One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 7 The Unlucky Red Dragon

Chapter 7 The Unlucky Red Dragon

The basement three floors of the mage tower.

This is the bottom of the entire tower, and it is also the most indestructible place that has been strengthened and strengthened by countless magics.

Unlike other floors, various areas are divided according to different functions, and then remodeled and decorated.

There is only one huge circular vaulted space on the third basement floor.

There are neither gorgeous decorations, nor other statues, lighting facilities and other decorations.

Even the ceiling above the head is raw and uneven rock, without any polishing at all.

Compared with the exquisiteness of the upper floor of the tower, this place is almost like a crude natural cave.

However, on the ground in the center of the arched arena, the eye-catching magic circle carved out of silver metal showed the unusualness of this floor.

Here is between bondage.

As the name implies, it is a place where dangerous creatures are bound and imprisoned.

At this moment, a behemoth with a body length of nearly seventeen meters including the tail and an astonishing twenty-four meter wingspan was lying in the center of the huge magic circle.

Its body is covered with deep red broad and thick scales.

These scales not only have strong magic resistance, but also have metal-like hardness.

All non-magical weapons, whether swords or axes or warhammers, are almost impossible to leave even a scratch on the scales.

On the head of this terrifying behemoth, there are two large white horns that are swept back and straight.

A row of smaller horns runs down the top of the head, sparsely down to the chin.

Two eyes and a big mouth full of sharp fangs, you can vaguely see the flames beating inside.

Strong limbs and sharp claws are more than enough to tear any enemy who dares to approach to pieces.

There is no doubt that this one comes from the forgotten kingdom - Faerun's real dragon.

Moreover, it is the most powerful adult red dragon among the five-color evil dragons.

In many cases, this terrifying creature can scare most people into running away just by showing its face, without any thought of resistance at all.

Even the most experienced adventure team is very likely to be wiped out in just a few minutes after encountering an adult red dragon.

The red dragon is a symbol of strength and is also a born tyrant.

They used killing, destruction, destruction and death to forge their title of the strongest dragon.

But right now, this giant dragon, which is at the top of the food chain in the magical world, is obviously in an extremely irritable and angry mood.

The tail that keeps slapping the ground and making a sound is the best proof.

the reason is simple!

She is currently imprisoned by powerful magical forces.

Moreover, the necromancer Asta who imprisoned her is quite insidious, and has never fought a frontal battle from the beginning to the end.

Not to mention giving the red dragon any chance to fight in close quarters, use powerful flame breath and spell-like abilities.

Coming up is the package of reducing magic resistance, blindness, curse of weakness, strong bondage and teleportation spells.

Facing such a shameless sneak attack without martial ethics.

Not to mention a red dragon who has not experienced beatings by the society and has just grown up, even those old dragons will probably be on the spot when they come.

When she came back to her senses, she found that she was already in the bondage of the lowest level of the mage tower.

Let alone fighting, he couldn't even stand up, so he could only lie on the ground obediently.

Even weak and filthy human apprentices can take noble dragon blood from themselves.

"I promise! After regaining freedom, everyone must be exterminated and the entire Mage Tower will be completely destroyed."

Wilmes swore silently in his heart.

As a red dragon that nests near a hilly area to the south of the west coast of Faerun.

The reason why she ended up like this was entirely because she couldn't control her greed for treasure in her heart.

As a result, during a tour of the territory, he stumbled upon an open portal and gold and silver coins piled up on the other side of the gate.

Due to the inherent pride and arrogance of the red dragon, Wilmes didn't realize that it was a trap, so he broke into it directly, intending to loot all the valuables inside.

This simple and rude style of behavior stems from her growth experience.

From the very beginning, Wilmes has tasted the sweetness of snatching food from his siblings.

When she entered adulthood, she looked stronger and larger than her siblings and other red dragons of the same age.

The advantage in body size is the proof of extra food and adequate nutrition during growth.

When he was young, Wilmes personally killed a silver dragon about his own size that had just left the protection of his parents and an adult black dragon living in the depths of the swamp, and looted All property in the opponent's lair.

These two successful hunts not only made her famous, but also reaped the first pot of gold in Longsheng.

Since then, the female red dragon has intensified, plundering caravans and attacking villages and towns along the road near the lair.

Although it cannot be said to be well-known locally, it can also be said to be notorious.

Some cities and temples of good gods offer very high rewards, hoping that warriors or adventurers can solve them.

Unfortunately, these people, without exception, never returned.

In Wilmes' view, as long as it's something you want, you can just rush to grab it.

After all, only the strong deserve wealth.

The weak should honestly donate all their property.

Maybe when you are in a good mood, you will consider sparing the other party's life.

It can be said that the Red Dragon has deserved what it deserves when it is in the field it is today.

Just when she closed her eyes and thought about why that sinister and cunning necromancer hadn't appeared in the past two months, and even the apprentices who took the dragon's blood were all gone, in the only tunnel leading to the upper floor, suddenly There was a loud fight.

next second...


Dazzling flames and silver lightning spewed out of the tunnel!

Immediately afterwards, the two large undead creatures that were assembled from various corpses guarding the door rolled down the stairs and fell to the ground with a plop.

Those pieces of meat that looked like they were rotten turned into a black burnt paste at this moment, and exuded a pungent smell.

It took about two or three seconds before a boy who looked less than ten years old came out of the passage panting heavily.

"It's terrible! Asta must have secretly strengthened them with necromantic magic. Otherwise, they wouldn't have such high magic resistance."

Zuo Si looked at the lightning launcher whose energy had dropped by almost a quarter, and the high-level magic scroll in his hand, and couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

Then bent down and recovered a small amount of mana from the two destroyed wreckage.

You must know that he participated in the manufacture of these undead guards, and he is very clear about the manufacturing process and craftsmanship.

Strictly speaking, they should be called [corpse creatures], which are made up of multiple incomplete undead creatures. In theory, they should not have any magic resistance, at best they are just rough skin and thick flesh.

Without the authorization of the tower master Asta, it is impossible for these construct guards who can only execute orders mechanically to allow Zuo Si to enter some key areas of the mage tower.

Especially between the shackles of a dangerous red dragon.

So as a last resort, we can only kill the guards and force our way in.

"It's you?!"

Wilmes stared at the little one coming from a distance with wide eyes.

She will never forget that when she was attacked by a necromancer, this boy stood aside.

"Long time no see, great Ms. Wilmes. Due to some unforeseen events, or disasters, I hope you can calmly listen to what happened in the past two months."

Zuo Si was speaking the common language on the surface of Faerun that he had just learned, and bowed to the dragon with one hand on his chest.

He knows that all dragons, good or evil, lawful or chaotic, are proud and arrogant without exception.

In other words, Shun Mao Donkey.

To communicate with such a guy, politeness and respect are necessary prerequisites.

(end of this chapter)

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