One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 45 The Beastmen Of Calimport

Chapter 45 The Beastmen of Calimport

Abandoned people?


Zuo Si's mind instantly recalled that when he had dinner with Epke a few days ago, the other party told about the distribution of various forces in Calimport.

Among them was a mouthful about lycanthropes.

As the name suggests, this is a group of special groups that can transform between human and beast forms.

However, unlike the natural transformation of druids, they are often cursed or infected with a supernatural curse called "lycanthropy".

And this terrible curse is extremely contagious.

Once bitten by a lycanthropy, no matter how lightly the injury is, the curse will enter the human body along the wound and permanently transform it into its own kind in a short period of time.

Best of all, this transformation is virtually irreversible.

As long as you become a lycanthropy, you will be a lycanthropy for the rest of your life, and even pass it on to your descendants.

It is precisely because of this astonishing contagion that as long as a lycanthropy keeps biting ordinary people, it will soon form a huge and uncontrollable lycanthropist tribe, posing a huge threat to surrounding villages and towns .

In Faerun Continent, most cities extremely reject lycanthropes and prohibit them from approaching densely populated places.

Some extreme rulers even promulgated decrees that once a lycanthropy is found without trial, he can be mercilessly arrested and burned to death.

Calimport is considered a city with a relatively high tolerance for lycanthropes, and there is no large-scale hunting and killing of lycanthropes.

But again, lycanthropes are not protected by any laws.

They don't even qualify to be slaves, they just struggle to survive as a special marginal group.

It is estimated that the social status is not as good as the "untouchables" at the bottom of the caste in a large South Asian country.

Among them, the ratmen are one of the lycanthropy groups with the largest number and relatively strict organization.

These deformed rats, which are almost as tall as normal people, account for 80% of the total number of lycanthropes, and it is said that there are thousands of them in the sewers.

As for other lycanthropes, such as werewolves and cats, the number ranged from a hundred to dozens, or even less.

Zuo Si was undoubtedly very interested in the beast curse, so after thinking about the potential risks for a while, he immediately ordered, "Bring them here."

"Ah? What? Are you sure!"

The waiter with the stick in his hand froze for a moment.

He has grown up so much, and this is the first time he has seen someone willing to let these dangerous "abandoned people" get close to him.

Even the soldiers couldn't help but persuade: "Master, they are all dangerous."

But Zuo Si shook his head indifferently: "It's okay. It's just some children who haven't received any professional training. I don't think they can pose any threat to me. On the contrary, I think they are quite interesting research objects .”

"Well, I hope you're right."

The soldier resolutely chose to obey the summoner's will, and waved to the frightened children: "Come here! The master wants to summon you."

I don't know if these children lost their vigilance because of being too hungry, or if they have long been used to being called around.

In short, none of them chose to escape or resist, so they obediently followed the soldiers into the hotel, stood in a circle in front of the table, and stared at the leftovers exuding an attractive aroma.

A younger child couldn't help trying to grab food several times, but was stopped by the eyes of the oldest girl.

Apparently, they belonged together, possibly even from the same tribe and clan of lycanthropes.

To confirm this, Zuo Si took the tableware she had used aside, and said bluntly: "You are welcome, eat. All the food on the table is yours. After eating, I have some questions for you to answer."


The oldest girl bowed her head and saluted with lame movements, then picked up the plate and distributed the fish and oysters one by one to the younger companions behind her.

The bread is also carefully torn into small pieces of about the same size, and the broth is passed on after each person drinks a spoonful to ensure that everyone can drink it.

Although every child looked very hungry, they gorged themselves when they ate.

But the whole process of sharing and eating was orderly, without any confusion, let alone snatching each other.

Undoubtedly, this basically confirms that these little lycanthropists who are called "abandoned people" in front of them definitely come from a clan.

Only the strong bond established through blood relationship will allow all members to unite and help each other when they are starving and freezing.

While there was plenty of leftovers on the table, it was clearly not enough to feed eight hungry children.

After a while, they stuffed everything they could eat into their mouths, including the soup at the bottom of the plate, which almost didn't need to be cleaned.

The leading girl licked her lips, raised her head and stared at a pair of big black eyes, as if waiting for Zuo Si to ask questions.

She knew very well that for lycanthropes like herself, there was no free lunch in the world.

Even those paladins who claim to advocate goodness and order rarely show even the slightest sympathy for lycanthropes.

So whether it is food, safe shelter, or clean drinking water, if you want to get it, you must pay the corresponding price.

"May I have your name?"

Zuo Si first asked a relatively insignificant question.

He could see that these children were generally hostile to the outside world.

Especially the older ones, their eyes revealed a kind of ferocity that didn't match their age.

At this time, it is best to find a way to lower the opponent's vigilance.

Otherwise, it is difficult to ask what useful information.

"Fangers, my name is Fangers."

The girl uttered a name that did not surprise Zuo Si at all.

Of course, if it can be considered a "name".

Because this word means - fangs in the common language.

However, considering that lycanthropes are groups living on the fringes of society.

Living in a dark sewer.

Access to education is simply not possible.

One counts as one and the other is illiterate.

It's no surprise that a child is given something more like a nickname than Fang.

In fact, there are many powerful thieves in Calimport who will change their names to homonyms of certain words.

For example, "Feder (disappeared)" and "Cyrus (silent)", in order to show their attainments in the professional field.

Although it hasn't been long since he came to Faerun Continent, Zuo Si has already seen many weird names, and he has long been used to it, so he just nodded slightly: "Okay, Vangers.

Tell me, what kind of lycanthropes are you and your people?

Why did they run to the ground to look for food at the risk of being driven or even killed? "

The girl lowered her head, as if thinking about how to answer these questions.

After about two or three minutes, her thin body suddenly began to swell.

Because of the long-term exposure to the sun, it showed sickly pale skin, and a large amount of black hair quickly appeared, and the mouth bulged forward crazily, with a row of canine-like fangs growing out.

The hands and feet at the end were completely shaped like claws, and a fluffy tail even grew out from behind the buttocks.


Zuo Si immediately recognized which kind of lycanthropes the girl in front of her was from just one glance.

No wonder all the children were so orderly when they shared their meals just now, the younger ones obeyed the older ones.

Like wolves, werewolves have a strong group concept and internal hierarchy.

(end of this chapter)

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