Chapter 53 Negotiation

At midnight, Calimport, which was noisy during the day, has gradually become quiet.

Except for a very small number of stores engaged in "special service industries", most of them have closed their doors.

Only in some 24-hour taverns and hotels near the pier, the noise of drunk sailors can still be faintly heard.

Zuo Si was standing at the entrance of the sewer on South City Street at the moment, wearing a gray cloak and covering his face with a hood, looking at the surrounding environment with great interest.

Since it was the first time he came out at night, he was particularly interested in the unknown side of the city.

Because unlike during the day, at least there are guards to maintain order, Calimport at night is completely dominated and ruled by the Thieves Guild.

During this time period, some thieves handed over all the money bags and stolen goods they stole during the day to their guilds.

And those women who stand on the street wearing revealing clothes to attract customers will also give part of their income to the thieves patrolling the street in exchange for their protection.

When there is a delirious drunk who wants to "fight hard", "whoring for nothing", or other dangerous situations.

The members of the guild will come forward to teach this idiot who doesn't know the rules a lesson, and ask him to pay at least five to ten times the fine as compensation.

The small boats smuggled near the wharf went ashore one after another in an inconspicuous corner, and carried boxes of goods to designated warehouses.

In short, Calimport at night and daytime seem to be two completely different worlds.

The former gives people a strange, eerie and mysterious feeling that cannot be described in words.

"It's almost time. Come on, let's go down and meet this rat man named Lenny."

With that said, Epke, surrounded by several bodyguards, slowly walked into the damp, dark, and foul-smelling sewer.

Courant, the magic advisor, and Bernice, the master assassin, followed closely behind.

Behind the two of them were more than 20 strong men who carefully carried the iron cage.

Each iron cage was covered with a black cloth, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Zuo Si walked at the back with the soldiers.

When passing through the narrow and steep entrance, the field of vision in front of him suddenly became much wider.

Different from the low and narrow situation as imagined, the height of the sewer is unexpectedly more than three meters, and the width is enough to accommodate four people passing side by side.

No wonder there are all kinds of bandits and monsters entrenched in the sewers of many big cities in Faerun.

This living condition is much better than those haphazardly built shacks in the slums.

Of course, the premise is to be able to endure the pungent smell of domestic garbage and waste water, as well as dangerous "neighbors" that may kill you at any time.

Probably out of the consideration of protecting the safety of the residents near the sewer entrance, there is a row of rusty iron fences leading deeper, and the only door available for entry and exit is also locked by a thick iron chain.

That is to say, in this meeting, the two parties need to talk through the iron fence, so as to prevent the ratmen from becoming angry after the conversation collapsed and killing people.

"It seems that everything has been arranged properly."

Zuo Si glanced at the bald and fat man not far away, and her evaluation of Apke in her heart went up several notches.

Because this guy is not like other thieves guild leaders who are keen to show their power and power through violence, blood and killing.

Instead, they will consider their own safety first, and then how to quickly and quietly eradicate the enemy.

Before the leader of the Ratmen arrived, twenty strong men quickly put down the cage covered with black cloth near the iron fence, and opened the door of the cage lightly.


There was an eerie commotion inside.

But soon, the restlessness disappeared and was replaced by an intensely disturbing silence.

After a while, the sound of boots stepping on the sewage gradually approached from far away.

After about two or three minutes, a group of ratmen covered in gray fur finally appeared on the other side of the iron fence.

There were a lot of them, at least several hundred of them, densely packed along the tunnel until it was completely shrouded in darkness.

Those eyes that glowed in the dark made anyone feel goosebumps when they saw them.

The leader of the Ratman, who was blind in one eye, walked to a place less than half a meter away from the iron fence, and asked bluntly, "Are you Epke? The leader of the Thieves Guild who controls most of the dock area?"

"That's right! It's me. I'm glad you accepted my invitation to negotiate, Lenny." The bald fat man responded with a smile.

Not only that!

He also deliberately named the other party to show off his intelligence capabilities.

"You know my name?!"

The leader of the Ratmen, known as Lenny, was visibly stunned.

Apke nodded without thinking: "Of course!

Not only do I know your name, but I also know that you are a follower of Mara, the god of the hunt, who wants to make Calimport's sewers his own.

Let's skip these boring trial stages and get straight to the point.

Tell me who is behind your back.

Whatever he promises you, I'm willing to pay double.

But the premise is that you will serve me in the upcoming guild war. "

"How do you know that other thieves' guilds must be supporting me? Couldn't it be other forces in Calimport?" the Ratman leader asked calmly.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Do you think I'm a fool?

In this city, besides the Thieves Guild, who else would deal with lycanthropes, especially you ratmen?

Those aristocrats?

Or the priests and paladins of the major temples?

Or mages and warlocks living in towers?

Do not!

They don't care what happens in the dirty sewers.

Only a leader of the Thieves Guild like me would pay attention to the changes coming from below the ground. "

When he said these words, Epke was full of aura, showing his strong side for the first time.

In this way, he hoped to subdue the ambitious Ratman leader in front of him.

If not, at least he must figure out who his main enemy in this guild war is.

The Ratman leader was silent for a while, and finally a sarcastic smile appeared on his furry face, and he refused in a rather regretful tone: "Sorry, I don't think we have anything to talk about. Because what I want, you Can't give it to me at all."

"Oh? If you don't tell me, how do you know I can't give it? What's more, if you really feel that I can't give you what you want, why do you still accept the invitation?" Epke asked in confusion.

Perhaps realizing that this negotiation would not lead to any good results, he gestured to everyone behind him, including Zuo Si, with very subtle movements.

next second...

Several bodyguards holding shields moved forward a little, planning to rush up to block the crossbow shooting from the opposite side when they were ready to attack.

Assassin Bernice already had one hand on the crossbow, pulling the trigger to shoot deadly poisoned arrows.

The magic consultant Courant also put his fingers into the spell-casting material bag at his waist, and was about to chant a spell to release an amazingly powerful spell.

As for Zuo Si, he had already focused his attention on those iron cages covered with black cloth.

You can release those "cute" little things inside at any time, and give these rat people a big surprise.

It can be said that everyone has entered into a fighting state, waiting for an order to open fire and kill the Ratman leader on the other side of the iron fence.

(end of this chapter)

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