cast a disillusionment spell to see what he was going to do. But who Thinking about it, I overheard the conversation between you." Hermione rolled her eyes angrily.

"Hehe, it's exactly as I expected."

Zuo Si couldn't help laughing.

From the moment he entered the door, he noticed the girl curled up in the corner, but he didn't expose it.

"By the way, what were you talking about just now? Is Dumbledore really going to train Harry as a weapon against Voldemort?"

Hermione, who accidentally ate a big melon, was obviously full of curiosity about the ins and outs of this matter.

"It's been a long story about that. Remember that lightning bolt-shaped mark on Harry's forehead? It was actually a Horcrux, a fragment of the soul that Voldemort left unintentionally in his body..."

Zuo Si told the whole incident in an unhurried tone, without any concealment.

Because he knew that Snape was also telling Harry right now, and it wouldn't be a secret before long.

"My God! This... this is so cruel! Harry has the enemy's soul fragments in his body, so he has to kill himself in the end, so that he can completely wipe out Voldemort?" The girl covered her mouth and exclaimed .

"No, dear Miss Granger, what is really cruel is not this, but Harry's fate has been clearly arranged by Professor Dumbledore since he was a baby. Just imagine, if your life was ruled by another Arranged by a guy, but you yourself don't know anything about it, wouldn't you be afraid, wouldn't you be angry?"

While talking, Zuo Si took out his wand and planned to cast a spell on the girl who was shivering from the cold.

But Hermione stopped this behavior, but unbuttoned his jacket, stuck it all up and got in.

After feeling the warmth and smell of each other for a while, the girl smiled wryly and said, "It's quite scary. Professor Dumbledore has obviously gone too far. Although his intentions are good, I hope Harry can be in front of you." Be as prepared as possible for Voldemort."

"So that's why I quarreled and had conflicts with Professor Snape and the headmaster. Times are changing, spells and magic are advancing, and Professor Dumbledore's inability to solve Horcruxes by himself doesn't mean that us latecomers can't. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's tone and demeanor were full of strong confidence.

With the depth of his research on the soul domain, as long as he figured out the mystery of Horcrux manufacturing, it would be a breeze to decipher it.

What's more, even if it can't be cracked, all Voldemort's Horcruxes can be wiped out under the premise of ensuring Harry Potter's survival by creating clones to transfer souls, or killing and resurrecting by mistake.

"I believe you can do it!"

Hermione looked up with a trace of admiration in her eyes, and at the same time her hands that were inserted into her clothes were tightly hugged, and her breathing became more rapid.

There is no doubt that this is a very obvious invitation signal.

Zuo Si lowered his head in response.

In the end, the two hugged each other and made a zero-distance intimate contact, which lasted for several minutes...

(end of this chapter)

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