Chapter 46 Sewer War

The girl transformed in front of everyone, causing a commotion in the hotel in an instant.

Because when the lycanthropy begins to transform, it often means attacking and killing.

The soldier immediately raised his shield and stood in front of his master, tensing his muscles all over his body, ready to kill all these dangerous little werewolves at any time.

However, the girl who called herself Vangers was not like most werewolves, who could not restrain the wild nature in her heart once transformed, on the contrary, she quickly turned back into a human form.

Ignoring the hostile, disgusted and fearful eyes around her, she said to herself, "As you can see, we are all werewolves from the same clan.

As for why it suddenly left the sewer and came to the surface...

Of course it's because our home was destroyed by those damn ratmen!

They did not know where they got a large number of silver-plated weapons and arrows, and suddenly launched a sneak attack on us.

Despite our desperate resistance, there are too many enemies.

In less than half an hour, all the adults in the clan were killed.

Only us minors took advantage of the chaos and escaped. "

"Skaven? Sneak attack? Lots of silver-plated weapons and arrows?"

Zuo Si grasped several keywords in an instant.

Although the girl's description was very simple, he still found something unusual in it.

First, the rat man is a relatively "peaceful" lycanthropy.

Even on a full moon night when she completely loses her senses, she seldom takes the initiative to attack others.

Second, silver, as one of the most special precious metals in the wizarding world, can cause great harm to demons, devils and lycanthropes.

Normally, a rat man who is a lycanthropy should never hold a large number of silver-plated weapons.

This is as ironic as the "Dragon Slaying Sword" often appears in the dragon's lair in the game.

Third, the number of Ratmen who launched the sneak attack was very large, and it was obviously an organized and premeditated action, not a small gang of dozens or dozens of people.

From the above, there must be something big and unknown happening in the sewers.

Just as Zuo Si was about to inquire further about the details, he suddenly saw Epke, the leader of the Thieves Guild, walking in with four bodyguards.

"Abandoned people?"

When the bald-headed fat man saw this group of children in ragged clothes and a peculiar smell of sewer all over their bodies, he immediately showed undisguised disgust and disgust.

But before he could wave his hand to signal the bodyguards to drive away, Zuo Si smiled and said, "You came just in time. I just got some amazing news from these kids, maybe you'll be interested."

"Oh? What news?"

Apoke put on a look of interest on his plump face.

He obviously didn't think that a group of lowly "abandoned people" children could provide any useful information, but he just said it directly because of embarrassment.

But Zuo Si didn't care, and said to himself: "A large group of ratmen equipped with silver-plated weapons raided the territory of a werewolf clan, and drove all the adult werewolves to extinction. According to the scale of the Calimport Thieves Guild, This should already be called an underground war, right?"


Epke, who was indifferent one second, suddenly changed color the next second.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and winked at the bodyguards.

Without saying a word, the latter rushed into the hotel immediately, and drove all the guests out of the hall with an extremely rude gesture. Even the boss and waiters were pushed into the kitchen.

After completing the "clearance", the shrewd leader of the thieves guild sat down on the wooden chair.

The slightly old chair undoubtedly bears a weight far beyond its own limit, and it immediately creaked unbearably.

But luckily, it didn't fall apart after all.

Gently moving his huge buttocks, Epke asked in a very serious tone: "When did this attack happen? Who is the leader of those ratmen?"

The girl obviously didn't know whether to answer or not, and turned her attention to Zuo Si who was the only one who was willing to give her food to fill her stomach.

Zuo Si directly nodded and encouraged: "It's okay, just tell me. If the information you provide is accurate enough, the lord beside me will not be stingy with rewards."

"That's right! Tell me what happened in the sewer?" Epke urged impatiently.

If Zuo Si hadn't been present, he would have asked the bodyguards to arrest these "little wolf cubs" first, and then locked them in a dark dungeon for interrogation, using whips and various tortures to pry their mouths open.

As the leader of the Thieves Guild, don't look at this guy who is smiling and harmless to humans and animals all day long.

But in fact, there is no shortage of cruelty, cruelty, and cunning in his heart.

But he doesn't like to show these things like other colleagues, even as a hobby.

Epke feels that excessive use of violence will not only not make others feel fear and fear, but may also have the opposite effect.

Real violence should be like a whip raised high, only before it falls can it produce the greatest deterrent effect.

Once it falls down and hits the body, it is nothing more than pure pain.

Only when necessary, this bald and fat man will reveal his most vicious side.

The girl didn't notice Apke's dangerous eyes, she gritted her teeth and said in a hateful tone: "The attack happened four days ago.

I don't know the name of the leader of the Ratmen.

But he has very obvious features, that is, he is blind in one eye, only half of his tail is left, and there is a small gap in his left ear.

I heard from the adults that as early as last month, there were rumors of other clans being attacked by ratmen in the sewer.

They must be trying to wipe us out and make the sewers their kingdom. "

"How, what do you think of after listening to this?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

Epke rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought, but quickly replied with a sneer: "It seems that in Calimport, I am not the only one preparing for the upcoming guild war."

"In other words, the Ratman's change was supported by other guild leaders. Did they reach some kind of cooperation agreement?"

Zuo Si immediately heard the subtext that the other party wanted to express.

He was very curious about the scale of this so-called "guild war".

Is it like gangsters in movies, where hundreds or even thousands of people gather together to fight?

Or send assassins to each other to assassinate important personnel of the other party, or destroy their illegal money-making business?

Why would the ruler of Calimport allow these thieves' guilds to fight back and forth?

Aren't you afraid of raising Gu to raise a super giant power and then usurp the throne?

In other words, these thieves' guilds are tools for the power game of the upper class nobles?

Due to the complex and chaotic power structure of Calimport, Zuo Si felt that even if there was a huge and unknown force secretly manipulating it, it would not be impossible.

Of course, he didn't care much about what the city would turn out to be in the end.

I just feel that I should be able to use the upcoming war between the thieves guilds to do something.

After all, an important source of mana is killing!

And in the sewers of Calimport, there are thousands of ratmen who are doing harm.

These guys often rush into the slums at night, grab some innocent poor people and tie them back to their lairs.

Then spread lycanthropy by biting, forcibly transforming the other party into a member of their own group.

If given the chance, Zuo Si would not mind a "rat extermination" operation at all.

(end of this chapter)

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