Chapter 41 Never enough mana

Eat, sleep, read, study...

In the next few days, Zuo Si stayed in the room of the "Happy Time" hotel, living a life of not leaving the door.

Except for taking Harrett to meet his cronies on the second day, and then discussing the issue of the ransom face to face, he never moved the nest again.

After all, Zuo Si was originally a very "home" person who could endure loneliness.

Even in the high tower of the floating city, he could spend a whole month or two without talking or communicating with anyone except the necromancer-Asta.

Compared with those extremely boring social interactions and intrigue among apprentices, he is more willing to devote his precious time and energy to learning and researching profound magic knowledge.

Because of the continuous acquisition of knowledge that can be transformed into wealth and power at any time, it has an inexplicable sense of addiction and satisfaction.

In particular, Faerun's unique arcane spellcasting system and magic net, which is currently being studied, can almost perfectly make up for its own shortcomings and insufficiencies.

Coupled with the wide variety of spells in the arcane spellcasting system, it is much more interesting to make magic items, wonders, and potions than the previous creator profession can only study magic rituals.

In addition, you can also compare and refer to the massive knowledge collected in the tower of the floating city.

And through continuous in-depth study, Zuo Si found that the difference between the magic systems of the two worlds is much smaller than he imagined.

Although the structure of many spells with the same or similar names will be slightly different due to the casting environment, their principles and essence are almost the same.

On the basis of [Mage], combined with the research results of another magic civilization, he can delete and modify the known advanced professions to create a brand new arcane spellcasting profession that is more suitable for him.

Just like red-robed mages, super-magic spellcasters, arcane followers, archmages, and other advanced arcane professions.

" about I use [mimicry] to get a LV5 mage first. Otherwise, I will just study theory all day long, without even any practical operation experience." Zuo Si whispered while rubbing his chin.

Relying on the ability of the [Thinking Library] to have an unforgettable memory, he has already memorized all the magic books he bought back in his mind.

If we simulate now, the upper limit of the mage profession should be able to reach LV10 or LV11, which will be enough for a long time in the future.

But the problem is, performing mimicry means having an extra big player who consumes mana.

He originally planned to upgrade the planeswalker profession to LV4 first, and then look for a chance to complete the task of making the first creature card.

"Oh, it's a headache. The mana is always not enough. I really want to [refine] all the magic items, scrolls, wands and potions in the satchel that are temporarily unused."

The bottom of Zuo Si's heart began to stir again, wanting to "prodigal".

After all, there are only so many stable sources of mana right now, so if you give this class more points, you can only get less points for other jobs.

In addition to extracting energy from various magic items, the only way to get more at once is by killing various monsters and robbers.

Just as he was staring at the value of his mana pool and hesitated, a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

boom! boom! boom!

"Lord South, are you in the room? I'm Pike, the waiter in the lobby on the first floor. Now there is a lady who claims to be your friend and wants to meet you."

A rather familiar voice came in through the crack of the door.

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment, and then quickly remembered that a few days ago, he had sold the crystal energy storage device to a sorceress who was suspected to have the blood of the fire dwarf, and immediately put away the "inheritance" and signaled the soldiers guarding the door to open the door.

The latter understood, stood up from the chair, pulled the latch and pushed open the heavy wooden door.


Two figures appeared at the door.

One of them is, of course, the male (anti-harmony) waiter who knocked on the door just now, and the other is the veiled female shopkeeper with black cross-shaped pupils.

However, the latter is different from the pride and conceit she showed when we met last time. She looks very manic now, obviously she hasn't slept well for a while.

The moment she saw Zuo Si, the woman directly threw a gold coin to the waiter, and then walked straight into the room unceremoniously, completely ignoring Pike who was bowing in gratitude, and slammed the door shut.

She even ignored the soldiers on the side, raised the energy storage device in her hand, and asked through gritted teeth, "How did you do it?"

"How did you do that?"

Zuo Si blinked, confused by the inexplicable question.

"How to make it so stable!

do you know?

In the past few days, I have failed more than 60 times in a row, and I have never succeeded.

I have never seen at least two-thirds of the materials you use here.

But it doesn't bother me!

Because I quickly found some alternatives that worked just as well.

But only stability!

It is the key point that cannot be broken through in any case! "

When she said these words, the woman didn't have the slightest demeanor before, she was like a madman.

Especially when it came to excitement, he tore off his veil directly, revealing a delicate face that was extraordinarily exotic even in Calimport.

As Zuo Si guessed, this female warlock should be a descendant of humans and fire elves.

However, considering that almost one-twentieth of the humans in the entire Calimshan region may have a thin blood of the fire dwarf.

It is not unacceptable that some warlocks who have awakened the power of their blood will return to their ancestors.

What's more, people here generally have a high degree of acceptance of non-human races.

In this regard, just look at the popularity of domesticated orcs, half-orcs, kobolds, goblins, gnolls, and ogre and troll slaves in the slave market.

" admit that you failed to crack it, right?" Zuo Si asked bluntly.


The woman closed her mouth and fell silent.

Yeah, she failed.

He paid a pretty heavy price for his arrogance.

In order to produce the same stable energy storage device, all the materials and gemstones invested in more than 100,000 gold coins were all in vain.

The one that has been closest to success so far has only managed to maintain stability for less than ten seconds.

Then it exploded with a bang, releasing the lightning energy stored in it all at once, destroying everything around it wantonly.

If it weren't for the magic that protected energy damage in advance, even people would be seriously injured or even died.

After a long silence, the woman quickly took a deep breath and said, "Let's make a price! I need a complete set of technology to manufacture this energy storage device!"

But Zuo Si smiled and shook her head: "No, ma'am, I think you made a mistake.

In fact, such an energy storage device could not have been manufactured by anyone other than me.

Just like the stability mentioned just now, do you think that the entire cylindrical crystal is realized through some transformation system magic?

It was made with my unique ability, like this..."

While speaking, Zuo Si casually grabbed two empty potion bottles placed on the table and activated the [Shaping] ability.

I saw two completely independent potion bottles, which seemed to melt under the action of some mysterious force, slowly fused together, and then reshaped into a statue of an adventurer holding a shield and a long sword.

No spells!

No gestures!

Not to mention using any spell-casting materials!

The woman was completely stunned by this ability to change the material form, took the glass statue and checked it repeatedly.

It took several minutes before she realized that the whole statue was in one piece, and there was no trace of splicing or stitching at all.

It is as if this glass statue was fired like this from the beginning.

And even the bubbles contained in the two potion bottles disappeared...

(end of this chapter)

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