One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 34 Welcome To Calimport

Chapter 34 Welcome to Calimport

"Ahahahaha! Welcome to Calimport, my dear friend." The fat man opened his arms and let out a hearty laugh.

With the laughter, the fat all over his body was trembling up and down, and the waves of flesh couldn't stop at all.

Zuo Si couldn't imagine how unrestrained overeating a person would have to be to eat himself like this.

Bernard stepped down from the boat and hugged him, and said in a slightly apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, Chief Epke. I had some accidents at sea, so I was a little later than the scheduled time."

"Accident?" The bald and fat man called Epke was stunned for a moment, and then quickly turned his attention to another pirate ship docked at the berth next to him, with a sudden realization expression on his face. "You have encountered pirates!"

"Yes. Unfortunately, my ship and I were targeted by Captain Harlett of the Bloody Hand. Fortunately, there was no danger, and I finally delivered this important cargo to you."

As he spoke, Bernard beckoned to the first mate and several sailors to lift up a sealed oversized crate, and then used a crowbar to pry open several wooden boards, revealing the real cargo inside.

It was a row of steel crossbows equipped by Amn's own army, with special armor-piercing arrows with strong penetrating power underneath.

The sharp prismatic arrows reflected a faint cold light, just looking at them was scary.

You don't need to ask to know that this thing is definitely a contraband.

At least on the surface, Amn officially prohibits exports, let alone allow it to flow into the private market.

the reason is simple!

This is not something like a sword, armor, bow and arrow.

Instead, it only takes dozens of guns and a round of volleys to kill a large group of heavily armed soldiers.

In addition, the use of crossbows does not require long training like bows and arrows.

You only need to have enough strength to pull the string, then put the arrow into the groove, aim at the enemy and pull the trigger.

In fact, in most cities of Faerun, crossbows are typical contraband items, and they will definitely not be sold openly by merchants and peddlers like in the game.

Seeing the crossbow and the armor-piercing arrow, Epke's eyes lit up instantly, and he quickly took it out of the crate, pulled the bowstring hard, put an armor-piercing arrow in, and aimed at the side of the ship and pulled the trigger.



Unsurprisingly, the arrows sank into it by the roots, and directly shot through the hard plank.

"Great! This is exactly what I need. How much did you bring this time?" Epke put the crossbow back into the box with satisfaction and asked bluntly.

Bernard replied without thinking: "The number of crossbows is 500, the number of armor-piercing arrows is 10,000, and there are 30,000 ordinary arrows, enough for you to start several guild wars, and even sell them to other cities in Calimshan. Go make a lot of money."

Epke's plump face showed satisfaction: "This amount sounds really reassuring. According to the agreement, I will pay you enough and generous remuneration. However, there are too many people at the dock right now, and the transaction will have to wait after dark to proceed.”

"No problem! We pay and deliver after dark. In addition, the ship also brought a lot of Askatla's special products to hide from people's eyes. I need to go to the market to contact buyers. I can leave the safety of the ship to you Responsible?" Bernard also took the opportunity to make a request.

Because he had already broken up with the sailors, and he couldn't believe that these people could take care of the cargo.

Coupled with the fact that there are so many thieves at the pier in Carlin Port, as long as one is not paying attention, the goods on the ship will be inexplicably less.

"Yes. I will send someone to help you watch the two ships later. But if I read correctly, the other ship should not be a merchant ship but a warship?"

Epke stared at the pirate ship that originally belonged to Harlett, his eyes full of amusement.

As the leader of the Thieves Guild, he has always been in close contact with the pirates operating in the Nelanthir Islands.

After all, when the latter sells stolen goods, buys weapons and supplies, they often rely on the channels of the Thieves Guild.

And the leaders of the Thieves Guild occasionally need the help of pirates to kill some troublesome enemies.

The business relationship between the two parties is simply not so close.

But before Bernard had time to explain, Epke saw Hallett, whose upper body was trapped into a rice dumpling, walked up from under the cabin under the escort of a leopard.


The bald fat man opened his mouth wide in shock, and hastily rubbed his eyes with his hands, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

After several seconds, he asked in an uncertain tone: " defeated and captured Captain Bloody Hand?!"

"No, it's not me. It's Lord South." Bernard quickly corrected.

"South? You mean that young soldier in mail?" Epke pointed to the soldiers standing on the deck not far away.

Bernard shook his head with a wry smile: "Wrong. It's the boy next to him who looks about ten years old."

"What? Are you kidding me? Captain Bloody, who has been sailing across the sea for so many years, fell into the hands of a child?"

Epke felt that his world view was collapsing.

"Don't be fooled by His Excellency South's appearance.

He is no kid.

But a cunning, cold and cruel necromancer.

I saw with my own eyes that he used tricks to poison Harlett's pirates in pieces, and then resurrected them into zombies one by one, and forcibly drowned the enemy with hundreds of undead. "

While saying these words, the businessman's eyes showed strong awe.

Unlike most Amnians who hate repelling magic.

When Bernard was young, in order to open up trade routes, he went to Luskan and Waterdeep City in the north, and met many mages and warlocks.

Knowing what it means to be able to transform and control so many undead in a short period of time.

But the businessman didn't know that Zuo Si didn't actually have the ability to control a total of more than 200 zombies, but just guided them to the nearest target through magic rituals.

That's why, he didn't show up until the zombies were almost cleared up.

Because if it was too early, those undead would probably attack him too.

"Necromancer?" Apke's pupils suddenly dilated, as if realizing something. "what do you mean……"

"Shh! Don't say it! Your Excellency South doesn't like others to criticize his current appearance." Bernard lowered his voice and issued a warning.

"I see! No wonder you escaped from the pursuit of the bloody captain without incident. It turned out that you were lucky enough to meet a powerful necromancer. It seems that Harlett is going to bleed a lot this time." Epke opened his mouth. Showing a gloating expression.

"It's not just bleeding, he almost lost his life."

"What do you think of me going up to say hello to Harrett? He should be very happy to see me as an old friend?"

"Maybe. Look, he's coming our way."

As the two ended their whispering, Zuo Si finally packed up his luggage and belongings, and planned to go ashore with the leopard, soldiers and his captives.

The long-term bumpy life at sea almost shakes people's brains.

Although he himself did not suffer from seasickness, he was eager to eat a really big and delicious meal, add some fresh fruit to supplement his vitamins after the meal, and finally find a soft bed that would not shake and sleep well.

As for other things, all have to be discussed later.

(end of this chapter)

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