Chapter 60 Extravagance

"It's unbelievable! The blood of the lycanthropy actually contains such an astonishing magical power of transformation! And it has both blessing and curse effects at the same time, just like a beautiful work of art formed by the interweaving of light and darkness."

Seeing the radiance of the blood in the test tube in her hand, Zuo Si couldn't help admiring.

Obviously, the blessed part endowed these lycanthropes with a powerful transformation ability.

The part of the curse makes them very easy to lose their minds and succumb to animal nature, and at the same time has the power to infect other people with lycanthropy through biting.

In other words, if you want to alleviate and treat lycanthropy, the key is to start with the curse.

No wonder there is a legend about the origin of lycanthropy in Faerûn.

It is said that the first lycanthropy in the world was actually a gift and blessing from Su Lun, the goddess of the moon, to those children who were abandoned in the wild.

But later Mara, the god of hunting, felt that the lycanthropes were very suitable for spreading his teachings, so he cast a curse on the lycanthropes, which caused the lycanthropes to be more and more influenced by animal nature, until they slowly evolved into what they are now.

Because this curse has been deeply bound to the body and even the soul, ordinary magic and magic such as [relieve the curse] and [cure the disease] will definitely not be effective.

The only solution at present is to use a stronger force for hedging.

By breaking the continuity of the curse, the lycanthropy can avoid losing his mind on a full moon night and completely degenerate into a beast that his six relatives do not recognize.

Of course, this is not an easy task.

After all, whether it is a blessing or a curse, the amazing power contained in it temporarily exceeds the limit of Zuo Si's ability.

At this moment, he was really looking forward to what kind of knowledge and technology the businesswoman could get from the master druid to solve the problem of lycanthropy.

You must know that in Faerun, some druid masters of transformation can use the power of nature to perfectly control lycanthropy. Even if they transform into werewolves, they don't have to worry about losing their minds and turning into bloodthirsty and brutal beasts.


At the same time, Aisha, who had just traveled to five places to complete the delivery, came to the last customer's residence with the dimensional bag in her hand contentedly.

As a magic item trader, she has always pursued a strategy that ordinary traders cannot understand.

That is to try not to keep too much gold and silver currency.

Instead, replace it with something that holds more value and has something to do with magic.

So in the dimension bag at this moment, in addition to a large number of gold coins, there are also scrolls, potions, books, notes, magic items and materials purchased from customers.

Not only that!

Aisha also plans to at least double the purchase price of these items and sell them to Zuo Si.

What is a win-win situation?

A win-win is to win twice!

Most importantly, she has sold the previous five energy storage devices for an outrageous price ranging from 30,000 to 35,000 gold coins.


You read that right!

When this sorceress buys and sells magic items, she doesn't set a uniform price, but depends on the people who order them.

If she meets someone who is knowledgeable, she will offer a relatively reasonable price, but there will always be a profit margin.

But if you meet someone who doesn't know how to take advantage of you, you will definitely kill him severely.

As the saying goes, there is no profit without business.

Especially the transaction of magic items, which cost thousands or tens of thousands of gold coins, is impossible without some tricks.

With an extremely happy mood, Aisha raised her hand and knocked on the door of this luxurious house even in Calimport.

Soon, the human slave who heard the knock on the door ran out to open the door and bowed respectfully: "Good evening, honorable Ms. Aisha. The master has prepared a banquet and has been waiting for you in the reception room for a long time."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and lead the way. I happen to be hungry too."

The businesswoman had obviously been here more than once, and she walked directly into the yard full of expensive plants and flowers.

Led by two slaves, she quickly arrived at her destination.

This is the second floor of the main building of the whole house.

In the huge space of more than 500 square meters, it is densely filled with various paintings, sculptures, handicrafts and other decorations.

Whether it's the large area of ​​exquisite reliefs on the walls, or the expensive magic chandeliers surrounding the head, all without exception bring out the extreme wealth of the owner.

In addition, there are as many as ten servants in charge of serving in the living room alone, and the number of slaves is as high as thirty.

Ordinary people probably have never even heard of the delicacies on the table.

Several dishes cost more than 100 gold coins just for the raw materials.

Obviously, this is the truest portrayal of the homes of the upper nobles and wealthy merchants of Calimport.

Some scholars once commented that they are the most enjoyable group in the entire Faerun continent, and they are also the most extravagant group.

"You are welcome, my friend. Hope you brought what I ordered today."

The middle-aged man sitting on the main seat opened his arms and greeted first.

"Of course! It's here."

Elsa bluntly handed over the energy storage device in her hand to a servant, then sat down generously, and began to taste the delicacies carefully prepared by the chef on the table.

He didn't even forget to ask the slave standing next to him to pour himself wine.

But the master obviously didn't care about it.

In other words, all his attention was attracted by the cylindrical energy storage device, and he took it directly from the servant, held it in his hand for a long time, and then raised his head and asked, "How does this thing work?"

"It's very simple! If it's charging, find someone to release a lightning spell, or erect a metal antenna on the roof during a thunderstorm, and connect the end to the energy storage device. If it's releasing, point one of the ends at the target , and then activate the raised button on the top. A light press releases a bolt of lightning, and a long press releases all the electricity inside in one breath."

While eating, the businesswoman explained the operation method in full.

"it is this?"

The middle-aged man stared curiously at the bulge on the side of the cylinder, then pointed at the slave not far away and pressed it down.

next second...


The slave fell to the ground in response, and before he could even scream, he turned into a charred black corpse.

"Hahahaha! Interesting! So much fun!"

Seeing a living person die in front of him, the middle-aged man not only didn't feel nervous or flustered, but laughed happily.

Immediately afterwards, like a child who just got a new toy, he released lightning in one breath and killed six slaves in the reception room. He didn't put it on the table in front of him until the power in the energy storage device was exhausted. superior.

"Unbelievable! This is the first time I've seen a device that allows people who don't know magic at all to release astonishingly powerful lightning like a spellcaster. I want this thing!"

Aisha was obviously used to this attitude of treating slaves as inappropriate people. She took a sip of the chilled wine from her glass and said bluntly, "35,000 gold coins!"

"Yes! At this price, I want to order five more." The middle-aged man agreed without even thinking about it. "But I have a condition, that is, I want to meet the creator himself."

"Meet the maker himself?"

Elsa instantly became vigilant.

Because she doesn't want Zuo Si's cash cow to be targeted or poached away by others.

The middle-aged man saw the worry of the businesswoman, and immediately smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, I won't take away your supply. I just want to meet this genius and see if he can help me solve the problem. A problem."

Aisha lowered her head and sank for a moment, before finally responding: "If that's the case, it's not impossible. But I'm only responsible for bringing the message, whether he comes or not is none of my business."

"No problem. It's settled."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, signaling the servants to drag away the dead slave's body and dispose of it.

It seemed to him that killing a few slaves was like killing a few birds with a slingshot.

And when those slaves saw their own kind being killed by their masters, they didn't show any sadness, fear or hatred in their eyes, only deep awe, obedience and numbness.

(end of this chapter)

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