Chapter 80

"Master, they are coming towards us." The soldier reminded in a low voice.

But before Zuo Si could express anything, the fat man recognized him at a glance, and immediately walked over with the support of two slaves, and asked sharply in a very friendly and impolite tone: "Hey! Brat! Look Have you seen that bloody black bitch?"

"First, I don't call you hello or kid. Second, even if I saw it, what obligation do I have to tell you? Most importantly, didn't your parents teach you what is polite?"

Zuo Si raised his head, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

If the other party asks nicely, or is a little more polite, he doesn't mind doing a little favor at all.

But the problem is that this fat man's mentality has obviously collapsed.

Coupled with the severe pain in the upper and lower body, it was impossible to keep calm, and his temper became extremely irritable.

For this kind of guy who is self-inflicted and only finds others to vent his anger, Zuo Si has always adhered to the principle of "I am not your father, so I will not spoil you".

What's more, the soldiers in heavy armor had already stepped forward immediately, raised their shields, drew their long swords, and assumed a fighting posture.

"You... what do you want to do?"

The fat man was obviously taken aback, and quickly backed away.

His other guards, servants and slaves also rushed over.

A guard wearing armor and holding a scimitar seemed to want to show off in front of his employer, and immediately beckoned to several companions to surround the soldiers, threatening with a sneer: "Although I don't know who you are! But now it's best Put down your weapon and kneel on the ground to apologize to my master. Otherwise..."

Before the words were finished, the soldier interrupted in a tone without any emotion: "Otherwise what?"

"Hmph! Don't eat the toast, and eat the fine wine. Brothers! Come on! Show him some color!"

The furious guard immediately brandished a scimitar, and launched an attack at the same time as several other companions.

The weapons in their hands shone silvery under the moonlight, and they chopped down in unison.

next second...

The soldier who looked like an iron tower suddenly raised his shield and slammed it hard.


The two guys in front suddenly staggered back, unable to maintain their balance at all, and fell to the ground hard on their backs.

Just one face-to-face, its huge power gap has been fully reflected.

At the same time, the long sword held tightly in the other hand of the soldier also stabbed out at lightning speed.

The chest of an unlucky guy was pierced on the spot, and the blood kept gushing out like a fountain.

The thick leather armor he wore couldn't resist the +1 long sword's puncture at all.

Anyone who is not blind understands that this guy's heart has been pierced, and he must be hopeless.

As for the other two guards, although they both took this opportunity to hit the soldier's heavy armor, they didn't cause even a little damage.

It just left an inconspicuous scratch on the surface of the solid armor.

The amazing defensive power of the heavy armor against slashing and piercing damage is fully reflected at this moment.

In the next few seconds, the soldier was like a Terminator, first backhanded the guy who was sneaking behind him with a sword.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and grabbed another guard who was wielding a scimitar, and broke the other's neck with a terrifying grip.

This is not the end!

When the last two fallen enemies got up from the ground and wanted to escape, he launched a charge to catch up and killed them with military swordsmanship.

In less than half a minute!

All five guards are dead!

But the soldier didn't even breathe disorderly, as if he was just doing a warm-up exercise.

The blood-stained helmet and heavy armor made him look full of suffocating oppression.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the heavy sound of steel boots stepping on the ground, the remaining guards, servants and slaves collapsed in fright on the spot, ignoring the dead fat man who was sitting on the ground trembling, and fled in all directions with a huff.

"No! No! No! You can't kill me! Otherwise, Clive won't let you go!" The fat man shouted loudly.


The sharp sword that the soldier was about to cut stopped in mid-air, and he turned sideways to look at his master, waiting for him to make a decision.

But before Zuo Si remembered who the name "Clive" was, another fat man with a bald head and his men suddenly appeared.

"Kill it! This bastard is my enemy's subordinate! Since I met it, there is no reason to let it go."

Epke, the leader of the Thieves Guild, expressed his attitude directly.

By repeatedly torturing the captured Ratman leader, he had undoubtedly figured out who was behind the scenes.

"Then kill it."

Zuo Si shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

After the soldiers received the order, they immediately completed the half-way execution.


This fat man who weighed more than three hundred catties had his head chopped off.

Dark red blood spewed out from the main artery on the neck, quickly staining the surrounding ground red.

It even formed a large pool of blood plasma.

After collecting a little bit of mana remaining on the corpse, Zuo Si immediately asked with great interest, "Why are you here?"

"Hahahaha! It's not because of the information you provided! This time I finally caught Warren Paris, a bastard who never pays protection fees. Guess how much money I got from him with interest ?” Epke asked with a laugh.

He was obviously in a very good mood at the moment, and the fat all over his body was trembling with laughter.


Zuo Si reported a relatively conservative figure.

After all, the thieves guild in Calimport did not follow the strategy of "fishing out of water".

Instead, it will leave enough profit margins for merchants and small vendors to ensure "sustainability."


Epke drew a higher number with his hands, and then continued in a very happy tone: "I will never forget the wonderful expression on Warren Paris's face at that time! Thank you, So Your Excellency. If it weren't for you, it would not be easy to catch this cunning old fox. Here is a reward of 40,000 gold coins, please be sure to accept it."

After all, the leader of the guild waved his hand to signal to one of his men to bring over the leather bag filled with gold coins and money orders.

Coincidentally, this leather bag is exactly the one that Zuo Si used to buy the little devil before.

As a result, it turned around and returned to his hand.

"Then I will be disrespectful."

Zuo Si didn't refuse, and simply chose to accept it.

Because that's what he deserved.

The man named Warren Paris will probably never know.

Why did the thieves guild controlling the pier bring people to the door as soon as the auction ended, and armed them to collect protection fees.

The most important thing is that this time the collection of capital and interest directly wiped out his previous successful "tax evasion" achievements.

It is estimated that the whole ship is being searched at this moment, looking for possible traitors.

Anyway, Warren Parris and his team's capture and trade of slaves is not a good thing in itself, and Zuo Si has no psychological pressure at all to eat black.

Inside and out, he not only prostituted a little devil for nothing, but also earned an extra 35,000 gold coins.

As for whether the other party will track down the most suspicious "Master Hardman" in this auction...

Let them check it out.

When the real investigation finds out, Zuo Si has already left Calimport and embarked on a journey to Askatla with the caravan.

Due to the fact that there are many city-states on the west coast of the Faerun continent, the country’s governance structure is loose, and various bandits, evil organizations, and monster tribes are rampant, finding someone is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

(end of this chapter)

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