One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 54 Magic Requires A Little Imagination And Creativity

Chapter 54 Magic requires a little imagination and creativity

Ratman leader Lenny took two steps forward slowly, stretched out two furry claws to grab the iron gate, and opened his mouth to reveal two sharp front teeth.

"The reason why I accepted the invitation...of course is to find a chance to kill you!"

The voice has not yet fallen!

With a sudden force with both hands, he broke the two iron rods that were as thick as big toes with a bang.


There was a gap in the iron fence that originally perfectly separated the two sides.

"Damn! That guy tampered with the fence ahead of time!"

As expected of a top assassin, Bernice saw the sawn marks on the broken part of the iron fence at a glance.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately raised his hand and aimed at the leader of the Ratman and shot a poisoned arrow, then pulled out the two sharp weapons at his waist, and rushed forward to block the gap.

But it's a pity that Laney was clearly prepared, and easily dodged by relying on the Ratman's natural agility and reaction speed.

But the other Ratman behind him was not so lucky.

He was shot into the eyes by a poisoned arrow on the spot, and after a scream, he fell to the ground on his back, twitching unwillingly and swallowing his last breath.

"Go! Kill them all!"

The Ratman leader didn't even look at the unlucky guy who was shot and killed by the poisoned crossbow, and directly gave the order to charge.

His purpose is very simple, that is to get rid of Epke here tonight.

With an order, hundreds of Ratmen rushed towards the gap in the iron fence like a tide, brandishing their weapons.

The vast number, as well as the madness and bloodthirsty flickering in the eyes, immediately made the Thieves Guild feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Several bodyguards holding shields immediately cooperated with the assassin Bernice, trying to block the swarming enemies.

Seeing this scene, Epke felt his scalp go numb, and immediately turned around and shouted at Zuo Si: "Your Excellency South! It's all up to you now! Please help me get rid of this dangerous lunatic!"

"Don't worry! The show is about to begin."

Zuo Si winked at the magic advisor Courant beside him, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.


In an instant!

Dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the fingertips, and everyone who saw this white light couldn't help crying out in pain, and subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands.

Since most of the people in the Thieves Guild had their backs facing the sudden flash of light, they were not too seriously affected.

But those Ratmen who attacked against the flash were blinded by more than half of them immediately.

The eyes of the two thieves were all gray at the moment, and they couldn't see anything at all.


A zero-ring trick with negligible cost can create a bright and dazzling glare for an instant.

But when it is released suddenly in such a dark environment, it will definitely make the person who sees it temporarily blind.

Taking advantage of the short-term blindness of the opponent, the bodyguards and assassins immediately killed those ratmen who subconsciously avoided the bright light.

In the blink of an eye, four or five big mice fell into a pool of blood.

When the other ratmen recovered their eyesight, Courant also finished chanting the magic spell, raised his hand and released the second-ring magic [Spider Web Technique] towards the other side of the fence.

I saw a small group of soft spider silk flying through the gap in the middle of the iron fence, and directly spread out in the densest passage of the large area of ​​ratmen behind.

Dozens of ratmen, including the leader Lanny, were instantly trapped in place by a large sticky and tough spider web.

Its coverage reaches an astonishing twelve meters in diameter.

After finishing casting the spell, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the magician, and he said to Zuo Si: "Your Excellency, please start your performance."

"Then I won't be polite."

Talking skills!

Zuo Si grabbed a handful of earth from the tomb where the dead were buried and sprinkled it into the air, while raising his hands doing complex spell-casting movements and began to chant spells.

Under the guidance of the magic spell, the finely divided soil quickly flew through the gap in the middle of the fence and spread deep into the sewer.

When the soil fell on the ratmen, the iron cages covered with black cloth finally revealed their terrifying true colors.

Before the rat people could react to what happened, a large number of rats rushed out of the cage.

Since the ratmen have the ability to communicate with rats and even manipulate them, a few daredevils try to control the apparently out-of-control rats.

But the next second...

The Ratmen realized how wrong they were.

Because these mice are not alive at all!

It's a group of rat zombies that were resurrected after death!

"AH!!!! Damn! These mouse zombies are biting me!"

"Hack them! Hack them!"

"Idiot! Don't bother with those mouse zombies! Kill Epke first! As long as he dies, the entire pier will become our hunting ground!"


All of a sudden, a large number of zombie rats caused a lot of trouble to hundreds of ratmen.

Especially the leader Lenny, who just broke free from the spider web, took the lead in grabbing a zombie mouse, and slashed at it with the weapon in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he realized what a huge mistake he had made.

When the sharp blade cut off the zombie mouse in half, a creepy dark red light burst out of the body!

The corpse that was broken into two pieces exploded directly!


The astonishing negative energy quickly spread to all directions, causing irreparable damage to all living creatures within a radius of one meter.

Lenny didn't have time to dodge, his lower body was immediately impacted by negative energy, his legs went limp, he couldn't stand still, he fell to the ground with a plop, and was once again trapped by the sticky and tough spider web.

Not only him!

The other ratmen who tried to kill the zombie rats also suffered damage from negative energy explosions, and some of the severe ones froze to death not long after.

Of the hundreds of Ratmen in the sewer, more than half of them were killed or injured in just a few minutes.

The rest were either frightened and turned around and ran away, or were injured and fell to the ground, unable to run fast, and were eaten alive to death by zombie rats swarming up.

The creepy picture and the sound of gnawing made everyone in the Thieves Guild feel goosebumps.


This is the gift that Zuo Si prepared for the rat people.

And he himself gained a lot of mana through this merciless killing.

Not only did it directly increase the mage level from LV1 to LV2, but all the extra parts were added to the planeswalker profession.

Looking at the purgatory-like scene in front of him, Courant, who is also a spellcaster, suddenly showed an extremely shocked expression, and then bowed deeply with one hand on his chest.

"An impressive performance!

Your attainments in necromancy magic are indeed far beyond the limits of what I can imagine.

Kill rats to resurrect as zombies and use their bodies as negative energy carriers before manipulating them to charge at enemies.

This is simply a wild imagination!

When the enemy tries to kill the zombie rats, the negative energy in their bodies will instantly explode and cause range damage.

If used correctly, it can even destroy an army with just one man.

Moreover, zombie rats are very easy to control due to their small size, even a first-level mage or warlock can easily control a dozen or twenty.

Even without using magic rituals to guide, amazing results can often be achieved.

Your Excellency South, please allow me to express my sincerest admiration to you as an arcane spellcaster. "

Zuo Si shook his head with a smile, and responded very modestly: "No! You should not admire me, but my teacher.

This skill and magic ritual of using zombie mice to make negative energy bombs is the result of my learning from him and repeated research and improvement.

In addition, he also said a word when imparting these magical knowledge, I will give it to you now. "

"Oh? What are you talking about!" Courant's eyes widened excitedly.

"He said that using magic requires not only knowledge and technology, but also a little imagination and creativity..."

(end of this chapter)

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