Chapter 44 Abandoned People

【Detect toxicity】

After casting the spell on a table full of dishes and confirming that there was no problem, Zuo Si began to eat with confidence.

It has to be said that, as a coastal city close to the tropics, the seafood in Calimport is definitely one of the best in Faerun.

Whether it’s oysters the size of an adult’s palm baked with garlic, ginger and spices, or mackerel with soft and tender meat, they all taste quite good.

Paired with a rich peppery lamb soup, anyone who has eaten it can't help but give a thumbs up.

And the food at the "Happy Hour" hotels is generally generous.

The plate on which the vegetables are placed is about thirty centimeters long and ten centimeters wide.

The food is densely packed on top to form a hill-like tip.

The bowl is a typical large soup bowl.

It is estimated that with a bowl of broth full of ingredients and two large pieces of bread, even a strong adult can eat half full.

The most important thing is that the price is not expensive.

Even a large plate of oysters carefully fried and roasted with spices is only a silver coin.

In other words, almost half of the gold coin that Zuo Si threw to the innkeeper before should be counted as an extra tip.

From the price of food, it is not difficult to see that the lives of ordinary people are like two completely different worlds compared with those of spellcasters.

For the former, a gold coin often means that he and his family can have enough food and drink, and live a carefree life for a month.

But the same gold coin, for the latter, at best can only buy one or two parchment scrolls that can carry magical power, or a dozen empty bottles containing potions.

Zuo Si was fascinated by the strong sense of tearing and the weird financial system.

Occasionally he even has a brainstorm.

Imagine those legendary spellcasters and giant dragons who hold millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of gold coins, suddenly spend all their money to buy certain necessities of life, such as food, salt, and steel.

Then forcibly raising prices through monopoly, how terrible damage will it cause to the markets and trade of various countries and city-states in this world?

Unfortunately, such a situation will never arise.

Because for giant dragons, collecting treasures is never for spending, but for satisfying their innate greed and collection.

Similarly, high-level and even legendary spellcasters will not be bored enough to do such things.

Most of their huge property exists in the form of magic items, scrolls, gems, potions, wonders, books, and spell-casting materials.

"This world is very mysterious and wonderful. My body is only about ten years old, so there is no need to be too anxious. I will have time to explore bit by bit in the future."

Zuo Si muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear, and at the same time there was a strange light in his eyes.

After the urge to explore the unknown and adventure subsided in his heart, he casually threw a finished oyster shell on the table.

Seeing that there were four-fifths of the food and broth left on the table, the soldier quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, raised his head and asked in surprise, "Master, are you full now?"

"Well, almost. I have another tooth that is a little loose recently, and it looks like it will fall out soon, so my appetite is not particularly good."

Zuo Si sighed helplessly, and subconsciously touched her left cheek.

Humans are known to replace deciduous teeth with permanent teeth between the ages of six and twelve.

His body is going through this period right now.

And it will continue in the next year or two until the last deciduous tooth falls out.

It's a pretty grueling process.

Especially for someone with an adult soul.

Zuo Si couldn't imagine that if his front teeth fell out, would it affect his chanting of mantras?

Or directly get a DBUFF that increases the chance of spell failure?

Just when the soldier was about to say something, he suddenly found a group of children squatting barefoot outside the hotel door with stretched bodies and tattered clothes at an unknown time.

They are generally very thin, the oldest is about fifteen or sixteen years old, and the youngest may not even be ten years old.

Qing Yi stared at the leftover food and broth on the table with eager eyes, swallowing hard.

"Damn it! Who let you bastards approach the hotel? And you're showing that disgusting expression to the distinguished guests! Get out! Get out! Don't let us see you again!"

A waiter noticed the group of children and immediately put on a menacing expression, waving a stick in his hand to drive them away.

Not only did no one stand up to stop the customers in the store, but they put on a look of intending to watch the excitement.

Some guys even clamored loudly to ask the waiter to hit him harder, it would be better to see blood.

Zuo Si subconsciously frowned at this blatant bullying.

If it was in a situation where he could not even protect himself in the high tower of the floating city, he would naturally not stand up and meddle in other people's affairs.

But now that he has regained his freedom, the education he had received and the values ​​he had been forced to temporarily abandon once again showed signs of recovery.

The soldier was keenly aware of this, and immediately asked in a low voice: "Do you need me to stop it?"


Zuo Si nodded quickly after thinking for a while.

Without saying a word, the soldier stood up and walked towards the door, grabbing the employee who was about to hit someone.

The latter originally planned to turn around and give this nosy bastard a stick, but after seeing the other person's appearance, he immediately stopped all movements, forced an awkward smile and asked, "Mr. Guard, why is it you? "

"The master doesn't want to see those poor children being beaten." The soldier replied bluntly.

"Does that mean Lord South? He is really a kind-hearted man. But you are foreigners and don't know the situation in Calimport. They are not ordinary children, but a group of abandoned people." The waiter patiently explained.

"Abandoned people?" A puzzled expression appeared on the soldier's face.

Literally understood, it should be a person who has been abandoned or abandoned.

But the problem is that Calimshan is a country that recognizes that slaves are the private property of their masters.

How could it be possible to abandon any human beings capable of working, even if these human beings are just a group of children who have not grown up.

The service eye nodded seriously: "That's right! Abandoned people!

Although they look harmless, they are actually infected with lycanthropy.

Once he is irritated and loses his mind, or on a full moon night, he will immediately fall into a state of madness.

Anyone who has been bitten and not treated in time will also be infected.

Abandoned people can only hide in the sewers and pick up leftovers to survive.

These underage little guys ran up by themselves, probably because of a fight in the sewer.

Their tribe or clan was overrun by other lycanthropes, and they had to go to the surface to find something to eat.

In Calimport, no one would want a lycanthropy near them.

Because you never know when they will suddenly go crazy and give you a hard bite.

The Thieves Guild would occasionally hire deserters, but they would never be allowed to approach the neighborhoods they controlled, let alone spread lycanthropy within their sphere of influence. "

After hearing these words, when the soldiers looked at the children again, they were obviously vigilant.

Although he himself felt that even if these skinny little guys turned into animalized forms such as werewolves and ratmen, he could easily kill them with a dagger.

But Zuo Si's safety always comes first.

He doesn't want any potential danger near his master.

(end of this chapter)

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