One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 90 I Don't Know (Please Subscribe For The First Update)

Chapter 90 I Don't Know (Please subscribe for the first update)

Around eight o'clock in the evening was supposed to be the busiest time of the day at the "Happy Hour" Hotel.

All kinds of adventurers, mercenaries, sailors who have just landed, hooligans, and coolies who have worked on the dock for a day will all gather here by coincidence. The anecdote happened, and by the way, enjoy the dancers hired by the boss to show their heads and poses.

It can be said that this is the only relaxation and entertainment for them.

Unfortunately, today even that joy is gone.

The entire hotel was silent, and all the guests were silently eating what was on their plates, taking a sip of their drinks from time to time.

Even the most alcoholic drunks can't let go of their reckless booze.

As for the dancer who only wore tulle, she didn't dare to stand on the table and twist her slender waist as usual, showing her charm to those hungry men.

the reason is simple!

At the door of the inn stood two paladins wearing the emblem of Irmat, the god of suffering.

Although they are a symbol of goodness and order, and will help anyone in need free of charge, they are actually not welcome at all in a place like Calimport.

Because for most ordinary people, they are too holy and dazzling, and they always inadvertently make themselves feel inexplicably guilty.

Especially the nobles and wealthy merchants who like to keep slaves, they have always regarded the paladins who tried to abolish slavery in Calimshan, the temple of good gods, and the Harper Alliance as life and death enemies.

Except for those poor people living at the bottom of society, I am afraid that only oppressed and bullied slaves will regard it as a savior.

However, the two paladins seemed to have gotten used to this situation, they stood there without saying a word like guards.


A slightly short figure appeared at the end of the road.

As the distance continued to get closer, everyone including everyone in the hotel clearly saw that it was a boy about ten years old.

Through the faint lights of the shops on both sides of the road, one can vaguely see his black hair and a handsome face full of oriental sentiment. The black pupils in the eyes are like the starry sky at night, full of exotic charm.

Obviously, this boy is none other than Zuo Si who returned from Aisha.

As a very vigilant person, he noticed the abnormality at the door of the hotel almost immediately.

But before Zuo Si could figure out the situation, the young woman among the two paladins couldn't bear it any longer, and blocked his way first, directly revealing her identity.

"Hello. I am a paladin from the God of Suffering - Ilmater Temple, and my name is Elorin."

"My name is Agor, and I also come to believe in the God of Suffering. A few days ago, we accepted the commission from the guards and are investigating an arson case near the market area. We hope to get some useful clues from you." .”

The older paladin was obviously more experienced, and his attitude, tone, and reason were impeccable.

"The paladin of the God of Suffering?"

Zuo Si's expression quickly became weird.

He never expected that the other party could find him so quickly.

"That's right! According to the information we got, you were attacked on the night of the incident, and you also used some evil and terrible necromancy magic, right?"

The young paladin who called himself Elroline probably thought that Zuo Si was young, so he put on an aggressive look, trying to scare him in this way.

But it is a pity that Zuo Si's body is indeed less than ten years old, but inside is a calm and calm adult soul.

Not to mention such a small scene, even standing in front of the giant dragon, you can still keep your expression on your face and your heart beating.

What's more, paladins are righteous people who want to reason, use the law, and talk about evidence!

In many cases, their deterrent power is not as good as that of bullying men and women, who do all kinds of evil.

So facing the young female paladin's questioning, Zuo Si just shook her head with a smile on her face, pretending to be innocent and replied: "I'm very sorry, Miss Paladin, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a Child, who would be mad enough to attack a child who is not in any danger?"


Eroline's expression changed.

She couldn't believe it at all, the "little guy" in front of her dared to lie in front of her face, and immediately questioned: "But the information we got is exactly the opposite of what you said?"

"Then I don't know. After all, at night, these streets are full of guys who drink to the point of unconsciousness. Maybe the person who gave you the news may have hallucinations due to the influence of alcohol in his brain."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders, found an excuse and easily refuted it back.

Anyway, he made up his mind, so he refused to admit it.

Regardless of who provided the information to these two paladins, they definitely dare not stand up and confront them.

Otherwise, once his identity is revealed, Epke, the leader of the Thieves Guild, will soon let him know how serious the consequences of disobedience to the gag order are.

Just when Eroline was about to say something, Agor suddenly stopped her, and said with a completely different attitude: "Child, you don't need to be so guarded against us.

Because we already know that the house that was set on fire was actually a secret pirate stronghold.

No matter what you do to them, you will not violate the local laws, let alone take any responsibility.

We just want to know what happened that night.

Has there ever been a large-scale awakening of the undead?

Or summon demons from the lower planes? "

"Sorry, Mr. Paladin, I really don't know anything."

Zuo Si spread her hands "I can't help it".

Induce a confession?

Phishing enforcement?

This method might be okay to deal with those guys who have never seen the world, but it is useless to him.

He can guarantee that if the paladin learns that he has transformed all the living people in that building into "shadow creatures".

Then the other party must demand that all these "shadows" be handed over and purified.

In Faerûn, no one makes fun of their beliefs unless they are the crazy unbelievers.

Especially "dead minds" like paladins, when they encounter evil undead and shadow creatures, they will definitely destroy them at all costs.

"Well, I hope you know what you're doing."

Seeing that Zuosi's firewood, rice, oil and salt are not getting in, Agor has nothing to do, so he can only pull the unwilling Eloline and turn away.

As for directly releasing a detect evil like in many stories, and then swiping a sword to kill all the evil people who are glowing red, that is not something a paladin can do at all.

First of all, people in the evil camp are not necessarily all bad guys.

A large proportion of them are "exquisite egoists".

Plus, let alone how much of the upper ruling class is evil in a city that allows slavery.

If it does, the paladin will be corrupted 100%.

Because their law-abiding attributes determine that they must abide by the law and reason.

In other words, before confirming that the other party has a clear evil behavior, even if you are aware of the evil people around you, you can't do it first.

And even if it is confirmed that the other party has definite evil deeds, as long as the person wants to make an excuse, the paladin must listen to it, and at the same time refute it with a three-inch tongue, and then start to arrest and try it according to local laws.

As Phelan has a famous saying, justice is always tied (because of the need to abide by laws and rules), and evil is always killing each other (because of conflicts of interest and competition for power).

It is precisely because paladins are so strict about themselves that they are loved and hated.

What I love is that when your life is threatened and your life is on the line, the paladin will always be the first to stand up against evil, even if his body is broken and he will not back down.

What I hate is that they don't know how to be flexible at all, just like the smelly and hard stones in a latrine, they often embarrass and embarrass friends and teammates around them.

(end of this chapter)

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