One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 91: The Ring Of Sharp Storage (Second Update For Subscription)

Chapter 91: The Ring of Sharp Storage (Second Update for subscription)

"Master, those paladins didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

The soldier came out of the hotel, watching the retreating figures of Agor and Eroline with very vigilant eyes.

He was interrogated just now, and he was full of hostility towards these two guys who were obviously "causing trouble".

Zuo Si shook his head indifferently: "Don't worry, they are paladins, and they won't do anything until they find concrete evidence. And we will leave Calimport in a few days, and everything that happens here will be It has nothing to do with us. By the way, that drow didn't try to escape today, did it?"

"No! Since she was caught by the big cat when she tried to escape twice last night, she has behaved much more honestly today. Oh, yes, Bernard came here ten minutes ago and forced me a half-orc slave warrior, And a control ring."

As he said that, the soldier took out a light yellow ring that looked like it was made of pure copper from his pocket, and pointed to the figure sitting in the corner of the first floor of the hotel, who was eating Hesse with the wolf coyotes. .

"Half-orc slave warrior?" Zuo Si froze for a moment.

Because he really didn't understand what it meant for a businessman to send him a "senior slave".

In other words, in his opinion, keeping a guy who possesses powerful force and may be full of resentment towards the "master" by his side forcibly enslaved is completely an act of death.

If one day, the negative emotions accumulated by the slave suddenly exploded in a concentrated manner, and he planned to die together, there was a high probability that he would kill the slave owner on the spot.

Even those so-called "control collars" don't help.

The soldier lowered his voice and explained: "According to Bernard himself, this slave soldier is a free gift from the Lang Nail Chamber of Commerce. However, he himself is not sure whether this is a spy planted inside the caravan, so he intends to leave it to you to handle." .”

"I see."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

Although he doesn't know much about the Lang Nail Chamber of Commerce, the largest merchant alliance in Calimport, he has heard a lot of related rumors.

For example, a certain unlucky guy refused the invitation of the Long Nail Chamber of Commerce without knowing what to do. As a result, the caravan disappeared and never came back when it crossed the desert.

For another example, the owner of a merchant ship offended the more powerful person in charge of the Lang Nail Chamber of Commerce, and then was besieged by pirates when crossing the Racing Channel. Not only was the ship and cargo robbed, but even people were thrown into Feed the fish in the sea.

Because the country of Calimshan is not like Amn in the north, it has established perfect law and order, and business competition is always full of chaos, killing and blood.

After thinking for a while, Zuo Si immediately ordered: "After dinner, bring him to my room. Besides, tomorrow is the night of the full moon. Take Fanges and her people out of the city before dark." Go, and take those iron cages in the basement with you."


The soldier agreed without hesitation.

Although he behaves like a normal person in many cases.

But in the matter of obedience, no matter what the master's order is, there has never been even the slightest hesitation.

And so far, the soldiers have not shown any personal desires and preferences, as if they are only magical creations that exist to serve their masters.

However, Zuo Si didn't worry about these things, but directly returned to his room, and took out the "Dharma Storage Ring" that was found in the upper area of ​​the high tower of the Floating Void City but had not yet been completed.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a very high-quality black diamond (worth at least 5,000 gold coins), and two blue pearls made into [Mana Regeneration Pearls]. One of them was from the human pirates under Harlett. searched.

Obviously, he intends to complete this magic storage ring by himself.

Since the most important part of infusing magic has been completed, the rest are some trivial and tedious steps for mages.

But for Zuo Si who already has the LV9 creator level, none of these are problems.

Moreover, he also planned to use a very high-quality diamond and two pearls to forcibly increase the enchantment level of the magic storage ring, so that it would have more and more powerful extra abilities.

In this way, Zuo Si quickly entered a state of concentration, completed the manufacturing of the magic storage ring in less than 20 minutes, and began to carefully use the [reform] ability to add more attributes.

Especially when the diamonds and pearls are perfectly embedded, the magical aura of the entire ring is more than doubled in an instant.

When all the densely packed runes on the inside of the ring were carved, a gratified smile finally appeared on his face.

【Ring of Sharp Storage】

The ring can store a total of no more than six levels of spells, and additionally add one spell slot for the wearer's first, second, third, and fourth rings.


Judging from the excellent magic performance of the main material, Asta must want to make a top-level magic storage ring that can store ten levels of spells.

As a result, before it could be completed, I couldn't wait to carry out the Lich Transformation Ceremony.

This ring also has the potential for further upgrades.

Unfortunately, I can only do so for the time being. "

Zuo Si commented meaningfully.

At the same time, he directly put the newly made ring on his finger.

Since the previous [Ring of Fireball] was given to the Shadow Assassin Yelinia, he happened to be missing a magic ring, and now he has finally made up for it.

Just when Zuo Si was considering what kind of spells to store in the ring, the closed door was suddenly pushed open with a creak, and the soldiers came in from the outside passage with the half-orc slave warrior.

"You are my new master?"

Rhett looked up and down at the boy in front of him who seemed to be only about ten years old, his eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension.

Because he couldn't figure out how such a "human cub" could keep the powerful human warrior beside him loyal and respectful.

But only a few seconds later, the orc warrior had the answer.

Seeing that Zuo Si didn't even say a word of nonsense, he immediately released the second-ring magic [Detecting Thought] through spells and gestures, and then said: "Whether I am your master or not depends on whether you can write it down and give it to me." I have a satisfactory answer. First of all, tell me if there is any ulterior purpose in sending you here from the Long Nail Merchant?"

"An ulterior purpose?"

Rhett blinked in confusion.

Just when he was about to say something, Zuo Si had already "listened" to the subconscious thinking in his mind, and immediately interrupted: "Well, it seems that you are not a spy or a spy.

The second question, do you feel resentment about becoming a slave, or even have the urge to kill your master and escape?

If I am willing to give you freedom, will you stay and accept my employment? "

Hearing the word "freedom", Rhett's originally indifferent attitude finally showed violent mood swings.

But it may be because of being a slave for too long, he is not sure whether it is a temptation from the new master, or it is sincere.

So for a while, I didn't know how to answer.

But with the blessing of magic, Zuo Si, who can read other people's thoughts, directly activated the magic on the metal ring.



As the "control collar" automatically opened and fell to the ground, the half-orc warrior was surprised to find that he had really gotten rid of the thing that had been worn around his neck to symbolize his status as a slave since he was fourteen years old.

(end of this chapter)

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