Chapter 32 Partners

Trust is a very interesting thing.

Its establishment requires the joint efforts of both parties, and it has been tested for a long time.

But if it is destroyed, it often only takes a moment.

The four guys, including the captain, first mate, boatswain, and businessman, had completely lost the trust of the sailors due to the fact that they secretly escaped in a small boat.

If it weren't for the illiterate sailors who didn't know how to sail and didn't want to stay on this deserted island, they definitely wouldn't accept Bernard's compensation of ten gold coins per person to board the ship again.

In this way, in a very strange atmosphere, everyone stayed on the island for another three days, replenishing some fresh water and coconuts.

When the sea water brought by the high tide buoyed the stranded ship again, the captain, Old Bass, immediately ordered to set sail and head towards Carlin Port in the southeast.

In just a few days, the two ships safely left the dangerous Sword Sea waters and formally entered the relatively safe Sea of ​​Glory.

Along the way, you can even occasionally see ships of different shapes and sizes passing by.

Some of them were merchant ships, while others were warships patrolling from Calimport.

As the coastal city with the largest population and largest area on the southwestern coast of Faerun, Calimport's prosperity is beyond doubt.

Its market size is even far above the capital of Amn - Askatra.

Therefore, it is natural for the rulers here to build a fleet capable of protecting themselves from pirates.

Thanks to the warships patrolling from Calimport, pirates are far less active around the Shining Sea than around the Narenthir Islands.

Zuo Si can even lie halfway on a wooden chair on the deck like a vacation, while enjoying the refreshing sea breeze, while flipping through the books and notes found on the upper floors of the floating city tower, and drinking coconut juice with a little lemon from time to time.

Beside him, there will always be a soldier holding a dagger and a shield, always on guard.

Whenever a sailor passed by, Shendu looked at the soldier with shock, doubt and incomprehension.

After all, they saw each other commit suicide with a dagger in their heart.

But who knew that just one day later, this young man who had been deemed dead would reappear without any wounds on his body.

Only Bernard, a well-informed businessman, knew that this soldier was actually summoned by some kind of magic, just like the leopard that guarded the pirate captain Harlett in the cabin 24 hours a day.

Summoned creatures like this kind of alien plane will never really die.

Once it takes damage that exceeds its upper limit of life, it will be repatriated by the power of magic.

Undoubtedly, having such a guard who is absolutely loyal and unafraid of sacrifice makes the young businessman extremely envious.

Although he can also spend money to hire some adventurers or mercenaries to work for him.

But it is almost impossible to be 100% loyal, or even sacrifice your life for your employer at critical moments.

"Your Majesty, in three or four days, we will arrive at Calimport. What are your plans after going ashore?" Bernard asked very cautiously.

Because through these days of observation, he found that Zuo Si's words and deeds could not be connected with a ten-year-old boy at all.

Just the opposite!

Much closer to the tales of evil mages who have just taken their young bodies by magical means.

Combined with the unscrupulous large-scale transformation of undead zombies before, and the decisive character of killing, the businessman is more convinced of his guess.

Zuo Si raised his head and glanced at the other party, and responded casually: "I don't have any special plans.

I just want to get the ransom quickly and head north to Candlekeep or Waterdeep.

But Hallett said it will take him a while to raise the money, probably for a week or two.

Also, there is no need to always use honorifics, you can just call me Soth. "

"Sous? Is this your first name or last name?" Bernard asked curiously.


Zuo Si gave the answer without thinking.

To be precise, this "fake name" was a misunderstanding caused by his accent deviation when he first met the necromancer-Asta.

You must know that there is basically no big difference between the readings of Zuo Si and Soth.

Later, in the process of learning magic knowledge.

Zuo Si discovered that such a thing as a name actually contained powerful magical power.

Naturally, he hid his real name and declared that his name was South.

Bernard nodded lightly: "Okay, Your Excellency South. Since you have the intention to go north, you don't mind coming with me on the way?"

"Oh? Aren't you in a hurry to return to Askatra? What, you changed your mind again?"

Zuo Si closed the book in his hand and stared at the businessman in front of him with great interest.

"Because I figured it out.

If you rush back in a panic without any preparation, then it is very likely that you will encounter a halfway interception.

Instead of this, it is better to complete this business well.

Then exchange the remaining funds for Calimport specialties, such as spices, silk, pearls, rare herbs, lesser magic items, etc., and divide them into two parts.

Some of them were shipped back to Askatla by sea, and the other part was led by me to go by land.

At that time, even if the Chamber of Commerce is illegally occupied, I will have enough financial resources to deal with various situations, and even fight a protracted lawsuit. "

Bernard said seriously the decision he made after careful consideration.

It has to be said that this is a very bold and risky plan.

Because unlike the sea route only the threat of pirates is different.

Returning to Askatla by land from Calimport not only has to cross the largest desert in the southwestern part of Faerun - the Karin Desert, but also crosses almost the entire Kingdom of Tethyr, as well as the extremely dangerous Vortex Mountains, Shardtooth mountains.

Especially the Star Vortex Mountains and the Shardtooth Mountains!

The latter is entrenched with a large number of evil humanoid creatures and titans, and has even tried more than once to seize the second largest port city from Amn - Mulan, in order to build a kingdom ruled by various monsters.

The former isn't much better either, with goblins, ogres, and lycanthropes everywhere.

It is said that near the extinct volcano Tagil Peak in the east, someone saw the figure of a huge evil red dragon passing from the sky.

But it was such danger that made Bernard believe that his sister Isadora would never have thought that he could go back to Amn in such a way.

Zuo Si couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "So... you plan to hire me to be your bodyguard?"

"No! It's not a bodyguard! It's a partner!" Bernard corrected, clenching his fists nervously.

He understands that the success of his plan depends on whether he can impress the necromancer in front of him who gives people a feeling of inscrutability.

"Tell me about your plan, I'm listening."

Zuo Si suddenly wanted to know what the businessman was thinking, and raised his arm as a gesture of invitation.

Bernard spread out a slightly scribbled map, and summoned up his courage to say: "Since you chose to capture Bloody Harlett instead of killing him, I found that you should need a lot of money.

And I am a successful businessman.

Know how to make the most money trading.

If you want to believe me, you can hand over all the money to me to operate after getting the ransom.

Along the way, I promise, you can earn at least four times as much profit from trade.

Not only that!

If you are willing to help me regain what should belong to me, I can also promise to give you 20% of the shares after inheriting the chamber of commerce.

No matter what things or materials you need later.

As long as it is within the coverage of the Chamber of Commerce trade route.

I will do my best to use all my strength to collect them, and finally sell them to you at cost price.

What I hope to establish is not a temporary employment relationship, but a long-term ally and partner relationship. "

(end of this chapter)

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