Chapter 42 The Perfect Match

"Spell-like ability?!"

After slowly putting down the glass statue in her hand, the woman showed an unbelievable expression on her face.

At this moment, she finally understood why the finished products she integrated through transformation magic were not as stable as the original ones.

It's not a problem of spells, let alone a problem of materials...

It's the lack of this means that can perfectly integrate everything without affecting those sensitive materials.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "That's right! Even if I give you the full set of technology, it will be difficult for you to manufacture this energy storage device according to the process. Magic or materials will cause its cost to be multiplied several times, and in the end the gain outweighs the loss.”

"Damn it! Does that mean all my hard work and financial investment were in vain?"

The strong unwillingness was evident in the woman's tone.

As the most famous magic item seller in Calimport, the most unbearable thing for her is to lose money.

Of course, this kind of personality may also be related to the spiritual blood flowing in his body.

After all, the most famous thing about giant spirits is that they are often outstanding and cunning plane businessmen, and they can often fool those ignorant guys around, willing to take out the last copper coin in their pockets.

Whoever makes them lose money will surely be remembered for a long time.

"That depends on how you choose next.

In fact, the cost of this energy storage device is much lower than you imagine, but the materials required are extraordinarily complicated.

If you can provide me with materials and a workshop for free, then I can produce a large number of finished products in a short time.

However, in exchange, I ask for half of the proceeds from the sale of these devices, or exchange them for scrolls, books, and magic items of similar value.

At the same time, during the stay in Calimport, I can borrow your workshop and alchemy equipment for free.

By the way, you should have your own mage tower, right? "

Zuo Si unhurriedly threw out a cooperation plan.

After escaping from the high tower of the floating city, he realized how much convenience the place that had been regarded as a cage had once brought him.

Whether it is the rich collection of books in the library, the inexhaustible materials in the warehouse Curry, or various rooms with special functions, as well as the monsters and slave artisans held in the basement cells, now want to It takes a lot of money to get it.

Many things can't even be bought with money.

So Zuo Si wants to use this kind of cooperation to temporarily obtain a place where magic experiments can be carried out.

Otherwise, if they mess around in a hotel room without any protection, and accidentally fail to trigger an unexpected chain reaction, everyone in the entire hotel will be blown up.

"Of course I have my own mage tower. But you have to tell me how low the cost of making an energy storage device is." The woman was obviously moved.

Because only by cooperating, can she recover the previous losses, and even make a fortune from it.

Zuo Si picked up a pen, wrote down the names of more than thirty materials in the common language of Faerun on a blank piece of paper, and then handed it directly to the other party.

"Here, the cost is all on top of it, let's take it and have a look."

The woman hurriedly picked it up, glanced at it, and immediately exclaimed: "How is this possible! According to the materials listed above, the cost of making an energy storage device is less than 2,000 gold coins?"

"Only 1800 gold coins to be exact." Zuo Sijiao said meaningfully. "But you can sell it at a high price of more than 20,000 gold coins. Even if you can only get half of it, there is still a net profit of 9,100 gold coins. You provide the materials, and I will make it. This is a business that is sure to make money. How about it, What is your answer?"

"Of course my answer is yes! Such a win-win cooperation, no businessman can find a reason to refuse. Let's get to know again, my name is Aisha, a warlock and a businessman who specializes in purchasing and selling magic items, and also an Aurora magician. The only designated member of the store in Calimport."

The woman took the initiative to introduce herself.

In Calimport, a city of mayhem, murder, and power shifts, unsolicited names are a sign of favor.

And the other party who knows the name can often use the Thieves Guild everywhere to inquire about a series of rumors behind the name, so as to judge whether it is trustworthy.

"My name is South, a traveler who just came to Calimport from another place. Nice to meet you, beautiful Ms. Aisha."

Zuo Si also immediately stood up and touched her chest with one hand and slightly bowed in response.

For those who have great power and can bring him extra benefits, he has always shown his most humble and polite side.

In fact, the real cost of making an energy storage device is less than 300 gp.

More than four-fifths of the materials on that list are prepared for corruption and enrichment.

The most important thing is that Zuo Si also intends to use the energy reserves of the mage tower for nothing to upgrade his various professions.

Anyway, when the time comes, he will have the final say on how much magical energy will be consumed to make an energy storage device.

As long as it doesn't exceed the sorceress' psychological expectations, the possibility of being discovered is basically not too great.

Aisha obviously didn't know that Zuo Si was thinking about how to "take advantage" in a better and safer way. Instead, she asked enthusiastically: "If there are enough materials, how many such devices can you make in a day?"


Zuo Si gave a relatively conservative figure without thinking.

He understands the truth that rare things are more expensive, and he also knows that such magical items that cost tens of thousands of gold coins are destined to be consumed by only a few people.

If too much floods the market at once, it will inevitably lead to a price crash, and a series of troubles and serious consequences.

"Very good! Give me two days to purchase materials, and I will come to you again after two days."

Aisha is obviously very satisfied with the efficiency of being able to produce six energy storage devices in a day.

This means that in a maximum of two days, the previously lost funds can be earned back.

One only sells for 20,000 gold coins?

What a joke!

If there is no limit to this kind of powerful magic item that even ordinary people can use, if it doesn't sell for a high price of 25,000 to 30,000 gold coins, then this merchant has failed too much.

What's more, the purpose of Aurora Magic Store is not to seek the best, but to seek the most expensive.

Of course, she will never tell Zuo Si the real price, but plans to calculate the share based on the selling price of 20,000 gold coins each.

I have to say, to some extent, the sorceress and Zuo Si are really a "perfect match".

Because they are all thinking about how to take advantage of each other at the first moment.

As for who took more advantage, it is unknown.

Anyway, both of them got what they wanted, which is a veritable "win-win".

After watching Aisha leave the "Happy Time" hotel, Zuo Si immediately drew part of the energy from the mana pool, and established a brand new mana core through [Mimicry].

So far, in his [Occupation] column, in addition to the most basic [Planeswalker], there is also the [Creator] obtained in the tower of the floating city, and now there is another [Mage].

Because of the intelligence bonus of up to 19, the mage got two first-level spell slots when he was level LV1.

As for those zero-ring spells that consume so little magic power that they are called "tricks" by mages, they can be released many times a day.

(end of this chapter)

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