Chapter 67 Midnight Massacre

Inside a mansion on the edge of the Port Calim market area.

A half-elf male who looked a little fat was sitting on a chair, staring nervously at the door of the room, as if waiting for something.

He is none other than Muck who is determined to kill his master and then fly solo.

Although among the chaotic pirate gangs, such betrayal scenes are quite common.

Some pirate gangs will even kill the old captain who cannot lead them to grab more property in a few weeks, and then elect a new captain.

But Hallett is different!

The "Blood Hand" captain has never experienced even a single rebellion since he went to sea.

Because all those who tried to betray him ended up disappearing inexplicably, or were thrown into the sea to feed the fish in their budding state.

After all, Hallett is not one of those brainless idiots who only vent violence and death.

He is very smart and keen, not only knows how to control those ambitious minions, but also has a very close cooperative relationship with the shadow thieves of Amn.

Otherwise, it would have been wiped out by the fleets sent by Askatla several times.

If it hadn't been confirmed that Hallett was now imprisoned and captured, Mook would really not have dared to take such a gambling risk.

When he thought of the terrible revenge he might suffer after the adventure failed, his heart was filled with struggle and fear, and he immediately asked without raising his head, "How long has it been? Has no one returned yet?"

Another man standing in a dark corner next to him shook his head lightly: "Not yet. But I think it should be soon. After all, Yelinia has received the most rigorous training from the Shadow Thieves of Amn, and has eliminated hostile forces several times. The missions were also completed very well. I don't think anyone can escape her assassination."

"I hope so.

After so many years of operation, Hallett's influence is too huge.

Even I don't know how many secrets he hides and which organizations he cooperates with.

If we fail to kill him this time, there will be endless revenge waiting for us.

As for Yelinia, I'm not too worried.

After all, no matter how powerful magic is, mages themselves are fragile.

In many cases, only a dagger from the back is needed to easily deal with them.

There are not one or two seemingly powerful mages who have died in our hands these years.

What's more, this necromancer named Sous is just better at poisoning and deceiving. "

After saying this, Muck opened the drawer and took it out, and gently put in a device that looked like a pipe.

Seeing this, the man in the dark corner couldn't help reminding immediately: "Don't suck up the damn things these red-robed mages provide! It won't do your body or spirit any good."

It's a pity that Muck didn't follow the advice, and when he was about to suck all the powder into his mouth, the closed door was suddenly knocked open.

A strong man in armor rushed in and shouted in panic, "Monster! Monster! There are monsters! Dead... dead! Everyone is dead!"

"What?! What is going on! Tell me clearly!"

The man standing in the corner rushed forward with a stride, grabbed the other party's collar and questioned loudly.

But before he could ask anything, he saw a dull gray hand appear out of thin air, holding a black non-glossy dagger tightly, and inserted it fiercely from the bone seam under the strong man's ear at an unbelievable speed.


Accompanied by the mixture of blood and brain matter gushing out from the wound, the latter stopped breathing and heartbeat before he could even make a scream.

Brain Destruction!

One blow kills!

This very familiar assassination method immediately made the hairs on the man's whole body stand on end, and he immediately subconsciously pulled out the dagger at his waist.

Unfortunately, before he had time to attack, the pale gray-white hand holding the dagger turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared on the spot, as if it had never appeared before.

Only the warm corpse lying on the ground and the large amount of blood flowing from the wound proved that what happened just now was not an illusion.

"What's going on? What happened!"

Muck immediately dropped the things in his hands, and climbed up from the chair unsteadily.

However, due to the influence of inhaling a large amount of powder, his consciousness is obviously not very clear, and he cannot maintain balance.

He stood up and took two steps before he fell headfirst to the ground.

Vaguely, through his blurred vision, he vaguely saw a cloud of black mist emerging from the shadows in the corner of the room, slowly condensing into a female figure, quietly approaching the man standing at the door from behind.


Muck yelled inwardly.

But the problem was that he couldn't control his body at all, and he couldn't even make a sound with his mouth.

He could only watch helplessly as the deadly dagger was inserted from the back of the man's heart, directly piercing through the heart.

The sharpest end tore open the chest, causing the dark red blood to flow out like a fountain.

At the same time, cold negative energy poured into the body along the wound.

"Yelinia! It really is you! Why...why? How did you become the ghost you are now?"

The man struggled to turn his head, and questioned with his last breath.


I can't help myself now.

The female assassin's red eyes revealed an indescribable sadness and apology.

Because just now, she had killed all the living people in this house with her own hands.

Including my most cherished friends, partners who carry out dangerous assassination missions together.

Right now, corpses lying in pools of blood can be seen everywhere in the corridors, halls and yards outside.

The astonishing efficiency of the Shadow Assassin in terms of assassination is fully reflected in this dark environment where you can't see your fingers.

Even the two hired arcane spellcasters were easily killed in their deep sleep.

Every successful killing made Yelinia feel the extreme pain caused by the torn soul and consciousness, and even had the idea of ​​suicide more than once.

Unfortunately, this idea was quickly suppressed by the powerful dominance given by the card.

Especially after becoming a shadow servant, she was even cruelly deprived of the ability to cry, no matter how much grief she felt in her heart, she couldn't express it.

"Good job! You did not disappoint me!"

The moment the man slowly closed his eyes and lost consciousness, Zuo Si appeared in the corridor at the door of the room with Hallett and Hua Bao.

Behind him, there were two werewolves in animal form.

Apparently, Zuo Si was not idle while Yelinia was killing things in the house.

Instead, take your men and follow behind to make up the knife, collecting the residual magical energy, life energy and valuable loot from the dead.

Especially the spell books of the two mages, as well as the scrolls, potions and magic equipment they carry with them.

In addition, there is a small amount of magical weapons, armor and a lot of property.

As one of the most important secret strongholds of Captain Bloodhand in Calimport, Curry in the basement warehouse of this house only stores "trade bars (a precious metal bar made of gold and silver, specially used for bulk goods transactions)" , there are at least several hundred pieces.

Now all are Zuo Si's trophies.

Looking at the furious expression on Hallett's face, one can see how huge economic losses Muck's rebellion has caused him.

You must know that a large part of the money was originally used to pay the ransom.

But now?

All gone!

(end of this chapter)

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