Chapter 50 The Crazy Ratman

Late night, for many people in Calimport, is not the time to sleep.

Just the opposite!

This is their most active and intense time of day.

Especially in the huge and complicated sewers below the city ground, hundreds of ratmen are gathering together to attack a group of kuo-tao fishmen who are also hiding in the sewers.

This is an amphibious intelligent creature with a fish-like head, a body covered with colorful fish scales, shrunken limbs and webbed fingers.

They often lurk in the sewers of some port cities, or attack and occupy small coastal fishing villages, turning them into their sphere of influence.

But today, these guys who are regarded as a huge threat and scourge by the coastal residents are experiencing a catastrophe.

Although compared to the Ratmen who only use numbers to drown their enemies, the Kou Tao Yuren have better weapons.

There is even a priest who is constantly releasing divine spells.

But after all, they were still retreating under the impact of wave after wave.

The corpses of some murlocs were even bitten all over by the frenzied ratmen, exposing scales, muscles and bones under the skin.

When the last priest of the Kuo-tao fishmen was hacked to death, the Ratmen who won the final victory immediately raised their hands and let out a creepy cheer.

The dark red blood stains on the gray fur, the flesh and blood left in the mouth and teeth all proved their madness tonight.

Undoubtedly, among the many lycanthropes, the Ratman is the one that is least known for its combat effectiveness.

But at this moment, they were uncharacteristically brutal and bloodthirsty.

As for the reason, of course it was the figure standing on the hill piled up with many Kou Tao murloc corpses.

This guy was blind in one eye, only half of his tail was left, and there was a small gap in his left ear, but his eyes were more fierce than others of the same kind. He was obviously the leader of the entire rat people group.

I saw him cut off the head of Kou Tao murloc priest with a machete, held up the bloody fish head, and said loudly: "My dear brothers and sisters!

Today we made a history!

A history like no other in Calimport!

That is to conquer every corner of the entire sewer under the guidance of the great hunting god!

Whether it was the werewolves who looked down on us, the trolls who regarded us as a source of food, or these stinky murlocs covered in scales, they all fell at our feet.

Glory to Mara!

I declare!

from now on!

The Ratmen will build our own kingdom in the sewers of Calimport!

No one can tell us what to do anymore!

And I promise this is just the beginning!

Next, I will lead you back to the ground, and let the leaders of the Thieves Guild learn to respect us with practical actions!


We will chop off their heads as a sacrifice to the Lord of the Beasts. "



"Thanks to the great God of Hunting, Mara, for her blessing!"

"From now on, the sewers belong to the kingdom of the ratmen!"

"That's right! Whoever dares to break in without permission, we will kill him!"

"The Thieves Guild of Calimport must learn to respect us!"

"Lanny! You are our king!"


All of a sudden, the surrounding Ratmen roared wildly as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Especially those guys standing in the front row, their eyes were full of admiration for the leader of the Raney Ratman.

It was precisely because of this almost fanatical atmosphere that no one noticed that there was a pair of eyes in the shadow not far away who saw everything that happened just now.

He is none other than Bernice, the master assassin under Epke.

"This group of ratmen actually fell into the arms of Mara, the god of hunting?

No wonder they suddenly became so crazy and bloodthirsty.

But who is this Lenny?

Why do I have no impression of him at all? "

Bernice muttered to himself in a voice only he could hear.

However, seeing that the group of ratmen began to pile up the bodies of the killed kuo-tao murlocs, it seemed that they were about to prepare some kind of bloody sacrifice ceremony.

He didn't dare to stay and observe anymore, but turned around and retreated towards the entrance of the sewer.

After all, no one knows whether something terrible will be summoned in this chaotic and evil god sacrifice ceremony.

If you happen to summon a creature that can see through invisibility, no matter how superb your stealth skills are, it will be exposed in an instant.

One of the most important reasons why Bernice has been able to live peacefully in Calimport until now is that he is not as curious as other thieves.


an hour later.

A circular room on the second basement floor of the Thieves Guild.

Epke was wearing a silk pajamas and sat in his own seat. After listening to Bernice's report very quietly, he kept touching his plump chin with his fingers.

After a long silence, he frowned and asked his magic advisor: "Aren't the followers of Mara, the god of hunting, usually active in forests and wildernesses where no one has ever traveled?

And I heard that this group of guys who call themselves [Black Blood People] extremely despise the Ratmen living in the city's sewers.

Why is there a ratman who believes in Mara in the sewers of Calimport?

This is simply too strange! "

"Mara is the common belief of all evil-aligned lycanthropes.

In theory, it is entirely possible for the Ratman to become a believer in this god of hunting.

However, what surprised me was that the leader of the Ratman named Lenny was so ambitious that he wanted to build an underground kingdom in the sewers.

This is an behavior that cannot be tolerated by all the thieves' guilds in Calimport. "

The middle-aged mage Courant pointed out the problem from a professional point of view.

As we all know, Calimport's sewers are a complex underground network extending in all directions.

Many thieves' guilds will use it to carry out some smuggling activities, or establish a black market stronghold to buy and sell stolen goods.

This also means that the sewers are public and no one can monopolize them.

Otherwise, it is clear that you want to be enemies of all other guilds except yourself.

"Hmph! It seems that a certain guy deliberately made a promise that he couldn't keep in order to trick these ratmen into working for himself.

But it doesn't matter!

If others can use them, so can I.

Bernice, send a letter to this Ratman leader named Lenny.

That is to say, at midnight tomorrow, I will meet him at the entrance of the sewer on South City Street. "

As expected of being the leader of the Thieves Guild, Epke saw through the essence behind the whole thing at once.

Since the Ratman has been turned into a knife under the manipulation of a caring person, why can't he become the master of the knife.

Anyway, no one intends to fulfill their promises, so they can offer a sky-high price to lure the Ratman back.

"Understood! I'll deliver the letter."

The assassin fled into the shadows again, and left quietly.

After he walked away, Epke continued to ask: "Couran, how many mice have you caught so far, Lord Sousse asked us to prepare?"

"Probably over two thousand. You know, it's a tough thing to catch.

And when the number reaches a certain level, they will kill each other and eat the corpses of the same kind.

Our people have to separate them one by one in cages with wire, and feed them some food and water every once in a while. "

As soon as these mice were mentioned, the middle-aged mage immediately couldn't help complaining.

Now when he thinks of those densely packed mice in the cage, he can't help getting goose bumps all over his body.

"Hahahaha! I am more and more looking forward to what kind of tricks Lord Sousse will use these mice. You know, I have always been very interested in magic, but I lack the talent in this area..."

(end of this chapter)

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