One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 79 Making The First Creature Card

Chapter 79 Making the First Creature Card

"Yes! I also think it will be very pleasant to get along with you." Zuo Si stared at the little devil and said meaningfully. "Come on, let go of your unnecessary vigilance and vigilance, establish a close connection with me, and become my magic pet."

"Of course! This is exactly what I expected! Little master."

The little devil knelt down on one knee very obediently, without any form of resistance.

Even the world of the unsuspecting mind and soul is wide open.

It has been a magic pet of a warlock, so it is quite experienced in this area.

I understand that only when I completely let go, the magic contract will take effect, connecting the master and the magic pet together.

"In that case, let's get started."

A hint of imperceptible banter flashed in Zuo Si's eyes, and a pre-made blank card suddenly appeared out of nowhere in his palm.

Since this action was very subtle, the little devil didn't notice it at all, and was still patiently waiting for the spell of [Summon Demonic Familiar] to take effect.

Seeing that the opportunity was not lost, Zuo Si immediately followed the rituals he had learned in a large number of magic books, and began to guide the magic ability to build the connection between the mage and the magic pet.

Soon, a vague connection slowly appeared between the two, and it became more and more clear.

But just as the ceremony was about to be completed!

A scheming smile suddenly appeared on Zuo Si's face, and he directly raised a blank card and spit out two words: "Seal!"


I saw a spherical energy barrier suddenly wrapped the little devil from head to toe, and then kept shrinking and squeezing.

But what frightened this little thing the most was that its connection with hell was cut off, and it immediately couldn't help but let out a piercing scream.

"NO!!!! Bastard! What the hell did you do to me?"

Unfortunately, Zuo Si did not respond, but kept an inscrutable smile, watching the other party disappear bit by bit until specific patterns and instructions emerged on the blank card.

[Creature Card: Devil—Little Devil (Familiar)]

[LV1 red card (temporarily not upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Normal]

[Effect: Summon a little devil from Baator Hell to serve you.

It can release the two spells of detecting goodness and detecting magic at any time;

Unlimited release of invisibility every day (only for yourself);

Divination and suggestion once a day;

Once a week, a psychic spell (asking six questions to a being as powerful and omniscient as a god, who will answer "yes", "no" or "unknown") in order to gain knowledge of something information about a thing, a person, or an object).

Moreover, the imp can also turn into a medium-sized creature such as a wild boar, a giant spider, or any other small or micro-animals such as a crow and a mouse.

Imps, like all other devils, possess darkvision, strong regenerative abilities, and are completely immune to poison and fire damage, with little resistance to acid and cold.

At the same time, it can also use telepathy within a range of no more than 30 meters to talk and communicate with any creature with sufficient intelligence.

When your arcane spellcasting level reaches LV7 or higher, it will also gain the following abilities related to familiars, and at the same time grant some abilities to the master.

Improved Evasion: Due to their smaller size, familiars are generally harder to hit than their masters.

Vigilance: When the magic pet is within easy reach of the owner, the owner's senses will become more acute and he will be able to detect some potential dangers in advance.

Spell sharing: If the master is willing, the magic cast on himself can also affect the magic pet, provided that the magic pet must not exceed the distance of one and a half meters from the master.

Emotional connection: The magic pet and its master can communicate with each other within a distance of about one kilometer.

Transfer Touch: When the master casts a spell that requires contact with the target, he can designate a familiar to complete the contact action.

Spell resistance: When the master's spellcasting level reaches LV11, the familiar will gain additional magic resistance.

Although imps are sinister and cunning creatures, they will obey all orders you give them, no matter how much their nature resists. Until it is killed or cancels the summoning on its own initiative]

[To use this card, you need to pay two points of red magic power, or two points of general magic power, and double the magic power of other attributes]

[When the summoned little devil is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth, and the time is one day]

Staring at the densely packed information on the card, which even needs to be turned to read all the information, Zuo Si finally figured out how Planeswalkers make creature cards.

Simply put, there are two situations.

One is to win the absolute trust of the target, let the creature completely let go of its guard and open its heart, allowing the Planeswalker to make himself into a summoned creature, and in this form obtain a nearly eternal life.

Soldiers and leopards are typical examples.

The most obvious feature is that this kind of summoned creatures are very loyal to their masters, and possess complete thinking and consciousness, acting just like when they were really alive.

The other is to use powerful force or deception to subdue a target and force it to become a summoned creature sealed in a card by the planeswalker.

Small devils, shadow servants, and large stone elements should all be in this category.

If the second type of summoned creature is intelligent and retains its original memory, it will often have strong anger and hatred toward its master, but it cannot escape the fate of being controlled.

Generally speaking, the more intense the target's resistance, the higher the failure rate of making cards.

If you can find a way to control or charm it with spells first, then the success rate will almost be greatly improved.

However, making creature cards is the same as making spell cards, and cannot exceed the upper limit of one's planeswalker level.

This also means that if Zuo Si wants to make a creature like an adult dragon into a card, even if the opponent doesn't resist, he must at least raise the planeswalker level to LV6~LV8 first.

And when making all creature cards, Planeswalkers can choose whether to keep the original memory of the creature, or completely wash the memory, and create a brand new personality according to their needs.

"Interesting! You can choose different methods by yourself? Planeswalker is really an interesting profession." Zuo Si muttered while rubbing his chin.

Just as he signaled the soldier to throw away the empty cage in his hand, and was about to turn around and go back to the hotel to sleep, a burst of noise and cursing suddenly came from a distance.

I saw a figure rushing out from the alley, running towards the pier at an extremely fast speed, then turned over and jumped into the empty wooden barrels piled outside to hide.

"what is that?"

Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

Since he didn't wear the constant [Dark Vision] and [Distance Magic] glasses, he didn't see the true face of the figure clearly.

The soldier's eyesight was obviously much better, and he replied bluntly: "It should be the first auction item in today's auction."

"That drow female?" Zuo Si was taken aback.

You must know that for the sake of safety, Warren Paris put strong steel shackles on the hands and feet of the dark elves.

Normally, it is impossible to break free.


Unless a certain old slut wants to unlock more poses, he is smart enough to open the shackles.

But this is not incomprehensible.

After all, when a man is on top of that, he is basically like an animal in heat, irrational at all, and it is not surprising to do some stupid things.

Soon, the mighty hunting team caught up from the street where the drow woman rushed out just now.

The fat man weighing more than three hundred catties was wailing at the moment, while yelling furiously at his subordinates: "Search for me! Even if I turn the whole dock area upside down, I will catch this black-skinned bitch and let her It ’s better to have life! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Faerun is a world of countless magic and divine arts.

It is completely possible to find a priest to save it through some limb regeneration magic.

Especially the priests of Woking, the Goddess of Wealth, have always marked their prices clearly.

As long as you can afford the money, there is nothing wrong with reviving the dead or regenerating severed limbs.

(end of this chapter)

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