Chapter 47 Thieves Guild

Apparently, the "Happy Hour" Inn is not the right place to talk about something as esoteric as a guild war.

So at Apke's "gracious" invitation, Zuo Si brought soldiers to his lair.

This is a large four-story building whose exterior has been reinforced with a large number of bricks and stones, while the interior is deliberately designed as a complex labyrinth.

Two of the floors are above ground and two are underground.

Those narrow, slender corridors that suddenly turn every few meters are full of various deadly mechanisms and traps.

Although it is far less terrifying than the magic trap leading to the upper floor of the floating city mage tower, it is not bad at all in terms of danger and death.

More than one-tenth of the seemingly ordinary floor under the feet can be moved.

Metal spikes half a meter high were densely packed underneath.

As long as the mechanism is activated, the intruder will fall and be pierced alive if he stumbles.

In addition, there are hidden compartments in some walls, which can emit hot flames and fuel oil.

The unlucky guy who was accidentally set on fire, it is estimated that the best ending is to commit suicide quickly to relieve the pain caused by severe burns.

Plus, even if the grease-and-flame traps fail to burn anyone, the intruders will be terrified and run around.

And the consequence of running around is likely to step on the air and fall into the spike trap.

"What an indestructible fortress." Zuo Si commented standing in the corridor.

He really couldn't imagine how many lives would be needed to capture the enemy from outside if he didn't use magic power on a large scale.

"Hahahaha! You think so too?" Epke laughed triumphantly. "Actually, when I captured this place, I didn't put in too much effort, and not many people died."

"Oh? Then how did you do it?" Zuo Si asked very cooperatively.

In fact, he had already guessed the answer, but he deliberately pretended to be interested to satisfy the vain and show-off psychology of the bald and fat man in front of him.

Epke rubbed his fat chin and explained: "I paid a lot of money to buy the cronies of the former owner of this fortress, and then let the cronies stab the poisonous dagger into his back at the last moment, and everything will be over. No. There is no bloody fight as outsiders imagined, and there is no wonderful battle."

Zuo Si nodded without the slightest surprise: "It's a very smart approach. There is a famous saying in my hometown that a strong fortress can always be breached from within."

"It's very philosophical, and I completely agree with it. It is also the lessons learned from the enemy. I will never fully trust anyone, even those loyal servants who have followed me for more than five years."

With that said, Epke pushed open the door at the end of the passage and walked straight in.

Visible through the dim lights, it was a huge circular room.

There is a huge soft bed, four long sofas, a table, and an empty bookshelf with only a dozen books in the room.

The torch blessed with the second-ring magic [Immortal Flame] is inserted into the iron ring buckle on the wall to provide lighting for the surroundings.

Two people in very different dresses were already waiting in the room ahead of time.

One of them was a balding middle-aged man wearing a long robe, and he looked like a spellcasting profession such as a mage or a warlock.

The other one was wearing a tight black leather armor with a dagger and a dagger hanging from his waist. He should be the top ace thief or assassin in the guild.

Without talking nonsense, Epke pointed to the two people in the room and introduced: "This is my magic consultant—Kuran, a mage who can cast three-ring arcane spells. The one next to me is the most powerful magician in my hand. Sharp dagger, master assassin - Bernice."

"Nice to meet you, Your Excellency Sous. I am very impressed to hear that you transformed more than 200 zombies in one go on the island." The magic advisor Courant bowed slightly first.

"It's just some shady tricks, nothing worthy of admiration. If there is a chance in the future, we can share our experience about magic." Zuo Si responded with a smile on his face.

Courant was visibly delighted to hear this: "Of course, it's my pleasure."

In contrast, Bernice was much colder, just nodded, and did not speak from the beginning to the end.

When the guild leader took his seat, he immediately said to his two subordinates: "I just got some bad news.

Those nasty skaven in the sewers are expanding.

In the past half month, they first obtained a large number of silver-plated weapons, and then eliminated many camps of other lycanthropist clans by virtue of numbers and sneak attacks. "

"Ratman?" Assassin Bernice frowned subconsciously.

"That's right! It is said that the leader of this group of rat people is blind in one eye, with only half of his tail left, and a small cut in his left ear. I need you to find out who he is immediately! Who is he working with!" Ai Puck made a straightforward request.


Always the most important part of Calimport's Thieves Guild's underworld.

Because only by obtaining enough accurate information can we know who is the real enemy.

"Understood! Please give me a few hours."

Bernice bowed to the leader he was loyal to, and then he disappeared into the shadows, disappearing from everyone's sight.

There was no sound during the whole process, as if there was no real ghost.

One can imagine how shocked and unbelievable the opponent would be when he approached the target from behind, and then stuck the poisoned dagger into the jaw or the back of the heart.

About two or three minutes later, after the master assassin had completely walked away, Epke crossed his hands in front of his chest, and turned his gaze to Zuo Si who was sitting on the sofa.

"Your Excellency South, I believe you should have realized that the guild war in Calimport is about to begin.

In order to be able to win the final victory of this war, I hope to get your help.

Of course, in return, you can make some demands.

Whether it's money, slaves, or magic items, I'll be as content as possible. "

"You want to hire me?"

Zuo Si also looked up at the leader of the Thieves Guild.

"No, not hiring, but asking for help." Epke emphasized. "What's more, in this chaotic and complicated city, even a powerful spellcaster like you has some small troubles that are inconvenient to solve in person. In this regard, I can provide a lot of convenience."

It has to be said that this bald and fat man is obviously a person with a very high EQ, and he has a set of tricks when he speaks beautiful words, making it difficult for people to feel disgusted with him.

Zuo Si thought for a while about the possible risks of participating in it and the benefits he could get from it, and finally responded: "I can provide some help within my ability, but I will never risk my life. If there is a situation beyond the Control, I reserve the right to withdraw at any time."

"make a deal!"

Epke agreed without hesitation, opened his arms and said with a smile: "Now let's talk about the reward."

"Don't worry too much about the reward, you should prepare some things for me first. After all, you should deal with the ratmen in the sewer, right?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

"It depends on the outcome of the negotiations.

Guild War is a process full of intrigue and betrayal.

I'd rather the Ratman leader be willing to accept my offer and change his stance.

Of course, there is still some preparation to be done.

Finally, I would like to ask, what do you want me to help prepare? "

"Rats! Ask your men to help me catch some mice, the more the better. By the way, I'm ordering some strong and sturdy iron cages..."

(end of this chapter)

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