One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 49 Give Yourself A Chance

Chapter 49 Give Yourself a Chance

"Your Excellency South! It is true that abandoned people are not protected by law in Calimport.

But if they become someone's servants, they will be automatically upgraded from abandoned people to the property of the master.

However, property and servants with masters are protected by law. "

Parker, the hotel clerk, saw Zuo Si standing there for a long time without responding, so he hurried forward and whispered the mystery.

After all, on weekdays, he can often get generous tips from this young but very generous and distinguished guest.

So I am very happy to provide local customs and knowledge that the other party does not know at some point in exchange for some extra rewards.

"You mean...for abandoned people, not only is it not a bad thing to be a slave, but it actually improves their status in society in a disguised form?"

Zuo Si seemed to understand something, but she was still dumbfounded, a little unbelievable that such a strange thing could happen in the world.

It turned out that in Calimport, being a slave was not the worst and the lowest social status.

Beneath them is a class of lycanthropes called "Abandoned People".

This group of guys who spread lycanthropy and lose control and turn into beasts on a full moon night are not even qualified to be slaves.

Because what the slave owner needs is a group of obedient and obedient slaves, not a group of mad dogs that will bite the master.

Parker replied seriously: "That's right!

As long as the mark of slave status is branded on the body, when other people want to drive or even kill them, they will carefully consider the possible revenge.

Especially for a powerful spellcaster like you who can directly talk to the leader of Epke on an equal footing, ordinary people will not easily provoke you. "

"Okay, I think I understand. Thank you for your explanation." Zuo Si directly took out a gold coin and gave it to the other party.

The latter immediately caught it skillfully, bowed and thanked non-stop with a smile on his face, and all kinds of good words such as "kindness", "generosity", and "nobility" kept popping out of his mouth.

But Zuo Si ignored this boring flattery, but stared at the girl kneeling in front of him and asked: "Why me?

You must know that I am only an outsider, and I will leave Calimport soon.

If you need to find a host for yourself, isn't Epco a better choice?

At least he is the leader of the Thieves Guild, and he is quite powerful. "

"Because you are the only one who doesn't look at us with contempt or disgust.

Even gave us food.

Although the leader of Epke is a very worthy high-ranking person, he will never be regarded as a human being by us. "

Fang Gesi gave his answer without thinking.

Forced to become the leader of the clan, she knew very well that in the state of herself and these young werewolves, without the protection of a strong enough and benevolent master, it was impossible for her to survive a month in Calimport.

In fact, the two youngest children probably wouldn't see the sun tomorrow morning if they weren't lucky enough to get some food today.

As for stealing and robbing...


This is Calimport, where there are many thieves' guilds!

Almost every street has a corresponding small gang responsible for management.

Stealing right under their noses?

The lightest punishment would be to chop off a few fingers!

The more serious ones are directly beaten to death on the spot!

Only internal members of the Thieves Guild are qualified to engage in robbery, theft, smuggling and other businesses.

What's more, lycanthropes themselves have no human rights.

The opponent will only be more vicious than dealing with ordinary thieves.

Seeing that this werewolf girl who was dirty all over her body and even full of the peculiar smell of sewer identified herself, Zuo Si, who just wanted to study lycanthropy, no longer shirked, and nodded slightly: "Okay, then we Just try to get along for a while.

But the ugly words are ahead.

You must obey my orders.

Do not hurt anyone without permission.

Not to mention spreading lycanthropy. "

"No problem! You are the master, and we will naturally obey every order you give." Fangers agreed without hesitation.

"Then it's settled. Come on, I'll give you a magic mark first. Then you don't have to worry about being driven or killed when you walk in the streets and alleys."

Saying that, the middle finger and index finger of Zuo Si's right hand began to flash dark blue arcane aura.

Without saying a word, the werewolf girl who had been waiting for this moment for a long time tore off the collar of her tattered blouse, revealing her skinny chest like ribs.

next second...

A finger gleaming with arcane aura lightly touched the position between her two collarbones.


A pattern of a hand holding a card suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Obviously, this is the [Secret Imprint] in Zero Ring Magic.

Just like the name, this spell can carve personal marks and patterns visible to the naked eye or invisible anywhere.

And the pattern of the hand holding the card is Zuo Si's own secret imprint that Zuo Si came up with temporarily.

The card represents the planeswalker, and the hand represents himself.

The werewolf girl looked down at the secret imprint on her chest, and couldn't help shedding tears of excitement.

Because she knew that with this, she could lead the clan to survive without worrying about starving to death or being beaten to death.

As for the remaining little werewolves, since Zuo Si only memorized one [Secret Imprint] today, he had to wait until he re-prepared tomorrow.

After finishing all this, he immediately threw a few more gold coins to the hotel attendant Pike beside him, and ordered without looking back: "Take them to take a bath, brush their teeth, eat, and buy some clean clothes, shoes and socks for a change." superior."

"As you wish!"

Pike happily took the gold coins, and led the werewolves towards the bathhouse at the back of the hotel.

Although bathing a werewolf kid who reeks of sewerage isn't an easy job.

Because it is very likely to be accidentally scratched and bitten by these cubs and contract lycanthropy.

But considering that after buying them ordinary clothes, shoes and socks, there should be a lot left, Parker is full of motivation.

When all these people left, the soldier asked in an uncertain tone: "Master, is it really a wise choice for you to accept these dangerous little werewolves? You must know that once they are dominated by animal nature, they will immediately turn into monsters. A lunatic who can't distinguish between himself and himself."

"Don't worry, I know werewolves are dangerous.

But don't you think it would be an interesting challenge to solve the problem of lycanthropy turning people into more and more beasts?

In my opinion, lycanthropy is actually a very potential research object.

If the trouble of being easily influenced by animal nature is solved, it is simply a perfect warrior and hunter.

Besides, if those little werewolves were left alone today, they would soon die in an alley or sewer in Calimport.

Like this kind of thing, if you don't encounter it, maybe you can pretend that nothing happened.

But if you still turn a blind eye after encountering it, it means losing the most basic humanity.

After all, even many animals will help raise their own cubs who have lost their parents, not to mention us humans who have established civilization, society, morality, and values.

I have witnessed the death of many innocent people with cold eyes, and in order to survive, I will not kill myself, and I am vigilant and suspicious of everyone around me.

But now, I intend to give them a chance, and at the same time give myself a chance to regain trust between people.

If these little werewolves grow up, they will become bloodthirsty and brutal lunatics as described in the truth and rumors.

Then I will kill them with my own hands and be responsible for the choices I made today. "

After saying this, Zuo Si raised her head and glanced at the bright starry sky above her head, with a faint smile on her face, and then walked straight upstairs to her own room.

It was getting late.

As a spellcaster, he must get at least eight hours of adequate sleep every day.

Otherwise, there is no way to restore energy and mana.

(end of this chapter)

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