One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 48 Difficult Situation

Chapter 48 Difficult Situation

After reaching a cooperation agreement, Zuo Si quickly left the lair of the Thieves Guild, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Because he can always feel that in those dark corners, or in the dark compartment behind the wall, there are always pairs of eyes peeping at him.

Coupled with the intricate maze and various organs and traps, it is quite a face to be willing to take a huge risk to walk in.

After Zuo Si returned to the hotel under the leadership of a thief, Epke stroked his fat chin and asked, "Iron cage and rats? Courant, what do you think Lord South is going to do?"

"Sorry, sir, I don't know.

However, I have heard people say that those rat people have some ability to control and communicate with rats.

Maybe Lord Sous wants to use this to poison.

Just like he used purified ricin to silently bring down more than two hundred ferocious pirates. "

The middle-aged mage carefully expressed his guess.

Because he couldn't think of any use for catching so many rats other than poisoning them.

"Well, that makes sense.

It seems that this Lord South is not only a powerful necromancer, but also a master of poison.

I just don't know what poison he will use this time.


We can spend money to buy some to smear on the crossbow bolts to achieve better killing effect. "

Epke was obviously moved.

Using poison is as common as eating and drinking for the Thieves Guild.

But the problem is that refining and making poison requires a lot of professional knowledge, which is definitely not something that anyone can do.

And many poisons extracted from plants and animals are very difficult to preserve.

It is often just placed for a period of time, and it will deteriorate and break before it is used.

Therefore, a bottle of the highest quality poison that can kill a person within a few seconds can even be sold for 1000 to 2000 gold coins on the black market.

Ordinary non-lethal poisons cost at least 200 to 300 gold coins for a small bottle.

Courant nodded in agreement: "Good idea.

Take the Amn steel crossbow we got this time, and those armor-piercing arrows with amazing penetrating power.

If we apply the poison again, no one should be our opponent in a frontal battle.

The ratmen in the sewers are still a serious threat though, and we need to get rid of them before we go to war. "

"On this point, let's wait until Bernice comes back.

I'm curious.

Those rat people who are usually cautious and timid, why did they make such a big commotion this time. "

When he said these words, Epke's eyes shone with a deep light, which was completely different from his usual smiling expression.


On the other side, Zuo Si, who had just walked near the "Happy Time" hotel, saw at a glance those werewolf children still gathered at the door of the hotel, confronting the waiter and the boss with sticks and kitchen knives.

Although no physical confrontation broke out between the two sides, the tense atmosphere could be felt from afar.

"It's late at night, don't you all need to sleep?"

Zuo Si broke this meaningless confrontation and mutual suspicion with a half-joking tone.

"Thank God, you are finally back."

The hotel owner was obviously relieved, and waved his hand to signal the employees to put away their weapons. He rushed over in three steps and two steps, and complained with a mournful face: "Your Excellency South, please drive away these little wolf cubs quickly. With them Now, how will I do business in the future."

"Are you sure you really want to drive them away? Leader Epke gave them a reward of 600 gold coins." As he spoke, Zuo Si shook the slightly heavy leather money bag in his hand.


A burst of clear and crisp sound echoed in everyone's ears.

"Six...six hundred gold coins?!"

The innkeeper's eyes lit up instantly, and he performed a face-changing skill on the spot, and immediately squeezed out a hypocritical smile and said: "For the sake of you and Chief Epke, I will reluctantly let these little guys live for a while. After all, they just lost their home and loved ones, so it looks pitiful."

"Are you sure? You know they are all werewolves, they will transform on the night of the full moon and become beasts without any reason. If it's too much, forget it, I'll find another hotel." Zuo Si deliberately pretended to be hesitant look.

"No! No! No! Not at all embarrassing."

The boss hurriedly waved his hands desperately.

"You know, I'm the most loving person, the one who likes children the most.

Let them live in my shop and never be bullied by anyone.

As for the issue of losing my mind on a full moon night.

I'll go to the blacksmith's to order a few large iron cages, and then I'll put them all in the cellar. "

"In that case, let them live in your shop."

After all, Zuo Si directly threw the money bag full of gold coins to the other party.

The latter immediately cheerfully opened his arms to catch it steadily, and took two or three steps back to stabilize his figure.

You must know that in Faerun, the weight of most standard gold coins is generally around 9.1 grams.

The weight of six hundred pieces is just over five kilograms.

If such a bag of gold coins were replaced by someone with stronger strength, it would be able to smash people's heads and blood.

But the hotel owner didn't feel heavy at all, but ran back to the first floor of the hotel immediately and fell on the counter, counting one by one.

Zuo Si ignored him, but went straight to the little werewolves, and said to the girl in charge: "Six hundred gold coins, I believe it is enough for you to live here for a long time. If you need anything, just talk to the people in the hotel Say, they'll do what you want."

"Can we not have the money and exchange it for another condition?" The girl raised her head and stared into her two big black eyes and asked.

"Oh why?"

Zuo Si became interested in the obviously precocious girl in front of her.

After all, six hundred gold coins is already an attractive enough number for most people.

Being able to refuse such a large sum of money is definitely not something that anyone can do casually.

Fang Gesi turned around and glanced at the only remaining members of his clan, and explained in a very helpless tone: "Money is of no use to us abandoned people.

Because abandoned people are not protected by law.

So serious merchants are not willing to sell us anything.

And those black market merchants who are mercenary will decide whether to conduct transactions or directly eat black according to the situation.

With our number and age, we are basically lambs waiting to be slaughtered in the eyes of black market dealers.

Not to mention the black market merchants, even the owner of this inn, without your help, would immediately swallow the gold coins and drive us away. "

After hearing this, Zuo Si immediately understood how bad and harsh the living environment of the lycanthropes in Calimport was, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face: "If the money is useless, what conditions do you want in exchange? ?”

"As the current leader of the entire clan, I hope to become your slave or servant and get your protection." As she said that, the girl solemnly knelt down.

Not only her, but the werewolf children behind her also knelt down one after another.

This sudden and strange scene, as well as the incomprehensible request, directly confused Zuo Si.

He had seen slaves desperately trying to rebel against their masters to regain their freedom, but this was the first time he had encountered slavery voluntarily.

Most importantly, why choose yourself?

Is there any other conspiracy here?

Zuo Si, who is a little bit "disciplined" in thinking, once finds that something good comes to him, he will immediately fall into a subconscious reaction of "there are always people who want to harm me".

(end of this chapter)

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