One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 5 "The Rapture Of A Capitalist"

Chapter 5 "The Rapture of a Capitalist"

Two brand new cards greatly eased the dilemma of being unable to cast spells for this special class of creators.

And it also increased the number of cards held to 15.

Excluding auxiliary types such as mimics and mind libraries that cannot play a role in battle, there are only eight that can really be used to fight the enemy.

Among them, there are three creature cards and five magic cards.

Two of them were secretly created by Zuo Si based on what he learned in this world and avoiding everyone.

Of course, in addition to the card system of the planeswalker class, he also made some magic items, potions, and wonders by using the characteristics of the creator class.

Coupled with the magic scrolls saved on weekdays, and the good things stripped from the corpses of the dead after the plague broke out, it should be enough in theory.

Just when Zuo Si was considering using the [Refining] ability to absorb energy from some less-useful magic items to replenish the empty mana pool, those wandering undead creatures on the streets outside the tower suddenly became There was a commotion.

Those zombies and skeletons that attacked the living only by the instinct of undead creatures suddenly roared towards the tower as if they were stimulated, and began to gather at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the ghouls who have language ability and certain wisdom in life, they even stared at Zuo Si standing on the windowsill with bright eyes, which made people feel a sense of horror involuntarily.

In addition, ghosts evolved from ghouls, ghosts born from souls, and other dangerous undead creatures that did not show their faces could be vaguely seen in the shadows of the street.

Undoubtedly, these undead creatures were all attracted by the huge movement caused by the creation of the land cards just now.

Fortunately, due to the outbreak of the plague and the death of people in large numbers, it took less than two months.

Therefore, some powerful spellcasters, warriors, knights, monsters, and magical creatures who died have not yet had time to transform into more advanced necromantic forms.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this place will really become a kingdom of the dead.

"Hey! I knew something was going to happen."

Realizing that these undead creatures were planning to gather to attack the tower, Zuo Si finally couldn't hold back any longer.

Since he does not have control over the tower, there is nothing he can do about the undead roaring like a tide.

We can only wait for the tower's passive defense system to activate by itself.

Moreover, with the magical energy stored in a mage tower, it may be possible to release lightning, fireballs, ice cones, and positive energy spells to kill a large number of undead creatures.

But once the energy is exhausted, the remaining undead will burst through the sealed entrance and rush in to kill every living thing they encounter.

This scene has been staged more than once by survivors in other towers.

So Zuo Si is quite aware of the dangers and predicaments he is facing right now.

I can't wait any longer.

Otherwise it is a dead end.

Damn it!

The task of rewarding three chances to draw cards is really not so easy to complete.

Just when he was thinking repeatedly and checking whether there were fatal loopholes in his escape plan, a group of about 30 zombies of different sizes and a team of six ghouls finally rushed to the entrance and triggered Vigilance runes placed around it.

next second...

The already dim top of the tower suddenly released a dazzling blue light.

Before the undead approached the sealed gate, a chain of lightning fell from the sky.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Dazzling silver lightning kept jumping among the undead creatures.

The body of every hit target would instantly turn black, and then fall uncontrollably on his back to the ground, emitting black smoke and a pungent burnt smell.

Just one hit!

Just one ghoul and several zombies were killed.

Immediately afterwards, a series of fireballs the size of a washbasin followed.

Constantly exploded in the most densely populated place of undead.

Deafening explosions and scalding flames engulfed everything.

When the magic flame disappeared, all the undead within 20 meters near the entrance in front of the tower were cleared away.

The powerful defensive ability of the mage tower is fully displayed at this moment.

As for Zuo Si, who stood on the top to watch the show, took the opportunity to absorb the negative energy emitted by some undead creatures after they were killed, and put it into the mana pool for use as black mana.

At the same time, he conveniently destroyed two magic items, refining about 30 general mana points for emergency needs.

Seeing that the undead couldn't come in for a while, he didn't care to stay where he was to take advantage of it, but immediately ran towards his own room on the east side of the third floor without looking back.

Walking on two short legs through the narrow passages and corridors, as well as the empty workshop and the library full of bookshelves, Zuo Si quickly came to the dormitory where the apprentices lived.

But it is different from most ordinary apprentices.

His room is not the kind of common room that is so crowded that only four beds, two tables, and a few chairs can be accommodated, but an independent bedroom located on the innermost side.

When the door was pushed open, the first thing that came into view was two undead creatures who were bound and fixed on the shelf and assembled from various incomplete corpse parts, riding on a device without wheels, which was very similar in structure to a bicycle. .

They pedaled non-stop day and night, and the transmission chain drove the rotating shaft below to rotate crazily, making a buzzing noise.

On the rotating shaft, a large number of copper coils are densely and regularly wound.

Two huge ring magnets are placed around the coil.

Anyone who has studied physics in junior high school can see at a glance that this is a primitive generator with a simple structure.

The copper wire at the end is connected to a cylindrical crystal about half a meter long and about the same thickness as a water cup.

Through the slightly cloudy outer wall, one can clearly see the silver lightning flashing inside.

Obviously, the function of this device is to store the electricity generated by the generator in the form of pure energy.

Simply put, it is a product that combines technology and magic.

Except for the cylindrical crystal memory, which is a miracle made by magic, the rest uses 100% electromagnetic induction principle.

As for the power source for power generation, it is naturally two low-level undead driven by negative energy.

Because in the magical world, there is no so-called "energy conservation" at all.

Therefore, it is only necessary to add a little negative energy to the two undead every once in a while, and the energy will output electricity continuously.

Zuo Si even gave this installation a meaningful name - "Ecstasy of Capitalists".

He can guarantee that if the capitalists on earth see the undead creatures in the magical world, their first reaction is definitely not to be afraid, but to jump up excitedly, shouting that this is the labor force I need.

No need to rest!

No need to breathe!

No need to eat or drink!

No need to fall in love and reproduce!

Not afraid of the erosion of toxic substances!

No need to pay any compensation!

As long as there is a little negative energy, these "little cuties" will continue to produce value like a perpetual motion machine.

What nine nine six, zero zero seven...

Even slaves have to stand aside in front of undead creatures that can work 24 hours a day.

By that time, the necromancer, who can resurrect corpses and control the undead, will definitely be the most popular profession in the world.

Maybe the value of a dead body will surpass that of a living person...

Walking to the side of the cylindrical crystal connected by the copper wire, Zuo Si carefully disconnected the connection with an insulating tool, took off the device for storing electrical energy, and fixed it on his left belt.

In addition to storing the electrical energy generated by the generator, this strange object can also release it in the form of lightning when needed.

Under normal circumstances, it can release thirty lightning bolts of normal power, or one lightning bolt of astonishing power, to a target no more than ten meters away.

The former belongs to causing stable damage.

The latter is equivalent to releasing all the power in one brain.

The power depends on the remaining amount of power inside the strange object.

(end of this chapter)

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