Chapter 84 Expensive ransom

Just when Zuo Si was concentrating on manufacturing a giant energy storage device, and using the resources provided by Albenny Abo, he was trying his best to try the ability of [reform] he had just mastered.

Far away in the room of the "Happy Time" Hotel, an important transaction involving more than 200,000 gold coins was in progress.

One of them, without asking, is naturally the "Blood Hand" captain Harlett and his pirates.

On the other side are the soldiers authorized by Zuo Si, the leopard who is also a summoned creature, and the shadow assassin Yelinia and the shadow army under her control.

Besides that, there are also the little werewolves led by the girl Vangers.

Epke personally came to mediate as an intermediary to prevent the two parties from fighting because they could not reach an agreement.

He is not worried that Zuo Si's men will be injured or killed in the conflict.

Instead, he was worried that Hallett and his most important subordinates would all die in Calimport, which would cause unnecessary impact on the pirate forces in the Nelanthir Islands, resulting in chaos and internal strife.

You must know that the pirates and the Thieves Guild have a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship.

The goods and ships seized by the former must be processed through the black market opened by the latter, and some urgently needed materials, weapons and daily necessities are purchased at the same time.

Businessman Bernard sat aside, staring nervously at both parties.

"Here is 170,000 gold coins! Plus the books and scrolls that the captain has collected over the years."

Erik, a burly man with short brown hair and a beard, signaled his men to lift all the heavy wooden boxes up.

Except for two of the boxes containing books and scrolls, all the rest are [Dante] minted by Amn and [Bikanta] gold coins minted by Calimshan.

However, although it sounds like a lot, in fact, based on the average weight of 9.1 grams per gold coin, the total weight is only a little over one and a half tons.

In addition, the density of gold is already very high, and one cubic meter of gold can reach nearly twenty tons.

So it actually looks like a lot less.

"Exactly 170,000 pieces! Not too many, not too many."

The four financial personnel brought by the leader of the Thieves Guild checked the count several times before finally nodding to confirm that there was no problem.

Hearing this sentence, Epke's plump face suddenly showed a happy smile, and said to Hallett: "Congratulations, my friend. You are a free man now."

"Phew—it's finally over. Help me get this damn rope off!"

The pirate captain was visibly relieved, with relief in his eyes.

He didn't want to experience this feeling of being manipulated by others in his life for a second time.

Without further ado, the soldier took out a piece of quartz engraved with four runes that Zuo Si gave himself before leaving, and touched the [Activation Rope] lightly.


This extremely strong rope fell off automatically and returned to the appearance of an ordinary rope.

Hallett, who had regained his freedom, immediately moved his numb hands and feet, and then sat down at the negotiating table instead of Eric, and said solemnly: "Now, we should talk about the ships docked in the port. , and the ransom for the magic equipment on me.”

"The master has already asked a professional person to estimate that the construction cost of your pirate ship is at least 40,000 gold coins, plus the equipped weapons, as long as you pay 70,000 gold coins, you can redeem it.

As for magic equipment...

[Secondary Power Belt] worth 9000 gold coins;

【Dispelling Amulet】Worth 4000 gold coins;

[+2 Lightning Scimitar] worth 8500 gold coins;

[+2 Agility Dagger] worth 13,000 gold coins;

[Boots of Protection from Fear] worth 6700 gold coins;

[Physical Bracers] worth 4200 gold coins;

[Wind-Making Hat] is worth 3,500 gold coins;

[Captain's coat] worth 9800 gold coins;

You can decide which ones to buy according to the price on the list. "

After all, the soldier handed over a list that had already been prepared.

When the pirate captain saw the price above and secretly calculated the horrific amount needed to redeem all the magic items, he went into cardiac arrest.

After a long silence, he suddenly raised his head and asked, "Why is there no [Ring of the Ram]?"

The soldier replied without thinking: "Master thinks the ring of the ram is a good magic item, so he kept it for himself."

Hearing that his most beloved magic ring was taken for himself by Zuo Si, Hallett felt his heart was bleeding. At the same time, he lowered his voice and asked Eric behind him: "How much money do we still have?"

"122,000 gold coins! Captain."

The latter immediately gave an exact number.

This also means that, minus the ships that must be redeemed, the funds that can be used are only 52,000 gold coins, and it is impossible to redeem all the magic equipment.

After hesitating again and again, Hallett quickly discarded the two most valuable magic weapons, and redeemed all the armors first.

After all, as the captain, he didn't need to do it himself much, even if he used ordinary swords to deal with it first, it wouldn't be a big problem.

But armor is different!

These things can greatly improve the survivability in melee.

Especially the [Windmaking Hat], whether it is used to chase merchant ships or escape the pursuit of warships, it is an indispensable thing.

As for the remaining money, it needs to be used to recruit manpower, purchase supplies and strong slaves, so that the huge pirate ship can set sail again.

After the transaction was completed, the famous "Blood Hand" captain had almost spent most of his savings and became a pauper.


He also has a team that has been tempered and tempered for many years.

As long as the red blood sails haunt the Sea of ​​Swords again, they will soon be able to earn back little by little by plundering merchant ships.

In this way, under the mediation of Epke, the transaction with a total amount of nearly 300,000 yuan was finally completed without incident.

He was even very caring, helping to exchange the heavy gold coins for bills issued by his guild.

After everyone, including the pirates and thieves' guild, left, the soldier handed over the ransom paid by Harlett to the young businessman: "Here! Now all the money is in your hands."

"Thank you Lord South for your trust! I swear on the reputation of myself and my family that I will not let him down." Bernard solemnly promised.

"I hope so..."

The soldier shook his head noncommittally, and soon took the little werewolf to the backyard of the hotel to continue teaching them fighting skills.

Leopard, who was finally freed from the task of guarding the captives, also followed to the backyard, looking at the group of little werewolves undergoing training with great interest.

Occasionally, they will have some discussions with them who have completely turned into wolves, so that these little guys can understand how to use natural weapons such as claws and teeth.

In fact, a werewolf is born with three forms.

The first of these is the normal human form.

There is basically nothing special about it except that the hair is a little thick.

The second is the half-human, half-wolf form they often use.

In this form, they can attack with teeth and claws like beasts, and run fast on all fours, but can also use a variety of weapons.

The third type is complete animalization, turning into a wolf or a dire wolf slightly larger than oneself.

In their last form, they are the equivalent of intelligent beasts.

It can be integrated into a group of various wolf creatures in the wild, and even become the leader of the highest-ranking wolf pack.

As for being captured by the drow still in the room...

It's a sunny day.

With her natural weakness of being afraid of the sun, she is currently curling up in a corner to avoid the light as much as possible. She is in an extremely weak state, so she has no intention of running away.

(end of this chapter)

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