One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 81: The Complicated Game Behind Guild Wars

Chapter 81: The Complicated Game Behind Guild Wars

After a brief chat about the situation of the Calimport guild war and sharing information about another leader of the thieves guild in the wharf area called "Clive", Epke quickly left with his people.

Before leaving, he also spent a lot of money to buy some "ricin" and "curare wood toxin" after repeated purification.

Prepare to give your opponent a "little surprise".

If there is no accident, in the next few days, a large number of members of Clive's Thieves Guild will die inexplicably.

Especially "ricin" is very stealthy and difficult to be detected.

If the dosage is not large and it is taken orally, the incubation period can even be as long as several hours or even a whole day before the sudden onset.

As for the leader of the crazy ratmen who believed in the "God of Hunting" Mara.

Not long ago, in the animalized form, he was completely stripped of his fur, and hung it on the wall of the Thieves Guild as a display for everyone to see.

As for himself, he was soaked in a pool of strong acid, and wailed in agony for several minutes before he died.

Epke never minds showing his ruthless side to his enemies.

Watching the leader of the Thieves Guild disappear into the darkness, Zuo Si suddenly touched his chin and said to the soldiers beside him: "It seems that we have to speed up and try to leave Calimport within a week."

"Why?" the soldier asked in bewilderment.

"Because the guild war in Calimport is about to start in full swing. I'm not sure whether the faction that Epke belongs to can win the final victory."

Zuo Si straightforwardly gave his reasons.

He understood that, on the surface, the war between the thieves' guilds was to compete for territory.

But in fact it involves the game of various forces.

Whether it is those ancient families that have been passed down for hundreds of years, or the emperor who climbed to the highest position through a series of extraordinary means, they all played a very important role in it.

There may even be participation from such huge organizations as the Harper Alliance, the Zhentarim, and the Shadow Thieves of Amn that spread across all corners of Faerûn.

The decline of some seemingly powerful thieves guilds, and the sudden rise of a weak gang all have their participation behind them.

Looking at the recent hundreds of years of Calimport's history, it is not difficult to see that there seems to be an invisible hand secretly stirring up the situation.

Once the power of a Thieves Guild expands enough to break the delicate balance.

It will inevitably be attacked by everyone, until it becomes a second-rate force, or it completely collapses and disintegrates.

Zuo Si may maintain a good cooperative relationship with Epke, but he will never tie himself to the opponent's guild chariot.

So before the guild war broke out completely, he would definitely leave Calimport, a place of right and wrong.

Because he is still too weak, he is not qualified to participate in this level of battle.

The soldier nodded thoughtfully: "Understood! But how do we deal with this dark elf now?"

As they spoke, the two cast their eyes on the wooden barrel not far away almost at the same time.

The drow woman who hid in the wooden barrel and secretly observed the situation outside immediately realized that she had been exposed.

Without saying a word, he immediately turned over and jumped out of the barrel, turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

But it's a pity that before he ran a few steps, he heard the sound of chanting a spell behind him.

next second...

A large greasy stain appears underfoot in an instant.

Since she is barefoot and not wearing shoes, the friction with the ground is not enough.

Coupled with the interference of oil stains, one slipped and fell heavily to the ground with a plop.

When the head hit the ground, there was a muffled bang.

A ring of magic [Grease]!

Since the skin of the dark elves has inherent strong magic resistance, it is impossible for low-level spells to have a great impact on it.

So Zuo Si resolutely chose this spell that does not need to be released on the target, but can have a good deceleration control effect.

As we all know, within the range of influence of the [Greasy Art], the friction between the hands and feet and the ground is reduced to a very low range.

Once you fall, it is almost impossible to get up.

So although the female drow tried several times to stand up and continue running, they all failed in the end.

A few seconds later, she was dragged by the ankle of her right foot by heavily armed soldiers, and she was lifted into the air with her head down.

"Iblith! Ussa a'quarth Dos tir!"

While struggling desperately, the dark elf spat out some incomprehensible words from his mouth.

It may be the unique language of the dark elves, or it may be some kind of common language of the underground world.

But from an attitude point of view, it is definitely not a good thing.

It is estimated that the possibility of swearing is mostly.

"Knock her out first!"

Zuo Si gave the order unceremoniously.

There is a language barrier, and obviously there is no way to communicate.

At least until he learned Dark Elven Language or Underground Common Language, he could only be imprisoned for the time being.

Anyway, the dark elves are too notorious in the surface world, and they have no human rights at all.

No matter how to treat this prisoner, no one will judge.

After receiving the order, the soldier immediately raised his foot and kicked the drow woman on the head, knocking her unconscious on the spot.

Then use a rope to tie your hands and feet, and put them on your shoulders very casually.

In this way, the two returned to the hotel one after the other.

Along the way, Zuo Si also used [magic tricks] to clean up the blood stains on the soldiers' helmets and heavy armor.

Throw the dark elf captive into the room next door where the pirate captain was held, and the leopard was in charge of guarding him, and he lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep.


Eight hours later.

Nine in the morning the next day.

When Zuo Si woke up from his sleep, before he had time to wash his face and brush his teeth, he learned from the soldiers that Abenny Abo had sent a message early in the morning, saying that the mage tower and all the items on the list were ready. Material.

"So fast? Even the mage tower is done?"

A very surprised expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

For the first time, he had a clear understanding of the wealth and power of these centuries-old families.

You must know that the materials on the list are not mentioned for the time being, just renting a mage tower is not an easy task.

Not many mages or warlocks would easily give up their "home" for others to use.

"That's right! His servant is waiting outside the hotel right now, and even prepared a carriage for you." The soldier raised his finger and pointed to the street outside the window.

Following the direction of his fingers, one can clearly see a luxurious carriage made of precious wood and magic metal on the main road outside the hotel.

The carriage is not only inlaid with a large amount of gold and precious stones as decorations, but also has magic to control the temperature inside.

The whole car does not have any tires, it floats in the air through anti-gravity magic.

So no matter how fast the speed is, there is no need to worry about the people sitting inside feeling the bumps.

Through the transparent window that is directly ground with a large piece of complete crystal, you can vaguely see the expensive handmade carpets and soft cushions sewn with velvet inside.

In the middle of the carriage, there is even a magical heater for making tea, and a set of exquisite porcelain tea sets from the far east that may be worth thousands of gold coins.

In addition, there is also a young and beautiful maid in the carriage.

What is the ultimate luxury enjoyment?

That's it!

This carriage, which definitely costs no less than 100,000 gold coins, fully reflects the values ​​of the upper class of Calimshan.

It is different from the Amnian merchant class who are only interested in profit and regard wealth as the ultimate pursuit.

The wealthy classes of Calimshan see money as a tool and a means to an end, not an end in itself.

So they are keen to spend money on various enjoyments and luxuries, or exchange wealth for rights and power.

(end of this chapter)

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