Chapter 33 A gamble



After listening to the young businessman's thoughts, Zuo Si immediately realized that it was a heart-pounding feeling.

Because if he establishes a cooperative relationship with a chamber of commerce that has a huge influence in Askatla, not only can he get a stable source of wealth.

At the same time, it can also obtain great convenience at the social level.

For example, quickly integrate into the local upper ruling class and become a vested interest group that enjoys privileges such as nobles.

Of course, the price is to be involved in a conspiracy, and there may be many unknown risks.

It's a gamble!

A gamble!

If you win the bet, you will be able to gain a firm foothold in Faerun with generous returns.

Losing the bet is nothing more than losing everything that has just come to this world.

Why not take a gamble?

Zuo Si couldn't find any reason to refuse.

no way!

The other party gave too much...

But he, who is used to hiding his thoughts and emotions, did not show them. He just smiled and said, "I need a little time to think about it. But don't worry, I will give you an answer in a week at most."

"Then I will wait for the good news. In addition, regarding the ransom for the ship and the cargo, I will pay you one-third of the proceeds after selling the cargo."

After saying this, Bernard put one hand on his chest and bowed, then turned and left reluctantly.

He has already used all the resources available at hand to the extreme, whether he can succeed or not will be decided by the goddess of luck, Tymora.

After seeing the businessman walking away, the soldier standing next to him couldn't help but ask, "Master, are you really planning to meddle in this kind of thing?"

"Why not?"

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and asked back.

"As long as there are enough benefits, I don't mind taking a little risk at all.

After all, there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get something, you have to pay some price.

Don't worry, if I encounter an invincible enemy, I will immediately give up everything and choose to escape.

For planeswalkers, failure is not terrible, but losing the courage to face danger and explore the unknown is the most terrible thing. "

The soldier nodded thoughtfully: "I see, I think I understand. But why didn't you choose to agree directly?"

"Because something that is too easy to get, in the eyes of many people, it often means that it is cheap and not worth cherishing.

But if something is acquired through hard work, people tend to regard it as a treasure, even if it is just a pebble with no real value.

I just want to whet Bernard's appetite and establish that I'm the dominant player in this partnership. "

Zuo Si explained patiently, resting her chin.

At this moment, the wisdom and maturity revealed in his eyes were not commensurate with his appearance, which made the old Captain Bass, who was directing the sailors not far away, feel an inexplicable panic.

The sailors on board even began to privately speculate that Zuo Si might not be human at all, but some kind of monster with the ability to transform magically.

He has absolutely no intention of paying attention to such rumors born of ignorance, stupidity and fear.

Because of similar rumors in the land of Faerun, there are eight thousand if not ten thousand.

No one with a little sense and brain would believe it.

However, there is no shortage of prudence.

For example, when eating, he would always let the soldiers around him eat a little first, and then wait for a while to confirm that he was not poisoned before eating.

All these "good" habits were formed in the tower of the floating city.

Between the Necromancer—Astar likes to keep his apprentices in a relatively fierce competitive relationship.

Therefore, it is very common for apprentices to poison each other, add some enchanting potions to each other's drinks, and deliberately create small accidents when the enemy is doing dangerous experiments.

Ever since I witnessed a young and beautiful "senior sister" die suddenly after drinking a cup of tea, the body turned black within an hour and grew countless dense wriggling granulation, Zuo Si began to eat and drink every time Before that, let the experimental mice eat a little to see the reaction.

After all, apprentices who are not careful enough usually don't live long.


Time flies, and three days passed in a flash.

Although the time spent at sea was boring and monotonous, it was indeed a very good learning time for Zuo Si.

He used these days to sort out the books and notes that the Necromancer had not taken away, and thoroughly understood the part about making large undead creatures and various golems.

Although in a different world now, most of the magical knowledge is still universal to some extent.

By researching several magic items obtained from Harlett, Zuo Si was surprised to find that there are many striking similarities between the two magic systems.

Maybe the planet where the Al people live is another main material plane in the multiverse.

Of course, all of the above is speculation.

Zuo Si plans to wait until he goes north to Candlekeep, the largest library on the west coast, to see if he can find relevant evidence.

"Look! It's the lighthouse! We've finally arrived at Calimport!" shouted a sailor, pointing to the stone spire rising slowly on the horizon.

Although it is daytime now, the burning magic flame at the top of the spire can still be clearly seen.

It didn't take long for a huge and prosperous port city to catch everyone's eyes.

Countless merchant ships were docked in the harbor, and the coolies on the pier were like ants, constantly loading and unloading heavy goods. A large number of merchants gathered around the market to bargain, and the wide variety of goods included slaves.

If you had to use one word to describe Calimport, it would be hustle and bustle.

Native men usually wear long robes, tall cylindrical hats, or wrap around white turbans.

Women mostly wear conservative burqas and colorful veils.

Overall, it feels full of mystery and exoticism.

Of course, in addition to the normal attire, there are also some young women with negligible fabrics who twist their bodies on the side of the road like snakes and dance to the music.

They are like magnets, firmly attracting sailors who have just stepped off the ship.

Although the city looks quite orderly on the surface, as long as you look closely, you will find that some of the streets and slums have long been controlled by various gangs.

When those guys with tattoos or badges show up, both businessmen and passersby will immediately choose to back down.

"How many thieves' guilds are there in Calimport?" Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

"There are six large ones, and more than thirty small ones. A small part of them are controlled by the Shadow Thieves of Amn."

Bernard quickly gave an exact number, and added: "This number is not fixed, and it will change almost every once in a while. Some guilds will be annexed, and some will be split due to internal rebellion."

Zuo Si narrowed his eyes and commented: "Sounds exciting?"

Bernard nodded with a wry smile: "It's really exciting.

In order to better control the smuggling and sales network in the sewers, some Thieves Guilds will even cooperate with the Ratmen among the lycanthropes.

I once knew a few unlucky ones who were accidentally bitten by them, and almost without exception, they were all infected with the lycanthropy virus and made life worse than death.

Another word of caution, watch out for halflings and children.

They tend to be more of a threat than muscular fighters in the alleys of Calimport. "

While the two were talking, the sailors on the ship had already lowered their sails and slowed down, and under the guidance of the wharf management staff, slowly sailed into the berth near the far right.

Before the two boats came to a stop, a fat man with a bald head who seemed to weigh more than two hundred catties appeared on the plank road built with wooden boards next to him.

Behind him, followed four bodyguards wearing leather armor, a mask on their head, and daggers and daggers hanging from their waists.

(end of this chapter)

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