One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 30 Planeswalker Level Up

Chapter 30 Planeswalker Level UP

"Isadora! Your youngest sister betrayed you."

Hallett finally said the client's name after being silent for a while.

Because he knew very well that he could no longer continue to do this "business".

Instead of continuing to hide it, it is better to take it out in exchange for the merchant not to continue to increase the price.

"What? Isadore! This is impossible! Among all the brothers and sisters, she is the only one who has the best relationship with me. And even if I die, there are still three younger brothers and two younger sisters, and the successor to the Chamber of Commerce will never be able to turn around." she."

Bernard clenched his fists tightly, expressing exceptional agitation both in tone and in emotion.

But Hallett asked back with a look of contempt: "Idiot! Do you think this girl named Isadora only cooperated with me?

Do not!

She also extended an invitation to cooperate with me, the pirates of Luskan in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Swords, and the six gangs of bandits entrenched near Amn's main trade route.

He also promised that he would give out 60% of the annual profit of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce as a reward after the matter is completed.

Allow us to use the ships and caravans of the Chamber of Commerce to smuggle various contraband to make money.

The harmless little sister you know is only her disguise.

To be precise, Isadora has fooled everyone, including the master of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce, your shrewd and capable father, Ser Georgie Bridge.

She pretended to hide for so long, only to launch a fatal blow when the time was right, and kill all competitors.

If nothing else happens, your three younger brothers and two younger sisters should all be dead by now. "


Accompanied by the pirate captain's words, Bernard felt his brain explode in an instant, kneeling on the ground with a plop, his whole body trembling slightly uncontrollably.

I don't know if it's because of fear or sadness.

He couldn't believe that the beautiful girl in his memory with long blond hair and an angelic gentle and shy face would do such a vicious thing.

However, Hallett has ignored the reaction of the young businessman at this moment, and directly said to Zuo Si who was standing aside watching the show: "170,000 gold coins, plus all the books and scrolls I have collected and plundered over the years. What do you think?" ?”

"Deal! Now take off your weapons, belts, boots, amulets, rings, bracers, hats, coats, and throw them over. Remember, don't play tricks. Otherwise, I'll just notice the slightest thing wrong, You'll taste what it's like to have your face covered in fireballs."

While issuing a warning, Zuo Si raised his arm again and aimed the ruby ​​ring straight ahead.

Whenever he named a personal item, the corner of the pirate captain's mouth couldn't help twitching.

the reason is simple!

These equipments are all expensive magic items.

Two of the weapons needless to say, one is the +2 magic scimitar that can cause extra lightning damage when hitting;

The other is a +2 dagger that can add an additional three points of agility to the holder.

The belt can increase the wearer's strength by three points, the ring is the ring of the ram, the amulet can release a powerful dispel similar to a senior priest every day, the boots can make the wearer immune to all fear magic effects, and the wristband can add two additional points of physical attributes ...

Even the defense of the most humble coat is equivalent to +3 magic leather armor, and non-magic weapons can leave at most one mark on it.

As for the three-cornered hat, it is even possible to cast the [Wind-making Art] once a day to make the ship suddenly speed up at a critical moment.

It can be used not only to chase merchant ships, but also to avoid fleet pursuit.

Hallett originally wanted to try to hide a few more.

But now, luckily, everything that wasn't bad was recognized.

In desperation, he could only reluctantly take off these magic items and throw them over one by one.

After finishing all this, the pirate captain stretched out his hands bitterly: "Come on, tie me up. From now until the payment of the ransom, I will be your captive."

"There's no need to be so troublesome."

Zuo Si directly took out the roll of [Activation Rope] from the satchel and threw it forward.


The end of the rope wrapped around Hallett several times at an extremely fast speed, binding his upper body firmly on the spot.

Just when he was extremely surprised by the rope that would automatically bind people, the red magic ring was suddenly activated.

next second...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The violent explosion and flames directly devoured the remaining hobgoblins, orcs, and two dying ogre pirates.

The latter didn't even understand until his death that the other party had clearly accepted the price offered by the bloody-handed captain, so why did he kill himself?

Not to mention these pirates, even the human sailors who came out of the bushes were terrified by this brutal and merciless killing.

They couldn't imagine why a boy who looked less than ten years old could be so cruel.

Feeling the heat wave rushing towards him, Hallett couldn't help asking in a slightly trembling voice: "You...why did you kill them?"

"Because the deal reached just now is just your personal ransom, they are not included in it. What's more, the existence of those two ogres makes me feel a little uneasy, it's better to clean it up in advance."

While explaining casually, Zuo Si released the book that exudes the light of stars, and at the same time collected the magical energy in the surrounding environment that had not yet dissipated.

After this day of killing, he had already accumulated enough mana to add all of it to the planeswalker profession.

Finally, the planeswalker level has been upgraded from LV2 to LV3.

Not only has the upper limit of the mana pool increased from 100 to 150, but the spark level has also been raised to LV3.

Most importantly, Zuo Si can finally make and draw LV3 level cards when Planeswalkers reach LV3.

You must know that after completing the task of [Escape from Desperation], he endured not drawing cards in order to wait for this moment.



As the cards that emerged out of nowhere on the pages of the book began to rotate at high speed, three cards were drawn out after a while.

[Creature Card: Large Stone Elemental]

[LV3 red card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Randomly summon a large stone element with a height of about three and a half meters. Its body may be composed of any kind of rock such as granite, basalt, limestone, sandstone, etc., and it will obey all your commands until it is completely destroyed]

[To use this card, you need to pay five points of red magic power symbolizing mountains, flames, destruction and explosive energy, or five points of general magic power]

[When the summoned stone element is killed, the card will automatically enter the cemetery and wait for rebirth for three days]

[Magic Card: Force Field Shield]

[LV2 blue card (not upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Normal]

[Effect: A layer of energy force field that cannot be seen by the naked eye is formed around the body. All external attacks, whether ranged or melee, are deflected by the force field. The duration is one hour per planeswalker level. 】

[To use this card, you need to pay three points of blue magic power symbolizing ocean, flowing water, manipulation and control, or three points of general magic power]

[When the magic effect is activated, the card will automatically enter the cemetery and wait for rebirth for two days]

【Magic Card: True Illusion】

[LV3 blue card (not upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Precious]

[Effect: Create a magical illusion that is indistinguishable from the selected target. You can control the phantom to speak, move, and do any action. But please keep in mind that it is just an illusion, it does not have an entity, and it cannot cause a little damage to the enemy. Duration is two hours]

[To use this card, you need to pay five points of blue magic power, or five points of general magic power]

[When the phantom appears, the card will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for three days]

(end of this chapter)

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