One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 59 Distance Has Never Been An Obstacle To Cooperation

Chapter 59 Distance has never been an obstacle to cooperation

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

With the arc bouncing in the air and making a piercing sound, the energy storage device quickly absorbed a large amount of electrical energy.

This simple and crude charging method almost choked Zuo Si who was drinking tea.

Good guy!

The starting hand is the six-ring magic [serial lightning].

If calculated according to the level of spellcasting, the businesswoman is at least a powerful sorcerer at level 12.

No wonder they are able to get along like ducks in water in a place like Calimport.

And the advantage that warlocks have over mages is that they rely on the power of blood to cast spells.

Neither preparation nor study is required.

And the number of spells released every day is far more than that of mages.

The only drawback is that the number of spells to master is very small, and it's not like "playing a game" at all, where you can have a list of spells for you to choose from.

The spells that can be learned are completely random, or follow the blood talent.

Released three amazingly powerful [Serial Lightning] in one breath, Aisha walked up to check the status of the energy storage devices one by one.

When she found the silver lightning flashing in the cylindrical crystal, she immediately nodded in satisfaction: "Great! Perfect quality! It seems that you do have talents and skills that others cannot match in alchemy and magic. Maybe we Join forces to form a long-term partnership, so that untold wealth can be made very quickly."

"Long-term partnership? Sorry, I don't plan to stay in Calimport for too long."

Zuo Si shook his head and rejected this tempting proposal without hesitation.

On the one hand, he really doesn't like Calimport, a huge city full of conspiracy, betrayal and chaos, and he doesn't want to settle here for a long time.

Because personal and property safety cannot be guaranteed at all.

On the other hand, although Calimport has a large number of spellcasters, there is no unified organization for management.

Most of the casters have their own small circles, and occasionally get together to exchange knowledge and experience, basically they will not accept outsiders to join.

You must know that even Amn, who is extremely resistant to magical powers, has a masked mage guild at any rate.

Not to mention Candlekeep, the largest library in the Sword Coast that preserves a large number of books, and Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City, where there are many high-level mages, legendary mages, and goddesses of magic.

Therefore, Calimport has never been a place suitable for study and research, but instead resembles a paradise for speculators and careerists.

But Aisha spread her hands indifferently: "Don't plan to settle in Calimport? It doesn't matter.

Distance has never been an obstacle to cooperation.

Especially since you and I are both spellcasters who wield arcane powers.

I'm patient enough to wait for you to settle somewhere, and then trade by teleporting magic.

After all, there are not many magic item makers in this world with unique skills and craftsmanship like you. "

"It's an honor to be valued by a magic item dealer like you.

If you don't mind, can I use your alchemy lab later?

I want to do research on lycanthropy. "

Zuo Si took the opportunity to make a request.

Since he had obtained a lot of ratman and werewolf blood, he couldn't wait to find out what was working on this disease that could turn people into beasts.

Whether it is possible to provide relief and healing through spells, potions and wearing magic items...

"Last beast?!"

Aisha froze for a moment, then asked in a tone that was not suitable for understanding: "Why are you interested in this? As far as I know, only those druids who advocate natural balance would want to control and cure lycanthropy .”

Zuo Si replied with a smile: "I recently took in a group of little werewolves who escaped from the sewer, and I want to try to see if I can solve the problem of their wild behavior on the night of the full moon. What do you have about this?" Any better suggestions?"

"I do know a druid master shapeshifter. He has a lot of research on lycanthropy and werewolves. But you should know that knowledge is never invaluable."

While saying these words, the corners of Aisha's mouth turned up slightly uncontrollably, as if she heard the sound of gold coins clinking in her ears.

As a warlock with the blood of a giant spirit, she does not fear and reject werewolves like ordinary residents of Calimport.

I even know that if you are bitten by a lycanthropist, as long as you take belladonna within a certain period of time, you can avoid being infected.

In fact, in a place like Calimport, not to mention accepting a few little werewolves as servants or slaves, in the "special service places" run by some spellcasters, you can occasionally see the figure of a "deformed monster" controlled by slaves .

Because the "transformer" can change into anyone's appearance, and can satisfy the dirty psychology and dark desires of some rich people who are unknown.

Just imagine, when a queen, princess, or "Seven Sisters of the Northland" who possesses powerful magic goddess voters appears in a small dark room in sexy and revealing clothes, how much it can bring to consumers Stimulate?

How much is the latter willing to pay for this value-added service?

"How much does it cost to get this knowledge?"

Zuo Si straightforwardly put on the appearance of preparing to be slaughtered.

"I think 3000 gold coins is a reasonable price, what do you think?"

After a little thought, the businesswoman offered a price that she thought was very profitable.

According to her estimation, she should be able to buy knowledge about werewolves and lycanthropy from the Druid Transformation Master for only about 1,000 gold coins.

The remaining 2000 gold coin price difference is basically net profit.


Zuo Si agreed straightforwardly without trying to bargain.

After all, the part of free whoring before has far exceeded this value by many times, so there is no need to worry about this kind of "small money".

Especially the extra 2,000 points of universal mana drawn from the mage tower's energy reserves allowed him to raise the mage's professional level from LV2 to LV3.

Not only is it eligible to start touching the deeper magic net, but it also gets two additional second-ring spell slots.

At this rate, it won't be long before the mage level can be raised to LV5 as he wishes.

Of course, having enough spellcasting levels and spell slots is one thing, and learning and mastering complex magic is another.

Like the spell itself and various spell-casting skills and specialties, it takes time and energy to learn and understand bit by bit.

"Deal! Then it's settled.

It just so happened that the master druid was among the first orders.

I'm going to deliver the goods now, you just stay and wait for a while.

If you want to eat something, drink something, or use the workshop or alchemy equipment, just tell the golem directly.

As for the materials that may be used...

You can credit it first and deduct it from the share later. "

After all, Aisha stuffed all six energy storage devices into a cloth bag, and then cast at least five rings of teleportation magic on the spot, disappearing from the spot without a trace.

Apparently, not all of her clients lived in Calimport.

Some may even live in forests, mountains, or other towns tens or even hundreds of kilometers away.

Zuo Si sat in the hall on the first floor and drank two cups of mint tea calmly. After a short rest, she relaxed her mind and then plunged into the room where the alchemy equipment was placed.

After spending a little time figuring out the differences and functions of the alchemy equipment in the two worlds, he quickly took out the blood of the Rat Man and the Werewolf to start experiments.

With rich experience in researching necromancy magic, curses and diseases, it didn't take long for Zuo Si to find something unusual in the blood...

(end of this chapter)

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