One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 71 Beware Of Paladins

Chapter 71 Beware of Paladins

Muck's betrayal undoubtedly made Hallett, a prisoner, feel a strong sense of crisis.

He even became paranoid.

I always feel that those subordinates are plotting to launch a rebellion, or plotting to kill themselves.

He kept urging Eric to get the ransom together as soon as possible at all costs.

no doubt!

The "vicious" pirate captain didn't realize at all that what he was doing now was actually a sign of losing his confidence.

Moreover, the increasingly serious paranoia will also lead to sharper internal conflicts, which will eventually explode suddenly at a certain stage.

Zuo Si saw all this, but didn't say anything.

For him, Hallett is just a "meat ticket" for money.

As long as the other party can pay the ransom, it doesn't matter what happens afterwards.

After all, pirates, a "special profession" with as high a risk as a return, hardly ever survive to a natural death.

So whether Hallett was killed by the rebellious subordinates, or he killed all the rebellious subordinates with a big killing, it is not worth making a fuss about.

This is entirely a traditional repertoire of the pirates entrenched in the Neilansir Islands.

After a good night's sleep, the first thing Zuo Si did when he woke up was to start learning [Protection Arrow] and [Dimension Jump] in the second-level spells.

After the sneak attack last night, he was eager to master more defensive and teleportation spells.

In order to ensure that he has sufficient magic protection or the ability to distance himself when he is suddenly attacked.

At about half past one in the afternoon, Zuo Si had basically mastered two spells by analogy through the knowledge of magic accumulated in the tower of the floating city.

And through preparation, all three first-level spell slots and two second-level spell slots are filled.

Immediately afterwards, he took the time to practice the skill of casting spells and avoiding materials for a while.

Waited until around four o'clock in the afternoon to set off again, and came to the sorceress' mage tower to continue to fulfill the cooperation agreement between the two, and collect some wool by the way.

When Zuo Si put the six energy storage devices on the table and was about to go back, Aisha stopped him suddenly.

"Wait! I have a very important client who wants to meet you. Are you free today?"


Zuo Si subconsciously stopped.

"Yes! He is quite powerful in Calimport.

His family has existed for hundreds of years and has unimaginable wealth.

And very keen on collecting all kinds of weird things and magic items.

According to him, he wanted to see if you could help him solve a difficult problem. "

Aisha didn't hide anything, and told everything she knew openly.

Because she was not sure what was going on in that man's mind.

I don't even want to have a rift in the "happy" cooperation with Zuo Si.

"There will be pay, right?"

Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

The sorceress nodded without thinking: "Of course! Albenny Arbor has never been stingy with money. No matter who it is, as long as he can satisfy his weird hobby, he can get huge rewards."

Hearing that there was a reward, Zuo Si immediately shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "That's no problem. Let's go, before it's completely dark. You know, when I went back last night, I was almost ambushed on the way stabbed by the assassin."

"What? You were assassinated!"

Aisha was taken aback at first, followed by monstrous anger bursting out of her two strange eyes.

"Who? Who did it! Tell me! I promise this guy will never see the sun again tomorrow morning!"

You must know that in the eyes of this magic item merchant, Zuo Si has become a hen that can lay golden eggs.

Now someone actually wants to attack her "hen", it's simply impatient.

But Zuo Si responded with a nonchalant smile, "There's no need to be angry. In fact, I've settled the matter myself."

Hearing this sentence, Aisha seemed to realize something, and immediately asked: "Did you do the burning mansion on the edge of the market area last night?"

Zuo Si nodded bluntly: "Yes! That's the stronghold established by a guy named Mook under the bloody captain Harlett in Carlin Port. He sent someone to assassinate Hallett and me at the same time. But it's a pity , I was not killed so easily, and I even brought people to retaliate. By the way, how did you know about this?"

"Because this matter has been known all over the city. The guards even entrusted it to the paladins of the God of Suffering to investigate. You'd better be careful, they are not ordinary troublesome." Aisha issued a warning with a serious expression .

Because whether it is a paladin or a priest, there are often gods behind them, as well as the temples and religious forces to which the gods belong.

Provoking these guys often means being rewarded and wanted in many important big cities.

"The temple intervened? Why?" Zuo Si froze for a moment.

He really couldn't figure out why the paladins would intervene in this kind of "cannibalism between evil camps".

After all, neither he nor Muck can be considered a "good guy".

At best, it belongs to "black eating black".

After stroking the hair hanging down her ears, Aisha explained patiently: "I heard that it seems that the paladins who went to investigate found that the corpses had been desecrated.

Suspected to be related to undead creatures, necromancers and lower plane devils, demons.

You know, those paladins are extra sensitive about things like this.

All in all, it was quite a hassle. "

"Then how should I deal with it?" Zuo Si asked for advice.

"Hehe, the best way to deal with those paladins who must abide by the law and dogma is to refuse to admit it.

As long as they don't have tangible evidence, they can't do anything to you.


If your eloquence is good enough and your logic is clear enough, you can also try to argue with them.

Believe me, this is a very interesting experience.

Especially when the paladin was rendered speechless by the rebuttal and had no way to attack, it made people want to laugh out loud. "

Aisha introduced her experience enthusiastically.

no doubt!

From what the sorceress said, it's not hard to see that her camp is probably evil, and she doesn't have the slightest affection for paladins.

Even trying to make fun of each other.

But in Calimport, the rich and powerful are almost bored with the paladin's attitude.

Only the poor, civilians, and slaves who live at the bottom of society and suffer from suffering and oppression will desire the help of paladins.

In contrast, Zuo Si didn't have any prejudice against paladins, but he didn't want these guys who advocated order and kindness to make trouble for him.

As a modern person, he knows the importance of order, law, and morality to civilization and society.

It's a pity that the God of Suffering, the paladins of Irmat, currently hold the initiative.

In addition, Epke has issued a gag order, prohibiting anyone from talking about what happened last night, or face his wrath.

Warnings like this from the leader of the thieves' guild are often more effective than laws issued in Calimport.

the reason is simple!

If you break the law, at most you will be fined, jailed, forced to serve hard labor, and reduced to slavery.

But if he violated the order given by the leader of the Thieves Guild, the result is likely to be shredded into pieces.

This also means that it is difficult for the paladins in charge of the investigation to find any useful clues and witnesses.

As for the goods that might be exposed, the merchant Bernard had no intention of selling them at all.

Instead, they rented a temporary warehouse and put it in, and took it away when the caravan was formed and set off.

(end of this chapter)

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