One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 83 The Gaze From The Lord Of The Symbols

Chapter 83 The Gaze from the Lord of the Symbols

"Master! That young man named Soth has already started making secret weapons for us."

After Abenny Arbor returned home, the first thing he did was to report to the "Lord of the Symbols" whom he was loyal to.

After Lich Lagon heard it, he nodded in satisfaction: "Well done!

I don't mind giving him a small gift as long as the things I make live up to my expectations.

do you know?

With the devices you sent yesterday, our hunting team has successfully besieged and killed three adult blue dragons, seriously injured and captured an old blue dragon.

After losing the amazingly powerful lightning breath, the threat level of these guys plummeted.

They don't even need other Rune Lords to take action, just a lich assistant plus a few vampires or mummy lords can easily handle them.

While these blue dragons are no match at all for Irykola (Anti-Harmony) Sagrand's "Sharp Teeth", they give us a good inspiration. "


Abenny Abbe blinked his eyes in confusion.

Although he is one of the few core members in the organization who knows the true identity of the master, he is not the "Lord of Runes" after all, and cannot understand the way of thinking of these powerful undead spellcasters.

"Yes, inspired."

There was a faint light in Ragon's eyes.

"I realized that there was something wrong with the strategy I used to deal with Irykra (anti-harmony) Sagrand's "Sharp Teeth".

As a primordial blue dragon, her most powerful feature is that she can combine her powerful physical strength with lightning breath and spellcasting ability, and use it in complex and changeable battles.

Even someone like Xia En VII, the last emperor of the Xia En Dynasty, will inevitably suffer in the end.

If it's just a spell confrontation, I have joined forces with another master of runes, and I have enough confidence to suppress Ivy Ke LS Gran's "Sharp Teeth".

Now, if there was an item that could deal with the threat posed by Lightning Breath that wouldn't be easily negated by dispel magic or antimagic force fields, that would leave pure bites, claws, dragon flaps, and tail sweeps attack.

And for the vast majority of spellcasters, there is nothing easier to deal with than pure physical attacks.

That's why I fell in love with this young man.

The energy storage device he made can still absorb and store a large amount of lightning energy even under the influence of an anti-magic force field.

Most importantly, we don't have to defeat or kill Irykola (Anti-Harmony) Sagrand "Sharp Tooth" like Shane VII did.

Just make sure she can't pose a fatal threat to the core members of the organization.

It doesn't matter whether Calimport will be destroyed in her rage, or if thousands or tens of thousands of people will die.

remember! The principle of [Entanglement Symbol] is low-key and confidential, so that no one can know our existence.

In order to do this, anyone but the Lord of Runes can be sacrificed, cast aside. "

Obviously, for the immortal lich, such a "small disaster" can recover to its original state in at most ten or twenty years at most at the rate of human reconstruction and reproduction.

As long as the [Entanglement Symbol] can continue to hide in the dark and control the entire Calimshan, then everything will not be a problem.


Albenny Arbor bent down and bowed deeply to his master.

As one of the few true core members of the entire organization, he is very aware of how strict the secrecy system of the [Entanglement Symbol] is.

Even ninety-nine percent of the controlled members don't know that they are actually serving a secret society composed of powerful undead spellcasters.

Among them are those ancient families that claim to have been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years.

There may not be more than seventy core members who know the truth like Albenny Arbor.

In other words, only a very few cronies around the master of the symbols know the name of the organization [Entangling Symbols].

As for the rest of the guys who don't even know who they are working for, they are only connected by a huge intelligence network covering the entire Calimshan.

Whether it is an adventurer, a businessman, a peddler everywhere, or a paladin who believes in goodness and order, they will often do things for [Token of Entanglement] without knowing it.

It is precisely because of the most stringent and extreme secrecy system in Faerun that [Entanglement Symbol] can develop rapidly in the hundreds of years after the accidental death of the first generation leader "Riseland of Darkness".

Today, it has essentially become the true ruler of the Calimshan region.

The guild war, which seems extremely dangerous to outsiders, is actually just a "small game" used by the "masters of symbols" to pass the boring time.


After watching his subordinates leave through the teleportation secret door, Lagon took out a mirror like flowing mercury and touched it lightly with his dry finger bones.


The image of the high tower workshop emerged on the mirror.

And the shaking figure in the middle of the mirror is Zuo Si himself.

At this moment, he has completed the basic structure of a huge energy storage device with a diameter of more than three meters and a height of more than six meters.

I am using the [Reform] ability to add various materials one by one to maximize the limit of stored energy, and at the same time endow it with additional magical abilities and attributes.

In just a few minutes, this slightly cloudy translucent cylinder began to emit a dazzling arcane aura.

Especially through the thick crystal wall, thousands of magical runes that Lagon has never seen are engraved near the center according to certain rules, which makes this lich who has lived for more than a thousand years feel unbelievable .

Because he had never heard of similar methods and techniques for making magic items.

In Faerun Continent, apart from those weapons and armors, slightly more complicated magic items are usually made in one go.

Unless it is mutated by some external factors and the damage needs to be repaired, secondary processing and strengthening often means a very high failure rate, and most spellcasters will try to avoid it.

But today, Zuo Si subverted the Lich's cognition with practical actions.

[Creator] This special profession comes from another magical world. The use of magical energy has opened Lagon's eyes.

What's even more incredible is that he noticed that when Zuo Si used this power, he didn't draw power from the magic net at all.

Instead, he was manipulating one of the most primitive and chaotic magical energy according to his own needs.

Under normal circumstances, this ability can only be achieved by some very few advanced spellcasting classes, such as [Archmage] and [Cursefire Bringer].

"Could it be that he has some kind of special advanced profession that I don't know about?"

Ragon touched his jawbone with the other hand, his dry skull face showed no expression.

Of course, as a lich whose skin and muscles have long since dried and rotted, it is impossible for him to have any facial expressions.

But the two dim lights in the eye sockets are flickering violently, to show the restlessness deep in the master's soul.

It's a pity that Zuo Si is focusing all his attention on making a huge energy storage device at the moment, and he doesn't even realize that he has received the attention of the leader of the [Entanglement Symbol] organization.

But even if you know it, you may not have much reaction.

After all, [Entanglement Talisman] is too secretive.

His knowledge of this organization was limited to an unexpected encounter in a certain game.

It's not as familiar and familiar with such famous organizations as the Harper Alliance, the Zhentarim Society, the Shadow Thieves of Amn, the Red Robe Wizard, and the Masked Mage.

As for Lagon, the longer I observe, the more I feel that Zuo Si is a "talent" worth absorbing.

At least in terms of making and strengthening magic items, they definitely have talent and creativity that others can't match.

With his assistance at his side, the Lich is confident of crafting an astonishingly powerful artifact.

Of course, Zuo Si at this moment is still too immature, and it will take a long time to hone it slowly.

but it does not matter!

As a lich, what Ragon lacks most is patience and time.

He had spent decades and hundreds of years slowly observing those candidates in depth, just to select and cultivate a qualified "Master of Talismans".

After confirming the potential of Zuo Si, the Lich quickly closed the magic mirror, and the whole person was hidden in the darkness.

(end of this chapter)

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