One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 66 Death Is Not Your Enemy, Eternity Is

Chapter 66 Death is not your enemy, eternity is

What else in the world is more infuriating than being defeated and captured, and needing to pay a sky-high ransom to the opponent?

The answer, of course, is that he was betrayed by his most trusted subordinates when he needed a large sum of money to redeem his freedom!

Especially a guy like "Blood Hand" Hallett who takes pleasure in playing with other people's emotions and hearts, how can he bear the fact that his subordinates who are regarded as "tools" want to kill him, and then swallow the huge wealth accumulated over the years? kind of thing.

After venting wildly for a few minutes, he slowly raised his head and stared into his bloodshot eyes and said, "I think we need to talk! Muck must pay for his betrayal! The price in blood!"

Zuo Si raised the corners of her mouth and showed a dangerous smile that did not match her age, and nodded lightly: "I completely agree."

"Let me go! Let me gather my men! I swear! The ransom I promise to pay you will not be less than a penny." The pirate captain hurriedly promised.

On the one hand, he was really going crazy with anger, on the other hand, he also wanted to take this opportunity to regain his freedom as soon as possible.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si didn't even think about it, and chose to refuse directly: "Sorry, your guarantee is not enough to win my trust. And I don't need the help of you and your men."


Hallett's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you crazy?

Mook has at least fifty well-trained assassins and killers!

There are also two elite mercenary teams specially used to deal with various threats and troubles!

It is impossible to pose any threat to him by yourself.

What's more, here is Calimport, and there are more than a dozen temples, large and small.

If you turn corpses into undead in large groups in front of the public.

Whether it is Tyr, the God of Justice, Heim, the Guardian God, or Lathander, the Lord of Dawn, the temples will respond immediately. "

"Do you think I can only poison and awaken undead?"

A playful smile suddenly appeared on Zuo Si's face.

next second...

Hallett suddenly felt a chill on his neck!

Looking down, he found a gray right hand holding a dagger tightly against his chin.

Just a little more force can pierce the fragile jaw and insert the sharp blade directly into the brain.

Compared with those rookies who like to cut their throats, this is definitely an assassination move that can only be made by the most professional assassins.

Because although the former is considered a fatal injury, the target will not die immediately.

Instead, they will continue to struggle for at least two or three minutes until they lose consciousness due to excessive blood loss.

But the latter is different!

When the dagger penetrates the chin and upper jaw without any bone protection, it can immediately destroy the most important organ of the human body-the brain.

Some experienced assassins can even cut off the brain stem in an instant, causing a series of fatal and serious consequences such as respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest.

It will not leave even the slightest chance for the target to resist and struggle.

Just when the pirate captain turned his head slowly, wanting to see who it was, he quietly appeared behind him.

Suddenly, I felt a black shadow enveloped my eyes!

next second...

Not only did the dagger resting on his chin disappear, but there was no one behind him.

If it weren't for the sharp dagger point piercing the skin and bleeding a few drops, he would even think that everything that happened before was an illusion.

"What was that just now?" Hallett patrolled the room vigilantly.

But unfortunately, apart from him and Zuo Si, there was no other person in the room.

"Yelinia! Come out. Say hello to the master of your former master."

Zuo Si gave orders to the shadow servants hiding in the shadows.


A cloud of black mist leaped out from the corner of the wall, gradually converging into the appearance of a female half-elf.

Her undisguised hatred and distorted emotions immediately startled the pirate captain.

But soon, Hallett recognized the identity of the half-elf female assassin, and her pupils suddenly dilated: "Yelinia! Aren't you one of the most trusted right-hand men around Muck? How did you become such a ghost? "

"She's the one Muck sent to ambush me.

But it was killed by me, and then forcibly transformed into a shadow creature.

As you can see, as long as there is a shadow, Yelinia can hide in it without being seen by anyone.

Next, I will let her personally cut off the subordinates around Muck one by one until everyone is dead.

How about it, are you interested in enjoying my way of revenge? "

Saying that, Zuo Si walked to her shadow servant, stretched out her hand to caress the dark gray skin of the female assassin, but still delicate and beautiful face.

"She is under your control? And still retains the thoughts and memories of her life?"

Hallett undoubtedly noticed Yelinia's strong resistance, and suddenly showed a cruel and cruel smile.

Let the traitor die at the hands of the person you trust the most?

Is there a funnier, more enjoyable screenplay in the world?

The answer is obviously no!

Zuo Si stroked the hair on both sides of the female assassin's cheeks with very gentle movements, and replied casually: "That's right!

I think the best way to punish an enemy is never to simply kill them.

That pain is too short, and it will soon be free from death.

Just the opposite!

I prefer to give these haters a long and eternal life.

Force them to kill the person they care about and value the most while maintaining a clear state of consciousness.

Then I spent the rest of my life immersed in endless regret and pain, as well as a strong hatred for me, unable to extricate myself.

But I had to obey my orders again and again.

Like the saying goes, sometimes death isn't your enemy, eternity is.

Only eternal pain is real pain!

Only eternal torture can completely defeat a person's reason, will and soul!

This long vengeance will only end when the foe crumbles into mindless walking dead.

No matter who it is, from the moment they become my enemy, they must be mentally prepared for this.


I never forgive! "

Hearing these words, Harlett, who was still hugging and watching the show, suddenly felt a biting chill enveloped his whole body, and at the same time, the eyes looking at Zuo Si became full of fear.

He felt that what was contained in the other party's young body was not a human soul at all, but a revenge demon crawling out of the bottomless abyss.

Do not!

It's a hundred times more terrifying than demons!

Eternal pain?

Just thinking about it makes me feel hopeless.

As for Yelinia, the hatred in her eyes was replaced by panic and panic.

After being forced to control her time for such a short time, she felt like she was going crazy.

Not to mention lasting for a few years, ten years, or even decades.

At this moment, the female assassin realized what the "painful price" Zuo Si mentioned was referring to.

But unfortunately, she has lost the right to choose.

Even speaking now requires the permission of the master.

Zuo Si sensed the shadow servant's reaction, and whispered in the other's ear: "You know you're afraid?

too late!

It's not that I didn't give you a chance, but you rejected my kindness.

Now, go according to the plan and kill the subordinates around Muck one by one.

Remember, it is an order not to let anyone who has seen you live. "


Yelinia raised her head, her face full of pain and pleading.

But Zuo Si ignored all of this, took off the [Lianju Fireball Ring] and put it on the middle finger of the female assassin's right hand, and said with a smile: "If you encounter a strong enemy, you can activate the spell on this magic ring.

I believe that most people will never think of it.

A shadowy creature that is afraid of light can unleash evocation spells such as volleys of fireballs.

Oh, almost forgot.

Don't accidentally kill Muck together, I will spare him the blood of the captain Harlett himself. "

Knowing that she was doomed, the female assassin closed her eyes in despair, and instantly disappeared into the shadows without a trace.

(end of this chapter)

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