One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 85 Blue Dragon Buster

Chapter 85 Blue Dragon Buster

If you want to pick the most beautiful moment of Calimport in a day, it is undoubtedly the evening at sunset.

Because at this time, the whole city is shrouded in a layer of dazzling golden light under the slanting sunset.

In particular, the sparkling sea surface of Neibo in the harbor and the spectacular scenery of countless ships passing thousands of sails are simply like a beautiful picture scroll.

At this moment, it is definitely a pleasure to stand on the high tower overlooking the distant port with a glass of juice or other iced drinks.

It's a pity that Zuo Si is not in such a mood now.

Because he who had just finished his work was lying flat on the ground like a dead dog, his whole body was soaked in sweat, and he didn't even want to move a finger.

It was obviously the result of a serious exhaustion of physical strength.

Obviously, frequent use of the [Reform] ability will not only consume a lot of magic energy, but also consume physical strength at the same time.

Maybe I can't feel it when I'm concentrated, but once I quit that state of concentration, the whole person will immediately fall into collapse.

"Hey! It seems that you need to be careful when using this ability in the future, otherwise if you exceed the limit that your body can bear, you may die of exhaustion."

While complaining, Zuo Si struggled to take out a glass bottle as thick as two fingers from her satchel, unplugged it, raised her head, and poured down the milky white liquid inside.

About ten seconds later, when the magic potion started to take effect, the fatigue that made people want to faint immediately finally subsided slowly.

Regardless of the discomfort caused by muscle soreness, he quickly got up from the ground, and aimed at the huge energy storage device and released a link [identification technique].


All the information about this magic item comes to mind.

【Blue Dragon Buster】

This item has a near-infinite storage capacity for lightning breath and various lightning magic attacks.

All creatures that directly touch the surface of the device with their limbs will automatically become an "antenna".

Not only is it immune to any form of lightning damage, but it can also conduct lightning energy into the device for storage, or extract electrical energy from it and release it.

Creatures within 30 meters around the device can obtain an "electrostatic force field" with the owner's permission.

Using the reaction force generated by the "electrostatic force field", creatures weighing no more than 100 kilograms can obtain magical effects similar to "anti-gravity", which can be used for low-altitude flight, speeding up their own movement speed, etc.

Similarly, the holder can also forcibly drag the enemy down from mid-air by adding an "static force field" to the enemy, and firmly bind it to the ground.

If the target is a magical creature with lightning energy like a blue dragon, the binding force felt will be four times that of ordinary creatures.

In addition, all creatures within the object's thirty-meter radius of influence are immune to all fear and hold spells.

When the electrical energy stored inside the device reaches one-third, it can create a thunderstorm within a radius of 100 meters through guidance.

The power of each falling lightning is equivalent to the Druid's five-ring magic [Summon Thunderstorm].

When the energy stored in the device exceeds the upper limit, it immediately explodes violently and releases the out-of-control electric energy, wreaking havoc within a radius of one hundred meters, destroying everything that can be destroyed.


Obviously, just looking at these magical effects and attributes, Zuo Si followed the idea of ​​restricting and defending against blue dragon attacks, and repeatedly strengthened it until it reached the upper limit of the main material.

If it is not too bulky and has a single ability, it should be regarded as a high-level magic item.

After all, the creator profession is a typical blue bar spellcasting.

This also means that when you reach LV9, you can use the most advanced magic ritual to enchant an item.

Gently stroking the smooth surface of the energy storage device, feeling the slight numbness from the palm, Zuo Si couldn't help sighing slightly: "This should be the most powerful magic item I have ever made. I believe that with it, If those blue dragons want to invade Calimport again, they must carefully consider the consequences."

In order to create [Blue Dragon Buster], Zuo Si almost drained more than half of the energy reserves of the tower under his feet.

Taking advantage of the fact that Ebene Arbor hadn't arrived yet, he unceremoniously drained a lot of energy and raised the planeswalker's professional level to LV4.

And the "Legacy" was summoned, and a magic card of [Command the Undead] was made on the spot.

[Magic Card: Command Undead]

[LV1 black card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Normal]

[Effect: When this card is activated, you can control an undead creature to a certain extent.

If it is intelligent, it will obey orders and serve you as best it can (treating you as a friendly target).

Undead cannot attack you while the spell is in control.

But if you try to ask it to do something it normally wouldn't or wouldn't do, it's likely to be rejected.

If it is a suicide or an obvious death order, it will be rejected 100% of the time.

If it has no intelligence, it will obey all orders, even if it is death or suicide.

The duration of the spell is one day per planeswalker level]

[To use this card, you need to pay two points of general magic power, or two points of black magic power]

[When the command necromancer magic ends, or the controlled necromancer is destroyed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth, and the time is one day]

With the completion of this magic card, the three tasks in Zuo Si's task bar were finally completed, and he got three chances to draw cards in one go.

Without even thinking about it, he couldn't wait to choose to draw a card.

In the blink of an eye, three new cards were released immediately.

[Creature Card: Manticore]

[LV2 multi-color card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Summon a monster with a humanoid face, a lion's body, dragon-like wings, and a scorpion tail to serve you until it is killed.

Manticore has natural darkvision and can understand any language you speak.

The spikes on the tail can be shot out like arrows, the longest attack range is 60 meters, and a maximum of twenty-four tail spikes can be shot at a time.

When all are exhausted, Manticore will need a long rest to recover (at least twenty-four hours)]

[To use this card, you need to pay two points of red magic power, one point of black magic power, or three points of general magic power]

[When the summoned manticore is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth, the time is two days]

[Magic Card: Hand of Healing]

[LV1 white card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Normal]

[Effect: When this card is activated, your palm will be wrapped in positive energy, and you can heal a target by touching the wound. The higher the professional level of the planeswalker, the better the healing effect]

[To use this card, you need to pay two points of white magic power, or two points of general magic power]

[When the treatment is over, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth, and the time is one day]

[Creature Card: Follower - Alena of Flame]

[LV4 red card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Unique]

[Effect: Summon Alena of Flame (equivalent to a LV7 Warlock in the current world, which will adjust itself according to the magic environment in different worlds) to fight or serve you until you are killed.

She has a lively and fiery personality, and she is addicted to alcohol. If she disagrees with her, she will strike directly. She is good at all kinds of fire-like evocation magic, and can cause huge damage to the enemy in a very short time.

In addition, it is different from ordinary summoned creatures.

After the followers are summoned, they will have complete memories, personalities, preferences, desires and learning abilities.

Although it will not explicitly violate the order you gave, it can be modified or even misinterpreted.

To win their loyalty, you must first win their favor.

Followers are different from other summoned creatures in that they can grow to a certain extent.

They will accumulate experience in battles and adventures, so as to improve their professional level, various basic attributes and abilities.

Upgrading the card level is equivalent to increasing the growth limit of followers]

[To use this card, you need to pay ten points of red magic power, or ten points of general magic power]

[When the follower - Alena of Flames dies in battle, the card will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for ten days]

(end of this chapter)

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