Chapter 72 The Real Rich Man

After learning a series of "little tricks" to deal with paladins, Zuo Si followed the sorceress through most of the city and came to the huge courtyard in the administrative district.

Although on earth, he has seen many billionaires' extravagant mansions through the Internet and various media.

But I was still amazed by the huge courtyard in front of me, which covers an area comparable to a small square.

You must know that this is not in some wilderness, but in one of the most expensive areas in Calimport.

Only those who have obtained the status of nobility are eligible to own and purchase real estate in the administrative district where every inch of land is expensive.

And planting so many strange and rare plants and flowers on the edge of the arid desert is not just about having money.

You also need to know a lot of professional knowledge related to magic and plants.

Especially a few giant plants that eat meat, if you are not careful, you may swallow a large living person directly.

"Is this client of yours also an arcane spellcaster?"

Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

Aisha shook her head slightly: "No, it's not.

He was quite a fighter in his youth.

A gang of desert thieves who once killed hundreds of people on their own.

But now, he hasn't touched anyone for more than ten years, and his body is probably already rusted.

An overly comfortable life is deadly poison to a warrior. "

"Warrior? Are you sure he hasn't changed his job to become a mage, warlock, priest, druid, or other spellcasting professions?"

Zuo Si obviously couldn't believe that a soldier would have such a leisurely attitude.

Even if the other party is the heir of a large family with hundreds of years of history.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"Don't look at Albenny Arbor the way you look at ordinary people.

He has extremely high attainments in art appreciation, occult knowledge, and magic item identification.

Also, don't make a fuss about whatever you see for a while.

Just remember that slaves in Calimport are just one type of property, and masters have the right to dispose of them as they please. "

Aisha had a vaccination in advance.

She didn't want any conflicts between the two of them.

Zuo Si responded indifferently: "If you mean treating slaves in a cruel and rude way, please rest assured that although I don't like it, I will not intervene more, or stand on the moral high ground to accuse those Master of slaves. For I have seen sights ten times worse."

"Oh? I'm curious, what exactly have you experienced. Why do you show yourself as such an underage child?" Aisha looked at Zuo Si with great interest.

"You can understand that this is the result of an accident. My body degenerates into a juvenile as if going back in time, but my mind and mind have been preserved intact."

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the curious eyes of the sorceress, and followed the servant in charge of leading the way straight through the huge garden to the reception room on the second floor.

As soon as the two appeared at the door, Albenny Abbe, who was lying on the sofa enjoying a massage, immediately waved to signal the two masseuses, who were only covered with a layer of tulle, to step back.

He grabbed a purple silk robe and put it on his body, and greeted with a smile: "Good evening. If I guess correctly, this should be the maker of that energy storage device, right?"

"That's right! Let me introduce, his name is Soth, and he is a magic item maker with very rare talents and abilities. If you have any problems that you need help solving, you can say so now."

As an intermediary, the sorceress took the initiative to stand up and gave a brief introduction.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Abney Arbor."

Zuo Si bowed slightly to cover up the fact that she was almost blinded by the magic item on the opponent.





nose ring!





Even that silk robe she just put on was a magic item!

Estimated based on the strength of the magical aura, this body would cost three to four hundred thousand gold coins as a base.

And with this money, it is almost enough to build a pretty good mage tower.

Two of the magic items were so powerful that even Zuo Si was very jealous, and even had the urge to grab a vote.


Reason quickly snuffed out this dangerous sign.

What is a real rich man?

That's it!

"It's nice to meet you too, South. In order to welcome you, I'd better treat you to a light meal first. We will talk about the rest after dinner."

There was a strange gleam in Ebene Arbor's eyes, as if he was not at all surprised by Zuo Si's current appearance age.

I saw that he first winked at the servants in the living room, and then a large number of steaming dishes were brought up one after another.

There are so many types and quantities that it is enough to feed a dozen strong men.

But there are only three people who actually eat!

The rest of the servants and slaves could only stand aside and watch obediently, serving the master and guests for meals from time to time.

They didn't even dare to show the slightest desire for these delicacies, and they kept their heads down all the time, not looking at the delicious dishes on the table, fully reflecting the strict hierarchy of Calimport.

However, when Zuo Si was in the high tower of the floating city, he had long been used to seeing the scene where the necromancer killed the servants at will to conduct cruel necromancer magic experiments, so he didn't show any discomfort about it.

There is no attempt to say "thank you" to these slaves to reflect their politeness and upbringing.

Because he knows.

If this is done, there is a good chance that the slave will become very panicked and may even be disposed of by the master feeling ashamed.

It took forty minutes to finish a meal.

When he was full of wine and food, and all the leftovers were taken away, Ebene Able picked up the cylindrical energy storage device placed beside him, and asked enthusiastically: "Sous, what made you produce Did you come up with the idea of ​​making such an interesting magic item? Or, what was your original idea?"

"Idea? Well... I think I probably want to create a device that can absorb, store and release all energy. Unfortunately, after hundreds of failed experiments, I finally got this kind of device that can store electrical energy. Semi-finished product."

Zuo Si casually made up a reason.

In fact, the essence of the cylindrical energy storage device is only to use the power of magic to simulate the storage principle of the battery storage.

Like "The Rapture of a Capitalist", it is a combination of typical technology and magic.

The biggest feature of this type of "invention and creation" is that after using the creator's special ability, the manufacturing process will become very simple, and the cost of materials will be frighteningly low.

Its real value is never the item itself, but the unique technology contained in it.

But Abenny Abbe didn't know this, and instead showed a thoughtful expression: "I see! Then can you increase the upper limit of this energy storage device by enlarging its volume?"

"You build a similar device with a huge volume that can hold more power?" Zuo Si was clearly surprised.

You know, the biggest advantage of the cylindrical energy storage device is that it is easy to carry around.

If the volume increases crazily, then it loses its value as a magic item.

Just imagine, if the energy storage device is magnified ten times, twenty times, thirty times, how much effort would it take for the average person to carry it?

Is it possible to use livestock or a carriage to carry it as a mobile fort?

What a joke!

If you simply want a large energy storage device, it is more convenient to build a simple mage tower.

The latter can beat the former by more than a dozen in terms of energy storage limit and function.

If you want a mobile turret, various magic wands such as [Fireball], [Lightning], [Ice Storm], [Fire Wall], etc., are obviously more suitable.

(end of this chapter)

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