One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 92 The Dark Elf Of "Prenatal And Prenatal Care" (Part 3 Please Subscribe)

Chapter 92 The Dark Elf of "Prenatal and Prenatal Care" (Part 3 please subscribe)

"You are free! From now on, you are no longer a slave, but a guard hired by me. I will pay you two hundred gold coins every month as salary and reward."

Zuo Si directly announced the decision he had made.

Because he has used the power of magic to obtain the most realistic thoughts and reactions in the half-orc's brain.

As expected, no one likes to be a slave whose life is in the hands of the master.

The reason why many slaves are very obedient is that they have been accustomed to the status of slaves since childhood, and have a genuine fear of their masters.

"I am free?"

Rhett's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Especially the question he just asked, he didn't answer at all.

But soon, the half-orc warrior seemed to realize something suddenly, and immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "Are you using magic to read thoughts? You are a mage!"

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes! I am a mage. Now, pick up the collar on the ground and follow me. I have a task for you next."

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the other party's reaction, pushed open the door and walked towards the next room.

Rhett stood there for a second or two, then quickly picked up the control collar and followed closely.

It is not difficult to see from those slightly confused eyes that he was completely stunned by the "freedom" that fell from the sky, and he still didn't quite believe it was true.

The moment the two walked into the next room one after the other, the female drow who had been curled up in the corner immediately stood up vigilantly.

"Put on the collar in your hand for her." Zuo ordered without looking back.

Through [Detecting Thoughts], he felt the undisguised murderous intent, viciousness and hatred of this evil elf from the underground world towards him without much effort.

no doubt!

The dark elf in front of him is not a rare alien in the ethnic group like the famous ranger Drizzt in the Northland, but a "normal" drow whose mind, thinking and cognition have been distorted.

If it is not useful to keep it, Zuo Si will definitely dispose of it once and for all without hesitation.

"As you wish!"

The half-orc warrior grinned grinningly and walked up, stretching out his rough and powerful hands, trying to grab the back of the opponent's neck.

In his opinion, putting a collar on a woman whose hands and feet are tightly bound is not something that can be easily grasped.

It's a pity that Rhett obviously didn't know what a terrible race the dark elves were.

Due to the cruelty of their social environment, most babies lacking in talent and talent are usually killed mercilessly before they are born or before the age of seven, or sacrificed to the spider goddess-Rose.

And those who are not smart enough and insidious and cunning often die at the hands of their brothers and sisters before reaching adulthood.

This also means, according to the theory of genetic selection of genes.

The drow used the cruelest artificial screening method to eliminate the "inferior" genes within the group, allowing only the best to survive and reproduce.

After thousands of years of "optimization", almost all noble women are qualified priests from birth. Even if they cannot become priests, they can be trained to become warriors or mages.

The males are all outstanding fighters and arcane spellcasters.

Most importantly, dark elves have extremely superior agility attributes, namely body balance and hand-eye coordination.

The moment when the orc's big hand was about to touch the female drow prisoner!

The latter suddenly leaned his back against the wall, then raised his legs and kicked hard.


Unexpectedly, Rhett, who dared to fight back, was kicked in the abdomen immediately, and he backed up uncontrollably for a few steps, almost losing his balance and falling to the ground.

And this rather embarrassing "mistake" immediately made him extremely angry, his eyes became bloodshot quickly in just a few seconds, and the muscles all over his body became more developed under the blessing of adrenaline.

"Damn black-skinned bitch! I want to give you some color today!"

With a roar, the half-orc warrior rushed forward.

The drow woman obviously wanted to replicate the successful sneak attack last time, and raised her legs again with her back against the wall, trying to kick the opponent away.

Unfortunately, Rhett was clearly prepared.

Moreover, when he entered the state of [Rage], both his physique and strength had been greatly enhanced.

Directly resisting the pedaling action of the former, he hugged his thigh and slammed the whole person onto the cabinet next to him.


The drow woman smashed the hardwood cabinet to pieces on the spot.

The impact was so strong that her unprotected internal organs seemed to have been impacted, and a mouthful of blood spewed out with a wow.

At the same time, the expression on his face became distorted and painful, and he began to twitch slightly uncontrollably. It seemed that the injury must have been severe, and he might have broken several ribs.

The merciless half-orc warrior immediately strode forward, put his knees on his waist and spine, grabbed the drow woman's hair roughly, pressed her head firmly, then put the collar around her neck and buckled it to death , spat with a look of disdain.

"Bah! If it wasn't for the master's sake, I would have screwed your head off and kicked it like a ball."

"Good job! Here, take this. It's your job to watch over her and make sure she doesn't escape."

Zuo Si directly threw the control ring over.

Through the fight just now, he can already confirm that the orc warrior in front of him should belong to the kind of thug-type talent who is more obedient and will not betray his employer at will.

Although I can't fully trust it for the time being, it should be no problem to take care of the prisoners.

And it can transfer the dark elves' anger and resentment towards him by the way.

Why not do it?

"Give me?"

Rhett subconsciously caught the control ring, his mind full of question marks.

He couldn't believe that he had just gotten rid of his status as a slave, and now he could start managing other slaves?


In the eyes of the orc warriors, this drow, full of rebellious spirit and fierce eyes, is a slave who has not been "domesticated".

"Yes! Leave it to you. I only have one request, that is, people cannot die. How, can you do it?"

Zuo Si made his request.

"As long as you don't die? Hehehehe! That's too simple!"

Rhett subconsciously glanced at the female drow curled up in a ball, a cruel smile appeared on his ugly face.

Although he has been a slave for so many years, he has no sympathy for other slaves.

Just the opposite!

With the LV9 barbarian profession, he has always enjoyed the special treatment of a "senior slave".

He often helps the master to teach those slaves who are disobedient or want to run away, and take pleasure in this.

Without any hesitation!

After getting the control ring, the first thing Rhett did was activate the magic on it.


The collar around the female drow's neck released a strong current, causing her whole body to twitch violently up and down uncontrollably.

If it weren't for the strong magic resistance of the dark elves' dark skin, ordinary people would have been electrocuted to death long ago.

But even so, when the current stopped, the woman still had a series of symptoms such as convulsions and incontinence.

At the same time, when she looked at the metal ring in the half-orc warrior's hand, she also showed extremely fearful and apprehensive eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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